public Collection<ItemStack> getDrops() { List<ItemStack> drops = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); net.minecraft.server.Block block = this.getNMSBlock(); if (block != Blocks.AIR) { byte data = getData(); // based on nms.Block.dropNaturally int count = block.getDropCount(0, chunk.getHandle().world.random); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Item item = block.getDropType(data, chunk.getHandle().world.random, 0); if (item != null) { // Skulls are special, their data is based on the tile entity if (Blocks.SKULL == block) { net.minecraft.server.ItemStack nmsStack = new net.minecraft.server.ItemStack(item, 1, block.getDropData(chunk.getHandle().world, x, y, z)); TileEntitySkull tileentityskull = (TileEntitySkull) chunk.getHandle().world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tileentityskull.getSkullType() == 3 && tileentityskull.getGameProfile() != null) { nmsStack.setTag(new NBTTagCompound()); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound(); GameProfileSerializer.serialize(nbttagcompound, tileentityskull.getGameProfile()); nmsStack.getTag().set("SkullOwner", nbttagcompound); } drops.add(CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack)); // We don't want to drop cocoa blocks, we want to drop cocoa beans. } else if (Blocks.COCOA == block) { int dropAmount = (BlockCocoa.c(data) >= 2 ? 3 : 1); for (int j = 0; j < dropAmount; ++j) { drops.add(new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (short) 3)); } } else { drops.add(new ItemStack(org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftMagicNumbers.getMaterial(item), 1, (short) block.getDropData(data))); } } } } return drops; }
public CraftSkull(final Block block) { super(block); CraftWorld world = (CraftWorld) block.getWorld(); skull = (TileEntitySkull) world.getTileEntityAt(getX(), getY(), getZ()); profile = skull.getGameProfile(); skullType = getSkullType(skull.getSkullType()); rotation = (byte) skull.getRotation(); }
public CraftSkull(final Material material, final TileEntitySkull te) { super(material); skull = te; profile = skull.getGameProfile(); skullType = getSkullType(skull.getSkullType()); rotation = (byte) skull.getRotation(); }
public Collection<ItemStack> getDrops() { List<ItemStack> drops = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); net.minecraft.server.Block block = net.minecraft.server.Block.byId[this.getTypeId()]; if (block != null) { byte data = getData(); // based on nms.Block.dropNaturally int count = block.getDropCount(0, chunk.getHandle().world.random); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int item = block.getDropType(data, chunk.getHandle().world.random, 0); if (item > 0) { // Skulls are special, their data is based on the tile entity if ( == this.getTypeId()) { net.minecraft.server.ItemStack nmsStack = new net.minecraft.server.ItemStack(item, 1, block.getDropData(chunk.getHandle().world, x, y, z)); TileEntitySkull tileentityskull = (TileEntitySkull) chunk.getHandle().world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); if (tileentityskull.getSkullType() == 3 && tileentityskull.getExtraType() != null && tileentityskull.getExtraType().length() > 0) { nmsStack.setTag(new NBTTagCompound()); nmsStack.getTag().setString("SkullOwner", tileentityskull.getExtraType()); } drops.add(CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack)); } else { drops.add(new ItemStack(item, 1, (short) block.getDropData(data))); } } } } return drops; }
public CraftSkull(final Block block) { super(block); CraftWorld world = (CraftWorld) block.getWorld(); skull = (TileEntitySkull) world.getTileEntityAt(getX(), getY(), getZ()); player = skull.getExtraType(); skullType = getSkullType(skull.getSkullType()); rotation = (byte) skull.getRotation(); }
/** * Test if a {@link Skull} has a cached skin. If this returns false, the skull will * likely try to fetch its skin the next time it is loaded. */ public static boolean isSkullCached(Skull skull) { TileEntitySkull nmsSkull = (TileEntitySkull) ((CraftWorld) skull.getWorld()).getTileEntityAt(skull.getX(), skull.getY(), skull.getZ()); return nmsSkull.getGameProfile() == null || nmsSkull.getGameProfile().getProperties().containsKey("textures"); }
@Override public TileEntitySkull getTileEntity() { return skull; }
@Override public void setBlockState(BlockState blockState) { Validate.notNull(blockState, "blockState must not be null"); TileEntity te = ((CraftBlockState) blockState).getTileEntity(); Validate.notNull(te, "Invalid blockState"); boolean valid; switch (material) { case SIGN: case SIGN_POST: case WALL_SIGN: valid = te instanceof TileEntitySign; break; case CHEST: case TRAPPED_CHEST: valid = te instanceof TileEntityChest; break; case BURNING_FURNACE: case FURNACE: valid = te instanceof TileEntityFurnace; break; case DISPENSER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityDispenser; break; case DROPPER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityDropper; break; case HOPPER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityHopper; break; case MOB_SPAWNER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityMobSpawner; break; case NOTE_BLOCK: valid = te instanceof TileEntityNote; break; case JUKEBOX: valid = te instanceof BlockJukeBox.TileEntityRecordPlayer; break; case BREWING_STAND: valid = te instanceof TileEntityBrewingStand; break; case SKULL: valid = te instanceof TileEntitySkull; break; case COMMAND: valid = te instanceof TileEntityCommand; break; case BEACON: valid = te instanceof TileEntityBeacon; break; case BANNER: case WALL_BANNER: case STANDING_BANNER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityBanner; break; default: valid = false; break; } Validate.isTrue(valid, "Invalid blockState for " + material); blockEntityTag = new NBTTagCompound(); te.b(blockEntityTag); }
@Override public void setBlockState(BlockState blockState) { Validate.notNull(blockState, "blockState must not be null"); TileEntity te = ((CraftBlockState) blockState).getTileEntity(); Validate.notNull(te, "Invalid blockState"); boolean valid; switch (material) { case SIGN: case SIGN_POST: case WALL_SIGN: valid = te instanceof TileEntitySign; break; case CHEST: case TRAPPED_CHEST: valid = te instanceof TileEntityChest; break; case BURNING_FURNACE: case FURNACE: valid = te instanceof TileEntityFurnace; break; case DISPENSER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityDispenser; break; case DROPPER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityDropper; break; case END_GATEWAY: valid = te instanceof TileEntityEndGateway; break; case HOPPER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityHopper; break; case MOB_SPAWNER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityMobSpawner; break; case NOTE_BLOCK: valid = te instanceof TileEntityNote; break; case JUKEBOX: valid = te instanceof BlockJukeBox.TileEntityRecordPlayer; break; case BREWING_STAND: valid = te instanceof TileEntityBrewingStand; break; case SKULL: valid = te instanceof TileEntitySkull; break; case COMMAND: case COMMAND_REPEATING: case COMMAND_CHAIN: valid = te instanceof TileEntityCommand; break; case BEACON: valid = te instanceof TileEntityBeacon; break; case SHIELD: case BANNER: case WALL_BANNER: case STANDING_BANNER: valid = te instanceof TileEntityBanner; break; case FLOWER_POT_ITEM: valid = te instanceof TileEntityFlowerPot; break; default: valid = false; break; } Validate.isTrue(valid, "Invalid blockState for " + material); blockEntityTag = new NBTTagCompound();; }