@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 1)", 1).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 3)", 3).getInt(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.0).getDouble(); this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 1)", 1).getInt(); this.Spread = (float) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How accurate am I? (default 10 spread)", 10).getDouble(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true. They'll probably figure it out.)", true).getBoolean(true); }
public static void initConfig(File configFile) { // Gets called from preInit try { // Ensure that the config file exists if (!configFile.exists()) configFile.createNewFile(); // Create the config object config = new Configuration(configFile); // Load config config.load(); // Read props from config Property debugModeProp = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, // What category will it be saved to, can be any string "debug_mode", // Property name "false", // Default value "Enable the debug mode (useful for reporting issues)"); // Comment DEBUG_MODE = debugModeProp.getBoolean(); // Get the boolean value, also set the property value to boolean } catch (Exception e) { // Failed reading/writing, just continue } finally { // Save props to config IF config changed if (config.hasChanged()) config.save(); } }
public static void init(File configFile) { Configuration config = new Configuration(configFile); try { config.load(); for (FurnaceType type : FurnaceType.values()) { int speed = config.get("General", type.name().toLowerCase() + "FurnaceSpeed", type.speed).getInt(type.speed); float consumptionRate = (float) config.get("General", type.name().toLowerCase() + "FurnaceConsumptionRate", type.consumptionRate).getDouble(type.consumptionRate); furanceSpeeds.put(type, speed); consumptionRates.put(type, consumptionRate); } } finally { config.save(); } }
public void setup(Configuration configFile) { genCrystalRock = loadCrystal(configFile, "Rock", new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); genCrystalSea = loadCrystal(configFile, "Sea", new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); genCrystalFlame = loadCrystal(configFile, "Flame", new String[]{"-1"}, true); genCrystalAir = loadCrystal(configFile, "Air", new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); genCrystalVision = loadCrystal(configFile, "Vision", new String[]{"1"}, true); genCrysagnetite = loadOre(configFile, "Crysagnetite", 15, 25, 1, 3, 1, 2, 0.1f, new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); genCrystallizedRedstone = loadOreOnOre(configFile, "Crystallized Redstone", 0, 16, 0.03f, new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); genCrystallizedGlowstone = loadOreOnOre(configFile, "Crystallized Glowstone", 4, 123, 0.03f, new String[]{"-1"}, true); genLabSmall = loadStructure(configFile, "Small Laboratory", 0.0007f, 15, 256, new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); genLabMedium = loadStructure(configFile, "Medium Laboratory", 0.0007f, 15, 256, new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); genBrulantaFlower = loadGround(configFile, "Brulanta Flower", 3, 256, 0, 4, 0.1f, new String[]{"-1", "1"}, false); debugMessages = configFile.getBoolean("Debug", GENERAL, false, "Enables or disables the debug logger."); animateIfTabletPageTransition = configFile.getBoolean("Animate IF Tablet page transitions", CLIENT, true, ""); testItem = configFile.getBoolean("Test Item", CLIENT, false, "Enables or disables the test item made for messing with models."); if (configFile.hasChanged()) configFile.save(); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, at least? (default 2)", 2).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, tops? (default 10)", 10).getInt(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.5).getDouble(); this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt(); this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true); }
@EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { logger = event.getModLog(); config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); doConfig(); int id = 1; // Don't use 0, more easy debug. snw = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel(MOD_ID); snw.registerMessage(Request.Handler.class, Request.class, id++, Side.SERVER); snw.registerMessage(Data.Handler.class, Data.class, id++, Side.CLIENT); proxy.preInit(); }
private static void constructFromConfig(String ID, Potion effect, String enableKey, String enableComment, int maxLevelDefault, int defaultDifficultyCost, double defaultWeight, List<DifficultyModifier> returns, Configuration config) { Property modifierEnabledProp = config.get(ID, enableKey, true, enableComment); boolean modifierEnabled = modifierEnabledProp.getBoolean(); Property MaxLevelProp = config.get(ID, "ModifierMaxLevel", maxLevelDefault, "Maximum level of this effect added to the target player when entering the cloud."); int maxLevel = MaxLevelProp.getInt(); Property difficultyCostPerLevelProp = config.get(ID, "DifficultyCostPerLevel", defaultDifficultyCost, "Cost of each level of the effect applied to the target player."); int diffCostPerLevel = difficultyCostPerLevelProp.getInt(); Property selectionWeightProp = config.get(ID, "ModifierWeight", defaultWeight, "Weight that affects how often this modifier is selected."); double selectionWeight = selectionWeightProp.getDouble(); if (modifierEnabled && maxLevel > 0 && diffCostPerLevel > 0 && selectionWeight > 0) { returns.add(new PotionCloudModifier(effect, maxLevel, diffCostPerLevel, selectionWeight, ID)); } }
@Override public void getMachineConfig() { super.getMachineConfig(); sewageAdult = CustomConfiguration.config.getInt("sewageAdult", "machines" + Configuration.CATEGORY_SPLITTER + this.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().toString(), 15, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Sewage produced by an adult animal"); sewageBaby = CustomConfiguration.config.getInt("sewageBaby", "machines" + Configuration.CATEGORY_SPLITTER + this.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().toString(), 5, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Sewage produced by a baby animal"); maxSludgeOperation = CustomConfiguration.config.getInt("maxSludgeOperation", "machines" + Configuration.CATEGORY_SPLITTER + this.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().toString(), 150, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Max sludge produced in an operation"); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 1)", 1).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 3)", 3).getInt(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.5).getDouble(); this.Weakness_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Weakness effect? (default 2)", 2).getInt(); this.Weakness_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Weakness effect last? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt(); this.Nausea_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Nausea effect last? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt(); this.Hunger_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Hunger effect? (default 2)", 2).getInt(); this.Hunger_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Hunger effect last? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true); }
public static void load(File file) { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(file); ARM_CYCLES_PER_TICK = cfg.get( "arm", "cyclesPerTick", new int[]{1000, 5000, 25000}, "CPU cycles per Minecraft tick. Default values: 1000, 5000, 25000 (20 kHz, 100 kHz, 500 kHz)", 1, Config.ARM_MAX_CYCLES_PER_TICK, true, 3).getIntList(); ARM_MAX_MEMORY = cfg.get( "arm", "maxMemory", 4 * 1024 * 1024, "Max memory allowed to be used by CPU. Default value: 4 MiB", 0, Config.ARM_MAX_MAX_MEMORY).getInt(); if (cfg.hasChanged()) { cfg.save(); } }
/** * Accesses config field from CommonProxy and loads data to the static fields in this class */ public static void readConfig() { Configuration cfg = CommonProxy.config; try { cfg.load(); initGeneralConfig(cfg); initProtectionConfig(cfg); initAreaProtConfig(cfg); } catch (Exception exception) { MobBlocker.logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Problem loading config file!", exception); } finally { if (cfg.hasChanged()) { cfg.save(); } } }
public static int getIntFor(Configuration config,String heading, String item, int value, String comment) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); prop.comment = comment; return prop.getInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[" + ModDetails.ModName + "] Error while trying to add Integer, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; }
private ConfigOregenEntry loadOre(Configuration config, String name, int minY, int maxY, int minVs, int maxVs, int minVeins, int maxVeins, float chance, String[] dimList, boolean dimListMode) { ConfigOregenEntry entr = new ConfigOregenEntry(); entr.generate = config.getBoolean(name, WORLD, true, ""); entr.minY = config.getInt(name + " Min Y", WORLD, minY, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ""); entr.maxY = config.getInt(name + " Max Y", WORLD, maxY, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ""); entr.minVeinSize = config.getInt(name + " Min Vein Size", WORLD, minVs, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ""); entr.maxVeinSize = config.getInt(name + " Max Vein Size", WORLD, maxVs, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ""); entr.minVeins = config.getInt(name + " Min Veins Per Chunk", WORLD, minVeins, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ""); entr.maxVeins = config.getInt(name + " Max Veins Per Chunk", WORLD, maxVeins, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, ""); entr.chance = config.getFloat(name + " Generation Chance", WORLD, chance, 0, 1, ""); entr.dimList = loadIntList(config, name + " DimList", WORLD, dimList, ""); entr.dimListMode = config.getBoolean(name + " DimList Mode", WORLD, dimListMode, "True = whitelist; False = blacklist"); return entr; }
public static void defineConfigValues(){ maxRange = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "maxRange", 8D, "The maximum distance a player can be away from another for the trust effect to take place", 1D, 50D).getDouble(); updateInterval = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "updateInterval", 20, "The amount of ticks between updates and reapplication of the potion effect", 1, 100).getInt(); allowMultiplePlayers = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "allowMultiplePlayers", true, "If multiple players can influence the strength of the trust effect").getBoolean(); baseCalcModifier = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "baseCalcModifier", 5D, "The modifier used to determine both the duration and the amplifier of the effect", 0D, 100D).getDouble(); durationModifier = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "durationModifier", 50D, "The modifier used to determine the duration of the effect", 0D, 500D).getDouble(); amplifierModifier = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "amplifierModifier", 0.5D, "The modifier used to determine the amplifier of the effect", 0D, 100D).getDouble(); baseStrength = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "baseStrength", 1D, "The base strength effect that will be applied through the trust potion effect, set to 0 to disable", 0D, 10D).getDouble(); baseRegen = (float)config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "baseRegen", 0.75D, "The base regen effect that will be applied through the trust potion effect, set to 0 to disable", 0D, 10D).getDouble(); isTeamDependent = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "isTeamDependent", true, "If the trust effect will only be given to players that are in the same scoreboard team").getBoolean(); trustWithoutTeam = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "trustWithoutTeam", true, "If players that are in no scoreboard team at all will also get the effect").getBoolean(); if(config.hasChanged()){ config.save(); } }
static Configuration getConfiguration() { if (configuration == null) { try { final String fileName = Main.MODID_LOWER + ".cfg"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Configuration> configsMap = (Map<String, Configuration>) CONFIGS_GETTER.invokeExact(); final Optional<Map.Entry<String, Configuration>> entryOptional = configsMap.entrySet().stream() .filter(entry -> fileName.equals(new File(entry.getKey()).getName())) .findFirst(); if (entryOptional.isPresent()) { configuration = entryOptional.get().getValue(); } } catch (Throwable e) { Main.LOGGER.error("Failed to get Configuration instance", e); } } return configuration; }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 4)", 4).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 6)", 6).getInt(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.3 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.3).getDouble(); this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt(); this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 1)", 1).getInt(); this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 10 ticks)", 10).getInt(); this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long is what I hit on fire? (default 6s)", 6).getInt(); this.ExplosionSize = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions? (default 1.0 blocks, for no terrain damage. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 1.0).getDouble(); this.dmgTerrain = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I damage terrain, when in player hands? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. A bit too high-power for them.)", false).getBoolean(); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing with a direct hit, at least? (default 120)", 120).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing with a direct hit, tops? (default 150)", 150).getInt(); this.explosionSelf = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions when leaving the barrel? (default 4.0 blocks. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 4.0).getDouble(); this.explosionTarget = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions when hitting a target? (default 8.0 blocks. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 8.0).getDouble(); this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 30)", 30).getInt(); this.dmgTerrain = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I damage terrain, when in player hands? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. Too high-power and suicidal.)", false).getBoolean(); }
public static void readConfig() { Configuration cfg = CommonProxy.config; try { cfg.load(); initGeneralConfig(cfg); initFoodConfig(cfg); initJellyBeanConfig(cfg); } catch (Exception e) { BetterThanWeagles.logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Problem loading config file!", e); } finally { if (cfg.hasChanged()) { cfg.save(); } } }
public static double getDoubleFor(Configuration config,String heading, String item, double value, String comment) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); prop.comment = comment; return prop.getDouble(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[" + ModDetails.ModName + "] Error while trying to add Double, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; }
@Mod.EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){ config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); COMPASSX_PROPERTY = config.get("hidden", ConfigValues.COMPASSX_NAME, ConfigValues.COMPASSX_DEFAULT, I18n.format(ConfigValues.COMPASSX_NAME+".tooltip")); COMPASSY_PROPERTY = config.get("hidden", ConfigValues.COMPASSY_NAME, ConfigValues.COMPASSY_DEFAULT, I18n.format(ConfigValues.COMPASSY_NAME+".tooltip")); TARGETX_PROPERTY = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigValues.TARGETX_NAME, ConfigValues.TARGETX_DEFAULT, I18n.format(ConfigValues.TARGETX_NAME+".tooltip")); TARGETZ_PROPERTY = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, ConfigValues.TARGETZ_NAME, ConfigValues.TARGETZ_DEFAULT, I18n.format(ConfigValues.TARGETZ_NAME+".tooltip")); XALIGNMENT_PROPERTY = config.get("hidden", ConfigValues.XALIGNMENT_NAME, ConfigValues.XALIGNMENT_DEFAULT.name(), I18n.format(ConfigValues.XALIGNMENT_NAME+".tooltip")); YALIGNMENT_PROPERTY = config.get("hidden", ConfigValues.YALIGNMENT_NAME, ConfigValues.YALIGNMENT_DEFAULT.name(), I18n.format(ConfigValues.YALIGNMENT_NAME+".tooltip")); syncConfig(); GameRegistry.register(uhccompass); ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(uhccompass, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(MODID+":uhccompass", "inventory")); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ClientEvents()); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new RenderEvents()); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(keyHandler = new KeyHandler()); }
private static void initGeneralConfig(Configuration cfg) { cfg.addCustomCategoryComment(CATEGORY_GENERAL, "General Options"); cfg.addCustomCategoryComment(CATEGORY_WORLD, "World Generation Options"); LODESTONE_FREQUENCY = cfg.getInt("Lodestone Frequency", CATEGORY_WORLD, 4, 0, 64, "Number of lodestone veins per chunk"); LODESTONE_VEIN_SIZE = cfg.getInt("Lodestone Vein Size", CATEGORY_WORLD, 5, 0, 64, "Blocks per lodestone vein"); LODESTONE_MIN_Y = cfg.getInt("Lodestone Min Y", CATEGORY_WORLD, 0, 0, 256, "Minimum y value where lodestone veins can spawn"); LODESTONE_MAX_Y = cfg.getInt("Lodestone Max Y", CATEGORY_WORLD, 40, 0, 256, "Maximum y value where lodestone veins can spawn"); RIFT_FREQUENCY = cfg.getInt("Rift Frequency", CATEGORY_WORLD, 16, 0, 1024, "How common rifts are in worldgen.\nA rift will spawn in 1 in every x chunks with a low enough stability value."); PROPERTY_ORDER_WORLD.add("Lodestone Frequency"); PROPERTY_ORDER_WORLD.add("Lodestone Vein Size"); PROPERTY_ORDER_WORLD.add("Lodestone Min Y"); PROPERTY_ORDER_WORLD.add("Lodestone Max Y"); PROPERTY_ORDER_WORLD.add("Rift Frequency"); cfg.setCategoryPropertyOrder(CATEGORY_GENERAL, PROPERTY_ORDER_GENERAL); cfg.setCategoryPropertyOrder(CATEGORY_WORLD, PROPERTY_ORDER_WORLD); }
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ForgeEventHandlers()); McJtyLib.preInit(e); CommandHandler.registerCommands(); MeeCreeps.api.registerFactories(); File directory = e.getModConfigurationDirectory(); config = new Configuration(new File(directory.getPath(), "meecreeps.cfg")); Config.readConfig(); SimpleNetworkWrapper network = mcjty.lib.network.PacketHandler.registerMessages(MeeCreeps.MODID, "meecreeps"); MeeCreepsMessages.registerMessages(network); // Initialization of blocks and items typically goes here: ModEntities.init(); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 7)", 7).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 13)", 13).getInt(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 3.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 3.0).getDouble(); this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt(); this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 4)", 4).getInt(); this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 100 ticks)", 100).getInt(); this.Wither_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Wither effect? (default 3)", 3).getInt(); this.Wither_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Wither effect last? (default 61 ticks)", 61).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 4)", 4).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 8)", 8).getInt(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.7 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.7).getDouble(); this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 15 ticks)", 15).getInt(); this.Wither_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Wither effect? (default 1)", 1).getInt(); this.Wither_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Wither effect last? (default 61 ticks)", 61).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, at least? (default 14)", 14).getInt(); this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, tops? (default 20)", 20).getInt(); this.Speed = 4.0f; this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt(); this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 120 ticks)", 120).getInt(); this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long is what I hit on fire? (default 10s)", 10).getInt(); this.MaxTicks = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my beam exist, tops? (default 60 ticks)", 60).getInt(); this.LightMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What light level do I need to recharge, at least? (default 12)", 12).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. Too damn bright for their taste.)", false).getBoolean(); }
public void readConfig(){ File regionFolder = new File(DifficultyManager.getConfigDir(),getName()); File regionConfigFile = new File(regionFolder,"region.cfg"); File defaultRegionConfigFile = new File(regionFolder,"default.cfg"); File[] filesInRegion = regionFolder.listFiles(); List<File> mobConfigFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); if(filesInRegion!=null) { mobConfigFiles.addAll(Arrays.stream(filesInRegion) .filter( file -> { return !(file.getName().endsWith("region.cfg") || file.getName().endsWith("default.cfg")); }).collect(Collectors.toList())); } Configuration regionConfig = new Configuration(regionConfigFile); readRegionConfig(regionConfig); Configuration defaultConfiguration = new Configuration(defaultRegionConfigFile); try { defaultConfiguration.load(); defaultConfig = new RegionMobConfig(defaultConfiguration); }finally { if(defaultConfiguration.hasChanged()){ defaultConfiguration.save(); } } for(File mobConfigFile : mobConfigFiles){ String mobId = mobConfigFile.getName(); mobId = mobId.substring(0,mobId.lastIndexOf(".")); Configuration config = new Configuration(mobConfigFile); try { config.load(); RegionMobConfig mobConfig = new RegionMobConfig(config); byMobConfig.put(mobId,mobConfig); }finally { if(config.hasChanged()){ config.save(); } } } }
@Override protected GuiScreen buildChildScreen() { // This GuiConfig object specifies the configID of the object and as such will force-save when it is closed. The parent // GuiConfig object's entryList will also be refreshed to reflect the changes. return new GuiConfig(this.owningScreen, (new ConfigElement(ForgeModContainer.getConfig().getCategory(Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT))).getChildElements(), this.owningScreen.modID, Configuration.CATEGORY_CLIENT, this.configElement.requiresWorldRestart() || this.owningScreen.allRequireWorldRestart, this.configElement.requiresMcRestart() || this.owningScreen.allRequireMcRestart, GuiConfig.getAbridgedConfigPath(ForgeModContainer.getConfig().toString())); }
public RegionMobConfig(Configuration config){ for(DifficultyModifier modifier : DifficultyManager.buildModifiersFromConfig(config)){ modifiers.put(modifier.getIdentifier(),modifier); } controls.addAll(DifficultyManager.buildControlsFromConfig(config)); generateWeightMap(); }
public static void save(Configuration config) { if (config.hasChanged()) { config.save(); } }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.0).getDouble(); this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt(); this.ExplosionSize = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions? (default 4.0 blocks, like TNT)", 4.0).getDouble(); this.travelTime = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How many ticks can my rocket fly before exploding? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt(); this.dmgTerrain = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I damage terrain, when in player hands? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); }
private YouTubeConfiguration(File path) { config = new Configuration(path); config.load(); addGeneralConfig(); if (config.hasChanged()) { config.save(); } }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 0.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 0.5).getDouble(); this.Wither_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Wither effect? (default 2)", 2).getInt(); this.Wither_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Wither effect last? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt(); this.Blindness_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Blindness effect last? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 0.75 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 0.75).getDouble(); this.Dmg = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing per projectile? (default 1)", 1).getInt(); this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "For how long do I set things on fire? (default 3 sec)", 3).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true); }
@Override public void getMachineConfig() { super.getMachineConfig(); sludgeOperation = CustomConfiguration.config.getInt("sludgeOperation", "machines" + Configuration.CATEGORY_SPLITTER + this.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().toString(), 20, 1, 8000, "How much sludge is produced when the machine does an operation"); treeOperations = CustomConfiguration.config.getInt("treeOperations", "machines" + Configuration.CATEGORY_SPLITTER + this.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().toString(), 10, 1, 1024, "Amount of operations done when chopping a tree"); reducedChunkUpdates = CustomConfiguration.config.getBoolean("reducedChunkUpdates", "machines" + Configuration.CATEGORY_SPLITTER + this.getRegistryName().getResourcePath().toString(), false, "When enabled it will chop down the tree in one go but still consuming the same power"); }
@EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { CONFIG.setConfiguration(new Configuration(new File(CoreProps.configDir, MOD_ID + "/common.cfg"), true)); CONFIG_CLIENT.setConfiguration(new Configuration(new File(CoreProps.configDir, MOD_ID + "/client.cfg"), true)); WProps.preInit(); WItems.preInit(); PacketHandler.INSTANCE.registerPacket(PacketWhoosh.class); NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(instance, new GuiHandler()); proxy.preInit(event); }
public static int getIntFor(Configuration config, String heading, String item, int value) { if (config == null) return value; try { Property prop = config.get(heading, item, value); return prop.getInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[" + ModDetails.ModName + "] Error while trying to add Integer, config wasn't loaded properly!"); } return value; }
private static List<IConfigElement> getConfigElements() { List<IConfigElement> configElements = new ArrayList<IConfigElement>(); Configuration config = ModConfig.CONFIG; if (config != null) { ConfigCategory categoryClient = config.getCategory(ModConfig.CLIENT_CAT); configElements.addAll(new ConfigElement(categoryClient).getChildElements()); } return configElements; }
private List<Integer> loadIntList(Configuration configFile, String name, String category, String[] defaults, String descr) { String[] rcbld = configFile.getStringList(name, category, defaults, descr); List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : rcbld) { if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(s)) { lst.add(Integer.parseInt(s)); } } return lst; }
@EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){ config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); config.load(); defineConfigValues(); potionTrust = new PotionTrust("trust"); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new Events()); }
@Override public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) { this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true); this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString(); this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 3.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 3.0).getDouble(); this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 4)", 4).getInt(); this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. This is easily abusable.)", false).getBoolean(true); }