public CraftBlockState(BlockSnapshot blocksnapshot) { =; this.x = blocksnapshot.x; this.y = blocksnapshot.y; this.z = blocksnapshot.z; this.type = net.minecraft.block.Block.getIdFromBlock(blocksnapshot.replacedBlock); this.light = (byte) blocksnapshot.replacedBlock.getLightValue(); this.chunk = (CraftChunk), this.y, this.z).getChunk(); this.flag = 3; TileEntity te =, this.y, this.z); if (te != null) { this.nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); te.writeToNBT(this.nbt); } else { this.nbt = null; } this.createData((byte) blocksnapshot.meta); }
/** * 激活方块破坏事件 * <p> * 此方法应该在方块被真实的放置到世界<i><b>之前</b></i>调用 * </p> * * @param pSnapshot * 被破坏的方块 * @param pSimulate * 是否为模拟 * @return 事件是否被允许 */ public boolean fireBlockBreak(BlockSnapshot pSnapshot,boolean pSimulate){ if(!this.mEnable||this.isChecked(,pSnapshot.x,pSnapshot.y,pSnapshot.z,pSimulate)) return true; if(!this.mAllow) return false; this.mEnable=false; // 设置未false,防止BlockEvent中添加检查过方块 BlockEvent tEvent=new BlockEvent.BreakEvent(pSnapshot.x,pSnapshot.y,pSnapshot.z,, pSnapshot.getReplacedBlock(),pSnapshot.meta,this.mCapturePlayer);; this.mEnable=true; if(!pSimulate){ this.mergeBlockChangeResult(!tEvent.isCanceled()); } return !tEvent.isCanceled(); }
/** * Another event listener for Action.PLACE_BLOCK */ @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerPlacesMultiBlock(MultiPlaceEvent event) { EntityPlayer player = event.getPlayer(); List<Action> events = CommonProxy.manager.getActions(player); if (!player.worldObj.isRemote && events != null) { List<BlockSnapshot> blocks = event.getReplacedBlockSnapshots(); for (BlockSnapshot snapshot : blocks) { IBlockState state = snapshot.getCurrentBlock(); Block block = state.getBlock(); this.placeBlock(events, snapshot.getPos(), block, state); } } }
@SubscribeEvent public static void onBlockMultiPlace(BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent event) { if(event.getWorld().isRemote) return; LavaSimulator sim = Simulator.instance().lavaSimulator(); if(sim != null) { for(BlockSnapshot snap : event.getReplacedBlockSnapshots()) { if(!(snap.getCurrentBlock() instanceof LavaBlock)) { sim.notifyBlockChange(event.getWorld(), snap.getPos()); } } } }
@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void blockBreakEvent(BlockEvent.BreakEvent event) { BlockSnapshotLogEvent log = new BlockSnapshotLogEvent(); log.setType(TYPE_BLOCK_BREAK); log.setPlayerUUID(event.getPlayer()); log.setPosition(, event.x, event.y, event.z); NBTTagCompound nbt = null; if (event.block.hasTileEntity(event.blockMetadata)) { TileEntity te =, event.y, event.z); if (te != null) { nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); te.writeToNBT(nbt); } } log.setData(new BlockSnapshot(, event.x, event.y, event.z, event.block, event.blockMetadata, nbt)); LoggingQueue.addToQueue(log); }
public static void setBlockAndMetaNoLighting(World world, int i, int j, int k, Block blockId, int meta, int flag) { if (i < 0xfe363c80 || k < 0xfe363c80 || i >= 0x1c9c380 || k >= 0x1c9c380 || j < 0 || j > Building.WORLD_MAX_Y) return; Chunk chunk = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(i >> 4, k >> 4); Block oldBlock = null; BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot = null; if ((flag & 1) != 0) { oldBlock = chunk.getBlock(i & 15, j, k & 15); } if(world.captureBlockSnapshots){ blockSnapshot = BlockSnapshot.getBlockSnapshot(world, i, j, k, flag); world.capturedBlockSnapshots.add(blockSnapshot); } boolean success = chunk.func_150807_a(i & 0xf, j, k & 0xf, blockId, meta); if(!success && blockSnapshot != null){ world.capturedBlockSnapshots.remove(blockSnapshot); } if(success && blockSnapshot == null){ world.markAndNotifyBlock(i, j, k, chunk, oldBlock, blockId, flag); } }
public boolean place(IBlockState state, EnumFacing direction, EnumHand hand) { if (!world.isBlockLoaded(blockPos)) return false; if (spawnProtection) { if (!world.isBlockModifiable(player, blockPos)) return false; } final BlockSnapshot snapshot = BlockSnapshot.getBlockSnapshot(world, blockPos); if (!world.setBlockState(blockPos, state, blockPlaceFlags)) return false; if (ForgeEventFactory.onPlayerBlockPlace(player, snapshot, direction, hand).isCanceled()) { world.restoringBlockSnapshots = true; snapshot.restore(true, false); world.restoringBlockSnapshots = false; return false; } return true; }
/** * 激活方块放置事件 * <p> * 此方法应该在方块被真实的放置到世界<i><b>之后</b></i>调用 * </p> * * @param pSnapshot * 被替换的方块 * @param pPlaced * 放置了的方块 * @param pSimulate * 是否为模拟 * @return 事件是否被允许 */ public boolean fireBlockPlace(BlockSnapshot pSnapshot,Block pPlaced,boolean pSimulate){ if(!this.mEnable||this.isChecked(,pSnapshot.x,pSnapshot.y,pSnapshot.z,pSimulate)) return true; if(!this.mAllow) return false; this.mEnable=false; // 设置未false,防止BlockEvent中添加检查过方块 BlockEvent tEvent=ForgeEventFactory.onPlayerBlockPlace(this.mCapturePlayer,pSnapshot,this.mSide); this.mEnable=true; if(!pSimulate){ this.mergeBlockChangeResult(!tEvent.isCanceled()); } return !tEvent.isCanceled(); }
public PlaceEvent(BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, IBlockState placedAgainst, EntityPlayer player, @Nullable EnumHand hand) { super(blockSnapshot.getWorld(), blockSnapshot.getPos(), blockSnapshot.getCurrentBlock()); this.player = player; this.itemInHand = player.getHeldItem(hand != null ? hand : EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); this.blockSnapshot = blockSnapshot; this.placedBlock = blockSnapshot.getCurrentBlock(); this.placedAgainst = placedAgainst; this.hand = hand; if (DEBUG) { System.out.printf("Created PlaceEvent - [PlacedBlock: %s ][PlacedAgainst: %s ][ItemStack: %s ][Player: %s ][Hand: %s]\n", getPlacedBlock(), placedAgainst, getItemInHand(), player, hand); } }
public MultiPlaceEvent(List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, IBlockState placedAgainst, EntityPlayer player, @Nullable EnumHand hand) { super(blockSnapshots.get(0), placedAgainst, player, hand); this.blockSnapshots = ImmutableList.copyOf(blockSnapshots); if (DEBUG) { System.out.printf("Created MultiPlaceEvent - [PlacedAgainst: %s ][ItemInHand: %s ][Player: %s ]\n", placedAgainst, this.getItemInHand(), player); } }
public static MultiPlaceEvent onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, EnumFacing direction, @Nullable EnumHand hand) { BlockSnapshot snap = blockSnapshots.get(0); IBlockState placedAgainst = snap.getWorld().getBlockState(snap.getPos().offset(direction.getOpposite())); MultiPlaceEvent event = new MultiPlaceEvent(blockSnapshots, placedAgainst, player, hand);; return event; }
public static PlaceEvent onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, EnumFacing direction, @Nullable EnumHand hand) { IBlockState placedAgainst = blockSnapshot.getWorld().getBlockState(blockSnapshot.getPos().offset(direction.getOpposite())); PlaceEvent event = new PlaceEvent(blockSnapshot, placedAgainst, player, hand);; return event; }
public PlaceEvent(BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, Block placedAgainst, EntityPlayer player) { super(blockSnapshot.x, blockSnapshot.y, blockSnapshot.z,, blockSnapshot.getCurrentBlock(), blockSnapshot.meta); this.player = player; this.itemInHand = player.func_71045_bC(); this.blockSnapshot = blockSnapshot; this.placedBlock = blockSnapshot.getCurrentBlock(); this.placedAgainst = placedAgainst; if (DEBUG) { System.out.printf("Created PlaceEvent - [PlacedBlock: %s ][PlacedAgainst: %s ][ItemStack: %s ][Player: %s ]\n", placedBlock, placedAgainst, player.func_71045_bC(), player); } }
public MultiPlaceEvent(List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, Block placedAgainst, EntityPlayer player) { super(blockSnapshots.get(0), placedAgainst, player); this.blockSnapshots = ImmutableList.copyOf(blockSnapshots); if (DEBUG) { System.out.printf("Created MultiPlaceEvent - [PlacedAgainst: %s ][ItemInHand: %s ][Player: %s ]\n", placedAgainst, this.itemInHand, player); } }
public static MultiPlaceEvent onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, ForgeDirection direction) { Block placedAgainst = blockSnapshots.get(0).world.func_147439_a(blockSnapshots.get(0).x + direction.getOpposite().offsetX, blockSnapshots.get(0).y + direction.getOpposite().offsetY, blockSnapshots.get(0).z + direction.getOpposite().offsetZ); MultiPlaceEvent event = new MultiPlaceEvent(blockSnapshots, placedAgainst, player);; return event; }
public static PlaceEvent onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, ForgeDirection direction) { Block placedAgainst = + direction.getOpposite().offsetX, blockSnapshot.y + direction.getOpposite().offsetY, blockSnapshot.z + direction.getOpposite().offsetZ); PlaceEvent event = new PlaceEvent(blockSnapshot, placedAgainst, player);; return event; }
/** * This method is used to determine if the player can build the structure. * * @param configuration The structure configuration. * @param world The world to build the structure in. * @param startBlockPos The start location to start checking blocks. * @param endBlockPos The end location for checking blocks. Combined with the startBlockPos, this should be a cube. * @param player The player running this build request. * @return True if all blocks can be replaced. Otherwise false and send a * message to the player. */ public static boolean CheckBuildSpaceForAllowedBlockReplacement(StructureConfiguration configuration, World world, BlockPos startBlockPos, BlockPos endBlockPos, EntityPlayer player) { // Check each block in the space to be cleared if it's protected from // breaking or placing, if it is return false. for (BlockPos currentPos : BlockPos.getAllInBox(startBlockPos, endBlockPos)) { IBlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(currentPos); if (!blockState.getBlock().isAir(blockState, world, currentPos)) { BlockEvent.BreakEvent breakEvent = new BlockEvent.BreakEvent(world, currentPos, world.getBlockState(currentPos), player); if ( { return false; } } BlockEvent.PlaceEvent placeEvent = new BlockEvent.PlaceEvent(new BlockSnapshot(world, currentPos, blockState), Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), player, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); if ( { return false; } // A hardness of less than 0 is unbreakable. if (blockState.getBlockHardness(world, currentPos) < 0.0f) { // This is bedrock or some other type of unbreakable block. Don't allow this block to be broken by a structure. return false; } } return true; }
@Override public boolean setBlockState(BlockPos pos, IBlockState newState, int flags) { if (!this.isValid(pos)) { return false; } else if (!this.isRemote && this.worldInfo.getTerrainType() == WorldType.DEBUG_WORLD) { return false; } else { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkFromBlockCoords(pos); if (chunk instanceof EmptyBlockSystemChunk) { chunk = this.chunkProviderClient.loadChunk(pos.getX() >> 4, pos.getZ() >> 4); } BlockSnapshot snapshot = null; if (this.captureBlockSnapshots && !this.isRemote) { snapshot = BlockSnapshot.getBlockSnapshot(this, pos, flags); this.capturedBlockSnapshots.add(snapshot); } IBlockState oldState = this.getBlockState(pos); int oldLight = oldState.getLightValue(this, pos); int oldOpacity = oldState.getLightOpacity(this, pos); IBlockState state = chunk.setBlockState(pos, newState); if (state == null) { if (snapshot != null) { this.capturedBlockSnapshots.remove(snapshot); } return false; } else { if (newState.getLightOpacity(this, pos) != oldOpacity || newState.getLightValue(this, pos) != oldLight) { this.theProfiler.startSection("checkLight"); this.checkLight(pos); this.theProfiler.endSection(); } if (snapshot == null) { this.markAndNotifyBlock(pos, chunk, state, newState, flags); } return true; } } }
public static void apply(VXShape shape, VXPredicate predicate, VXAction action, World world, EntityPlayer player) { final BlockPos center = shape.getCenter(); final BlockRegion region = shape.getRegion(); final MutableBlockPos offset = new MutableBlockPos(center); final List<BlockSnapshot> previous = Lists.newArrayList(); final List<BlockSnapshot> changes = Lists.newArrayList(); final CachedWorldDiff fworld = new CachedWorldDiff(world, previous, changes); UndoRegion before = new UndoRegion(region, world); for(final BlockPos pos : BlockPos.getAllInBox(region.getMin(), region.getMax())) { offset.set(pos); offset.__sub(center); if(shape.test(pos, center, offset, fworld)) { if(predicate.test(pos, center, offset, fworld)){ action.apply(pos, center, offset, fworld); } } } fworld.applyChanges(true); UndoRegion after = new UndoRegion(region, world); UndoTask.TASKS.add(new UndoTask(before, after, "Voxelator", player.getName())); }
public void applyChanges(boolean physics) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); int changeCount = 0; for(BlockSnapshot snapshot : changes) { previous.add(BlockSnapshot.getBlockSnapshot(world, snapshot.getPos())); snapshot.restore(true, physics); changeCount++; }"Changed " + changeCount + " block(s). Operation took " + ((double)System.currentTimeMillis()-(double)time)/1000D + "s." ); }
@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void multiPlaceEvent(BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent event) { EntityPlayer player = event.getPlayer(); ItemStack itemInHand = event.getItemInHand(); if (player == null || itemInHand == null) return; if (!Helper.shouldCare(event.getPlayer())) return; if (GlobalBanList.isBanned(player.dimension, itemInHand)) { player.sendStatusMessage(new TextComponentString(ItemBlacklist.message), true); if (ItemBlacklist.log) ItemBlacklist.getLogger().info("{} tried to use {} at {} (Place Block. Banned Item in hand)", player.getName(), itemInHand.getDisplayName(), event.getPos()); if (event.isCancelable()) event.setCanceled(true); GlobalBanList.process(player.dimension, player.inventory); } else { for (BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot : event.getReplacedBlockSnapshots()) { IBlockState blockState = blockSnapshot.getCurrentBlock(); Block block = blockState.getBlock(); Item item = Item.getItemFromBlock(block); //if (item == null) continue; ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(item, 1, block.damageDropped(blockState)); if (!GlobalBanList.isBanned(player.dimension, stack)) continue; player.sendStatusMessage(new TextComponentString(ItemBlacklist.message), true); if (ItemBlacklist.log) ItemBlacklist.getLogger().info("{} tried to use {} at {} (Place Block. Banned Item placed.)", player.getName(), itemInHand.getDisplayName(), event.getPos()); if (event.isCancelable()) event.setCanceled(true); GlobalBanList.process(player.dimension, player.inventory); break; } } }
@Override public void rollback() { if (blockPlaceData == null) return; if (blockPlaceData.before != null) { for (BlockSnapshot snapshot : blockPlaceData.before) { = DimensionManager.getWorld(snapshot.dimId); snapshot.restore(true); } } }
@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void blockPlaceEvent(BlockEvent.PlaceEvent event) { BlockPlaceLogEvent log = new BlockPlaceLogEvent(); log.setType(TYPE_BLOCK_PLACE); log.setPlayerUUID(event.player); log.setPosition(, event.x, event.y, event.z); log.setItemHolding(event.itemInHand); NBTTagCompound nbt = null; if (event.block.hasTileEntity(event.blockMetadata)) { TileEntity te =, event.y, event.z); if (te != null) { nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); te.writeToNBT(nbt); } } log.setAfter(new BlockSnapshot(, event.x, event.y, event.z, event.block, event.blockMetadata, nbt)); if (event instanceof BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent) { log.setBefore(((BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent) event).getReplacedBlockSnapshots().toArray(new BlockSnapshot[((BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent) event).getReplacedBlockSnapshots().size()])); } else { log.setBefore(event.blockSnapshot); } LoggingQueue.addToQueue(log); }
@SubscribeEvent public void blockPlaceEvent(BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent event) { if (event.getPlacedBlock().getBlock() instanceof BlockBed) { BedPlacements bedPlacements = getBedPlacements(event.getWorld()); for (BlockSnapshot snap : event.getReplacedBlockSnapshots()) { bedPlacements.onBedPlaced(event.getWorld(), snap.getPos()); } } }
public boolean generateTree(Location loc, TreeType type, BlockChangeDelegate delegate) { gen; switch (type) { case BIG_TREE: gen = new; break; case BIRCH: gen = new, false); break; case REDWOOD: gen = new; break; case TALL_REDWOOD: gen = new; break; case JUNGLE: gen = new, 10, 20, 3, 3); // Magic values as in BlockSapling break; case SMALL_JUNGLE: gen = new, 4 + rand.nextInt(7), 3, 3, false); break; case JUNGLE_BUSH: gen = new, 0); break; case RED_MUSHROOM: gen = new; break; case BROWN_MUSHROOM: gen = new; break; case SWAMP: gen = new; break; case ACACIA: gen = new; break; case DARK_OAK: gen = new; break; case MEGA_REDWOOD: gen = new, rand.nextBoolean()); break; case TALL_BIRCH: gen = new, true); break; case TREE: default: gen = new; break; } CaptureTree tCapture=world.mCapture.startTreeGenCapture(null,loc); boolean grownTree = gen.generate(world, rand, loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()); tCapture.markHandled(); if (grownTree) { // Copy block data to delegate for (BlockSnapshot blocksnapshot : tCapture.mCapturedBlocks) { int x = blocksnapshot.x; int y = blocksnapshot.y; int z = blocksnapshot.z; net.minecraft.block.Block oldBlock = world.getBlock(x, y, z); int newId = net.minecraft.block.Block.getIdFromBlock(blocksnapshot.replacedBlock); int data = blocksnapshot.meta; int flag = blocksnapshot.flag; delegate.setTypeIdAndData(x, y, z, newId, data); net.minecraft.block.Block newBlock = world.getBlock(x, y, z); world.markAndNotifyBlock(x, y, z, null, oldBlock, newBlock, flag); } return true; } else { return false; } }
protected BlockSnapshot addCapturedBlock(World pWorld,int pPosX,int pPosY,int pPosZ){ return this.addCapturedBlock(pWorld,pPosX,pPosY,pPosZ,3); }
protected BlockSnapshot addCapturedBlock(World pWorld,int pPosX,int pPosY,int pPosZ,int pFlag){ return this.addCapturedBlock(BlockSnapshot.getBlockSnapshot(pWorld,pPosX,pPosY,pPosZ,pFlag)); }
protected BlockSnapshot addCapturedBlock(BlockSnapshot pSnapshot){ if(!this.mEnable) return pSnapshot; this.mCapturedBlocks.add(pSnapshot); return pSnapshot; }
@Deprecated public PlaceEvent(BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, IBlockState placedAgainst, EntityPlayer player) { this(blockSnapshot, placedAgainst, player, null); }
@Deprecated public MultiPlaceEvent(List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, IBlockState placedAgainst, EntityPlayer player) { this(blockSnapshots, placedAgainst, player, null); }
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer, List, EnumFacing, EnumHand)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static MultiPlaceEvent onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, EnumFacing direction) { return onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(player, blockSnapshots, direction, null); }
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer, BlockSnapshot, EnumFacing, EnumHand)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static PlaceEvent onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, EnumFacing direction) { return onPlayerBlockPlace(player, blockSnapshot, direction, null); }
public boolean generateTree(Location loc, TreeType type, BlockChangeDelegate delegate) { gen; switch (type) { case BIG_TREE: gen = new; break; case BIRCH: gen = new, false); break; case REDWOOD: gen = new; break; case TALL_REDWOOD: gen = new; break; case JUNGLE: gen = new, 10, 20, 3, 3); // Magic values as in BlockSapling break; case SMALL_JUNGLE: gen = new, 4 + rand.nextInt(7), 3, 3, false); break; case JUNGLE_BUSH: gen = new, 0); break; case RED_MUSHROOM: gen = new; break; case BROWN_MUSHROOM: gen = new; break; case SWAMP: gen = new; break; case ACACIA: gen = new; break; case DARK_OAK: gen = new; break; case MEGA_REDWOOD: gen = new, rand.nextBoolean()); break; case TALL_BIRCH: gen = new, true); break; case TREE: default: gen = new; break; } world.captureTreeGeneration = true; world.captureBlockSnapshots = true; boolean grownTree = gen.generate(world, rand, loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()); world.captureBlockSnapshots = false; world.captureTreeGeneration = false; if (grownTree) { // Copy block data to delegate for (BlockSnapshot blocksnapshot : world.capturedBlockSnapshots) { int x = blocksnapshot.x; int y = blocksnapshot.y; int z = blocksnapshot.z; net.minecraft.block.Block oldBlock = world.getBlock(x, y, z); int newId = net.minecraft.block.Block.getIdFromBlock(blocksnapshot.replacedBlock); int data = blocksnapshot.meta; int flag = blocksnapshot.flag; delegate.setTypeIdAndData(x, y, z, newId, data); net.minecraft.block.Block newBlock = world.getBlock(x, y, z); world.markAndNotifyBlock(x, y, z, null, oldBlock, newBlock, flag); } world.capturedBlockSnapshots.clear(); return true; } else { world.capturedBlockSnapshots.clear(); return false; } }
public CachedWorldDiff(World world, List<BlockSnapshot> previous, List<BlockSnapshot> changes) { = world; this.changes = changes; this.previous = previous; }
public void setBlockState(BlockPos pos, IBlockState newState) { changes.add(new BlockSnapshot(world, pos, newState)); }