public static ANode createTemplate(ANode parent, JRDesignReportTemplate jrObject, int newIndex, IFile file) { MStyleTemplate mStyleTemplate = new MStyleTemplate(parent, (JRDesignReportTemplate) jrObject, newIndex); JasperReportsConfiguration jConf = parent.getJasperConfiguration(); IFile project = (IFile) jConf.get(FileUtils.KEY_FILE); //Use the style manager to retrive the styles, so the result is cached String str = ExternalStylesManager.evaluateStyleExpression( (JRDesignReportTemplate) jrObject, project,jConf); if (str != null) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); if (file == null) { IEditorPart ep = SelectionHelper.getActiveJRXMLEditor(); if (ep != null) file = ((IFileEditorInput) ep.getEditorInput()).getFile(); } createTemplateReference(mStyleTemplate, str, -1, set, false, file); return mStyleTemplate; } return null; }
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { // Notify the change in the template... IReportManager.getInstance().notifyReportChange(); if (evt.getPropertyName() == null) return; if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION )) { super.setName(Misc.getExpressionText(template.getSourceExpression())); super.fireNameChange(null, super.getName()); super.fireDisplayNameChange(null, getDisplayName()); } // Update the sheet this.firePropertyChange(evt.getPropertyName(), evt.getOldValue(), evt.getNewValue() ); }
@Override protected void performAction(Node[] nodes) { // Copy the style in the report... JasperDesign jd = IReportManager.getInstance().getActiveReport(); for (int i=0; i<nodes.length; ++i) { JRTemplateReference reference = nodes[i].getLookup().lookup(JRTemplateReference.class); if (reference != null) { // Copy the reference... JRDesignReportTemplate reportTemplate = new JRDesignReportTemplate(); reportTemplate.setSourceExpression(Misc.createExpression("java.lang.String", "\""+ Misc.string_replace("\\\\","\\",reference.getLocation()) +"\"")); jd.addTemplate(reportTemplate); IReportManager.getInstance().notifyReportChange(); } } }
protected static void addTemplateRules(Digester digester) { String templatePattern = JRXmlConstants.ELEMENT_jasperReport + "/" + JRXmlConstants.ELEMENT_template; //do not change the order digester.addObjectCreate(templatePattern, JRDesignReportTemplate.class); digester.addSetNext(templatePattern, "addTemplate", JRReportTemplate.class.getName()); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Class<?> lcDepStringExprFactoryClass = JRStringExpressionFactory.class; digester.addFactoryCreate(templatePattern, lcDepStringExprFactoryClass); digester.addCallMethod(templatePattern, "setText", 0); digester.addSetNext(templatePattern, "setSourceExpression", JRExpression.class.getName()); }
/** * Check if a style reference expression is valuable or not * * @param template the model that contains the reference information * @param true if the expression can be evaluated (because it was already evaluated without errors or * because it was never evaluated) false otherwise (during the last attempt to evaluate the expression an * error happen) */ public static boolean isNotValuable(MStyleTemplate template){ JasperReportsConfiguration jConf = template.getJasperConfiguration(); IFile project = (IFile) jConf.get(FileUtils.KEY_FILE); String projectPath = project.getLocation().toPortableString(); JRDesignReportTemplate jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) template.getValue(); String expression = jrTemplate.getSourceExpression().getText(); return (notEvaluableExpressions.contains(projectPath + "." + expression)); }
/** * Reload a style, ignoring if it expression was already evaluated before * * @param template a template style element, the value inside the model must be an * instance of JRDesignReportTemplate */ public static void refreshStyle(ANode template){ JasperReportsConfiguration jConf = template.getJasperConfiguration(); IFile project = (IFile) jConf.get(FileUtils.KEY_FILE); String projectPath = project.getLocation().toPortableString(); JRDesignReportTemplate jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) template.getValue(); String expression = jrTemplate.getSourceExpression().getText(); notEvaluableExpressions.remove(projectPath + "." + expression); //Recalculate the style overwriting the cache String evaluatedExpression = evaluateStyleExpression(jrTemplate, project, jConf); if (evaluatedExpression != null) { File styleFile = StyleTemplateFactory.getFile(evaluatedExpression, project); if (styleFile != null) { String key = styleFile.getAbsolutePath(); List<JRStyle> cachedStyles = new ArrayList<JRStyle>(); StyleTemplateFactory.getStylesReference(project, evaluatedExpression, cachedStyles, new HashSet<File>()); externalStylesCache.put(key, cachedStyles); fireEvent(STYLE_FOUND_EVENT, jrTemplate); } else { JRExpression styleExpression = jrTemplate.getSourceExpression(); String expString = styleExpression != null ? styleExpression.getText() : ""; addNotValuableExpression(projectPath, expString); fireEvent(STYLE_NOT_FOUND_EVENT, jrTemplate); } } }
public static void openEditor(Object obj, IEditorInput editorInput, ANode node) { if (obj instanceof JRStyle || obj instanceof JRConditionalStyle) { if (node.getParent() instanceof MStyles) return; if (node instanceof MConditionalStyle) node = (ANode) node.getParent(); if (node instanceof MStyle) node = (ANode) node.getParent(); } if (node instanceof MStyleTemplate) obj = node.getValue(); else if (node instanceof MStyleTemplateReference) { IFile file = getFile(node, ((FileEditorInput) editorInput).getFile()); JRTemplateReference st = (JRTemplateReference) node.getValue(); SelectionHelper.openEditor(file, st.getLocation()); } if (obj instanceof JRDesignReportTemplate) { if (editorInput instanceof FileEditorInput) { JRDesignReportTemplate s = (JRDesignReportTemplate) obj; if (s.getSourceExpression() != null) SelectionHelper.openEditor((FileEditorInput) editorInput, ExpressionUtil.eval(s.getSourceExpression(), node.getJasperConfiguration())); } return; } }
private static IFile getFile(ANode node, IFile refFile) { List<Object> plist = new ArrayList<Object>(); ANode p = (ANode) node; JasperReportsConfiguration jConfig = node.getJasperConfiguration(); plist.add(p.getValue()); while (!(p.getParent() instanceof MStyles)) { p = (ANode) p.getParent(); plist.add(p.getValue()); } MStyleTemplate mst = (MStyleTemplate) p; JRDesignReportTemplate drt = (JRDesignReportTemplate) mst.getValue(); return resolveTemplates(refFile, plist, jConfig, drt); }
protected static IFile resolveTemplates(IFile refFile, List<Object> plist, JasperReportsConfiguration jConfig, JRDesignReportTemplate drt) { IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); String str = ExpressionUtil.eval(drt.getSourceExpression(), jConfig); if (str != null) { if (refFile == null) refFile = ((IFileEditorInput) SelectionHelper.getActiveJRXMLEditor().getEditorInput()).getFile(); for (int i = plist.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Object obj = plist.get(i); if (obj instanceof JRDesignReportTemplate) { str = ExpressionUtil.eval(((JRDesignReportTemplate) obj).getSourceExpression(), jConfig); } else if (obj instanceof JRTemplateReference) { str = ((JRTemplateReference) obj).getLocation(); } FileResolver fileResolver = SelectionHelper.getFileResolver(refFile); File fileToBeOpened = fileResolver.resolveFile(str); if (fileToBeOpened != null && fileToBeOpened.exists() && fileToBeOpened.isFile()) { IFile[] fs = root.findFilesForLocationURI(fileToBeOpened.toURI()); if (fs != null && fs.length > 0) { refFile = fs[0]; } else break; } } return refFile; } return null; }
@Override public void createPropertyDescriptors(List<IPropertyDescriptor> desc, Map<String, Object> defaultsMap) { JRExpressionPropertyDescriptor sourceExpression = new JRExpressionPropertyDescriptor( JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION, Messages.MStyleTemplate_source_expression); sourceExpression.setDescription(Messages.MStyleTemplate_source_expression_description); desc.add(sourceExpression); setHelpPrefix(desc, "net.sf.jasperreports.doc/docs/schema.reference.html?cp=0_1#template"); }
public String getDisplayText() { JRDesignReportTemplate jt = (JRDesignReportTemplate) getValue(); if (jt != null && jt.getSourceExpression() != null && jt.getSourceExpression().getText() != null){ return getIconDescriptor().getTitle() + "(" + jt.getSourceExpression().getText() + ")"; } return getIconDescriptor().getTitle(); }
/** * Return the image for this element, the image change if the style can not be resolved, in this * way we can show something like an error decorator if the expression of the style is not solvable */ public ImageDescriptor getImagePath() { JRDesignReportTemplate jt = (JRDesignReportTemplate) getValue(); if (jt != null && jt.getSourceExpression() != null && jt.getSourceExpression().getText() != null && ExternalStylesManager.isNotValuable(this)){ return styleNotFoundImage; } return getIconDescriptor().getIcon16(); }
/** * Return the textual tooltip of the style. If its expression can not be solved an error message is also * shown */ @Override public String getToolTip() { JRDesignReportTemplate jt = (JRDesignReportTemplate) getValue(); if (jt != null && jt.getSourceExpression() != null && jt.getSourceExpression().getText() != null && ExternalStylesManager.isNotValuable(this)){ return "The resource can not be found, fix the expression and reload the style to use it"; } else return getIconDescriptor().getToolTip(); }
public Object getPropertyValue(Object id) { JRDesignReportTemplate jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) getValue(); if (id.equals(JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION)) return ExprUtil.getExpression(jrTemplate.getSourceExpression()); return null; }
@Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { //If the expression change try to reload the style if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION)){ performUpdate(); } super.propertyChange(evt); }
/** * Refresh the children of a template sytle by reloading them from the external styles cache */ public void refreshChildren(){ JasperReportsConfiguration jConf = getJasperConfiguration(); IFile project = (IFile) jConf.get(FileUtils.KEY_FILE); JRDesignReportTemplate jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) getValue(); getChildren().clear(); List<JRStyle> styles = ExternalStylesManager.getStyles(jrTemplate, project, jConf); for (JRStyle s : styles) { APropertyNode n = (APropertyNode) ReportFactory.createNode(getActualStyle(), s, -1); n.setEditable(false); } fireChildrenChangeEvent(); }
private void createObject() { if (jrTemplate == null) { FilteredResourcesSelectionDialog fd = new FilteredHelpDialog(Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(),false, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(), IResource.FILE); fd.setInitialPattern("*.jrtx");//$NON-NLS-1$ if ( == Dialog.OK) { IFile file = (IFile) fd.getFirstResult(); File fileToBeOpened = file.getRawLocation().makeAbsolute().toFile(); boolean showErrorMessage = false; //Check if the file is a valid template before add it to the model if (fileToBeOpened != null && fileToBeOpened.exists() && fileToBeOpened.isFile()) { try{ //Try to load the file to see if it is a valid template JRXmlTemplateLoader.load(fileToBeOpened); this.jrTemplate = MStyleTemplate.createJRTemplate(); JRDesignExpression jre = new JRDesignExpression(); jre.setText("\"" + getStylePath(file) + "\"");//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ ((JRDesignReportTemplate) jrTemplate).setSourceExpression(jre); } catch(Exception ex){ showErrorMessage = true; } } else { showErrorMessage = true; } if (showErrorMessage){, Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell(), Messages.UIUtils_ExceptionTitle, Messages.CreateStyleTemplateCommand_loadStyleError, SWT.NONE); } } } }
protected Node[] createNodes(Object key) { if (key instanceof JRDesignStyle) { return new Node[]{new StyleNode(jd, (JRDesignStyle)key, doLkp)}; } else //if (key instanceof JRReportTemplate) { return new Node[]{new TemplateReferenceNode(jd, (JRDesignReportTemplate)key, doLkp)}; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TemplateReferenceChildren(JasperDesign jd, JRDesignReportTemplate template,JRDesignDataset dataset, Lookup doLkp) { super(new ArrayList()); this.jd = jd; this.doLkp=doLkp; this.template = template; this.template.getEventSupport().addPropertyChangeListener(this); }
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName() == null) return; if (evt.getPropertyName().equals( JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION )) { recalculateKeys(); } }
public TemplateReferenceNode(JasperDesign jd, JRDesignReportTemplate template, Lookup doLkp) { super (new TemplateReferenceChildren(jd, template, doLkp), new ProxyLookup(doLkp, Lookups.fixed(jd, template))); this.jd = jd; this.template = template; init(); template.getEventSupport().addPropertyChangeListener(this); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SourceExpressionProperty(JRDesignReportTemplate template, JasperDesign jd) { super(template, jd.getMainDesignDataset()); setName(JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION); setDisplayName("Source Expression"); this.template = template; this.jd = jd; }
public SourceExpressionClassNameProperty(JRDesignReportTemplate template) { super(JRDesignExpression.PROPERTY_VALUE_CLASS_NAME, String.class, I18n.getString("Expression_Class"), I18n.getString("Expression_Class")); this.template = template; setValue("canEditAsText", true); setValue("oneline", true); setValue("suppressCustomEditor", false); }
@Override public void drop(DropTargetDropEvent dtde) { JasperDesign jd = getJasperDesign(); Object toActivate = null; JRTemplateReference reference = (JRTemplateReference)getPaletteItem().getData(); if (reference != null) { // Copy the reference... JRDesignReportTemplate reportTemplate = new JRDesignReportTemplate(); reportTemplate.setSourceExpression(Misc.createExpression("java.lang.String", "\""+ Misc.string_replace("\\\\","\\",reference.getLocation()) +"\"")); jd.addTemplate(reportTemplate); IReportManager.getInstance().notifyReportChange(); toActivate = reportTemplate; } final Object obj = toActivate; if (obj != null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { IReportManager.getInstance().setSelectedObject(obj); IReportManager.getInstance().getActiveVisualView().requestActive(); IReportManager.getInstance().getActiveVisualView().requestAttention(true); } }); } }
@Override protected void initializeProvidedProperties() { super.initializeProvidedProperties(); addProvidedProperties(JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION, Messages.MStyleTemplate_source_expression); }
public void setPropertyValue(Object id, Object value) { JRDesignReportTemplate jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) getValue(); if (id.equals(JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION)) jrTemplate.setSourceExpression(ExprUtil.setValues(jrTemplate.getSourceExpression(), value)); }
/** * Instantiates a new delete style template command. */ public DeleteStyleTemplateCommand(MStyles destNode, MStyleTemplate srcNode) { super(); this.jrDesign = srcNode.getJasperDesign(); this.jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) srcNode.getValue(); }
public TemplateReferenceChildren(JasperDesign jd, JRDesignReportTemplate template, Lookup doLkp) { this(jd, template, jd.getMainDesignDataset(),doLkp); this.template = template; }
/** * @param template the template to set */ public void setTemplate(JRDesignReportTemplate template) { this.template = template; }
public void createControls(Composite parent, TabbedPropertySheetPage tabbedPropertySheetPage) { super.createControls(parent, tabbedPropertySheetPage); parent.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, false)); createWidget4Property(parent, JRDesignReportTemplate.PROPERTY_SOURCE_EXPRESSION); }
/** * Instantiates a new creates the style template command. * * @param destNode * the dest node * @param srcNode * the src node * @param index * the index */ public CreateStyleTemplateCommand(MStyles destNode, MStyleTemplate srcNode, int index) { super(); this.jrDesign = destNode.getJasperDesign(); this.jConfig = destNode.getJasperConfiguration(); this.index = index; if (srcNode != null && srcNode.getValue() != null) this.jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) srcNode.getValue(); }
/** * Instantiates a new reorder style template command. * * @param child * the child * @param parent * the parent * @param newIndex * the new index */ public ReorderStyleTemplateCommand(MStyleTemplate child, MStyles parent, int newIndex) { super(Messages.common_reorder_elements); this.newIndex = Math.max(0, newIndex); this.jrDesign = parent.getJasperDesign(); this.jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) child.getValue(); }
/** * Instantiates a new reorder style template command. * * @param child * the child * @param parent * the parent * @param newIndex * the new index */ public ReorderStyleTemplateCommand(MStyleTemplate child, MStyles parent, int newIndex) { super(Messages.common_reorder_elements); this.newIndex = newIndex; this.jrDesign = parent.getJasperDesign(); this.jrTemplate = (JRDesignReportTemplate) child.getValue(); }
/** * Return the value of the template * * @return the JRElement of the template */ public JRDesignReportTemplate getTemplateValue() { return (JRDesignReportTemplate) externalTemplate.getValue(); }
/** * Creates the jr template. * * @return the jR design report template */ public static JRDesignReportTemplate createJRTemplate() { JRDesignReportTemplate jrDesignReportTemplate = new JRDesignReportTemplate(); return jrDesignReportTemplate; }