protected void setValidationMarkers(JRValidationException e, JasperDesign design) { for (JRValidationFault fault : e.getFaults()) { String message = fault.getMessage(); SourceLocation location = null; Object source = fault.getSource(); if (source != null) { location = digester.getLocation(source); if (location == null) message = message + " --- " + source.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (source instanceof StandardTable){ JRDesignElement componentElement = getElementFromTable(design.getAllBands(), (StandardTable)source); if (componentElement != null) source = componentElement; } if (location == null && source instanceof JRDesignElement) errorHandler.addMarker(message, location, (JRDesignElement)source); else errorHandler.addMarker(message, location); } }
/** Creates a new instance of ProblemItem */ public ProblemItem(int problemType, JRValidationFault fault) { this.fault = fault; this.problemType = problemType; if (fault != null) { this.description = fault.getMessage(); } }
/** Creates a new instance of ProblemItem */ public ProblemItem(int problemType, JRValidationFault fault, SourceLocation sl) { this.fault = fault; this.problemType = problemType; if (fault != null) { this.description = fault.getMessage(); } this.sourceLocation = sl; if (sl != null) { this.where = sl.getXPath(); } }
/** * @see #verify(JasperDesign) */ public static Collection<JRValidationFault> verifyDesign(JasperDesign jasperDesign) { return getDefaultInstance().verify(jasperDesign); }
protected void verifyBandHeights() throws JRException { if (!filler.isIgnorePagination()) { int pageHeight; int topMargin = jasperReport.getTopMargin(); int bottomMargin = jasperReport.getBottomMargin(); JRBaseFiller parentFiller = filler; do { // set every time, so at the end it will be the master page height pageHeight = parentFiller.jasperReport.getPageHeight(); // sum parent page margins topMargin += parentFiller.jasperReport.getTopMargin(); bottomMargin += parentFiller.jasperReport.getBottomMargin(); parentFiller = parentFiller.parent != null && parentFiller.parent.getFiller() instanceof JRBaseFiller ? (JRBaseFiller) parentFiller.parent.getFiller() : null;//FIXMEBOOK } while (parentFiller != null); List<JRValidationFault> brokenRules = new ArrayList<JRValidationFault>(); JRVerifier.verifyBandHeights(brokenRules, jasperReport, pageHeight, topMargin, bottomMargin); if (!brokenRules.isEmpty()) { throw new JRValidationException("Band height validation for subreport \"" + jasperReport.getName() + "\" failed in the current page context " + "(height = " + pageHeight + ", top margin = " + topMargin + ", bottom margin = " + bottomMargin + ") : ", brokenRules); } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Band height validation for subreport \"" + jasperReport.getName() + "\" succeeded in the current page context " + "(height = " + pageHeight + ", top margin = " + topMargin + ", bottom margin = " + bottomMargin + ")"); } } }
public void verifyDesign() { // Remove all the WARNINGS... for (int i=0; i<getJrxmlVisualView().getReportProblems().size(); ++i) { ProblemItem pii = getJrxmlVisualView().getReportProblems().get(i); if (pii.getProblemType() == ProblemItem.WARNING || pii.getProblemType() == ProblemItem.INFORMATION) { getJrxmlVisualView().getReportProblems().remove(i); i--; } } //getJReportFrame().getReportProblems().clear(); try { //SourceTraceDigester digester = IReportCompiler.createDigester(); //ReportWriter rw = new ReportWriter(getJReportFrame().getReport()); //ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); //rw.writeToOutputStream(baos); //JasperDesign jd = IReportCompiler.loadJasperDesign( new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() ), digester); // set the correct class loader Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( IReportManager.getReportClassLoader()); if (getJrxmlVisualView().getModel() != null && getJrxmlVisualView().getModel().getJasperDesign() != null) { JasperDesign design = getJrxmlVisualView().getModel().getJasperDesign(); Collection ls = JasperCompileManager.verifyDesign(design); Iterator iterator = ls.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JRValidationFault fault = (JRValidationFault); String s = fault.getMessage(); //SourceLocation sl = digester.getLocation( fault.getSource() ); getJrxmlVisualView().getReportProblems().add( new ProblemItem(ProblemItem.WARNING, fault)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); getJrxmlVisualView().getReportProblems().add(new ProblemItem(ProblemItem.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), null, null) ); } Runnable runner = new Runnable(){ public void run() { //MainFrame.getMainInstance().getLogPane().getProblemsPanel().update(); ErrorHandlerTopComponent.getDefault().refreshErrors(); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(runner); }
public JRValidationFault getFault() { return fault; }
public void setFault(JRValidationFault fault) { this.fault = fault; }
/** * Verifies the validity and consistency of the report design object. * Returns a collection of {@link JRValidationFault errors}, if problems are found in the report design. * * @param jasperDesign report design object to verify * @return collection of {@link JRValidationFault JRValidationFault} if problems are found * @see */ public Collection<JRValidationFault> verify(JasperDesign jasperDesign) { return JRVerifier.verifyDesign(jasperDesign); }