public Map toMap(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId, @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date, @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode, @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) { if (partnerId <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PartnerId is invalid, was " + partnerId); } Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("id", partnerId); map.put("date", date); map.put("code", statusCode); map.put("time", responseTime); return map; }
public String toSql(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId, @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date, @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode, @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) { if (partnerId <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PartnerId is invalid, was " + partnerId); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("INSERT INTO PARTNER_METRIC (partner_id, time_occurred, status_code, perf_time) VALUES ("); sb.append("'").append(partnerId).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(date).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(statusCode).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(responseTime).append("') "); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Get the region code that corresponds to the given country code. * * This method can be used as a plain Java method. However, when it is used inside a Camel route, the @XPath annotation will * evaluate the XPath expression and use the result as the method parameter. In this case, it will fetch the country code * from the order XML message. So, the method will determine the region code for the country that is in the XML message. * * @param country the country code * @return the region code */ public String getRegion(@XPath(value = "/order:order/order:customer/order:country", namespaces = @NamespacePrefix(prefix = "order", uri = "http://org.jboss.fuse.quickstarts/examples/order/v7")) String country) { if (country.equals("AU")) { return APAC; } else if (country.equals("US")) { return AMER; } else { return EMEA; } }
/** * Validate the order date - orders should only be place from Monday to Saturday. * <p/> * This method can be used as a plain Java method, but when it is used inside a Camel route, the @XPath annotation will kick * in, evaluating the XPath expression and using the result as the method parameter. In this case, it will fetch the order * date from the order XML message. * * @param date the order date * @throws OrderValidationException when the order date is a Sunday */ public void validateOrderDate( @XPath(value = "/order:order/order:date", namespaces = @NamespacePrefix(prefix = "order", uri = "http://org.jboss.fuse.quickstarts/examples/order/v7")) String date) throws OrderValidationException { final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); try { calendar.setTime(DATE_FORMAT.parse(date)); if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY) { LOGGER.warn("Order validation failure: order date " + date + " should not be a Sunday"); throw new OrderValidationException("Order date should not be a Sunday: " + date); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new OrderValidationException("Invalid order date: " + date); } }
@Handler public void process(@XPath("//title") String title, @XPath("//description") String description, @XPath("//pubDate") String pubDate, @XPath("//link") String link) { ZonedDateTime published = ZonedDateTime.parse(pubDate, DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME); if (ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(published, <= threshold) { bus.broadcast(parser.parse(description, title, link)) .as("status.redhat"); } }
@Consume(uri = "activemq:personnel.records") @RecipientList public String[] route(@XPath("/person/city/text()") String city) { if (city.equals("London")) {"Person is from EMEA region"); return new String[] {"file:target/messages/emea/hr_pickup", "file:target/messages/emea/finance_pickup"}; } else {"Person is from AMER region"); return new String[] {"file:target/messages/amer/hr_pickup", "file:target/messages/amer/finance_pickup"}; } }
public String transform(@XPath("/stock/symbol/text()") String symbol, @XPath("/stock/value/text()") String value) { Integer hits = stat.get(symbol); if (hits == null) { hits = 1; } else { hits++; } stat.put(symbol, hits); return symbol + "@" + hits; }
public void checkLuggage(Exchange exchange, @Body String body, @XPath("/order/@custId") String custId) { // store the message body into the data store, using the custId as the claim check dataStore.put(custId, body); // add the claim check as a header exchange.getIn().setHeader("claimCheck", custId); // remove the body from the message exchange.getIn().setBody(null); }
@Handler public void handler(@XPath("//response/text()") String response, @XPath(headerName = "invoiceDetails", value = "//invoice/person/name/text()") String userName, @XPath(headerName = "invoiceDetails", value = "//invoice/person/date", resultType = String.class) String date) { this.response = response; this.userName = userName; = date; }
public void getQuote(@XPath("/quote_request/@item") String item, Exchange exchange) throws Exception { if ("beer".equals(item)) { exchange.getIn().setBody(beerPrice); quoteAggregator.send(exchange); } else { throw new Exception("No quote available for " + item); } }
public String toSql(@XPath("order/@name") String name, @XPath("order/@amount") int amount, @XPath("order/@customer") String customer, @Headers Map<String, Object> outHeaders) { outHeaders.put("partName", name); outHeaders.put("quantity", amount); outHeaders.put("customer", customer); return "insert into incoming_orders (part_name, quantity, customer) values (:?partName, :?quantity, :?customer)"; }
public void validate(@XPath("/order/@name") String partName, Exchange exchange) { // only motors are valid parts in this simple test bean if ("motor".equals(partName)) { exchange.getOut().setBody("Valid"); } else { exchange.getOut().setBody("Invalid"); } }
public Document handleIncomingOrder(@Body Document xml, @XPath("/order/@customerId") int customerId, @Bean(ref = "guid", method = "generate") int orderId) { Attr attr = xml.createAttribute("orderId"); attr.setValue("" + orderId); Node node = xml.getElementsByTagName("order").item(0); node.getAttributes().setNamedItem(attr); return xml; }
public Document handleIncomingOrder(@Body Document xml, @XPath(value = "/c:order/@customerId", namespaces = @NamespacePrefix( prefix = "c", uri = "")) int customerId, @Bean(ref = "guid", method = "generate") int orderId) { Attr attr = xml.createAttribute("orderId"); attr.setValue("" + orderId); Node node = xml.getElementsByTagName("order").item(0); node.getAttributes().setNamedItem(attr); return xml; }
public Map toMap(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId, @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date, @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode, @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("id", partnerId); map.put("date", date); map.put("code", statusCode); map.put("time", responseTime); return map; }
@RecipientList public String[] route(@XPath("/order/@customer") String customer) { if (isGoldCustomer(customer)) { return new String[] {"jms:accounting", "jms:production"}; } else { return new String[] {"jms:accounting"}; } }
public String[] recipients(@XPath("/order/@customer") String customer) { if (isGoldCustomer(customer)) { return new String[] {"jms:accounting", "jms:production"}; } else { return new String[] {"jms:accounting"}; } }
public String toSql(@XPath("order/@name") String name, @XPath("order/@amount") int amount, @XPath("order/@customer") String customer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("insert into incoming_orders (part_name, quantity, customer) values ("); sb.append("'").append(name).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(amount).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(customer).append("') "); System.out.println(sb.toString()); return sb.toString(); }
public String toSql(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId, @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date, @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode, @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responsTime) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("INSERT INTO PARTNER_METRIC (partner_id, time_occurred, status_code, perf_time) VALUES ("); sb.append("'").append(partnerId).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(date).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(statusCode).append("', "); sb.append("'").append(responsTime).append("') "); return sb.toString(); }
public static List<String> getCityNamesFromXML(@XPath("//NewDataSet/Table/City/text()") NodeList nodeList) { return IntStream.range(0, nodeList.getLength()).mapToObj(nodeList::item).map(n->n.getNodeValue()).collect(Collectors.toList()); }
public void employeeToPerson(Exchange exchange, @XPath("/employee/name/text()") String name) { exchange.getOut().setBody(createPerson(name)); }
public void customerToPerson(Exchange exchange, @XPath("/customer/@name") String name) { exchange.getOut().setBody(createPerson(name)); }
public String read(String body, @XPath("/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/foo/text()") String foo) { = foo; this.body = body;"read() method called on " + this); return foo; }
public void read(String body, @XPath("/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/foo/text()") String foo) { = foo; this.body = body;"read() method called on " + this); }
public void read(@XPath("//a/b/text()") String ab, @XPath(value = "concat('a',//a/b)", resultType = String.class) String abText) { this.ab = ab; this.abText = abText; }