Java 类org.apache.commons.beanutils.MutableDynaClass 实例源码

项目:sonar-scanner-maven    文件   
 * <p>Create and return an <code>ActionForm</code> instance appropriate to
 * the information in this <code>FormBeanConfig</code>.</p>
 * <p>Although this method is not formally deprecated yet, where possible,
 * the form which accepts an <code>ActionContext</code> as an argument is
 * preferred, to help sever direct dependencies on the Servlet API.  As
 * the ActionContext becomes more familiar in Struts, this method will
 * almost certainly be deprecated.</p>
 * @param servlet The action servlet
 * @return ActionForm instance
 * @throws IllegalAccessException if the Class or the appropriate
 *                                constructor is not accessible
 * @throws InstantiationException if this Class represents an abstract
 *                                class, an array class, a primitive type,
 *                                or void; or if instantiation fails for
 *                                some other reason
public ActionForm createActionForm(ActionServlet servlet)
    throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
    Object obj = null;

    // Create a new form bean instance
    if (getDynamic()) {
        obj = getDynaActionFormClass().newInstance();
    } else {
        obj = formBeanClass().newInstance();

    ActionForm form = null;

    if (obj instanceof ActionForm) {
        form = (ActionForm) obj;
    } else {
        form = new BeanValidatorForm(obj);


    if (form instanceof DynaBean
        && ((DynaBean) form).getDynaClass() instanceof MutableDynaClass) {
        DynaBean dynaBean = (DynaBean) form;
        MutableDynaClass dynaClass =
            (MutableDynaClass) dynaBean.getDynaClass();

        // Add properties

        FormPropertyConfig[] props = findFormPropertyConfigs();

        for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
            dynaClass.add(props[i].getName(), props[i].getTypeClass());
            dynaBean.set(props[i].getName(), props[i].initial());


    if (form instanceof BeanValidatorForm) {

    return form;
项目:coala    文件   
public void testDynaBeans() throws Exception
    // for usage, see

    final DynaBean dynaBean = new LazyDynaBean(); // Create LazyDynaBean
    final MutableDynaClass dynaClass = (MutableDynaClass) dynaBean
            .getDynaClass(); // get DynaClass

    dynaClass.add("amount", java.lang.Integer.class); // add property
    dynaClass.add("myMap", java.util.TreeMap.class); // add mapped property

    final DynaBean employee = dynaClass.newInstance();

    // TODO experiment with Jackson's AnnotationIntrospector to annotate
    // DynaBean#get(...) method with @JsonAnyGetter and #set(...) method
    // with @JsonAnySetter

    employee.set("address", new HashMap<String, String>());
    employee.set("activeEmployee", Boolean.FALSE);
    employee.set("firstName", "Fred");
    employee.set("lastName", "Flintstone");

    LOG.trace("Employee: " + JsonUtil.toPrettyJSON(employee));

    // set all <activeEmployee> attribute values to <true>
    final BeanPropertyValueChangeClosure closure = new BeanPropertyValueChangeClosure(
            "activeEmployee", Boolean.TRUE);

    final Collection<?> employees = Collections.singleton(employee);
    LOG.trace("Mutated employees: " + JsonUtil.toPrettyJSON(employees));

    // update the Collection
    CollectionUtils.forAllDo(employees, closure);

    // filter for beans with <activeEmployee> set to <false>
    final BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate predicate = new BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate(
            "lastName", "Flintstone");

    // filter the Collection
    CollectionUtils.filter(employees, predicate);
    LOG.trace("Filtered employees: " + JsonUtil.toPrettyJSON(employees));