private static PostMethod getExtractivProcessString( final URI extractivURI, final String content, final String serviceKey) throws FileNotFoundException { final PartBase filePart = new StringPart("content", content, null); // bytes to upload final ArrayList<Part> message = new ArrayList<Part>(); message.add(filePart); message.add(new StringPart("formids", "content")); message.add(new StringPart("output_format", "JSON")); message.add(new StringPart("api_key", serviceKey)); final Part[] messageArray = message.toArray(new Part[0]); // Use a Post for the file upload final PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(extractivURI.toString()); postMethod.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(messageArray, postMethod.getParams())); postMethod.addRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); // Request the response be compressed (this is highly recommended) return postMethod; }