private FileStatus fixFileStatus(String endpoint, FileStatus status) throws IOException { final Path remotePath = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(status.getPath()); if (status.isDirectory()) { return new PDFSFileStatus(makeQualified(remotePath), status); } String basename = remotePath.getName(); boolean hidden = isHidden(basename); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (hidden) { sb.append(basename.charAt(0)); } sb.append(endpoint).append('@'); sb.append(hidden ? basename.substring(1) : basename); return new PDFSFileStatus(makeQualified(new Path(remotePath.getParent(), sb.toString())), status); }
private void validateMapFileOutputContent( FileSystem fs, Path dir) throws IOException { // map output is a directory with index and data files Path expectedMapDir = new Path(dir, partFile); assert(fs.getFileStatus(expectedMapDir).isDirectory()); FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(expectedMapDir); int fileCount = 0; boolean dataFileFound = false; boolean indexFileFound = false; for (FileStatus f : files) { if (f.isFile()) { ++fileCount; if (f.getPath().getName().equals(MapFile.INDEX_FILE_NAME)) { indexFileFound = true; } else if (f.getPath().getName().equals(MapFile.DATA_FILE_NAME)) { dataFileFound = true; } } } assert(fileCount > 0); assert(dataFileFound && indexFileFound); }
/** * Returns all files belonging to the given region directory. Could return an * empty list. * * @param fs The file system reference. * @param regionDir The region directory to scan. * @return The list of files found. * @throws IOException When scanning the files fails. */ static List<Path> getStoreFiles(FileSystem fs, Path regionDir) throws IOException { List<Path> res = new ArrayList<Path>(); PathFilter dirFilter = new FSUtils.DirFilter(fs); FileStatus[] familyDirs = fs.listStatus(regionDir, dirFilter); for(FileStatus dir : familyDirs) { FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(dir.getPath()); for (FileStatus file : files) { if (!file.isDir()) { res.add(file.getPath()); } } } return res; }
@Override public void start(CoprocessorEnvironment env) { this.env = (RegionCoprocessorEnvironment)env; random = new SecureRandom(); conf = env.getConfiguration(); baseStagingDir = SecureBulkLoadUtil.getBaseStagingDir(conf); this.userProvider = UserProvider.instantiate(conf); try { fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.mkdirs(baseStagingDir, PERM_HIDDEN); fs.setPermission(baseStagingDir, PERM_HIDDEN); //no sticky bit in hadoop-1.0, making directory nonempty so it never gets erased fs.mkdirs(new Path(baseStagingDir,"DONOTERASE"), PERM_HIDDEN); FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(baseStagingDir); if(status == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create staging directory"); } if(!status.getPermission().equals(PERM_HIDDEN)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Directory already exists but permissions aren't set to '-rwx--x--x' "); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to get FileSystem instance",e); } }
@Override public void call(T ignored) throws IOException { Path dataDirPath = new Path(dataDirString + "/*"); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(dataDirPath.toUri(), hadoopConf); FileStatus[] inputPathStatuses = fs.globStatus(dataDirPath); if (inputPathStatuses != null) { long oldestTimeAllowed = System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(maxAgeHours, TimeUnit.HOURS); filter(subdir -> { Matcher m = dirTimestampPattern.matcher(subdir.getName()); return m.find() && Long.parseLong( < oldestTimeAllowed; }).forEach(subdir -> {"Deleting old data at {}", subdir); try { fs.delete(subdir, true); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Unable to delete {}; continuing", subdir, e); } }); } }
@Override public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException { Path absolutePath = toAbsolutePath(f); checkPath(absolutePath); // if the path is not a remote file path if (!isRemoteFile(absolutePath)) { return new GetFileStatusTask(absolutePath).get(); } // Parse top level directory try { RemotePath remotePath = getRemotePath(absolutePath); FileSystem delegate = getDelegateFileSystem(remotePath.address); FileStatus status = delegate.getFileStatus(remotePath.path); return fixFileStatus(remotePath.address, status); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw (FileNotFoundException) (new FileNotFoundException("No file " + absolutePath).initCause(e)); } }
private void writeToFileListing( SequenceFile.Writer fileListWriter, CopyListingFileStatus fileStatus, Path sourcePathRoot, S3MapReduceCpOptions options) throws IOException { LOG.debug("REL PATH: {}, FULL PATH: {}", PathUtil.getRelativePath(sourcePathRoot, fileStatus.getPath()), fileStatus.getPath()); FileStatus status = fileStatus; if (!shouldCopy(fileStatus.getPath(), options)) { return; } fileListWriter.append(new Text(PathUtil.getRelativePath(sourcePathRoot, fileStatus.getPath())), status); fileListWriter.sync(); if (!fileStatus.isDirectory()) { totalBytesToCopy += fileStatus.getLen(); } totalPaths++; }
@Override public FSDataInputStream open(Path file, int bufferSize) throws IOException { FTPClient client = connect(); Path workDir = new Path(client.printWorkingDirectory()); Path absolute = makeAbsolute(workDir, file); FileStatus fileStat = getFileStatus(client, absolute); if (fileStat.isDirectory()) { disconnect(client); throw new FileNotFoundException("Path " + file + " is a directory."); } client.allocate(bufferSize); Path parent = absolute.getParent(); // Change to parent directory on the // server. Only then can we read the // file // on the server by opening up an InputStream. As a side effect the working // directory on the server is changed to the parent directory of the file. // The FTP client connection is closed when close() is called on the // FSDataInputStream. client.changeWorkingDirectory(parent.toUri().getPath()); InputStream is = client.retrieveFileStream(file.getName()); FSDataInputStream fis = new FSDataInputStream(new FTPInputStream(is, client, statistics)); if (!FTPReply.isPositivePreliminary(client.getReplyCode())) { // The ftpClient is an inconsistent state. Must close the stream // which in turn will logout and disconnect from FTP server fis.close(); throw new IOException("Unable to open file: " + file + ", Aborting"); } return fis; }
@Override public Result call() throws Exception { Result result = new Result(); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); result.fs = fs; FileStatus[] matches = fs.globStatus(path, inputFilter); if (matches == null) { result.addError(new IOException("Input path does not exist: " + path)); } else if (matches.length == 0) { result.addError(new IOException("Input Pattern " + path + " matches 0 files")); } else { result.matchedFileStatuses = matches; } return result; }
@Test public void testToProtobuFileStatusWithDefault() throws IOException { FileStatus status = new FileStatus(); DFS.FileStatus result = RemoteNodeFileSystem.toProtoFileStatus(status); assertFalse(result.hasPath()); assertEquals(0, result.getLength()); assertFalse(result.getIsDirectory()); assertEquals(0, result.getBlockReplication()); assertEquals(0, result.getBlockSize()); assertEquals(0, result.getAccessTime()); assertEquals(0, result.getModificationTime()); assertEquals(FsPermission.getFileDefault().toExtendedShort(), result.getPermission()); assertEquals("", result.getOwner()); assertEquals("", result.getGroup()); assertFalse(result.hasSymlink()); }
private static void splitFastq(FileStatus fst, String fqPath, String splitDir, int splitlen, JavaSparkContext sc) throws IOException { Path fqpath = new Path(fqPath); String fqname = fqpath.getName(); String[] ns = fqname.split("\\."); //TODO: Handle also compressed files List<FileSplit> nlif = NLineInputFormat.getSplitsForFile(fst, sc.hadoopConfiguration(), splitlen); JavaRDD<FileSplit> splitRDD = sc.parallelize(nlif); splitRDD.foreach( split -> { FastqRecordReader fqreader = new FastqRecordReader(new Configuration(), split); writeFastqFile(fqreader, new Configuration(), splitDir + "/split_" + split.getStart() + "." + ns[1]); }); }
@Test public void testUriEncodingMoreComplexCharacters() throws Exception { // Create a file name with URI reserved characters, plus the percent String fileName = "!#$'()*;=[]%"; String directoryName = "*;=[]%!#$'()"; fs.create(new Path(directoryName, fileName)).close(); FileStatus[] listing = fs.listStatus(new Path(directoryName)); assertEquals(1, listing.length); assertEquals(fileName, listing[0].getPath().getName()); FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(directoryName, fileName)); assertEquals(fileName, status.getPath().getName()); InputStream stream = Path(directoryName, fileName)); assertNotNull(stream); stream.close(); assertTrue(fs.delete(new Path(directoryName, fileName), true)); assertTrue(fs.delete(new Path(directoryName), true)); }
private FileStatus[] addMockStoreFiles(int count, MasterServices services, Path storedir) throws IOException { // get the existing store files FileSystem fs = services.getMasterFileSystem().getFileSystem(); fs.mkdirs(storedir); // create the store files in the parent for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Path storeFile = new Path(storedir, "_store" + i); FSDataOutputStream dos = fs.create(storeFile, true); dos.writeBytes("Some data: " + i); dos.close(); } LOG.debug("Adding " + count + " store files to the storedir:" + storedir); // make sure the mock store files are there FileStatus[] storeFiles = fs.listStatus(storedir); assertEquals("Didn't have expected store files", count, storeFiles.length); return storeFiles; }
@Override protected Callable<FileStatus[]> newMapTask(final String address) throws IOException { return new Callable<FileStatus[]>() { @Override public FileStatus[] call() throws Exception { // Only directories should be listed with a fork/join task final FileSystem fs = getDelegateFileSystem(address); FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(path); if (status.isFile()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Directory not found: " + path); } FileStatus[] remoteStatuses = fs.listStatus(path); FileStatus[] statuses = new FileStatus[remoteStatuses.length]; for (int i = 0; i < statuses.length; i++) { statuses[i] = fixFileStatus(address, remoteStatuses[i]); } return statuses; } }; }
@Override public void doBuildListing(Path pathToListFile, DistCpOptions options) throws IOException { try (Writer writer = newWriter(pathToListFile)) { Path sourceRootPath = getRootPath(getConf()); for (Path sourcePath : options.getSourcePaths()) { FileSystem fileSystem = sourcePath.getFileSystem(getConf()); FileStatus directory = fileSystem.getFileStatus(sourcePath); Map<String, CopyListingFileStatus> children = new FileStatusTreeTraverser(fileSystem) .preOrderTraversal(directory) .transform(new CopyListingFileStatusFunction(fileSystem, options)) .uniqueIndex(new RelativePathFunction(sourceRootPath)); for (Entry<String, CopyListingFileStatus> entry : children.entrySet()) { LOG.debug("Adding '{}' with relative path '{}'", entry.getValue().getPath(), entry.getKey()); writer.append(new Text(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); writer.sync(); } } } }
public void checkPermissionRetention(Configuration conf, String ourUrl, Path path) throws Exception { CredentialProvider provider = CredentialProviderFactory.getProviders(conf).get(0); // let's add a new credential and flush and check that permissions are still set to 777 char[] cred = new char[32]; for(int i =0; i < cred.length; ++i) { cred[i] = (char) i; } // create a new key try { provider.createCredentialEntry("key5", cred); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } provider.flush(); // get a new instance of the provider to ensure it was saved correctly provider = CredentialProviderFactory.getProviders(conf).get(0); assertArrayEquals(cred, provider.getCredentialEntry("key5").getCredential()); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); FileStatus s = fs.getFileStatus(path); assertTrue("Permissions should have been retained from the preexisting " + "keystore.", s.getPermission().toString().equals("rwxrwxrwx")); }
/** * Convenience method, so that we don't open a new connection when using this * method from within another method. Otherwise every API invocation incurs * the overhead of opening/closing a TCP connection. */ private FileStatus getFileStatus(FTPClient client, Path file) throws IOException { FileStatus fileStat = null; Path workDir = new Path(client.printWorkingDirectory()); Path absolute = makeAbsolute(workDir, file); Path parentPath = absolute.getParent(); if (parentPath == null) { // root dir long length = -1; // Length of root dir on server not known boolean isDir = true; int blockReplication = 1; long blockSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; // Block Size not known. long modTime = -1; // Modification time of root dir not known. Path root = new Path("/"); return new FileStatus(length, isDir, blockReplication, blockSize, modTime, root.makeQualified(this)); } String pathName = parentPath.toUri().getPath(); FTPFile[] ftpFiles = client.listFiles(pathName); if (ftpFiles != null) { for (FTPFile ftpFile : ftpFiles) { if (ftpFile.getName().equals(file.getName())) { // file found in dir fileStat = getFileStatus(ftpFile, parentPath); break; } } if (fileStat == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + file + " does not exist."); } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + file + " does not exist."); } return fileStat; }
@Override public void run() { long cutoffMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - retentionMillis;"aggregated log deletion started."); try { FileSystem fs = remoteRootLogDir.getFileSystem(conf); for(FileStatus userDir : fs.listStatus(remoteRootLogDir)) { if(userDir.isDirectory()) { Path userDirPath = new Path(userDir.getPath(), suffix); deleteOldLogDirsFrom(userDirPath, cutoffMillis, fs, rmClient); } } } catch (IOException e) { logIOException("Error reading root log dir this deletion " + "attempt is being aborted", e); }"aggregated log deletion finished."); }
@Test public void testListDirectory() throws Exception { Path rootFolder = new Path("testingList"); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(rootFolder)); FileStatus[] listed = fs.listStatus(rootFolder); assertEquals(0, listed.length); Path innerFolder = new Path(rootFolder, "inner"); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(innerFolder)); listed = fs.listStatus(rootFolder); assertEquals(1, listed.length); assertTrue(listed[0].isDirectory()); Path innerFile = new Path(innerFolder, "innerFile"); writeString(innerFile, "testing"); listed = fs.listStatus(rootFolder); assertEquals(1, listed.length); assertTrue(listed[0].isDirectory()); listed = fs.listStatus(innerFolder); assertEquals(1, listed.length); assertFalse(listed[0].isDirectory()); assertTrue(fs.delete(rootFolder, true)); }
private static boolean checkPublicPermsForAll(FileSystem fs, FileStatus status, FsAction dir, FsAction file) throws IOException { FsPermission perms = status.getPermission(); FsAction otherAction = perms.getOtherAction(); if (status.isDirectory()) { if (!otherAction.implies(dir)) { return false; } for (FileStatus child : fs.listStatus(status.getPath())) { if(!checkPublicPermsForAll(fs, child, dir, file)) { return false; } } return true; } return (otherAction.implies(file)); }
@Test(timeout=5000) public void testZnodeCversionChange() throws Exception { Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(); ReplicationLogCleaner cleaner = new ReplicationLogCleaner(); cleaner.setConf(conf); ReplicationQueuesClient rqcMock = Mockito.mock(ReplicationQueuesClient.class); Mockito.when(rqcMock.getQueuesZNodeCversion()).thenReturn(1, 2, 3, 4); Field rqc = ReplicationLogCleaner.class.getDeclaredField("replicationQueues"); rqc.setAccessible(true); rqc.set(cleaner, rqcMock); // This should return eventually when cversion stabilizes cleaner.getDeletableFiles(new LinkedList<FileStatus>()); }
@Test public void testRenameImplicitFolder() throws Exception { Path testFile = new Path("deep/file/rename/test"); FsPermission permission = FsPermission.createImmutable((short) 644); createEmptyFile(testFile, permission); boolean renameResult = fs.rename(new Path("deep/file"), new Path("deep/renamed")); assertTrue(renameResult); assertFalse(fs.exists(testFile)); FileStatus newStatus = fs.getFileStatus(new Path("deep/renamed/rename/test")); assertNotNull(newStatus); assertEqualsIgnoreStickyBit(permission, newStatus.getPermission()); assertTrue(fs.delete(new Path("deep"), true)); }
public static void truncateFile(FileSystem fs, Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { FileStatus fst = fs.getFileStatus(src); long len = fst.getLen(); len = len / 2 ; // create a truncated hfile FSDataOutputStream fdos = fs.create(dst); byte[] buf = new byte[(int)len]; FSDataInputStream fdis =;; fdos.write(buf); fdis.close(); fdos.close(); }
private void waitForRecovery(FileSystem fs, Path fn, long newLength) throws IOException {"Waiting on truncate file recovery for " + fn); for(;;) { FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(fn); if(stat.getLen() == newLength) break; try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch(InterruptedException ignored) {} } }
static FileStatus writeGzipFile(Configuration conf, Path name, short replication, int numBlocks) throws IOException, TimeoutException, InterruptedException { FileSystem fileSys = FileSystem.get(conf); GZIPOutputStream out = new GZIPOutputStream(fileSys.create(name, true, conf .getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), replication, (long) BLOCKSIZE)); writeDataAndSetReplication(fileSys, name, out, replication, numBlocks); return fileSys.getFileStatus(name); }
@Override public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path file) throws IOException { FTPClient client = connect(); try { FileStatus[] stats = listStatus(client, file); return stats; } finally { disconnect(client); } }
/** * Rename a single file across snapshottable dirs. */ @Test (timeout=60000) public void testRenameFileAcrossSnapshottableDirs() throws Exception { final Path sdir1 = new Path("/dir1"); final Path sdir2 = new Path("/dir2"); hdfs.mkdirs(sdir1); hdfs.mkdirs(sdir2); final Path foo = new Path(sdir2, "foo"); DFSTestUtil.createFile(hdfs, foo, BLOCKSIZE, REPL, SEED); SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, sdir1, "s1"); SnapshotTestHelper.createSnapshot(hdfs, sdir2, "s2"); hdfs.createSnapshot(sdir1, "s3"); final Path newfoo = new Path(sdir1, "foo"); hdfs.rename(foo, newfoo); // change the replication factor of foo hdfs.setReplication(newfoo, REPL_1); // /dir2/.snapshot/s2/foo should still work final Path foo_s2 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(sdir2, "s2", "foo"); assertTrue(hdfs.exists(foo_s2)); FileStatus status = hdfs.getFileStatus(foo_s2); assertEquals(REPL, status.getReplication()); final Path foo_s3 = SnapshotTestHelper.getSnapshotPath(sdir1, "s3", "foo"); assertFalse(hdfs.exists(foo_s3)); INodeDirectory sdir2Node = fsdir.getINode(sdir2.toString()).asDirectory(); Snapshot s2 = sdir2Node.getSnapshot(DFSUtil.string2Bytes("s2")); INodeFile sfoo = fsdir.getINode(newfoo.toString()).asFile(); assertEquals(s2.getId(), sfoo.getDiffs().getLastSnapshotId()); }
@Override public void recoverLease() throws IOException { lock.lock(); try {"Starting WAL Procedure Store lease recovery"); FileStatus[] oldLogs = getLogFiles(); while (isRunning()) { // Get Log-MaxID and recover lease on old logs flushLogId = initOldLogs(oldLogs); // Create new state-log if (!rollWriter(flushLogId + 1)) { // someone else has already created this log LOG.debug("someone else has already created log " + flushLogId); continue; } // We have the lease on the log oldLogs = getLogFiles(); if (getMaxLogId(oldLogs) > flushLogId) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Someone else created new logs. Expected maxLogId < " + flushLogId); } logs.getLast().removeFile(); continue; }"Lease acquired for flushLogId: " + flushLogId); break; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
/** * Test that the concat operation is properly persisted in the * edit log, and properly replayed on restart. */ @Test public void testConcatInEditLog() throws Exception { final Path TEST_DIR = new Path("/testConcatInEditLog"); final long FILE_LEN = blockSize; // 1. Concat some files Path[] srcFiles = new Path[3]; for (int i = 0; i < srcFiles.length; i++) { Path path = new Path(TEST_DIR, "src-" + i); DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, path, FILE_LEN, REPL_FACTOR, 1); srcFiles[i] = path; } Path targetFile = new Path(TEST_DIR, "target"); DFSTestUtil.createFile(dfs, targetFile, FILE_LEN, REPL_FACTOR, 1); dfs.concat(targetFile, srcFiles); // 2. Verify the concat operation basically worked, and record // file status. assertTrue(dfs.exists(targetFile)); FileStatus origStatus = dfs.getFileStatus(targetFile); // 3. Restart NN to force replay from edit log cluster.restartNameNode(true); // 4. Verify concat operation was replayed correctly and file status // did not change. assertTrue(dfs.exists(targetFile)); assertFalse(dfs.exists(srcFiles[0])); FileStatus statusAfterRestart = dfs.getFileStatus(targetFile); assertEquals(origStatus.getModificationTime(), statusAfterRestart.getModificationTime()); }
@Override public void logAuditEvent(boolean succeeded, String userName, InetAddress addr, String cmd, String src, String dst, FileStatus status) { try {, userName, addr, cmd, src, dst, status); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("An error occurred while reflecting the event in top service, " + "event: (cmd={},userName={})", cmd, userName); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("allowed=").append(succeeded).append("\t"); sb.append("ugi=").append(userName).append("\t"); sb.append("ip=").append(addr).append("\t"); sb.append("cmd=").append(cmd).append("\t"); sb.append("src=").append(src).append("\t"); sb.append("dst=").append(dst).append("\t"); if (null == status) { sb.append("perm=null"); } else { sb.append("perm="); sb.append(status.getOwner()).append(":"); sb.append(status.getGroup()).append(":"); sb.append(status.getPermission()); } LOG.debug("------------------- logged event for top service: " + sb); } }
/** * Copies a file and validates the copy by checking the checksums. * If validation fails, retries (max number of tries is distcp.file.retries) * to copy the file. */ void copyWithRetries(FileStatus srcstat, Path relativedst, OutputCollector<WritableComparable<?>, Text> out, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // max tries to copy when validation of copy fails final int maxRetries = job.getInt(FILE_RETRIES_LABEL, DEFAULT_FILE_RETRIES); // save update flag for later copies within the same map task final boolean saveUpdate = update; int retryCnt = 1; for (; retryCnt <= maxRetries; retryCnt++) { try { //copy the file and validate copy copy(srcstat, relativedst, out, reporter); break;// copy successful } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Copy of " + srcstat.getPath() + " failed.", e); if (retryCnt < maxRetries) {// copy failed and need to retry"Retrying copy of file " + srcstat.getPath()); update = true; // set update flag for retries } else {// no more retries... Give up update = saveUpdate; throw new IOException("Copy of file failed even with " + retryCnt + " tries.", e); } } } }
/** * Get the parquet metadata for the parquet files in a directory * @param path the path of the directory * @return * @throws IOException */ private ParquetTableMetadata_v1 getParquetTableMetadata(String path) throws IOException { Path p = new Path(path); FileStatus fileStatus = fs.getFileStatus(p); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.start(); List<FileStatus> fileStatuses = getFileStatuses(fileStatus);"Took {} ms to get file statuses", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); return getParquetTableMetadata(fileStatuses); }
@Override public DatasetJsonRecord getSchema(Path targetFilePath) throws IOException { StringBuilder JsonObjectList = new StringBuilder(); DatasetJsonRecord datasetJsonRecord = null; try { for (String realName : this.json2Array(getJsonObject(targetFilePath), "schema")) { if (realName.charAt(0) == '$') { JsonObjectList.append("{\"name\": \"" + realName.substring(1, realName.length()) + "\", \"type\": \"int\"},"); } else { JsonObjectList.append("{\"name\": \"" + realName + "\", \"type\": \"string\"},"); } } JsonObjectList.deleteCharAt(JsonObjectList.length() - 1); String schemaString = "{\"fields\":[" + JsonObjectList + "],\"name\": \"Result\", \"namespace\": \"com.tencent.thomas\", \"type\": \"record\"}"; String codec = "json.codec"; String storage = STORAGE_TYPE; String abstractPath = targetFilePath.toUri().getPath(); FileStatus fstat = fs.getFileLinkStatus(targetFilePath); datasetJsonRecord = new DatasetJsonRecord(schemaString, abstractPath, fstat.getModificationTime(), fstat.getOwner(), fstat.getGroup(), fstat.getPermission().toString(), codec, storage, ""); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("path : {} content " + " is not JSON File format content ",targetFilePath.toUri().getPath());; } return datasetJsonRecord; }
public static Map<String, Path> listDictionaryFiles(FileSystem fs, Path dictRootDir) throws IOException { final Map<String, Path> files = Maps.newHashMap(); for (FileStatus fileStatus : fs.listStatus(dictRootDir, DICTIONARY_FILES_FILTER)) { files.put(getColumnFullPath(fileStatus.getPath().getName()), fileStatus.getPath()); } return files; }
public void migrateSnapshots() throws IOException { //migrate snapshot dir Path oldSnapshotDir = new Path(rootDir, HConstants.OLD_SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME); Path newSnapshotDir = new Path(rootDir, HConstants.SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME); if (fs.exists(oldSnapshotDir)) { boolean foundOldSnapshotDir = false; // Logic to verify old snapshot dir culled from SnapshotManager // ignore all the snapshots in progress FileStatus[] snapshots = fs.listStatus(oldSnapshotDir, new SnapshotDescriptionUtils.CompletedSnaphotDirectoriesFilter(fs)); // loop through all the completed snapshots for (FileStatus snapshot : snapshots) { Path info = new Path(snapshot.getPath(), SnapshotDescriptionUtils.SNAPSHOTINFO_FILE); // if the snapshot is bad if (fs.exists(info)) { foundOldSnapshotDir = true; break; } } if(foundOldSnapshotDir) {"Migrating snapshot dir"); if (!fs.rename(oldSnapshotDir, newSnapshotDir)) { throw new IOException("Failed to move old snapshot dir "+ oldSnapshotDir+" to new "+newSnapshotDir); } } } }
public static FILE_TYPE getType(FileStatus fileStatus) { if (fileStatus.isFile()) { return FILE; } if (fileStatus.isDirectory()) { return DIRECTORY; } if (fileStatus.isSymlink()) { return SYMLINK; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not determine filetype for: " + fileStatus.getPath()); }
public static List<Path> getReferenceFilePaths(final FileSystem fs, final Path familyDir) throws IOException { FileStatus[] fds = fs.listStatus(familyDir, new ReferenceFileFilter(fs)); List<Path> referenceFiles = new ArrayList<Path>(fds.length); for (FileStatus fdfs: fds) { Path fdPath = fdfs.getPath(); referenceFiles.add(fdPath); } return referenceFiles; }
private List<FileStatus> getFiles(FileSystem fs, Path dir, long startTime, long endTime) throws IOException { List<FileStatus> result = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); LOG.debug("Scanning " + dir.toString() + " for WAL files"); FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(dir); if (files == null) return Collections.emptyList(); for (FileStatus file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { // recurse into sub directories result.addAll(getFiles(fs, file.getPath(), startTime, endTime)); } else { String name = file.getPath().toString(); int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx > 0) { try { long fileStartTime = Long.parseLong(name.substring(idx+1)); if (fileStartTime <= endTime) {"Found: " + name); result.add(file); } } catch (NumberFormatException x) { idx = 0; } } if (idx == 0) { LOG.warn("File " + name + " does not appear to be an WAL file. Skipping..."); } } } return result; }
/** test that allowed stat puts proper entry in audit log */ @Test public void testAuditAllowedStat() throws Exception { final Path file = new Path(fnames[0]); FileSystem userfs = DFSTestUtil.getFileSystemAs(userGroupInfo, conf); setupAuditLogs(); FileStatus st = userfs.getFileStatus(file); verifyAuditLogs(true); assertTrue("failed to stat file", st != null && st.isFile()); }