private HRegion createRegion(String tableName, byte[] family, long ttl) throws IOException { HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(tableName)); HColumnDescriptor cfd = new HColumnDescriptor(family); if (ttl > 0) { cfd.setValue(TxConstants.PROPERTY_TTL, String.valueOf(ttl)); } cfd.setMaxVersions(10); htd.addFamily(cfd); htd.addCoprocessor(TransactionProcessor.class.getName()); Path tablePath = FSUtils.getTableDir(FSUtils.getRootDir(conf), htd.getTableName()); Path hlogPath = new Path(FSUtils.getRootDir(conf) + "/hlog"); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); assertTrue(fs.mkdirs(tablePath)); HLog hLog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, hlogPath, tableName, conf); HRegionInfo regionInfo = new HRegionInfo(TableName.valueOf(tableName)); HRegionFileSystem regionFS = HRegionFileSystem.createRegionOnFileSystem(conf, fs, tablePath, regionInfo); return new HRegion(regionFS, hLog, conf, htd, new MockRegionServerServices(conf, null)); }
/** * Opens the file at the current position * @param path * @return an HLog reader. * @throws IOException */ public HLog.Reader openReader(Path path) throws IOException { // Detect if this is a new file, if so get a new reader else // reset the current reader so that we see the new data if (this.reader == null || !this.lastPath.equals(path)) { this.closeReader(); this.reader = HLogFactory.createReader(this.fs, path, this.conf); this.lastPath = path; } else { try { this.reader.reset(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { throw new IOException("NPE resetting reader, likely HDFS-4380", npe); } } return this.reader; }
@Override public void initialize(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { HLogSplit hsplit = (HLogSplit)split; Path logFile = new Path(hsplit.getLogFileName()); Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();"Opening reader for "+split); try { this.reader = HLogFactory.createReader(logFile.getFileSystem(conf), logFile, conf); } catch (EOFException x) {"Ignoring corrupted HLog file: " + logFile + " (This is normal when a RegionServer crashed.)"); } this.startTime = hsplit.getStartTime(); this.endTime = hsplit.getEndTime(); }
/** * Convenience method creating new HRegions. Used by createTable. * The {@link HLog} for the created region needs to be closed * explicitly, if it is not null. * Use {@link HRegion#getLog()} to get access. * * @param info Info for region to create. * @param rootDir Root directory for HBase instance * @param tableDir table directory * @param conf * @param hTableDescriptor * @param hlog shared HLog * @param initialize - true to initialize the region * @param ignoreHLog - true to skip generate new hlog if it is null, mostly for createTable * @return new HRegion * @throws IOException */ public static HRegion createHRegion(final HRegionInfo info, final Path rootDir, final Path tableDir, final Configuration conf, final HTableDescriptor hTableDescriptor, final HLog hlog, final boolean initialize, final boolean ignoreHLog) throws IOException {"creating HRegion " + info.getTable().getNameAsString() + " HTD == " + hTableDescriptor + " RootDir = " + rootDir + " Table name == " + info.getTable().getNameAsString()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); HRegionFileSystem rfs = HRegionFileSystem.createRegionOnFileSystem(conf, fs, tableDir, info); HLog effectiveHLog = hlog; if (hlog == null && !ignoreHLog) { effectiveHLog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, rfs.getRegionDir(), HConstants.HREGION_LOGDIR_NAME, conf); } HRegion region = HRegion.newHRegion(tableDir, effectiveHLog, fs, conf, info, hTableDescriptor, null); if (initialize) { // If initializing, set the sequenceId. It is also required by HLogPerformanceEvaluation when // verifying the WALEdits. region.setSequenceId(region.initialize()); } return region; }
private void verifyRecoverEdits(final Path tableDir, final TableName tableName, final Map<byte[], byte[]> regionsMap) throws IOException { for (FileStatus regionStatus: FSUtils.listStatus(fs, tableDir)) { assertTrue(regionStatus.getPath().getName().startsWith(tableName.getNameAsString())); Path regionEdits = HLogUtil.getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regionStatus.getPath()); byte[] regionName = Bytes.toBytes(regionStatus.getPath().getName()); assertFalse(regionsMap.containsKey(regionName)); for (FileStatus logStatus: FSUtils.listStatus(fs, regionEdits)) { HLog.Reader reader = HLogFactory.createReader(fs, logStatus.getPath(), conf); try { HLog.Entry entry; while ((entry = != null) { HLogKey key = entry.getKey(); assertEquals(tableName, key.getTablename()); assertArrayEquals(regionName, key.getEncodedRegionName()); } } finally { reader.close(); } } } }
private void writeTestLog(final Path logFile) throws IOException { fs.mkdirs(logFile.getParent()); HLog.Writer writer = HLogFactory.createWALWriter(fs, logFile, conf); try { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { TableName tableName = getTableName(i); for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { byte[] regionName = getRegionName(tableName, j); for (int k = 0; k < 50; ++k) { byte[] rowkey = Bytes.toBytes("row-" + k); HLogKey key = new HLogKey(regionName, tableName, (long)k, System.currentTimeMillis(), HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID); WALEdit edit = new WALEdit(); edit.add(new KeyValue(rowkey, TEST_FAMILY, TEST_QUALIFIER, rowkey)); writer.append(new HLog.Entry(key, edit)); } } } } finally { writer.close(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private Store init(String methodName, Configuration conf, HTableDescriptor htd, HColumnDescriptor hcd) throws IOException { //Setting up a Store Path basedir = new Path(DIR+methodName); Path tableDir = FSUtils.getTableDir(basedir, htd.getTableName()); String logName = "logs"; Path logdir = new Path(basedir, logName); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.delete(logdir, true); htd.addFamily(hcd); HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false); HLog hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, basedir, logName, conf); HRegion region = new HRegion(tableDir, hlog, fs, conf, info, htd, null); store = new HStore(region, hcd, conf); return store; }
/** * Convenience method creating new HRegions. Used by createTable. * The {@link HLog} for the created region needs to be closed * explicitly, if it is not null. * Use {@link HRegion#getLog()} to get access. * * @param info Info for region to create. * @param rootDir Root directory for HBase instance * @param conf * @param hTableDescriptor * @param hlog shared HLog * @param initialize - true to initialize the region * @param ignoreHLog - true to skip generate new hlog if it is null, mostly for createTable * @return new HRegion * @throws IOException */ public static HRegion createHRegion(final HRegionInfo info, final Path rootDir, final Configuration conf, final HTableDescriptor hTableDescriptor, final HLog hlog, final boolean initialize, final boolean ignoreHLog) throws IOException {"creating HRegion " + info.getTable().getNameAsString() + " HTD == " + hTableDescriptor + " RootDir = " + rootDir + " Table name == " + info.getTable().getNameAsString()); Path tableDir = FSUtils.getTableDir(rootDir, info.getTable()); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); HRegionFileSystem rfs = HRegionFileSystem.createRegionOnFileSystem(conf, fs, tableDir, info); HLog effectiveHLog = hlog; if (hlog == null && !ignoreHLog) { effectiveHLog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, rfs.getRegionDir(), HConstants.HREGION_LOGDIR_NAME, conf); } HRegion region = HRegion.newHRegion(tableDir, effectiveHLog, fs, conf, info, hTableDescriptor, null); if (initialize) { region.initialize(); } return region; }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void init(String methodName, Configuration conf, HTableDescriptor htd, HColumnDescriptor hcd) throws IOException { //Setting up a Store Path basedir = new Path(DIR+methodName); Path tableDir = FSUtils.getTableDir(basedir, htd.getTableName()); String logName = "logs"; Path logdir = new Path(basedir, logName); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.delete(logdir, true); htd.addFamily(hcd); HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false); HLog hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, basedir, logName, conf); HRegion region = new HRegion(tableDir, hlog, fs, conf, info, htd, null); store = new HStore(region, hcd, conf); }
private void init(String methodName, Configuration conf, HTableDescriptor htd, HColumnDescriptor hcd, boolean testStore) throws IOException { //Setting up tje Region and Store Path basedir = new Path(DIR+methodName); Path tableDir = FSUtils.getTableDir(basedir, htd.getTableName()); String logName = "logs"; Path logdir = new Path(basedir, logName); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.delete(logdir, true); htd.addFamily(hcd); HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false); HLog hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, basedir, logName, conf); region = new HRegion(tableDir, hlog, fs, conf, info, htd, null); store = new HMobStore(region, hcd, conf); if(testStore) { init(conf, hcd); } }
protected Merger(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, final byte [] tableName) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.fs = fs; this.maxFilesize = conf.getLong(HConstants.HREGION_MAX_FILESIZE, HConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE); this.tabledir = new Path( fs.makeQualified(new Path(conf.get(HConstants.HBASE_DIR))), Bytes.toString(tableName) ); this.htd = FSTableDescriptors.getTableDescriptor(this.fs, this.tabledir); String logname = "merge_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + HConstants.HREGION_LOGDIR_NAME; this.hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, tabledir, logname, conf); }
/** * Verify the content of the WAL file. * Verify that sequenceids are ascending and that the file has expected number * of edits. * @param wal * @return Count of edits. * @throws IOException */ private long verify(final Path wal, final boolean verbose) throws IOException { HLog.Reader reader = HLogFactory.createReader(wal.getFileSystem(getConf()), wal, getConf()); long previousSeqid = -1; long count = 0; try { while (true) { Entry e =; if (e == null) break; count++; long seqid = e.getKey().getLogSeqNum(); if (verbose)"seqid=" + seqid); if (previousSeqid >= seqid) { throw new IllegalStateException("wal=" + wal.getName() + ", previousSeqid=" + previousSeqid + ", seqid=" + seqid); } previousSeqid = seqid; } } finally { reader.close(); } return count; }
private void init(String methodName, Configuration conf, HColumnDescriptor hcd) throws IOException { //Setting up a Store Path basedir = new Path(DIR+methodName); String logName = "logs"; Path logdir = new Path(basedir, logName); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.delete(logdir, true); HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(table); htd.addFamily(hcd); HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getName(), null, null, false); HLog hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, basedir, logName, conf); HRegion region = new HRegion(basedir, hlog, fs, conf, info, htd, null); store = new HStore(basedir, region, hcd, fs, conf); }
/** * @return the HLog * @throws IOException e */ public synchronized HLog getLog() throws IOException { if (this.log == null) { String logName = HConstants.HREGION_LOGDIR_NAME + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); this.log = HLogFactory.createHLog(this.fs, this.fs.getHomeDirectory(), logName, this.conf); } return this.log; }
protected Merger(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, final TableName tableName) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.fs = fs; this.maxFilesize = conf.getLong(HConstants.HREGION_MAX_FILESIZE, HConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE); this.rootDir = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf); Path tabledir = FSUtils.getTableDir(this.rootDir, tableName); this.htd = FSTableDescriptors.getTableDescriptorFromFs(this.fs, tabledir); String logname = "merge_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + HConstants.HREGION_LOGDIR_NAME; this.hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, tabledir, logname, conf); }
private HLog getMetaWAL() throws IOException { if (this.hlogForMeta != null) return this.hlogForMeta; final String logName = HLogUtil.getHLogDirectoryName(this.serverNameFromMasterPOV.toString()); Path logdir = new Path(rootDir, logName); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("logdir=" + logdir); this.hlogForMeta = HLogFactory.createMetaHLog(this.fs.getBackingFs(), rootDir, logName, this.conf, getMetaWALActionListeners(), this.serverNameFromMasterPOV.toString()); return this.hlogForMeta; }
/** * Facility for dumping and compacting catalog tables. * Only does catalog tables since these are only tables we for sure know * schema on. For usage run: * <pre> * ./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegion * </pre> * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < 1) { printUsageAndExit(null); } boolean majorCompact = false; if (args.length > 1) { if (!args[1].toLowerCase().startsWith("major")) { printUsageAndExit("ERROR: Unrecognized option <" + args[1] + ">"); } majorCompact = true; } final Path tableDir = new Path(args[0]); final Configuration c = HBaseConfiguration.create(); final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(c); final Path logdir = new Path(c.get("hbase.tmp.dir")); final String logname = "hlog" + FSUtils.getTableName(tableDir) + System.currentTimeMillis(); final HLog log = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, logdir, logname, c); try { processTable(fs, tableDir, log, c, majorCompact); } finally { log.close(); // TODO: is this still right? BlockCache bc = new CacheConfig(c).getBlockCache(); if (bc != null) bc.shutdown(); } }
/** * Sanity check that we can move logs around while we are reading * from them. Should this test fail, ReplicationSource would have a hard * time reading logs that are being archived. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLogMoving() throws Exception{ Path logPath = new Path(logDir, "log"); if (!FS.exists(logDir)) FS.mkdirs(logDir); if (!FS.exists(oldLogDir)) FS.mkdirs(oldLogDir); HLog.Writer writer = HLogFactory.createWALWriter(FS, logPath, conf); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { byte[] b = Bytes.toBytes(Integer.toString(i)); KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(b,b,b); WALEdit edit = new WALEdit(); edit.add(kv); HLogKey key = new HLogKey(b, TableName.valueOf(b), 0, 0, HConstants.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_ID); writer.append(new HLog.Entry(key, edit)); writer.sync(); } writer.close(); HLog.Reader reader = HLogFactory.createReader(FS, logPath, conf); HLog.Entry entry =; assertNotNull(entry); Path oldLogPath = new Path(oldLogDir, "log"); FS.rename(logPath, oldLogPath); entry =; assertNotNull(entry); entry =; entry =; assertNull(entry); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { logManager = new ReplicationHLogReaderManager(fs, conf); List<WALActionsListener> listeners = new ArrayList<WALActionsListener>(); pathWatcher = new PathWatcher(); listeners.add(pathWatcher); log = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, hbaseDir, "test", conf, listeners, "some server"); }
private int countHLog(Path log, FileSystem fs, Configuration conf) throws IOException { int count = 0; HLog.Reader in = HLogFactory.createReader(fs, log, conf); while ( != null) { count++; } return count; }
/** * Test to see CP loaded successfully or not. There is a duplication at * TestHLog, but the purpose of that one is to see whether the loaded CP will * impact existing HLog tests or not. */ @Test public void testWALObserverLoaded() throws Exception { HLog log = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, hbaseRootDir, TestWALObserver.class.getName(), conf); assertNotNull(getCoprocessor(log)); }
@Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // setup config values necessary for store this.conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(); this.conf.setLong(HConstants.MAJOR_COMPACTION_PERIOD, 0); this.conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.compaction.min", minFiles); this.conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.compaction.max", maxFiles); this.conf.setLong(HConstants.HREGION_MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE, minSize); this.conf.setLong("hbase.hstore.compaction.max.size", maxSize); this.conf.setFloat("hbase.hstore.compaction.ratio", 1.0F); //Setting up a Store Path basedir = new Path(DIR); String logName = "logs"; Path logdir = new Path(DIR, logName); HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(Bytes.toBytes("family")); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fs.delete(logdir, true); HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(Bytes.toBytes("table"))); htd.addFamily(hcd); HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false); hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, basedir, logName, conf); region = HRegion.createHRegion(info, basedir, conf, htd); HRegion.closeHRegion(region); Path tableDir = FSUtils.getTableDir(basedir, htd.getTableName()); region = new HRegion(tableDir, hlog, fs, conf, info, htd, null); store = new HStore(region, hcd, conf); TEST_FILE = region.getRegionFileSystem().createTempName(); fs.createNewFile(TEST_FILE); }
@Before public void setup() throws IOException { this.fs = FileSystem.get(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration()); TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().set(CoprocessorHost.REGION_COPROCESSOR_CONF_KEY, CustomObserver.class.getName()); this.fs.delete(this.testdir, true); this.wal = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, this.testdir, "logs", TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration()); this.parent = createRegion(this.testdir, this.wal); RegionCoprocessorHost host = new RegionCoprocessorHost(this.parent, null, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration()); this.parent.setCoprocessorHost(host); TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration().setBoolean("hbase.testing.nocluster", true); }
@Before public void setUp() throws IOException { // parameterized tests add [#] suffix get rid of [ and ]. table = Bytes.toBytes(name.getMethodName().replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", "_")); conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(); conf.setInt(HFile.FORMAT_VERSION_KEY, HFile.MAX_FORMAT_VERSION); conf.setBoolean(CacheConfig.CACHE_BLOCKS_ON_WRITE_KEY, false); conf.setBoolean(CacheConfig.CACHE_INDEX_BLOCKS_ON_WRITE_KEY, false); conf.setBoolean(CacheConfig.CACHE_BLOOM_BLOCKS_ON_WRITE_KEY, false); fs = HFileSystem.get(conf); // Create the schema HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(family); hcd.setBloomFilterType(BloomType.ROWCOL); cowType.modifyFamilySchema(hcd); HTableDescriptor htd = new HTableDescriptor(TableName.valueOf(table)); htd.addFamily(hcd); // Create a store based on the schema Path basedir = new Path(DIR); String logName = "logs"; Path logdir = new Path(DIR, logName); fs.delete(logdir, true); HRegionInfo info = new HRegionInfo(htd.getTableName(), null, null, false); hlog = HLogFactory.createHLog(fs, basedir, logName, conf); region = TEST_UTIL.createLocalHRegion(info, htd, hlog); store = new HStore(region, hcd, conf); }
private HLog getMetaWAL() throws IOException { if (this.hlogForMeta != null) return this.hlogForMeta; final String logName = HLogUtil.getHLogDirectoryName(this.serverName.toString()); Path logdir = new Path(rootDir, logName); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("logdir=" + logdir); this.hlogForMeta = HLogFactory.createMetaHLog(this.fs.getBackingFs(), rootDir, logName, this.conf, getMetaWALActionListeners(), this.serverName.toString()); return this.hlogForMeta; }