private Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> generateAllocation( int startTime, int[] alloc, boolean isStep) { Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> req = new HashMap<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest>(); int numContainers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) { if (isStep) { numContainers = alloc[i] + i; } else { numContainers = alloc[i]; } ReservationRequest rr = ReservationRequest.newInstance(Resource.newInstance(1024, 1, 1), (numContainers)); req.put(new ReservationInterval(startTime + i, startTime + i + 1), rr); } return req; }
private void initNodeIds(int nodeNums, int containerNums, Resource resource) { Random portRandom = new Random(); Random ipRandom = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeNums; i++) { NodeReport nodeReport = Records.newRecord(NodeReport.class); nodeReport.setNumContainers(containerNums); nodeReport.setNodeLabels(new HashSet<>()); nodeReport.setNodeState(NodeState.RUNNING); nodeReport.setCapability(resource); nodeReport.setUsed(Resource.newInstance(0, 0)); int port = 1024 + portRandom.nextInt(65535 - 1024 + 1); StringBuilder hostStr = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { hostStr.append(".").append(ipRandom.nextInt(256)); } NodeId nodeId = NodeId.newInstance(hostStr.substring(1), port); nodeReport.setNodeId(nodeId); nodeReport.setHttpAddress(nodeId.getHost()); nodeReportList.add(nodeReport); } }
@Test public void testNodeRegistrationSuccess() throws Exception { writeToHostsFile("host2"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set(YarnConfiguration.RM_NODES_INCLUDE_FILE_PATH, hostFile .getAbsolutePath()); rm = new MockRM(conf); rm.start(); ResourceTrackerService resourceTrackerService = rm.getResourceTrackerService(); RegisterNodeManagerRequest req = Records.newRecord( RegisterNodeManagerRequest.class); NodeId nodeId = NodeId.newInstance("host2", 1234); Resource capability = BuilderUtils.newResource(1024, 1, 1); req.setResource(capability); req.setNodeId(nodeId); req.setHttpPort(1234); req.setNMVersion(YarnVersionInfo.getVersion()); // trying to register a invalid node. RegisterNodeManagerResponse response = resourceTrackerService.registerNodeManager(req); Assert.assertEquals(NodeAction.NORMAL,response.getNodeAction()); }
/** * Called when this application already has an existing reservation on the * given node. Sees whether we can turn the reservation into an allocation. * Also checks whether the application needs the reservation anymore, and * releases it if not. * * @param node * Node that the application has an existing reservation on */ public Resource assignReservedContainer(FSSchedulerNode node) { RMContainer rmContainer = node.getReservedContainer(); Priority priority = rmContainer.getReservedPriority(); // Make sure the application still needs requests at this priority if (getTotalRequiredResources(priority) == 0) { unreserve(priority, node); return Resources.none(); } // Fail early if the reserved container won't fit. // Note that we have an assumption here that there's only one container size // per priority. if (!Resources.fitsIn(node.getReservedContainer().getReservedResource(), node.getAvailableResource())) { return Resources.none(); } return assignContainer(node, true); }
private void updateCurrentResourceLimits( ResourceLimits currentResourceLimits, Resource clusterResource) { // TODO: need consider non-empty node labels when resource limits supports // node labels // Even if ParentQueue will set limits respect child's max queue capacity, // but when allocating reserved container, CapacityScheduler doesn't do // this. So need cap limits by queue's max capacity here. this.cachedResourceLimitsForHeadroom = new ResourceLimits(currentResourceLimits.getLimit()); Resource queueMaxResource = Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeDown(resourceCalculator, labelManager .getResourceByLabel(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL, clusterResource), queueCapacities .getAbsoluteMaximumCapacity(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL), minimumAllocation); this.cachedResourceLimitsForHeadroom.setLimit(Resources.min(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, queueMaxResource, currentResourceLimits.getLimit())); }
public MockRMNodeImpl(NodeId nodeId, String nodeAddr, String httpAddress, Resource perNode, String rackName, String healthReport, long lastHealthReportTime, int cmdPort, String hostName, NodeState state, Set<String> labels) { this.nodeId = nodeId; this.nodeAddr = nodeAddr; this.httpAddress = httpAddress; this.perNode = perNode; this.rackName = rackName; this.healthReport = healthReport; this.lastHealthReportTime = lastHealthReportTime; this.cmdPort = cmdPort; this.hostName = hostName; this.state = state; this.labels = labels; }
@Override public void attachContainer(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerApp application, RMContainer rmContainer) { if (application != null) { FiCaSchedulerNode node = scheduler.getNode(rmContainer.getContainer().getNodeId()); super.allocateResource(clusterResource, rmContainer.getContainer() .getResource(), node.getLabels());"movedContainer" + " queueMoveIn=" + getQueueName() + " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity() + " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + " used=" + queueUsage.getUsed() + " cluster=" + clusterResource); // Inform the parent if (parent != null) { parent.attachContainer(clusterResource, application, rmContainer); } } }
private ReservationSubmissionRequest createSimpleReservationSubmissionRequest( int numRequests, int numContainers, long arrival, long deadline, long duration) { // create a request with a single atomic ask ReservationSubmissionRequest request = new ReservationSubmissionRequestPBImpl(); ReservationDefinition rDef = new ReservationDefinitionPBImpl(); rDef.setArrival(arrival); rDef.setDeadline(deadline); if (numRequests > 0) { ReservationRequests reqs = new ReservationRequestsPBImpl(); rDef.setReservationRequests(reqs); if (numContainers > 0) { ReservationRequest r = ReservationRequest.newInstance(Resource.newInstance(1024, 1, 1), numContainers, 1, duration); reqs.setReservationResources(Collections.singletonList(r)); reqs.setInterpreter(ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ALL); } } request.setQueue(PLAN_NAME); request.setReservationDefinition(rDef); return request; }
public Resource getQueueResource(String queueName, Set<String> queueLabels, Resource clusterResource) { try { readLock.lock(); if (queueLabels.contains(ANY)) { return clusterResource; } Queue q = queueCollections.get(queueName); if (null == q) { return Resources.none(); } return q.resource; } finally { readLock.unlock(); } }
protected void refreshMaximumAllocation(Resource newMaxAlloc) { maxAllocWriteLock.lock(); try { configuredMaximumAllocation = Resources.clone(newMaxAlloc); int maxMemory = newMaxAlloc.getMemory(); if (maxNodeMemory != -1) { maxMemory = Math.min(maxMemory, maxNodeMemory); } int maxVcores = newMaxAlloc.getVirtualCores(); if (maxNodeVCores != -1) { maxVcores = Math.min(maxVcores, maxNodeVCores); } int maxGcores = newMaxAlloc.getGpuCores(); if (maxNodeGCores != -1) { maxGcores = Math.min(maxGcores, maxNodeGCores); } maximumAllocation = Resources.createResource(maxMemory, maxVcores, maxGcores); } finally { maxAllocWriteLock.unlock(); } }
public synchronized Resource getUserAMResourceLimitPerPartition( String nodePartition) { /* * The user am resource limit is based on the same approach as the user * limit (as it should represent a subset of that). This means that it uses * the absolute queue capacity (per partition) instead of the max and is * modified by the userlimit and the userlimit factor as is the userlimit */ float effectiveUserLimit = Math.max(userLimit / 100.0f, 1.0f / Math.max(getActiveUsersManager().getNumActiveUsers(), 1)); Resource queuePartitionResource = Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeUp( resourceCalculator, labelManager.getResourceByLabel(nodePartition, lastClusterResource), queueCapacities.getAbsoluteCapacity(nodePartition), minimumAllocation); return Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeUp(resourceCalculator, queuePartitionResource, queueCapacities.getMaxAMResourcePercentage(nodePartition) * effectiveUserLimit * userLimitFactor, minimumAllocation); }
@Test public void testBlocks() { ReservationId reservationID = ReservationId.newInstance(rand.nextLong(), rand.nextLong()); int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 }; int start = 100; ReservationDefinition rDef = createSimpleReservationDefinition(start, start + alloc.length + 1, alloc.length); Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> allocations = generateAllocation(start, alloc, false, false); ReservationAllocation rAllocation = new InMemoryReservationAllocation(reservationID, rDef, user, planName, start, start + alloc.length + 1, allocations, resCalc, minAlloc); doAssertions(rAllocation, reservationID, rDef, allocations, start, alloc); Assert.assertFalse(rAllocation.containsGangs()); for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i]), (alloc[i])), rAllocation.getResourcesAtTime(start + i)); } }
@Public @Unstable public static ContainerHistoryData newInstance(ContainerId containerId, Resource allocatedResource, NodeId assignedNode, Priority priority, long startTime, long finishTime, String diagnosticsInfo, int containerExitCode, ContainerState containerState) { ContainerHistoryData containerHD = new ContainerHistoryData(); containerHD.setContainerId(containerId); containerHD.setAllocatedResource(allocatedResource); containerHD.setAssignedNode(assignedNode); containerHD.setPriority(priority); containerHD.setStartTime(startTime); containerHD.setFinishTime(finishTime); containerHD.setDiagnosticsInfo(diagnosticsInfo); containerHD.setContainerExitStatus(containerExitCode); containerHD.setContainerState(containerState); return containerHD; }
public static List<RMNode> newNodes(int racks, int nodesPerRack, Resource perNode) { List<RMNode> list = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < racks; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < nodesPerRack; ++j) { if (j == (nodesPerRack - 1)) { // One unhealthy node per rack. list.add(nodeInfo(i, perNode, NodeState.UNHEALTHY)); } if (j == 0) { // One node with label list.add(nodeInfo(i, perNode, NodeState.RUNNING, ImmutableSet.of("x"))); } else { list.add(newNodeInfo(i, perNode)); } } } return list; }
private ApplicationReport getApplicationReport( YarnApplicationState yarnApplicationState, FinalApplicationStatus finalApplicationStatus) { ApplicationReport appReport = Mockito.mock(ApplicationReport.class); ApplicationResourceUsageReport appResources = Mockito .mock(ApplicationResourceUsageReport.class); Mockito.when(appReport.getApplicationId()).thenReturn( ApplicationId.newInstance(0, 0)); Mockito.when(appResources.getNeededResources()).thenReturn( Records.newRecord(Resource.class)); Mockito.when(appResources.getReservedResources()).thenReturn( Records.newRecord(Resource.class)); Mockito.when(appResources.getUsedResources()).thenReturn( Records.newRecord(Resource.class)); Mockito.when(appReport.getApplicationResourceUsageReport()).thenReturn( appResources); Mockito.when(appReport.getYarnApplicationState()).thenReturn( yarnApplicationState); Mockito.when(appReport.getFinalApplicationStatus()).thenReturn( finalApplicationStatus); return appReport; }
private Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> generateAllocation( int startTime, int[] alloc, boolean isStep) { Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> req = new HashMap<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest>(); int numContainers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) { if (isStep) { numContainers = alloc[i] + i; } else { numContainers = alloc[i]; } req.put(new ReservationInterval(startTime + i, startTime + i + 1), ReservationRequest.newInstance(Resource.newInstance(1024, 1, 1), (numContainers))); } return req; }
@Test(timeout = 15000) public void testSubmitApplicationOnHA() throws Exception { ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext = Records.newRecord(ApplicationSubmissionContext.class); appContext.setApplicationId(cluster.createFakeAppId()); ContainerLaunchContext amContainer = Records.newRecord(ContainerLaunchContext.class); appContext.setAMContainerSpec(amContainer); Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class); capability.setMemory(10); capability.setVirtualCores(1); capability.setGpuCores(1); appContext.setResource(capability); ApplicationId appId = client.submitApplication(appContext); Assert.assertTrue(getActiveRM().getRMContext().getRMApps() .containsKey(appId)); }
synchronized void allocateResource(Resource clusterResource, Resource resource, Set<String> nodeLabels) { // Update usedResources by labels if (nodeLabels == null || nodeLabels.isEmpty()) { queueUsage.incUsed(resource); } else { Set<String> anls = (accessibleLabels.contains(RMNodeLabelsManager.ANY)) ? labelManager.getClusterNodeLabels() : accessibleLabels; for (String label : Sets.intersection(anls, nodeLabels)) { queueUsage.incUsed(label, resource); } } ++numContainers; if (null == nodeLabels || nodeLabels.isEmpty()) { CSQueueUtils.updateQueueStatistics(resourceCalculator, this, getParent(), labelManager.getResourceByLabel(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL, clusterResource), minimumAllocation); } }
private Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> generateAllocation( int startTime, int[] alloc, boolean isStep, boolean isGang) { Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> req = new HashMap<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest>(); int numContainers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) { if (isStep) { numContainers = alloc[i] + i; } else { numContainers = alloc[i]; } ReservationRequest rr = ReservationRequest.newInstance(Resource.newInstance(1024, 1, 1), (numContainers)); if (isGang) { rr.setConcurrency(numContainers); } req.put(new ReservationInterval(startTime + i, startTime + i + 1), rr); } return req; }
@Test public void testAddReservation() { Plan plan = new InMemoryPlan(queueMetrics, policy, agent, totalCapacity, 1L, resCalc, minAlloc, maxAlloc, planName, replanner, true); ReservationId reservationID = ReservationSystemTestUtil.getNewReservationId(); int[] alloc = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 }; int start = 100; Map<ReservationInterval, ReservationRequest> allocations = generateAllocation(start, alloc, false); ReservationDefinition rDef = createSimpleReservationDefinition(start, start + alloc.length, alloc.length, allocations.values()); ReservationAllocation rAllocation = new InMemoryReservationAllocation(reservationID, rDef, user, planName, start, start + alloc.length, allocations, resCalc, minAlloc); Assert.assertNull(plan.getReservationById(reservationID)); try { plan.addReservation(rAllocation); } catch (PlanningException e) {; } doAssertions(plan, rAllocation); for (int i = 0; i < alloc.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i]), (alloc[i])), plan.getTotalCommittedResources(start + i)); Assert.assertEquals(Resource.newInstance(1024 * (alloc[i]), (alloc[i]), (alloc[i])), plan.getConsumptionForUser(user, start + i)); } }
@Override public void recoverContainer(Resource clusterResource, SchedulerApplicationAttempt schedulerAttempt, RMContainer rmContainer) { if (rmContainer.getState().equals(RMContainerState.COMPLETED)) { return; } increaseUsedResources(rmContainer); updateAppHeadRoom(schedulerAttempt); updateAvailableResourcesMetrics(); }
public void releaseResources(String user, int containers, Resource res) { allocatedContainers.decr(containers); aggregateContainersReleased.incr(containers); allocatedMB.decr(res.getMemory() * containers); allocatedVCores.decr(res.getVirtualCores() * containers); allocatedGCores.decr(res.getGpuCores() * containers); QueueMetrics userMetrics = getUserMetrics(user); if (userMetrics != null) { userMetrics.releaseResources(user, containers, res); } if (parent != null) { parent.releaseResources(user, containers, res); } }
public static Resource multiplyAndRoundDown(Resource lhs, double by) { Resource out = clone(lhs); out.setMemory((int)(lhs.getMemory() * by)); out.setVirtualCores((int)(lhs.getVirtualCores() * by)); out.setGpuCores((int)(lhs.getGpuCores() * by)); return out; }
/** * Setup the request that will be sent to the RM for the container ask. * * @return the setup ResourceRequest to be sent to RM */ private ContainerRequest setupContainerAskForRM() { // Set up resource type requirements // For now, memory and CPU are supported so we set memory and cpu requirements Resource capability = Resource.newInstance(containerMemory, containerVCores); Priority priority = Priority.newInstance(0); return new ContainerRequest(capability, null, null, priority); }
@Override public void setResource(Resource resource) { maybeInitBuilder(); if (resource == null) builder.clearResource(); this.resource = resource; }
public static Container newContainer(ContainerId containerId, NodeId nodeId, String nodeHttpAddress, Resource resource, Priority priority, Token containerToken) { Container container = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(Container.class); container.setId(containerId); container.setNodeId(nodeId); container.setNodeHttpAddress(nodeHttpAddress); container.setResource(resource); container.setPriority(priority); container.setContainerToken(containerToken); return container; }
/** * Utility method to normalize a list of resource requests, by insuring that * the memory for each request is a multiple of minMemory and is not zero. */ public static void normalizeRequests( List<ResourceRequest> asks, ResourceCalculator resourceCalculator, Resource clusterResource, Resource minimumResource, Resource maximumResource, Resource incrementResource) { for (ResourceRequest ask : asks) { normalizeRequest( ask, resourceCalculator, clusterResource, minimumResource, maximumResource, incrementResource); } }
@Override public Resource getCapability() { if (this.capability != null) { return this.capability; } NodeReportProtoOrBuilder p = viaProto ? proto : builder; if (!p.hasCapability()) { return null; } this.capability = convertFromProtoFormat(p.getCapability()); return this.capability; }
@Override public void setCapability(Resource capability) { maybeInitBuilder(); if (capability == null) builder.clearCapability(); this.capability = capability; }
@Test public void testNodeRegistrationVersionLessThanRM() throws Exception { writeToHostsFile("host2"); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set(YarnConfiguration.RM_NODES_INCLUDE_FILE_PATH, hostFile .getAbsolutePath()); conf.set(YarnConfiguration.RM_NODEMANAGER_MINIMUM_VERSION,"EqualToRM" ); rm = new MockRM(conf); rm.start(); String nmVersion = "1.9.9"; ResourceTrackerService resourceTrackerService = rm.getResourceTrackerService(); RegisterNodeManagerRequest req = Records.newRecord( RegisterNodeManagerRequest.class); NodeId nodeId = NodeId.newInstance("host2", 1234); Resource capability = BuilderUtils.newResource(1024, 1, 1); req.setResource(capability); req.setNodeId(nodeId); req.setHttpPort(1234); req.setNMVersion(nmVersion); // trying to register a invalid node. RegisterNodeManagerResponse response = resourceTrackerService.registerNodeManager(req); Assert.assertEquals(NodeAction.SHUTDOWN,response.getNodeAction()); Assert.assertTrue("Diagnostic message did not contain: 'Disallowed NodeManager " + "Version "+ nmVersion + ", is less than the minimum version'", response.getDiagnosticsMessage().contains("Disallowed NodeManager Version " + nmVersion + ", is less than the minimum version ")); }
public static NMContainerStatus createNMContainerStatus( ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId, int id, ContainerState containerState, int memory) { ContainerId containerId = ContainerId.newContainerId(appAttemptId, id); NMContainerStatus containerReport = NMContainerStatus.newInstance(containerId, containerState, Resource.newInstance(memory, 1, 1), "recover container", 0, Priority.newInstance(0), 0); return containerReport; }
public void assignContainer(Resource resource, Set<String> nodeLabels) { if (nodeLabels == null || nodeLabels.isEmpty()) { userResourceUsage.incUsed(resource); } else { for (String label : nodeLabels) { userResourceUsage.incUsed(label, resource); } } }
@Override protected CommandExecutor buildCommandExecutor(String wrapperScriptPath, String containerIdStr, String userName, Path pidFile, Resource resource, File wordDir, Map<String, String> environment) throws IOException { return new WintuilsProcessStubExecutor( wordDir.toString(), containerIdStr, userName, pidFile.toString(), "cmd /c " + wrapperScriptPath); }
private RMNodeImpl getRebootedNode() { NodeId nodeId = BuilderUtils.newNodeId("localhost", 0); Resource capability = Resource.newInstance(4096, 4, 4); RMNodeImpl node = new RMNodeImpl(nodeId, rmContext,null, 0, 0, null, capability, null); node.handle(new RMNodeStartedEvent(node.getNodeID(), null, null)); Assert.assertEquals(NodeState.RUNNING, node.getState()); node.handle(new RMNodeEvent(node.getNodeID(), RMNodeEventType.REBOOTING)); Assert.assertEquals(NodeState.REBOOTED, node.getState()); return node; }
private void addResourceRequest(Priority priority, String resourceName, Resource capability, String nodeLabelExpression) { Map<String, Map<Resource, ResourceRequest>> remoteRequests = this.remoteRequestsTable.get(priority); if (remoteRequests == null) { remoteRequests = new HashMap<String, Map<Resource, ResourceRequest>>(); this.remoteRequestsTable.put(priority, remoteRequests); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Added priority=" + priority); } } Map<Resource, ResourceRequest> reqMap = remoteRequests.get(resourceName); if (reqMap == null) { reqMap = new HashMap<Resource, ResourceRequest>(); remoteRequests.put(resourceName, reqMap); } ResourceRequest remoteRequest = reqMap.get(capability); if (remoteRequest == null) { remoteRequest = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(ResourceRequest.class); remoteRequest.setPriority(priority); remoteRequest.setResourceName(resourceName); remoteRequest.setCapability(capability); remoteRequest.setNumContainers(0); remoteRequest.setNodeLabelExpression(nodeLabelExpression); reqMap.put(capability, remoteRequest); } remoteRequest.setNumContainers(remoteRequest.getNumContainers() + 1); // Note this down for next interaction with ResourceManager addResourceRequestToAsk(remoteRequest); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("addResourceRequest:" + " applicationId=" + applicationId.getId() + " priority=" + priority.getPriority() + " resourceName=" + resourceName + " numContainers=" + remoteRequest.getNumContainers() + " #asks=" + ask.size()); } }
@Override public synchronized void setNeededResources(Resource reserved_resources) { maybeInitBuilder(); if (reserved_resources == null) builder.clearNeededResources(); this.neededResources = reserved_resources; }
public void deactivateNode(NodeId nodeId) { try { writeLock.lock(); // save if we have a node before Map<String, Host> before = cloneNodeMap(ImmutableSet.of(nodeId)); Node nm = getNMInNodeSet(nodeId); if (null != nm) { if (null == nm.labels) { // When node deactivated, remove the nm from node collection if no // labels explicitly set for this particular nm // Save labels first, we need to remove label->nodes relation later Set<String> savedNodeLabels = getLabelsOnNode(nodeId); // Remove this node in nodes collection nodeCollections.get(nodeId.getHost()).nms.remove(nodeId); // Remove this node in labels->node removeNodeFromLabels(nodeId, savedNodeLabels); } else { // set nm is not running, and its resource = 0 nm.running = false; nm.resource = Resource.newInstance(0, 0, 0); } } // get the node after edition Map<String, Host> after = cloneNodeMap(ImmutableSet.of(nodeId)); updateResourceMappings(before, after); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("javadoc") @Test public void testSimple() throws PlanningException { prepareBasicPlan(); // create a request with a single atomic ask ReservationDefinition rr = new ReservationDefinitionPBImpl(); rr.setArrival(5 * step); rr.setDeadline(20 * step); ReservationRequest r = ReservationRequest.newInstance( Resource.newInstance(2048, 2, 2), 10, 5, 10 * step); ReservationRequests reqs = new ReservationRequestsPBImpl(); reqs.setReservationResources(Collections.singletonList(r)); rr.setReservationRequests(reqs); ReservationId reservationID = ReservationSystemTestUtil .getNewReservationId(); agent.createReservation(reservationID, "u1", plan, rr); assertTrue("Agent-based allocation failed", reservationID != null); assertTrue("Agent-based allocation failed", plan.getAllReservations() .size() == 3); ReservationAllocation cs = plan.getReservationById(reservationID); System.out.println("--------AFTER SIMPLE ALLOCATION (queue: " + reservationID + ")----------"); System.out.println(plan.toString()); System.out.println(plan.toCumulativeString()); for (long i = 10 * step; i < 20 * step; i++) { assertTrue( "Agent-based allocation unexpected", Resources.equals(cs.getResourcesAtTime(i), Resource.newInstance(2048 * 10, 2 * 10, 2 * 10))); } }