Java 类org.apache.lucene.document.FieldSelector 实例源码

项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public static FieldSelector declaredTypesFieldSelector (
        final boolean includeSource,
        final boolean includeSimpleName) {
    return includeSource ?
        includeSimpleName ?
            Queries.createFieldSelector(FIELD_PACKAGE_NAME, FIELD_BINARY_NAME, FIELD_SOURCE) :
        includeSimpleName ?
            Queries.createFieldSelector(FIELD_PACKAGE_NAME, FIELD_BINARY_NAME, FIELD_SIMPLE_NAME) :
            Queries.createFieldSelector(FIELD_PACKAGE_NAME, FIELD_BINARY_NAME);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public <T> void getDeclaredElements (
        @NonNull final String simpleName,
        @NonNull final ClassIndex.NameKind kind,
        @NonNull final Set<? extends ClassIndex.SearchScopeType> scope,
        @NonNull final FieldSelector selector,
        @NonNull final Convertor<? super Document, T> convertor,
        @NonNull final Collection<? super T> result) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    final Pair<Convertor<? super Document, T>,Index> ctu = indexPath.getPatch(convertor);
    try {
        IndexManager.priorityAccess(() -> {
            final Query query =  QueryUtil.scopeFilter(
            if (query != null) {
                index.query(result, ctu.first(), selector, cancel.get(), query);
                if (ctu.second() != null) {
                    ctu.second().query(result, convertor, selector, cancel.get(), query);
            return null;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        this.<Void,IOException>handleException(null, ioe, root);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public abstract <T> void getDeclaredElements (
@NonNull String name,
@NonNull ClassIndex.NameKind kind,
@NonNull Set<? extends ClassIndex.SearchScopeType> scope,
@NonNull FieldSelector selector,
@NonNull Convertor<? super Document, T> convertor,
@NonNull Collection<? super T> result) throws IOException, InterruptedException;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public <T> void query(
        Collection<? super T> result,
        Convertor<? super org.apache.lucene.document.Document, T> convertor,
        FieldSelector selector,
        AtomicBoolean cancel,
        Query... queries) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public <S, T> void queryDocTerms(
        Map<? super T, Set<S>> result,
        Convertor<? super org.apache.lucene.document.Document, T> convertor,
        Convertor<? super Term, S> termConvertor,
        FieldSelector selector,
        AtomicBoolean cancel,
        Query... queries) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
public List<Field> get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException
    Document document = ReferenceCountingReadOnlyIndexReader.super.document(n, fieldSelector);
    List<Field> fields = (List<Field>) document.getFields();
    ArrayList<Field> cacheable = new ArrayList<Field>(fields.size());
    return cacheable;
项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
public List<Field> get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException
    Document document = ReferenceCountingReadOnlyIndexReader.super.document(n, fieldSelector);
    Field[] fields = document.getFields(fieldName);
    ArrayList<Field> cacheable = new ArrayList<Field>(fields.length);
    for (Field field : fields)
    return cacheable;
项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
private <T> T manageCache(ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, WithUseCount<T>> cache, Accessor<T> accessor, int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector, int limit) throws IOException
    Integer key = Integer.valueOf(n);
    WithUseCount<T> value = cache.get(key);
    if (value == null)
        T made = accessor.get(n, fieldSelector);
        value = new WithUseCount<T>(made, n);
        cache.put(key, value);

        // resize

        if (limit >= 0)
            if (cache.size() >= limit)
                HashMap<Integer, WithUseCount<T>> keep = new HashMap<Integer, WithUseCount<T>>();
                WithUseCount<T>[] existing = new WithUseCount[0];
                synchronized (cache)
                    existing = cache.values().toArray(existing);

                for (WithUseCount<T> current : existing)
                    keep.put(Integer.valueOf(current.doc), current);
                    if ((current.count.get() == 0) || (keep.size() > (limit / 4)))
                keep.put(key, value);
    return value.object;
项目:olat    文件   
private List<ResultDocument> initResultList(final Identity identity, final Roles roles, final Query query, final Analyzer analyzer, final Searcher searcher,
        final TopDocs docs, final int firstResult, final int maxReturns, final boolean doHighlight) throws IOException {
    final FieldSelector selector = new FieldSelector() {
        public FieldSelectorResult accept(final String fieldName) {
            return (doHighlight || !AbstractOlatDocument.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName)) ? FieldSelectorResult.LOAD : FieldSelectorResult.NO_LOAD;

    maxHits = SearchServiceFactory.getService().getSearchModuleConfig().getMaxHits();
    totalHits = docs.totalHits;
    totalDocs = (docs.scoreDocs == null ? 0 : docs.scoreDocs.length);
    final int numOfDocs = Math.min(maxHits, docs.totalHits);
    final List<ResultDocument> res = new ArrayList<ResultDocument>(maxReturns + 1);
    for (int i = firstResult; i < numOfDocs && res.size() < maxReturns; i++) {
        final Document doc = searcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[i].doc, selector);
        final String reservedTo = doc.get(AbstractOlatDocument.RESERVED_TO);
        if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(reservedTo) && !"public".equals(reservedTo) && !reservedTo.contains(identity.getKey().toString())) {
            continue;// admin cannot see private documents

        final ResultDocument rDoc = createResultDocument(doc, i, query, analyzer, doHighlight, identity, roles);
        if (rDoc != null) {

        if (!roles.isOLATAdmin() && i % 10 == 0) {
            // Do commit after certain number of documents because the transaction should not be too big
    return res;
项目:olat    文件   
private List<ResultDocument> initResultList(final Identity identity, final Roles roles, final Query query, final Analyzer analyzer, final Searcher searcher,
        final TopDocs docs, final int firstResult, final int maxReturns, final boolean doHighlight) throws IOException {
    final FieldSelector selector = new FieldSelector() {
        public FieldSelectorResult accept(final String fieldName) {
            return (doHighlight || !AbstractOlatDocument.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName)) ? FieldSelectorResult.LOAD : FieldSelectorResult.NO_LOAD;

    maxHits = SearchServiceFactory.getService().getSearchModuleConfig().getMaxHits();
    totalHits = docs.totalHits;
    totalDocs = (docs.scoreDocs == null ? 0 : docs.scoreDocs.length);
    final int numOfDocs = Math.min(maxHits, docs.totalHits);
    final List<ResultDocument> res = new ArrayList<ResultDocument>(maxReturns + 1);
    for (int i = firstResult; i < numOfDocs && res.size() < maxReturns; i++) {
        final Document doc = searcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[i].doc, selector);
        final String reservedTo = doc.get(AbstractOlatDocument.RESERVED_TO);
        if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(reservedTo) && !"public".equals(reservedTo) && !reservedTo.contains(identity.getKey().toString())) {
            continue;// admin cannot see private documents

        final ResultDocument rDoc = createResultDocument(doc, i, query, analyzer, doHighlight, identity, roles);
        if (rDoc != null) {

        if (!roles.isOLATAdmin() && i % 10 == 0) {
            // Do commit after certain number of documents because the transaction should not be too big
    return res;
项目:community-edition-old    文件   
public List<Field> get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException
    Document document = ReferenceCountingReadOnlyIndexReader.super.document(n, fieldSelector);
    List<Field> fields = (List<Field>) document.getFields();
    ArrayList<Field> cacheable = new ArrayList<Field>(fields.size());
    return cacheable;
项目:community-edition-old    文件   
public List<Field> get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException
    Document document = ReferenceCountingReadOnlyIndexReader.super.document(n, fieldSelector);
    Field[] fields = document.getFields(fieldName);
    ArrayList<Field> cacheable = new ArrayList<Field>(fields.length);
    for (Field field : fields)
    return cacheable;
项目:opensearchserver    文件   
ReaderLocal(IndexConfig indexConfig, IndexDirectory indexDirectory) throws IOException, SearchLibException {
    spellCheckCache = new SpellCheckCache(100);
    docSetHitsCache = new DocSetHitsCache(indexConfig);
    this.indexDirectory = indexDirectory;
    references = new AtomicInteger(0);
    final Directory directory = indexDirectory.getDirectory();
    if (directory == null)
        throw new IOException("The directory is closed");
    if (indexConfig.isMulti()) {
        final List<String> indexList = indexConfig.getIndexList();
        indexDirectories = new IndexDirectory[indexList.size()];
        indexReaders = new IndexReader[indexList.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (String indexName : indexList) {
            IndexDirectory indexDir =
                    new IndexDirectory(new File(ClientCatalog.getClient(indexName).getDirectory(), "index"));
            indexDirectories[i] = indexDir;
            indexReaders[i++] =;
        indexReader = new MultiReader(indexReaders);
    } else {
        indexReaders = null;
        indexDirectories = null;
        indexReader =;
    indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);

    final Similarity similarity = indexConfig.getNewSimilarityInstance();
    if (similarity != null)

    // Warm
    final TopDocs topDocs = MatchAllDocsQuery(), 10);
    if (topDocs != null && topDocs.scoreDocs != null)
        for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs.scoreDocs)
            indexSearcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc, (FieldSelector) fieldName -> FieldSelectorResult.LOAD);
项目:opensearchserver    文件   
final public List<Document> getDocFields(final int[] docIds, final Set<String> fieldNameSet) throws IOException {
    if (docIds == null || docIds.length == 0)
        return null;
    List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>(docIds.length);
    FieldSelector selector = new FieldSelectors.SetFieldSelector(fieldNameSet);
    for (int docId : docIds)
        documents.add(indexReader.document(docId, selector));
    return documents;

项目:gitcommitviewer    文件   
public AbstractRevisionFilter(final IssueManager issueManager, final PermissionManager permissionManager, final User user) {
    this.issueManager = issueManager;
    this.permissionManager = permissionManager;
    this.user = user;

    issueKeysFieldSelector = new FieldSelector() {
        public FieldSelectorResult accept(String s) {
            return StringUtils.equals(s, CommitIndexer.FIELD_ISSUEKEY)
                    ? FieldSelectorResult.LOAD
                    : FieldSelectorResult.NO_LOAD;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
static FieldSelector sourceNameFieldSelector () {
    return Queries.createFieldSelector(FIELD_SOURCE);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public <T> void query(
        @NonNull Collection<? super T> result,
        @NonNull Convertor<? super Document, T> convertor,
        @NullAllowed FieldSelector selector,
        @NullAllowed AtomicBoolean cancel,
        @NonNull Query... queries) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Parameters.notNull("queries", queries);   //NOI18N
    Parameters.notNull("convertor", convertor); //NOI18N
    Parameters.notNull("result", result);       //NOI18N   

    if (selector == null) {
        selector = AllFieldsSelector.INSTANCE;

    try {
        final IndexReader in = getReader();
        if (in == null) {
        final BitSet bs = new BitSet(in.maxDoc());
        final Collector c = new BitSetCollector(bs);
        final Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(in);
        try {
            for (Query q : queries) {
                if (cancel != null && cancel.get()) {
                    throw new InterruptedException ();
      , c);
        } finally {
        for (int docNum = bs.nextSetBit(0); docNum >= 0; docNum = bs.nextSetBit(docNum+1)) {
            if (cancel != null && cancel.get()) {
                throw new InterruptedException ();
            final Document doc = in.document(docNum, selector);
            final T value = convertor.convert(doc);
            if (value != null) {
                result.add (value);
    } finally {
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public <S, T> void queryDocTerms(
        @NonNull Map<? super T, Set<S>> result,
        @NonNull Convertor<? super Document, T> convertor,
        @NonNull Convertor<? super Term, S> termConvertor,
        @NullAllowed FieldSelector selector,
        @NullAllowed AtomicBoolean cancel,
        @NonNull Query... queries) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Parameters.notNull("result", result);   //NOI18N
    Parameters.notNull("convertor", convertor);   //NOI18N
    Parameters.notNull("termConvertor", termConvertor); //NOI18N
    Parameters.notNull("queries", queries);   //NOI18N

    if (selector == null) {
        selector = AllFieldsSelector.INSTANCE;

    try {
        final IndexReader in = getReader();
        if (in == null) {
        final BitSet bs = new BitSet(in.maxDoc());
        final Collector c = new BitSetCollector(bs);
        final Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(in);
        final TermCollector termCollector = new TermCollector(c);
        try {
            for (Query q : queries) {
                if (cancel != null && cancel.get()) {
                    throw new InterruptedException ();
                if (q instanceof TermCollector.TermCollecting) {
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException (
                            String.format("Query: %s does not implement TermCollecting",    //NOI18N
      , termCollector);
        } finally {

        for (int docNum = bs.nextSetBit(0); docNum >= 0; docNum = bs.nextSetBit(docNum+1)) {
            if (cancel != null && cancel.get()) {
                throw new InterruptedException ();
            final Document doc = in.document(docNum, selector);
            final T value = convertor.convert(doc);
            if (value != null) {
                final Set<Term> terms = termCollector.get(docNum);
                if (terms != null) {
                    result.put (value, convertTerms(termConvertor, terms));
    } finally {
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public <T> void query (
        final @NonNull Collection<? super T> result,
        final @NonNull Convertor<? super Document, T> convertor,
        @NullAllowed FieldSelector selector,
        final @NullAllowed AtomicBoolean cancel,
        final @NonNull Query... queries
        ) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Parameters.notNull("queries", queries);   //NOI18N
    Parameters.notNull("convertor", convertor); //NOI18N
    Parameters.notNull("result", result);       //NOI18N   

    if (selector == null) {
        selector = AllFieldsSelector.INSTANCE;
    IndexReader in = null;
    try {
        in = dirCache.acquireReader();
        if (in == null) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "{0} is invalid!", this);
        final BitSet bs = new BitSet(in.maxDoc());
        final Collector c = new BitSetCollector(bs);
        final IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(in);
        try {
            for (Query q : queries) {
                if (cancel != null && cancel.get()) {
                    throw new InterruptedException ();
      , c);
        } finally {
        if (convertor instanceof IndexReaderInjection) {
        try {
            for (int docNum = bs.nextSetBit(0); docNum >= 0; docNum = bs.nextSetBit(docNum+1)) {
                if (cancel != null && cancel.get()) {
                    throw new InterruptedException ();
                final Document doc = in.document(docNum, selector);
                final T value = convertor.convert(doc);
                if (value != null) {
                    result.add (value);
        } finally {
            if (convertor instanceof IndexReaderInjection) {
    } finally {
项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
public Field get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException
    return new Field(fieldName, getStringValue(n, fieldName), Store.NO, Index.UN_TOKENIZED);
项目:community-edition-old    文件   
public Field get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException
    return new Field(fieldName, getStringValue(n, fieldName), Store.NO, Index.UN_TOKENIZED);
项目:community-edition-old    文件   
private <T> T manageCache(ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, WithUseCount<T>> cache, Accessor<T> accessor, int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector, int limit) throws IOException
    Integer key = Integer.valueOf(n);
    WithUseCount<T> value = cache.get(key);
    if (value == null)
        T made = accessor.get(n, fieldSelector);
        value = new WithUseCount<T>(made, n);
        cache.put(key, value);

        // resize

        if (limit >= 0)
            if (cache.size() >= limit)
                HashMap<Integer, WithUseCount<T>> keep = new HashMap<Integer, WithUseCount<T>>();
                WithUseCount<T>[] existing = new WithUseCount[0];
                synchronized (cache)
                    existing = cache.values().toArray(existing);

                for (WithUseCount<T> current : existing)
                    keep.put(Integer.valueOf(current.doc), current);
                    if ((current.count.get() == 0) || (keep.size() > (limit / 4)))
                keep.put(key, value);
    return value.object;
项目:dash-xtf    文件   
public Document document(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException
  Document ret = wrapped.document(n, fieldSelector);
  return ret;
项目:mulgara    文件   
public final Document doc(int n, FieldSelector fs) throws IOException {
  return reader.document(hits.get(n).doc, fs);
项目:opensearchserver    文件   
final public Document getDocFields(final int docId, final Set<String> fieldNameSet) throws IOException {
    FieldSelector selector = new FieldSelectors.SetFieldSelector(fieldNameSet);
    return indexReader.document(docId, selector);
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * Queries the {@link Index} by given queries.
 * @param result the {@link Collection} to store query results into
 * @param convertor the {@link Convertor} used to convert lucene documents into the user objects added into the result
 * @param selector the selector used to select document's fields which should be loaded, if null all fields are loaded
 * @param cancel the {@link AtomicBoolean} used to cancel the index iteration by the caller. When set to true the iteration
 * is stopped.
 * @param queries the queries to be performed on the {@link Index}
 * @throws IOException in case of IO problem
 * @throws InterruptedException when query was canceled
<T> void query (Collection<? super T> result, @NonNull Convertor<? super Document, T> convertor, @NullAllowed FieldSelector selector, @NullAllowed AtomicBoolean cancel, @NonNull Query... queries) throws IOException, InterruptedException;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * Queries the {@link Index} by given queries. In addition to documents it also collects the terms which matched the queries.
 * @param result the {@link Collection} to store query results into
 * @param convertor the {@link Convertor} used to convert lucene documents into the user objects added into the result
 * @param termConvertor the {@link Convertor} used to convert lucene terms into the user objects added into the result
 * @param selector the selector used to select document's fields which should be loaded, if null all fields are loaded
 * @param cancel the {@link AtomicBoolean} used to cancel the index iteration by the caller. When set to true the iteration
 * is stopped.
 * @param queries the queries to be performed on the {@link Index}
 * @throws IOException in case of IO problem
 * @throws InterruptedException when query was canceled
<S, T> void queryDocTerms(Map<? super T, Set<S>> result, @NonNull Convertor<? super Document, T> convertor, @NonNull Convertor<? super Term, S> termConvertor,@NullAllowed FieldSelector selector, @NullAllowed AtomicBoolean cancel, @NonNull Query... queries) throws IOException, InterruptedException;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * Creates a FieldSelector loading the given fields.
 * @param fieldsToLoad the fields to be loaded into the document.
 * @return the created FieldSelector
public static FieldSelector createFieldSelector(final @NonNull String... fieldsToLoad) {
    return new FieldSelectorImpl(fieldsToLoad);
项目:alfresco-repository    文件   
T get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException;
项目:community-edition-old    文件   
T get(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector) throws IOException;