private static File getCoSFile(MavenProject mp, boolean test) { if (mp == null) { return null; } Build build = mp.getBuild(); if (build == null) { return null; } String path = test ? build.getTestOutputDirectory() : build.getOutputDirectory(); if (path == null) { return null; } File fl = new File(path); fl = FileUtil.normalizeFile(fl); return new File(fl, NB_COS); }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { initializeHandlers(); for (AppBuildHandler appBuildHandler : appBuildHandlers) { appBuildHandler.handle(); } final Build build = project.getBuild(); final List<String> nonFilteredFileExtensions = getNonFilteredFileExtensions(build.getPlugins()); MavenResourcesExecution mavenResourcesExecution = new MavenResourcesExecution(build.getResources(), new File(outputDirectory), project, ENCODING, build.getFilters(), nonFilteredFileExtensions, session); try { mavenResourcesFiltering.filterResources(mavenResourcesExecution); } catch (MavenFilteringException e) { throw new WMRuntimeException("Failed to execute resource filtering ", e); } }
/** * Method updateBuild * * @param value * @param element * @param counter * @param xmlTag */ //CHECKSTYLE_OFF: LineLength protected void updateBuild( Build value, String xmlTag, Counter counter, Element element ) { boolean shouldExist = value != null; Element root = updateElement( counter, element, xmlTag, shouldExist ); if ( shouldExist ) { Counter innerCount = new Counter( counter.getDepth() + 1 ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "sourceDirectory", value.getSourceDirectory(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "scriptSourceDirectory", value.getScriptSourceDirectory(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "testSourceDirectory", value.getTestSourceDirectory(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "outputDirectory", value.getOutputDirectory(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "testOutputDirectory", value.getTestOutputDirectory(), null ); iterateExtension( innerCount, root, value.getExtensions(), "extensions", "extension" ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "defaultGoal", value.getDefaultGoal(), null ); iterateResource( innerCount, root, value.getResources(), "resources", "resource" ); iterateResource( innerCount, root, value.getTestResources(), "testResources", "testResource" ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "directory", value.getDirectory(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "finalName", value.getFinalName(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleLists( innerCount, root, value.getFilters(), "filters", "filter" ); updatePluginManagement( value.getPluginManagement(), "pluginManagement", innerCount, root ); iteratePlugin( innerCount, root, value.getPlugins(), "plugins", "plugin" ); } }
private static Plugin getOrCreateResourcesPlugin(Model mavenModel) { Build build = getOrCreateBuild(mavenModel); // Locate the plugin and returns if exists for (Iterator<Plugin> iterator = build.getPlugins().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Plugin next =; if ("maven-resources-plugin".equals(next.getArtifactId())) { return next; } } // Creates if couldn't be found. Plugin resourcesPlugin = new Plugin(); resourcesPlugin.setGroupId("org.apache.maven.plugins"); resourcesPlugin.setArtifactId("maven-resources-plugin"); resourcesPlugin.setVersion("${maven.resources.plugin.version}"); build.getPlugins().add(resourcesPlugin); return resourcesPlugin; }
private Multimap<ArtifactCoordinates, ArtifactCoordinates> getSnapshotsFromManagement(MavenProject project, PomPropertyResolver propertyResolver) { this.log.debug("\t\tChecking managed plugins"); Multimap<ArtifactCoordinates, ArtifactCoordinates> result = HashMultimap.create(); Build build = project.getBuild(); if (build != null) { PluginManagement pluginManagement = build.getPluginManagement(); if (pluginManagement != null) { for (Plugin plugin : pluginManagement.getPlugins()) { Collection<Dependency> snapshots = Collections2.filter(plugin.getDependencies(), new IsSnapshotDependency(propertyResolver)); if (!snapshots.isEmpty()) { result.putAll(PluginToCoordinates.INSTANCE.apply(plugin), Collections2.transform(snapshots, DependencyToCoordinates.INSTANCE)); } } } } return result; }
private Multimap<ArtifactCoordinates, ArtifactCoordinates> getSnapshots(MavenProject project, PomPropertyResolver propertyResolver) { this.log.debug("\t\tChecking direct plugin references"); Multimap<ArtifactCoordinates, ArtifactCoordinates> result = HashMultimap.create(); Build build = project.getBuild(); if (build != null) { for (Plugin plugin : build.getPlugins()) { Collection<Dependency> snapshots = Collections2.filter(plugin.getDependencies(), new IsSnapshotDependency(propertyResolver)); if (!snapshots.isEmpty()) { result.putAll(PluginToCoordinates.INSTANCE.apply(plugin), Collections2.transform(snapshots, DependencyToCoordinates.INSTANCE)); } } } return result; }
/** * <p>If <appYamls> is explicitly set by the user, we'll display a warning.</p> * <p>If <appYamls> is explicitly set by the user and <services> is not (i.e. not * present in the configuration; <i>note: the </i>{@code services}<i> field will contain the * default value, so we cannot simply check if it's empty</i>), then we'll assign the value of * <appYamls> to <services> to be used in the run configuration.</p> * <p>If both <appYamls> and <services> are explicitly set in the configuration, we'll * throw an error.</p> * * @throws MojoExecutionException if both <appYamls> and <services> are explicitly set * in the configuration */ protected void handleAppYamlsDeprecation() throws MojoExecutionException { if (CollectionUtil.isNullOrEmpty(appYamls)) { if (CollectionUtil.isNullOrEmpty(services)) { Build build = mavenProject.getBuild(); services = Collections.singletonList(new File(build.getDirectory()).toPath() .resolve(build.getFinalName()).toFile()); } } else { // no default value, so it was set by the user explicitly getLog().warn("<appYamls> is deprecated, use <services> instead."); if (CollectionUtil.isNullOrEmpty(services)) { services = appYamls; } else { throw new MojoExecutionException("Both <appYamls> and <services> are defined." + " <appYamls> is deprecated, use <services> only."); } } }
@Test @Parameters({"1,V1", "2-alpha,V2ALPHA" }) public void testRunFlexible(String version, SupportedDevServerVersion mockVersion) throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException, IOException { // wire up runMojo.devserverVersion = version; when(factoryMock.devServerRunSync(mockVersion)).thenReturn(devServerMock); when(mavenProjectMock.getBuild()).thenReturn(mock(Build.class)); when(mavenProjectMock.getBuild().getDirectory()).thenReturn("/fake/project/build/directory"); when(mavenProjectMock.getBuild().getFinalName()).thenReturn("artifact"); // invoke expectedException.expect(MojoExecutionException.class); expectedException.expectMessage( "Dev App Server does not support App Engine Flexible Environment applications."); runMojo.execute(); }
AbstractProjectStub(String pomResourceName) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { super(new MavenXpp3Reader().read(ITCompileBundleMojo.class.getResourceAsStream(pomResourceName))); Model model = getModel(); setGroupId(model.getGroupId()); setArtifactId(model.getArtifactId()); setVersion(model.getVersion()); setName(model.getName()); setUrl(model.getUrl()); setPackaging(model.getPackaging()); SimpleArtifactStub artifact = new SimpleArtifactStub( model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId(), model.getVersion(), model.getPackaging()); artifact.setArtifactHandler(new SimpleArtifactHandlerStub(model.getPackaging())); setArtifact(artifact); Build build = new Build(); build.setFinalName(model.getArtifactId() + '-' + model.getVersion()); setBuild(build); for (Dependency dependency: model.getDependencies()) { if (dependency.getScope() == null) { dependency.setScope(JavaScopes.COMPILE); } } }
@Test public void testWhitespaceHandling2() throws IOException { File whitespace = new File( new File( "." ).getCanonicalFile(), WHITESPACE_DIR ); // Save the real user.dir String dir = System.getProperty( "user.dir" ); whitespace.mkdir(); System.setProperty( "user.dir", whitespace.getCanonicalPath() ); Build build = assertWhitespaceHandling( whitespace ); String warning1 = "[WARNING] THERE IS WHITESPACE IN CLASSPATH ELEMENT [%s]%n"; String warning2 = "Attempting relative path workaround%n"; assertEquals( format( warning1 + warning2 + warning1 + warning2, build.getTestOutputDirectory(), build.getOutputDirectory() ), helper.logStream.toString() ); // Restore the real user.dir (to prevent side-effects on other tests) System.setProperty( "user.dir", dir ); }
private Build assertWhitespaceHandling( File whitespace ) throws IOException { // Save the real String os = System.getProperty( "" ); System.setProperty( "", "linux" ); Build build = helper.mojo.project.getBuild(); build.setOutputDirectory( mkdir( whitespace, build.getOutputDirectory() ) ); build.setTestOutputDirectory( mkdir( whitespace, build.getTestOutputDirectory() ) ); helper.mojo.project.setFile( new File( whitespace, "pom.xml" ) ); assertEquals( "\n", helper.mojo.calcWikiFormatClasspath() ); helper.classRealmAssertions(); FileUtils.deleteQuietly( whitespace ); // Restore the real (to prevent side-effects on other tests) System.setProperty( "", os ); return build; }
void customizeModel( Model model ) { BuildSettings settings = configurator.getConfiguration().getBuildSettings(); Build build = model.getBuild() != null ? model.getBuild() : new Build(); List<Dependency> dependencies = model.getDependencies(); List<Extension> extensions = build.getExtensions(); List<Plugin> plugins = build.getPlugins(); if ( settings.isSkipTests() ) dependencies.removeIf( d -> StringUtils.equals( d.getScope(), "test" ) ); dependencies.forEach( d -> d.setVersion( replaceVersion( d.getGroupId(), d.getArtifactId(), d.getVersion() ) ) ); extensions.forEach( e -> e.setVersion( replaceVersion( e.getGroupId(), e.getArtifactId(), e.getVersion() ) ) ); plugins.forEach( p -> p.setVersion( replaceVersion( p.getGroupId(), p.getArtifactId(), p.getVersion() ) ) ); p -> p.getGroupId().equals( "org.apache.maven.plugins" ) && p.getArtifactId().equals( "maven-compiler-plugin" ) ).forEach( p -> configureCompiler( p ) ); }
public DiffusionProjectStub(final File buildDirectory, final File pom) throws Exception { super(new DiffusionModelStub()); setExecutionProject(this); setFile(pom); final Build build = new Build(); build.setDirectory(buildDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); setBuild(build); setDependencyArtifacts((Set)emptySet()); setArtifacts((Set)emptySet()); setPluginArtifacts((Set)emptySet()); setReportArtifacts((Set)emptySet()); setExtensionArtifacts((Set)emptySet()); setRemoteArtifactRepositories((List)emptyList()); setPluginArtifactRepositories((List)emptyList()); setCollectedProjects((List)emptyList()); setActiveProfiles((List)emptyList()); }
private Set<BuildBase> getDefinedActiveBuilds(MavenProject project) { HashSet<BuildBase> activeBuilds = new HashSet<>(); final Model originalModel = project.getOriginalModel(); final Build build = originalModel.getBuild(); activeBuilds.add(build); final List<Profile> originalProfiles = originalModel.getProfiles(); if (originalProfiles != null) { for (Profile profile : project.getActiveProfiles()) { // check active profile is defined in project for (Profile originalProfile : originalProfiles) { if (originalProfile.equals(profile)) { activeBuilds.add(originalProfile.getBuild()); } } } } // remove possible null entries activeBuilds.remove(null); return activeBuilds; }
/** * Finds the ancestor project which defines the rule. * * @param project to inspect * @return the defining ancestor project. */ final MavenProject findDefiningParent( final MavenProject project ) { final Xpp3Dom invokingRule = createInvokingRuleDom(); MavenProject parent = project; while ( parent != null ) { final Model model = parent.getOriginalModel(); final Build build = model.getBuild(); if ( build != null ) { final List<Xpp3Dom> rules = getRuleConfigurations( build ); if ( isDefiningProject( rules, invokingRule ) ) { break; } } parent = parent.getParent(); } return parent; }
/** * Returns the rule configurations from the <tt>pluginManagement</tt> as well * as the <tt>plugins</tt> section. * * @param build the build to inspect. * @return configuration of the rules, may be an empty list. */ final List<Xpp3Dom> getRuleConfigurations( final Build build ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) final Map<String, Plugin> plugins = build.getPluginsAsMap(); final List<Xpp3Dom> ruleConfigurationsForPlugins = getRuleConfigurations( plugins ); final PluginManagement pluginManagement = build.getPluginManagement(); if ( pluginManagement != null ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) final Map<String, Plugin> pluginsFromManagementAsMap = pluginManagement.getPluginsAsMap(); List<Xpp3Dom> ruleConfigurationsFromManagement = getRuleConfigurations( pluginsFromManagementAsMap ); ruleConfigurationsForPlugins.addAll( ruleConfigurationsFromManagement ); } return ruleConfigurationsForPlugins; }
/** * Test of execute method, of class RequirePropertyDiverges. */ @Test public void testExecuteInParentWithConfigurationInPluginManagement() throws EnforcerRuleException { RequirePropertyDiverges mockInstance = createMockRule(); final MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "company", "company-parent-pom" ); final Build build = new Build(); // create pluginManagement final Plugin pluginInManagement = newPlugin( "org.apache.maven.plugins", "maven-enforcer-plugin", "1.0"); final Xpp3Dom configuration = createPluginConfiguration(); pluginInManagement.setConfiguration( configuration ); final PluginManagement pluginManagement = new PluginManagement(); pluginManagement.addPlugin( pluginInManagement ); build.setPluginManagement( pluginManagement ); // create plugins final Plugin pluginInPlugins = newPlugin( "org.apache.maven.plugins", "maven-enforcer-plugin", "1.0"); build.addPlugin( pluginInPlugins ); // add build project.getOriginalModel().setBuild( build ); //project.getOriginalModel().setBuild( build ); setUpHelper( project, "parentValue" ); mockInstance.execute( helper ); }
/** * Test of execute method, of class RequirePropertyDiverges. */ @Test public void testExecuteInParentWithConfigurationInExecution() throws EnforcerRuleException { RequirePropertyDiverges mockInstance = createMockRule(); final MavenProject project = createMavenProject( "company", "company-parent-pom" ); final Build build = new Build(); build.setPluginManagement( new PluginManagement() ); final Plugin plugin = newPlugin( "org.apache.maven.plugins", "maven-enforcer-plugin", "1.0" ); final Xpp3Dom configuration = createPluginConfiguration(); PluginExecution pluginExecution = new PluginExecution(); pluginExecution.setConfiguration( configuration ); plugin.addExecution( pluginExecution ); build.addPlugin( plugin ); project.getOriginalModel().setBuild( build ); setUpHelper(project, "parentValue"); mockInstance.execute( helper ); }
public static MavenModel convertModel(Model model, File projectDir) { Build build = model.getBuild(); List<String> sources = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> testSources = new ArrayList<>(); if (build != null) { String sourceDirectory = build.getSourceDirectory(); if (sourceDirectory != null) { sources.add(sourceDirectory); } String testSourceDirectory = build.getTestSourceDirectory(); if (testSourceDirectory != null) { testSources.add(testSourceDirectory); } } return convertModel( model, projectDir, sources, testSources, Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), null); }
private static void convertBuild( MavenBuild mavenBuild, Build build, File projectDir, List<String> compileSourceRoots, List<String> testCompileSourceRoots) { convertBaseBuild(build, mavenBuild, projectDir); mavenBuild.setOutputDirectory(relativize(projectDir, build.getOutputDirectory())); mavenBuild.setTestOutputDirectory(relativize(projectDir, build.getTestOutputDirectory())); mavenBuild.setSources( -> relativize(projectDir, path)).collect(toList())); mavenBuild.setTestSources( testCompileSourceRoots .stream() .map(path -> relativize(projectDir, path)) .collect(toList())); }
private static Set<Dependency> extractPluginDependenciesFromPluginsInPluginManagement( Build build ) { Set<Dependency> result = new TreeSet<>( new DependencyComparator() ); if ( build.getPluginManagement() != null ) { for ( Plugin plugin : build.getPluginManagement().getPlugins() ) { if ( plugin.getDependencies() != null && !plugin.getDependencies().isEmpty() ) { for ( Dependency pluginDependency : plugin.getDependencies() ) { result.add( pluginDependency ); } } } } return result; }
private DirectoryResource getTargetDirectory(Project project) { MavenFacet mavenFacet = project.getFacet(MavenFacet.class); Build build = mavenFacet.getModel().getBuild(); String targetFolderName; if (build != null && build.getOutputDirectory() != null) { targetFolderName = mavenFacet.resolveProperties(build.getOutputDirectory()); } else { targetFolderName = "target" + File.separator + "classes"; } DirectoryResource projectRoot = project.getRoot().reify(DirectoryResource.class); return projectRoot.getChildDirectory(targetFolderName); }
@Test public void testBuildPluginDeletePlugin() throws Exception { from = new; from.getPlugins().add(makeGuvnorPlugin("myGroup", "myArtifact", "1.0")); Build to = new Build(); to.getPlugins().add(makeMavenPlugin("myGroup", "myArtifact", "1.0")); to.getPlugins().add(makeMavenPlugin("junit", "junit", "1.44")); to = new BuildContentHandler().update(from, to); assertEquals(1, to.getPlugins().size()); assertEquals("1.0", to.getPlugins().get(0).getVersion()); }
@Test public void mustNotThrowExceptionWhenDirectoryDoesntExist() throws Exception { File mainDir = null; try { // create a folder and delete it right away mainDir = Files.createTempDirectory(getClass().getSimpleName()).toFile(); File fakeFolder = new File(mainDir, "DOESNOTEXIST"); // mock Mockito.when(mavenProject.getCompileClasspathElements()).thenReturn(Collections.emptyList()); Build build = Mockito.mock(Build.class); Mockito.when(mavenProject.getBuild()).thenReturn(build); Mockito.when(build.getOutputDirectory()).thenReturn(fakeFolder.getAbsolutePath()); // execute plugin fixture.execute(); } finally { if (mainDir != null) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(mainDir); } } }
@Test public void mustNotThrowExceptionWhenDirectoryDoesntExist() throws Exception { File testDir = null; try { // create a folder and delete it right away testDir = Files.createTempDirectory(getClass().getSimpleName()).toFile(); File fakeFolder = new File(testDir, "DOESNOTEXIST"); // mock Mockito.when(mavenProject.getTestClasspathElements()).thenReturn(Collections.emptyList()); Build build = Mockito.mock(Build.class); Mockito.when(mavenProject.getBuild()).thenReturn(build); Mockito.when(build.getTestOutputDirectory()).thenReturn(fakeFolder.getAbsolutePath()); // execute plugin fixture.execute(); } finally { if (testDir != null) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(testDir); } } }
@Test public void test() throws Exception { final File file = new File(getClass().getResource("/yang").getFile()); final File excludedYang = new File(getClass().getResource("/yang/excluded-file.yang").getFile()); final String path = file.getPath(); final CodeGeneratorArg codeGeneratorArg = new CodeGeneratorArg(GeneratorMock.class.getName(), "target/YangToSourcesProcessorTest-outputBaseDir"); final List<CodeGeneratorArg> codeGenerators = ImmutableList.of(codeGeneratorArg); final MavenProject mvnProject = Mockito.mock(MavenProject.class); final Build build = new Build(); Mockito.when(mvnProject.getBuild()).thenReturn(build); final boolean dependencies = true; final YangToSourcesProcessor proc = new YangToSourcesProcessor(file, ImmutableList.of(excludedYang), codeGenerators, mvnProject, dependencies, YangProvider.getInstance()); Assert.assertNotNull(proc); proc.execute(); }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); this.classPath = new ArrayList<>( ClassPath.getClassPathElementsAsFiles(), fileToString())); when(this.project.getTestClasspathElements()).thenReturn(this.classPath); when(this.project.getPackaging()).thenReturn("jar"); final Build build = new Build(); build.setOutputDirectory(""); when(this.project.getBuild()).thenReturn(build); when(this.plugins.findToolClasspathPlugins()).thenReturn( Collections.emptyList()); when(this.plugins.findClientClasspathPlugins()).thenReturn( Collections.emptyList()); }
@Test public void toComponentKeyTreeProject() throws Exception { List<MavenProject> projects = Lists.newArrayList(); MavenProject root = new MavenProject(); root.setGroupId( "com.mysema.querydsl" ); root.setArtifactId( "querydsl-root" ); root.setFile( new File( "src/test/resources/tree-project/pom.xml" ).getCanonicalFile() ); projects.add( root ); MavenProject hazelcast = new MavenProject(); hazelcast.setGroupId( "com.mysema.querydsl" ); hazelcast.setArtifactId( "querydsl-hazelcast" ); hazelcast.setFile( new File( "src/test/resources/tree-project/querydsl-hazelcast/pom.xml" ).getCanonicalFile() ); hazelcast.setBuild( new Build() ); hazelcast.getBuild().setSourceDirectory( new File( "src/test/resources/tree-project/querydsl-hazelcast/src/main/java" ).getCanonicalPath() ); projects.add( hazelcast ); runTest( projects ); }
@Test public void projectUnchangedWhenModeIsNone() throws Exception { final Plugin plugin = new Plugin(); plugin.setGroupId( MAVEN_PLUGIN_GROUPID ); plugin.setArtifactId( MAVEN_DEPLOY_ARTIFACTID ); plugin.setConfiguration( simpleSkipConfig( true ) ); final Build build = new Build(); build.addPlugin( plugin ); final Model model = new Model(); model.setModelVersion( "4.0.0" ); model.setGroupId( "" ); model.setArtifactId( "bar" ); model.setVersion( "1" ); model.setBuild( build ); applyTest( none, model, null ); }
@Test public void projectDeploySkipTurnedOffWhenModeIsOff() throws Exception { final Plugin plugin = new Plugin(); plugin.setGroupId( MAVEN_PLUGIN_GROUPID ); plugin.setArtifactId( MAVEN_DEPLOY_ARTIFACTID ); plugin.setConfiguration( simpleSkipConfig( true ) ); final Build build = new Build(); build.addPlugin( plugin ); final Model model = new Model(); model.setModelVersion( "4.0.0" ); model.setGroupId( "" ); model.setArtifactId( "bar" ); model.setVersion( "1" ); model.setBuild( build ); applyTest( off, model, model ); assertSkip( model, null, true, Boolean.FALSE ); }
private PluginPrefixResult resolveFromProject( PluginPrefixRequest request ) { PluginPrefixResult result = null; if ( request.getPom() != null && request.getPom().getBuild() != null ) { Build build = request.getPom().getBuild(); result = resolveFromProject( request, build.getPlugins() ); if ( result == null && build.getPluginManagement() != null ) { result = resolveFromProject( request, build.getPluginManagement().getPlugins() ); } } return result; }
private PluginVersionResult resolveFromProject( PluginVersionRequest request ) { PluginVersionResult result = null; if ( request.getPom() != null && request.getPom().getBuild() != null ) { Build build = request.getPom().getBuild(); result = resolveFromProject( request, build.getPlugins() ); if ( result == null && build.getPluginManagement() != null ) { result = resolveFromProject( request, build.getPluginManagement().getPlugins() ); } } return result; }
public void injectLifecycleBindings( Model model, ModelBuildingRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems ) { String packaging = model.getPackaging(); Collection<Plugin> defaultPlugins = lifecycle.getPluginsBoundByDefaultToAllLifecycles( packaging ); if ( defaultPlugins == null ) { problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE) .setMessage( "Unknown packaging: " + packaging ) .setLocation( model.getLocation( "packaging" ))); } else if ( !defaultPlugins.isEmpty() ) { Model lifecycleModel = new Model(); lifecycleModel.setBuild( new Build() ); lifecycleModel.getBuild().getPlugins().addAll( defaultPlugins ); merger.merge( model, lifecycleModel ); } }
public void testValueExtractionWithAPomValueContainingAPath() throws Exception { String expected = getTestFile( "target/test-classes/target/classes" ).getCanonicalPath(); Build build = new Build(); build.setDirectory( expected.substring( 0, expected.length() - "/classes".length() ) ); Model model = new Model(); model.setBuild( build ); MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model ); project.setFile( new File( "pom.xml" ).getCanonicalFile() ); ExpressionEvaluator expressionEvaluator = createExpressionEvaluator( project, null, new Properties() ); Object value = expressionEvaluator.evaluate( "${}/classes" ); String actual = new File( value.toString() ).getCanonicalPath(); assertEquals( expected, actual ); }
public void testTwoExpressions() throws Exception { Build build = new Build(); build.setDirectory( "expected-directory" ); build.setFinalName( "expected-finalName" ); Model model = new Model(); model.setBuild( build ); ExpressionEvaluator expressionEvaluator = createExpressionEvaluator( new MavenProject( model ), null, new Properties() ); Object value = expressionEvaluator.evaluate( "${}" + FS + "${}" ); assertEquals( "expected-directory" + File.separatorChar + "expected-finalName", value ); }
public void expandPluginConfiguration( Model model, ModelBuildingRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems ) { Build build = model.getBuild(); if ( build != null ) { expand( build.getPlugins() ); PluginManagement pluginManagement = build.getPluginManagement(); if ( pluginManagement != null ) { expand( pluginManagement.getPlugins() ); } } }
public void injectProfile( Model model, Profile profile, ModelBuildingRequest request, ModelProblemCollector problems ) { if ( profile != null ) { merger.mergeModelBase( model, profile ); if ( profile.getBuild() != null ) { if ( model.getBuild() == null ) { model.setBuild( new Build() ); } merger.mergeBuildBase( model.getBuild(), profile.getBuild() ); } } }
private MavenProject givenMavenProject(String projectId) { MavenProject mavenProject = new MavenProject(); mavenProject.setGroupId("de.is24.junit"); mavenProject.setArtifactId(projectId); mavenProject.setVersion("42"); mavenProject.getProperties().setProperty("", "UTF-8"); ArtifactStub projectArtifact = new ArtifactStub(); projectArtifact.setGroupId("de.is24.junit"); projectArtifact.setArtifactId(projectId); projectArtifact.setVersion("42"); mavenProject.setArtifact(projectArtifact); Build build = new Build(); build.setOutputDirectory(tempFileRule.getTempFile().getParent()); mavenProject.setBuild(build); return mavenProject; }