private void writeParent(Parent parent, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer) throws { serializer.startTag(NAMESPACE, tagName); flush(serializer); StringBuffer b = b(serializer); int start = b.length(); if (parent.getGroupId() != null) { writeValue(serializer, "groupId", parent.getGroupId(), parent); } if (parent.getArtifactId() != null) { writeValue(serializer, "artifactId", parent.getArtifactId(), parent); } if (parent.getVersion() != null) { writeValue(serializer, "version", parent.getVersion(), parent); } if ((parent.getRelativePath() != null) && !parent.getRelativePath().equals("../pom.xml")) { writeValue(serializer, "relativePath", parent.getRelativePath(), parent); } serializer.endTag(NAMESPACE, tagName).flush(); logLocation(parent, "", start, b.length()); }
@Deprecated public static boolean isFunktionParentPom(Project project) { MavenFacet mavenFacet = project.getFacet(MavenFacet.class); if (mavenFacet != null) { Model model = mavenFacet.getModel(); if (model != null) { Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent != null) { String groupId = parent.getGroupId(); if (groupId != null && groupId.startsWith("io.fabric8.funktion")) { return true; } } } } return false; }
protected ResolvedPom resolveParent(Model model, File pomFile, PomResolveCache cache, PomSource pomSource) throws Exception { Parent rawParent = model.getParent(); if (rawParent != null) { if (rawParent.getGroupId() == null || rawParent.getArtifactId() == null || rawParent.getVersion() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid parent for artifact " + createGav(model)); } ResolvedPom parent = cache.getResolvedPom(rawParent.getGroupId(), rawParent.getArtifactId(), rawParent.getVersion()); if (parent == null) { if (pomFile != null && rawParent.getRelativePath() != null) { File parentPomFile = new File(pomFile.getParentFile(), rawParent.getRelativePath()); if (!parentPomFile.isFile()) { parentPomFile = new File(parentPomFile, "pom.xml"); } parent = resolvePom(parentPomFile, cache, pomSource); } else { try ( InputStream parentIn = pomSource.getPom(rawParent.getGroupId(), rawParent.getArtifactId(), rawParent.getVersion()); ) { parent = resolvePom(parentIn, null, cache, pomSource); } } } return parent; } return null; }
@Override public ModelSource2 resolveModel(final Parent parent) throws UnresolvableModelException { final String groupId = parent.getGroupId(); final String artifactId = parent.getArtifactId(); final String version = parent.getVersion(); final ModelSource2 model = resolveModel(groupId, artifactId, version); if (nonNull(model)) { return model; } String relativePath = parent.getRelativePath(); if (nonNull(relativePath) && !relativePath.isEmpty()) { File pom = new File(this.projectRoot, relativePath); if (!relativePath.endsWith("pom.xml")) { pom = new File(relativePath, "pom.xml"); } if (!loaded.contains(pom)) { loaded.add(pom); } if (pom.exists()) { return new FileModelSource(pom); } } return null; }
private Model createModel(TaskContext taskContext, final Extension extension) { final Model model = new Model(); model.setModelVersion(MODEL_VERSION); model.setArtifactId(extension.getName()); model.setVersion(taskContext.getHybrisVersion().getVersion()); final Parent parent = new Parent(); parent.setGroupId(HYBRIS__GROUP_ID); parent.setArtifactId(PLATFORM__ARTIFACT_ID); parent.setVersion(taskContext.getHybrisVersion().getVersion()); model.setParent(parent); setExtensionPackaging(taskContext, model); addExtensionDependencies(taskContext, extension, model); addImplicitDependencies(taskContext, extension, model); addExternalDependencies(taskContext, extension, model); // resolveDependencyVersionConflicts(taskContext, extension, model); return model; }
private void setParentVersion(MavenProject project, Document document) { Parent parent = project.getModel().getParent(); if (parent != null) { Map<ReleasePhase, ArtifactCoordinates> coordinatesByPhase = this.metadata .getArtifactCoordinatesByPhase(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId()); ArtifactCoordinates oldCoordinates = coordinatesByPhase.get(ReleasePhase.PRE_RELEASE); ArtifactCoordinates newCoordinates = coordinatesByPhase.get(ReleasePhase.RELEASE); // null indicates that the parent is not part of the reactor projects since no release version had been calculated // for it if (newCoordinates != null) { this.log.debug("\tUpdate of parent version of module '" + project.getGroupId() + ":" + project.getArtifact() + "' [" + oldCoordinates.getVersion() + " => " + newCoordinates.getVersion() + "]"); PomUtil.setParentVersion(project.getModel(), document, newCoordinates.getVersion()); } } }
private void setParentVersion(MavenProject project, Document document) { Parent parent = project.getModel().getParent(); if (parent != null) { Map<ReleasePhase, ArtifactCoordinates> coordinatesByPhase = this.metadata .getArtifactCoordinatesByPhase(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId()); ArtifactCoordinates oldCoordinates = coordinatesByPhase.get(ReleasePhase.RELEASE); ArtifactCoordinates newCoordinates = coordinatesByPhase.get(ReleasePhase.POST_RELEASE); // null indicates that the parent is not part of the reactor projects since no release version had been calculated // for it if (newCoordinates != null) { this.log.debug("\t\tUpdate of parent version of module '" + project.getGroupId() + ":" + project.getArtifact() + "' [" + oldCoordinates.getVersion() + " => " + newCoordinates.getVersion() + "]"); PomUtil.setParentVersion(project.getModel(), document, newCoordinates.getVersion()); } } }
/** * Changes the project's parent version of the POM as well as directly in the XML document preserving the whole * document formatting. * * @param model the POM where to adapt the project's parent version. * @param document the POM as an XML document in which the project's parent version shall be adapted. * @param newParentVersion the new version to set for the project parent. */ public static void setParentVersion(Model model, Document document, String newParentVersion) { Preconditions.checkArgument(hasChildNode(document, NODE_NAME_PROJECT), "The document doesn't seem to be a POM model, project element is missing."); // first step: update parent version of the in-memory model Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.setVersion(newParentVersion); } // second step: update the parent version in the DOM document that will be serialized for later building Node parentNode = document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName(PomUtil.NODE_NAME_PARENT).item(0); if (parentNode != null) { NodeList children = parentNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if (Objects.equal(child.getNodeName(), PomUtil.NODE_NAME_VERSION)) { child.setTextContent(newParentVersion); } } } }
/** * Returns all the models that have a specified groupId and artifactId as parent. * * @param reactor The map of models keyed by path. * @param groupId The groupId of the parent. * @param artifactId The artifactId of the parent. * @return a map of models that have a specified groupId and artifactId as parent keyed by path. */ public static Map<String, Model> getChildModels( Map<String, Model> reactor, String groupId, String artifactId ) { final Map<String, Model> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Model>(); for ( Map.Entry<String, Model> entry : reactor.entrySet() ) { final String path = entry.getKey(); final Model model = entry.getValue(); final Parent parent = model.getParent(); if ( parent != null && groupId.equals( parent.getGroupId() ) && artifactId.equals( parent.getArtifactId() ) ) { result.put( path, model ); } } return result; }
@Override public void populateResult(RepositorySystemSession session, ArtifactDescriptorResult result, Model model) { super.populateResult(session, result, model); Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent != null) { DefaultArtifact art = new DefaultArtifact(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), "pom", parent.getVersion()); Dependency dep = new Dependency(art, "compile"); result.addDependency(dep); } }
private void saveMavenParentInfo(MavenProjectInfo projectInfo) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { File mavenProjectPomLocation = projectInfo.getPomFile();// project.getFile(POM_FILE).getLocation().toFile(); MavenProject mavenProject = null; mavenProject = MavenUtils.getMavenProject(mavenProjectPomLocation); Parent msf4jParent = new Parent(); msf4jParent.setGroupId(MSF4J_SERVICE_PARENT_GROUP_ID); msf4jParent.setArtifactId(MSF4J_SERVICE_PARENT_ARTIFACT_ID); msf4jParent.setVersion(MSF4JArtifactConstants.getMSF4JServiceParentVersion()); mavenProject.getModel().setParent(msf4jParent); Properties generatedProperties = mavenProject.getModel().getProperties(); generatedProperties.clear(); mavenProject.getModel().addProperty(MSF4J_MAIN_CLASS_PROPERTY, DEFAULT_MAIN_CLASS_PROPERTY_VALUE); MavenUtils.saveMavenProject(mavenProject, mavenProjectPomLocation); }
public static MavenArtifactInfo mavenModelToArtifactInfo(Model model) { Parent parent = model.getParent(); String groupId = model.getGroupId(); if (groupId == null && parent != null) { groupId = parent.getGroupId(); } MavenArtifactInfo artifactInfo = new MavenArtifactInfo(); artifactInfo.setGroupId(groupId); artifactInfo.setArtifactId(model.getArtifactId()); String version = model.getVersion(); if (version == null && parent != null) { version = parent.getVersion(); } artifactInfo.setVersion(version); return artifactInfo; }
@Test public void shouldParseParentPomFile() throws IOException { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("", "testParent"); // Because we use <version> and <artifactId> tags in our tested pom, the parsing method should add this as properties properties.put("project.version", "0-27-SNAPSHOT"); properties.put("project.artifactId", "motech-platform-server-api"); try (InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pom/parentPom.xml")) { pomInformation = new PomInformation(); pomInformation.parseParentPom(inputStream); } PomInformation parentPom = pomInformation.getParentPomInformation(); assertEquals(properties, parentPom.getProperties()); Parent parentFromParsing = parentPom.getParent(); assertEquals("0.27-SNAPSHOT", parentFromParsing.getVersion()); assertEquals("motech", parentFromParsing.getArtifactId()); assertEquals("org.motechproject", parentFromParsing.getGroupId()); }
private void setParentMavenInfo(Parent info) { if (info != null) { setParentProjectName(info.getArtifactId()); setParentGroupID(info.getGroupId()); setParentArtifactID(info.getArtifactId()); setParentVersion(info.getVersion()); setParentRelativePath(info.getRelativePath()); txtParentArtifactId.setText(getParentArtifactID()); txtParentGroupId.setText(getParentGroupID()); txtParentVersion.setText(getParentVersion()); String parentRelativePath2 = getParentRelativePath(); if (hasParentProject && parentRelativePath2 != null) { txtRelativePath.setText(parentRelativePath2); } else { txtRelativePath.setText(""); } } }
/** * This method tries to retrieve SCM URL, if POM model for given dependency does not specify SCM URL and * parent model belongs to the same group, we'll try to fecth URL from the parent model * @param dependency dependency to retrieve SCM URL for * @return SCM URL or null * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException */ private static String getScmUrl(RawDependency dependency) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { Model model = fetchModel(dependency); while (model != null) { Scm scm = model.getScm(); if (scm != null) { return scm.getUrl(); } Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return null; } if (!StringUtils.equals(parent.getGroupId(), dependency.groupID)) { return null; } dependency = new RawDependency(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion(), null, null); model = fetchModel(dependency); } return null; }
private void fixParentProject(IProject p, IProject parentProject) throws CoreException { IFile existingPom = p.getFile("pom.xml"); Model model = MavenPlugin.getMavenModelManager().readMavenModel(existingPom); Model parent = MavenPlugin.getMavenModelManager().readMavenModel(parentProject.getFile("pom.xml")); //Parent oldParent = model.getParent(); Parent newParent = new Parent(); newParent.setGroupId(parent.getGroupId()); newParent.setArtifactId(parent.getArtifactId()); newParent.setRelativePath(calculateRelativePath(p, parentProject)); newParent.setVersion(parent.getVersion()); model.setParent(newParent); // outright deletion doesn't work on windows as the process has a ref to the file itself // so creating a temp '_newpom_.xml' final IFile newPom = p.getFile("_newpom_.xml"); MavenPlugin.getMavenModelManager().createMavenModel(newPom, model); // then copying that content over to the pom.xml existingPom.setContents(newPom.getContents(), true, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); // and deleting the temp pom newPom.delete(true, false, new NullProgressMonitor()); }
protected void addDependencies() { Parent p = new Parent(); p.setGroupId(GRIFFON_GROUP_ID); p.setArtifactId(GRIFFON_MASTERPOM_ARTIFACT_ID); p.setVersion("1.0.0"); MavenFacet mavenFacet = getFaceted().getFacet(MavenFacet.class); Model model = mavenFacet.getModel(); model.setParent(p); mavenFacet.setModel(model); DependencyFacet facet = getFaceted().getFacet(DependencyFacet.class); facet.addRepository("jcenter",""); facet.addRepository("griffon-plugins",""); MetadataFacet mdfacet = getFaceted().getFacet(MetadataFacet.class); mdfacet.setDirectProperty("griffon.version","2.2.0"); mdfacet.setDirectProperty("application.main.class",mdfacet.getProjectGroupName()+".Launcher"); mdfacet.setDirectProperty("maven.compiler.source","1.8"); mdfacet.setDirectProperty("","1.8"); builder = DependencyBuilder.create(); addDependency(LOG4J); addDependency(SLF4J_LOG4J12); addDependency(SPOCK_CORE); addDependency(JUNIT); }
public void testIdentityProtoInheritance() { Parent parent = new Parent(); parent.setGroupId( "test-group" ); parent.setVersion( "1000" ); parent.setArtifactId( "test-artifact" ); Model model = new Model(); model.setParent( parent ); model.setArtifactId( "real-artifact" ); MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model ); assertEquals( "groupId proto-inheritance failed.", "test-group", project.getGroupId() ); assertEquals( "artifactId is masked.", "real-artifact", project.getArtifactId() ); assertEquals( "version proto-inheritance failed.", "1000", project.getVersion() ); // draw the NPE. project.getId(); }
private void loadParent(IntTo<Out1Unsafe<Model>> stack, Parent parent) { if (parent == null) { return; } // parents we will add to the end of the lookup list stack.add(()->{ final ArtifactResult parentArtifact = loadArtifact( parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), "", "pom", parent.getVersion() ); final Model parentPom = loadPomFile(parentArtifact.getArtifact().getFile().getAbsolutePath()); // If we have a parent, push a provider onto the search stack loadParent(stack, parentPom.getParent()); return parentPom; }); }
private Parent getParent(IDocument doc) { Model model = null; MavenXpp3Reader mavenreader = new MavenXpp3Reader(); InputStream in = null; try { in = IOUtils.toInputStream(doc.get(), "UTF-8"); model =; return model.getParent(); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } return null; }
@Override protected TOExecutionResult pomExecution(String relativePomFile, Model model) { String details; Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent == null) { String message = String.format("Pom file %s does not have a parent", getRelativePath()); switch (ifNotPresent) { case Warn: return TOExecutionResult.warning(this, new TransformationOperationException(message)); case NoOp: return TOExecutionResult.noOp(this, message); case Fail: // Fail is the default default: return TOExecutionResult.error(this, new TransformationOperationException(message)); } } if(groupId != null && artifactId != null && version != null) { parent.setGroupId(groupId); parent.setArtifactId(artifactId); parent.setVersion(version); String newParent = parent.toString(); details = String.format("Parent for POM file (%s) has been set to %s", relativePomFile, newParent); } else if (groupId == null && artifactId == null && version != null) { String oldVersion = parent.getVersion(); parent.setVersion(version); details = String.format("Parent's version for POM file (%s) has been changed from %s to %s", relativePomFile, oldVersion, version); } else { // FIXME this should be in a pre-validation return TOExecutionResult.error(this, new TransformationOperationException("Invalid POM parent transformation operation")); } return TOExecutionResult.success(this, details); }
private void checkNonRelativeParent ( final MavenProject project ) { if ( project.getModel ().getParent () == null ) { // no parent return; } if ( project.getParentFile () != null ) { // is a local parent return; } final Parent parent = project.getModel ().getParent (); final String prefix = String.format ( "%s:%s:", parent.getGroupId (), parent.getArtifactId () ); for ( final String entry : this.forceUpdateParentQualifiers ) { if ( entry.startsWith ( prefix ) ) { final String qualifier = entry.substring ( prefix.length () ); final String newVersion = makeVersion ( parent.getVersion (), qualifier ); getLog ().info ( String.format ( "Force update parent of %s to %s -> %s", project.getId (), parent.getId (), newVersion ) ); addChange ( project.getFile (), new ModelModifier () { @Override public boolean apply ( final Model model ) { model.getParent ().setVersion ( newVersion ); return true; } } ); } } }
public ParentData(File parentPom) { try { parent = new Parent(); Model model = new MavenXpp3Reader().read(new FileReader(parentPom)); parent.setVersion(model.getVersion()); parent.setArtifactId(model.getArtifactId()); parent.setGroupId(model.getGroupId()); } catch (Exception e) { parent = null; } }
/** * Method updateParent * * @param value * @param element * @param counter * @param xmlTag */ protected void updateParent( Parent value, String xmlTag, Counter counter, Element element ) { boolean shouldExist = value != null; Element root = updateElement( counter, element, xmlTag, shouldExist ); if ( shouldExist ) { Counter innerCount = new Counter( counter.getDepth() + 1 ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "artifactId", value.getArtifactId(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "groupId", value.getGroupId(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "version", value.getVersion(), null ); findAndReplaceSimpleElement( innerCount, root, "relativePath", value.getRelativePath(), "../pom.xml" ); } }
@Test public void testSetParentVersion() throws Exception { URL url = getClass().getResource(getClass().getSimpleName() + "/pom1.xml"); File source; try { source = new File(url.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { source = new File(url.getPath()); } DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse(source); Model model = new Model(); model.setGroupId("com.itemis.maven.plugins"); model.setArtifactId("test-project-1"); model.setVersion("1"); Parent parent = new Parent(); parent.setGroupId("com.itemis"); parent.setArtifactId("org-parent"); parent.setVersion("1"); model.setParent(parent); String newVersion = "2"; PomUtil.setParentVersion(model, document, newVersion); Assert.assertEquals(newVersion, getNode(document.getDocumentElement(), "parent/version").getTextContent()); Assert.assertEquals(newVersion, model.getParent().getVersion()); }
public static List<License> getLicenses(File filePath, String userSettings, String globalSettings) { try { Model model = new MavenXpp3Reader().read(new FileInputStream(filePath)); if (!model.getLicenses().isEmpty()) { return model.getLicenses(); } else { if (model.getParent() != null) { Parent parent = model.getParent(); Dependency dependency = new Dependency(parent.getGroupId() + ":" + parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion(), null); return getLicenses(DirectoryFinder.getPomPath(dependency, DirectoryFinder.getMavenRepsitoryDir(userSettings, globalSettings)), userSettings, globalSettings); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Could not parse Maven POM " + filePath, e); return Collections.emptyList(); } }
@Test public void hasNotChanged_VersionNotChanged() { final ReleasableModule module = mock(ReleasableModule.class); when(module.getGroupId()).thenReturn(ANY_GROUP_ID); when(module.getArtifactId()).thenReturn(ANY_ARTIFACT_ID); final Version version = mock(Version.class); when(module.getVersion()).thenReturn(version); when(reactor.findByLabel(ANY_GROUP_ID + ":" + ANY_ARTIFACT_ID)).thenReturn(module); final Parent parent = mock(Parent.class); when(parent.getGroupId()).thenReturn(ANY_GROUP_ID); when(parent.getArtifactId()).thenReturn(ANY_ARTIFACT_ID); assertTrue(context.hasNotChanged(parent)); }
@Test public void hasNotChanged_VersionChanged() { final ReleasableModule module = mock(ReleasableModule.class); when(module.getGroupId()).thenReturn(ANY_GROUP_ID); when(module.getArtifactId()).thenReturn(ANY_ARTIFACT_ID); final Version version = mock(Version.class); when(version.hasChanged()).thenReturn(true); when(module.getVersion()).thenReturn(version); when(reactor.findByLabel(ANY_GROUP_ID + ":" + ANY_ARTIFACT_ID)).thenReturn(module); final Parent parent = mock(Parent.class); when(parent.getGroupId()).thenReturn(ANY_GROUP_ID); when(parent.getArtifactId()).thenReturn(ANY_ARTIFACT_ID); assertFalse(context.hasNotChanged(parent)); }
public static MavenModel convertModelWithAetherDependencyTree(Model model, List<String> sources, List<String> testSources, Collection<Artifact> dependencies, Collection<DependencyNode> dependencyTree, Collection<Artifact> extensions, File localRepository) throws RemoteException { MavenModel result = new MavenModel(); result.setMavenId(new MavenId(model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId(), model.getVersion())); Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent != null) { result.setParent(new MavenParent(new MavenId(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion()), parent.getRelativePath())); } result.setPackaging(model.getPackaging()); result.setName(model.getName()); result.setProperties(model.getProperties() == null ? new Properties() : model.getProperties()); result.setPlugins(convertPlugins(model)); Map<Artifact, MavenArtifact> convertedArtifacts = new THashMap<Artifact, MavenArtifact>(); result.setExtensions(convertArtifacts(extensions, convertedArtifacts, localRepository)); result.setDependencies(convertArtifacts(dependencies, convertedArtifacts, localRepository)); result.setDependencyTree(convertAetherDependencyNodes(null, dependencyTree, convertedArtifacts, localRepository)); result.setRemoteRepositories(convertRepositories(model.getRepositories())); result.setProfiles(convertProfiles(model.getProfiles())); result.setModules(model.getModules()); convertBuild(result.getBuild(), model.getBuild(), sources, testSources); return result; }
@Test public void testValidatPom_parentGroup() { Model model = new Model(); model.setParent(new Parent()); model.getParent().setGroupId("parentGroup"); model.setArtifactId("testArtifact"); model.setVersion("1.0"); underTest.validatePom(model); }
@Test public void testValidatPom_parentVersion() { Model model = new Model(); model.setParent(new Parent()); model.getParent().setVersion("2.0"); model.setGroupId("testGroup"); model.setArtifactId("testArtifact"); underTest.validatePom(model); }
private Model addParent(Model model, String parentGroupId, String parentArtifactId, String parentVersion) { if (model == null) return null; Parent p = new Parent(); p.setGroupId(parentGroupId); p.setArtifactId(parentArtifactId); p.setVersion(parentVersion); if (!(model.getGroupId()+":"+model.getArtifactId()).equals(parentGroupId+":"+parentArtifactId)) { model.setParent(p); } return model; }
/** * Resolves the POM for the specified parent. * * @param parent the parent coordinates to resolve, must not be {@code null} * @return The source of the requested POM, never {@code null} * @since Apache-Maven-3.2.2 (MNG-5639) */ public ModelSource resolveModel( Parent parent ) throws UnresolvableModelException { Dependency parentDependency = new Dependency(); parentDependency.setGroupId(parent.getGroupId()); parentDependency.setArtifactId(parent.getArtifactId()); parentDependency.setVersion(parent.getVersion()); parentDependency.setClassifier(""); parentDependency.setType("pom"); Artifact parentArtifact = null; try { Iterable<ArtifactResult> artifactResults = depencencyResolver.resolveDependencies( projectBuildingRequest, singleton(parentDependency), null, null ); Iterator<ArtifactResult> iterator = artifactResults.iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { parentArtifact =; } } catch (DependencyResolverException e) { throw new UnresolvableModelException( e.getMessage(), parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion(), e ); } return resolveModel( parentArtifact.getGroupId(), parentArtifact.getArtifactId(), parentArtifact.getVersion() ); }
public static MavenModel convertModel( Model model, File projectDir, List<String> sources, List<String> testSources, Collection<Artifact> dependencies, Collection<Artifact> extensions, File localRepo) { MavenModel result = new MavenModel(); result.setMavenKey(new MavenKey(model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId(), model.getVersion())); Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent != null) { result.setParent( new MavenParent( new MavenKey(parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion()), parent.getRelativePath())); } result.setName(model.getName()); result.setPackaging(model.getPackaging()); result.setProperties(model.getProperties() != null ? model.getProperties() : new Properties()); result.setModules(model.getModules()); result.setPlugins(convertPlugins(model)); Map<Artifact, MavenArtifact> convertedArtifacts = new HashMap<>(); result.setExtensions(convertArtifacts(extensions, convertedArtifacts, localRepo)); result.setDependencies(convertArtifacts(dependencies, convertedArtifacts, localRepo)); result.setRemoteRepositories(convertRepositories(model.getRepositories())); result.setProfiles(convertProfiles(model.getProfiles(), projectDir)); convertBuild(result.getBuild(), model.getBuild(), projectDir, sources, testSources); return result; }
public static Model convertToMavenModel(MavenModel model, File projectDir) { Model result = new Model(); result.setArtifactId(model.getMavenKey().getArtifactId()); result.setGroupId(model.getMavenKey().getGroupId()); result.setVersion(model.getMavenKey().getVersion()); result.setPackaging(model.getPackaging()); result.setName(model.getName()); if (model.getParent() != null) { Parent parent = new Parent(); MavenKey parentKey = model.getParent().getMavenKey(); parent.setArtifactId(parentKey.getArtifactId()); parent.setGroupId(parentKey.getGroupId()); parent.setVersion(parentKey.getVersion()); parent.setRelativePath(model.getParent().getRelativePath()); result.setParent(parent); } result.setProperties(model.getProperties()); result.setModules(model.getModules()); result.setBuild(new Build()); MavenBuild modelBuild = model.getBuild(); convertToMavenBuildBase(modelBuild, result.getBuild(), projectDir); result.getBuild().setSourceDirectory(relativize(projectDir, modelBuild.getSources().get(0))); result .getBuild() .setTestSourceDirectory(relativize(projectDir, modelBuild.getTestSources().get(0))); result.getBuild().setOutputDirectory(modelBuild.getOutputDirectory()); result.getBuild().setTestOutputDirectory(modelBuild.getTestOutputDirectory()); result.setProfiles(convertToMavenProfiles(model.getProfiles(), projectDir)); return result; }
protected Artifact toArtifact( Parent model ) throws MojoExecutionException { Dependency d = new Dependency(); d.setArtifactId( model.getArtifactId() ); d.setGroupId( model.getGroupId() ); d.setVersion( model.getVersion() ); d.setType( "pom" ); d.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE ); return this.toArtifact( d ); }
/** * Update created pom.xml file with necessary dependencies and plug-ins so * that it works with WSO2 MSF4J server * * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException * */ private void updatePom(IProject project) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { File mavenProjectPomLocation = project.getFile(POM_FILE).getLocation().toFile(); MavenProject mavenProject = MavenUtils.getMavenProject(mavenProjectPomLocation); Parent msf4jParent = new Parent(); msf4jParent.setGroupId(MSF4J_SERVICE_PARENT_GROUP_ID); msf4jParent.setArtifactId(MSF4J_SERVICE_PARENT_ARTIFACT_ID); msf4jParent.setVersion(MSF4JArtifactConstants.getMSF4JServiceParentVersion()); mavenProject.getModel().setParent(msf4jParent); Properties generatedProperties = mavenProject.getModel().getProperties(); generatedProperties.clear(); }
private String getGroupId(Model model) { String groupId = model.getGroupId(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(groupId)) { Parent parent = model.getParent(); if (parent != null) { groupId = parent.getGroupId(); } } return groupId; }