@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { extractTemplatesFromJar(); try { PublishProvider provider; switch (publish.getProvider()) { default: provider = new ConfluenceProvider(publish.getEndpoint(), publish.getUsername(), publish.getPassword()); } List<Page> pages = readHtmlPages(); publish(provider, pages); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Unexpected error", e); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { initializeHandlers(); for (AppBuildHandler appBuildHandler : appBuildHandlers) { appBuildHandler.handle(); } final Build build = project.getBuild(); final List<String> nonFilteredFileExtensions = getNonFilteredFileExtensions(build.getPlugins()); MavenResourcesExecution mavenResourcesExecution = new MavenResourcesExecution(build.getResources(), new File(outputDirectory), project, ENCODING, build.getFilters(), nonFilteredFileExtensions, session); try { mavenResourcesFiltering.filterResources(mavenResourcesExecution); } catch (MavenFilteringException e) { throw new WMRuntimeException("Failed to execute resource filtering ", e); } }
private void initializeHandlers() throws MojoFailureException { if (appBuildHandlers == null) { appBuildHandlers = new ArrayList<AppBuildHandler>(); Folder rootFolder = new LocalFolder(baseDirectory); Folder pagesFolder = rootFolder.getFolder(pagesDirectory); if (pagesFolder.exists()) { appBuildHandlers.add(new PageMinFileGenerationHandler(pagesFolder)); } Folder servicesFolder = rootFolder.getFolder(servicesDirectory); if (servicesFolder.exists()) { URL[] runtimeClasspathElements = getRuntimeClasspathElements(); appBuildHandlers.add(new SwaggerDocGenerationHandler(servicesFolder, runtimeClasspathElements)); appBuildHandlers.add(new VariableServiceDefGenerationHandler(rootFolder)); } } }
private URL[] getRuntimeClasspathElements() throws MojoFailureException { URL[] runtimeUrls = null; try { List<String> compileClasspathElements = project.getCompileClasspathElements(); List<String> runtimeClasspathElements = project.getRuntimeClasspathElements(); Set<String> allClassPathElements = new LinkedHashSet<>(compileClasspathElements.size()); allClassPathElements.addAll(compileClasspathElements); allClassPathElements.addAll(runtimeClasspathElements); runtimeUrls = new URL[allClassPathElements.size()]; int index=0; for (String s: allClassPathElements ) { runtimeUrls[index++] = new File(s).toURI().toURL(); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw new MojoFailureException("Failed resolve project dependencies", exception); } return runtimeUrls; }
@Override public void execute () throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog ().debug ( "START HERE" ); try { final Document doc = XmlHelper.parse ( this.sourceFile ); updateFile ( doc ); XmlHelper.write ( doc, this.targetFile ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { throw new MojoExecutionException ( "Failed to update version", e ); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { logger.info("package name {}",packageName); logger.info("suites name {}",suites); try { generateReport(packageName, suites); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error("sorry, report cannot created"); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { try { final Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setDirectory(outputDir.getCanonicalPath()); project.addResource(resource); final Set<File> generated = new HashSet<>(); final ReadApiClientData reader = new ReadApiClientData(); final List<ModelData<?>> modelList = reader.readDataFromFile("io/syndesis/dao/deployment.json"); for (final ModelData<?> model : modelList) { if (model.getKind() == Kind.Connector) { final Connector connector = (Connector) model.getData(); for (final ConnectorAction action : connector.getActions()) { process(generated, connector, action, action.getInputDataShape()); process(generated, connector, action, action.getOutputDataShape()); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new MojoFailureException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { try { outputDirectory.mkdirs(); if (Files.exists(outputDirectory.toPath().resolve(".git"))) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Cannot execute mojo in a directory that already contains a .git directory"); } executeCommand(outputDirectory, "git", "init"); executeCommand(outputDirectory, "git", "remote", "add", "origin", repository); executeCommand(outputDirectory, "git", "config", "core.sparseCheckout", "true"); Path sparseCheckoutFile = outputDirectory.toPath().resolve(".git/info/sparse-checkout"); Files.write(sparseCheckoutFile, paths); executeCommand(outputDirectory, "git", "pull", "origin", branch); executeCommand(outputDirectory, "rm", "-rf", ".git"); getLog().info("Files were checked out in: " + outputDirectory); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoFailureException("Caught IOException in mojo", e); } }
protected Map<String, String> prepareRequiredParameters(final FunctionTemplate template) throws MojoFailureException { info(""); info(PREPARE_PARAMS); prepareFunctionName(); preparePackageName(); final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("functionName", getFunctionName()); params.put("className", getClassName()); params.put("packageName", getFunctionPackageName()); prepareTemplateParameters(template, params); displayParameters(params); return params; }
protected void prepareFunctionName() throws MojoFailureException { info("Common parameter [Function Name]: name for both the new function and Java class"); if (settings != null && !settings.isInteractiveMode()) { assureInputInBatchMode(getFunctionName(), str -> isNotEmpty(str) && str.matches(FUNCTION_NAME_REGEXP), this::setFunctionName, true); } else { assureInputFromUser("Enter value for Function Name: ", getFunctionName(), str -> isNotEmpty(str) && str.matches(FUNCTION_NAME_REGEXP), "Function name must start with a letter and can contain letters, digits, '_' and '-'", this::setFunctionName); } }
protected void preparePackageName() throws MojoFailureException { info("Common parameter [Package Name]: package name of the new Java class"); if (settings != null && !settings.isInteractiveMode()) { assureInputInBatchMode(getFunctionPackageName(), str -> isNotEmpty(str) && isName(str), this::setFunctionPackageName, true); } else { assureInputFromUser("Enter value for Package Name: ", getFunctionPackageName(), str -> isNotEmpty(str) && isName(str), "Input should be a valid Java package name.", this::setFunctionPackageName); } }
protected void assureInputInBatchMode(final String input, final Function<String, Boolean> validator, final Consumer<String> setter, final boolean required) throws MojoFailureException { if (validator.apply(input)) { info(FOUND_VALID_VALUE); setter.accept(input); return; } if (required) { throw new MojoFailureException(String.format("invalid input: %s", input)); } else { out.printf("The input is invalid. Use empty string.%n"); setter.accept(""); } }
@Override public void executeInternal() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { PullPolicy policy = null; if (imagePullPolicy == null) { policy = PullPolicy.ALWAYS; } else { switch (imagePullPolicy) { case "always": policy = PullPolicy.ALWAYS; break; case "ifNotPresent": policy = PullPolicy.IF_LOCAL_IMAGE_ABSENT; break; case "ifNewer": policy = PullPolicy.IF_REGISTRY_IMAGE_NEWER; break; default: throw new MojoExecutionException("Unknown image pull policy : " + imagePullPolicy); } } getLog().info("Pulling images with policy : " + imagePullPolicy); getRuntime().pull(policy); }
public static void execute(ContainerOrchestrationRuntime runtime, Carnotzet carnotzet, Log log) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { try { IpPlaceholderResolver ipPlaceholderResolver = new IpPlaceholderResolver(runtime); WelcomePageGenerator generator = new WelcomePageGenerator(Arrays.asList(ipPlaceholderResolver)); Path moduleResources = carnotzet.getResourcesFolder().resolve("expanded-jars"); Path welcomePagePath = carnotzet.getResourcesFolder().resolve("welcome.html"); generator.buildWelcomeHtmlFile(moduleResources, welcomePagePath); new ProcessBuilder("xdg-open", "file://" + welcomePagePath).start(); log.info("********************************************************"); log.info("* *"); log.info("* The WELCOME page was opened in your default browser *"); log.info("* *"); log.info("********************************************************"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Cannot start browser:" + e, e); } }
public static void execute(ContainerOrchestrationRuntime runtime, Carnotzet carnotzet, String service) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (service == null) { runtime.start(); } else { runtime.start(service); } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> { if (service == null) { if (runtime.isRunning()) { runtime.stop(); } } else { if (runtime.getContainer(service).isRunning()) { runtime.stop(service); } } })); LogListener printer = new StdOutLogPrinter(Utils.getServiceNames(carnotzet), null, true); if (service != null) { printer.setEventFilter(event -> event.getService().equals(service)); } runtime.registerLogListener(printer); Utils.waitForUserInterrupt(); }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { SourceGen generator = new SourceGen(sourceDir, outputDir); try { Map<String, OutputType> result = generator.run(); int size = result.size(); if(size > 0) { String types = result.values().stream().map(OutputType::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); String msg = String.format("Generated %d types in %s: %s", size, outputDir.getCanonicalPath(), types); getLog().info(msg); } else { getLog().info("No types generated"); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to generate TypeScript source", e); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { // Create test context try (final GenericXmlApplicationContext generateContext = new GenericXmlApplicationContext()) { generateContext.load("classpath:generate-context.xml"); generateContext.refresh(); final DataSource dataSource = generateContext.getBean(DataSource.class); final Generator generator = new Generator(getLog(), this::processRecord); getLog().info("Loading templates from: " + source.getAbsolutePath()); getLog().info("Package: " + packageName); for (final File file : source.listFiles(this::acceptAllFiles)) { generator.generate(dataSource, file, destination, packageName); } } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (artifact.endsWith("jar") || artifact.endsWith("war")) { getLog().debug("Setting fixed timestamp for " + artifact); try { final Path tmpFolderPath = createTmpFolderPath(); if (tmpFolderPath.toFile().exists()) { deleteTmpFolder(tmpFolderPath); } final Path tmpFolder = Files.createDirectory(tmpFolderPath); backupArtifact(); Set<String> keys = pakArchiefBestandUit(tmpFolder); pakArchiefBestandOpnieuwIn(tmpFolder, keys); Files.deleteIfExists(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(artifact + ".bak")); deleteTmpFolder(tmpFolder); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Cannot create temp folder", e); } } else { getLog().debug("Artifact is not a jar or war file"); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { MetricFilterPublisher publisher = dryRun ? new DryRunMetricFilterPublisher(getLog()) : new CloudwatchMetricFilterPublisher(getLog()); // Get a map of fully-namespaced metric names mapped to the metric fields in classes that extend LambdaMetricSet Map<String, Field> metricFields = new HashMap<>(); try { metricFields.putAll(new MetricsFinder(project).find()); } catch (DependencyResolutionRequiredException | MalformedURLException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not scan classpath for metric fields", e); } if (!metricFields.isEmpty()) { getLog().info(String.format("Found [%d] metric fields in classpath.", metricFields.size())); int removed = publisher.removeMetricFilters(getMetricFilters(metricFields)); getLog().info(String.format("Removed [%d] metric filters.", removed)); } else { getLog().warn("Did not find any metric fields in classpath."); } }
@Override @SneakyThrows public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { Context.builder() .executionEnvironment(executionEnvironment(project, session, buildPluginManager)) .camundaVersion(camundaVersion) .unpackDirectory(unpackDirectory) .outputDirectory(outputDirectory) .noClasspath(false) .autoImports(false) .shouldCompile(false) .dtoYamlFile(dtoYamlFile) .serviceYamlFile(serviceYamlFile) .build() .initDirectory() .downloadSources() .loadDtoDocumentation() .loadServiceDocumentation() .processSources() ; }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (directory == null || !directory.exists()) { super.getLog().error("Directory does not exists."); } File sourceDirectory = new File(directory.getPath() + Util.replaceDots(".org.opendaylight.controller.config.yang.test.impl")); if (sourceDirectory == null || !sourceDirectory.exists()) { super.getLog().error(String.format("Source directory does not exists %s", sourceDirectory.getPath())); } File[] sourceFiles = sourceDirectory.listFiles(); for (File sourceFile: sourceFiles) { if(sourceFile.getName().endsWith("Module.java") || sourceFile.getName().endsWith("ModuleFactory.java")) { super.getLog().debug(String.format("Source file deleted: %s", sourceFile.getName())); sourceFile.delete(); } } }
protected void setUpSolr() throws MojoFailureException { if (!isSOLRFolderExisting()) { if (!isSOLRZipExisting()) { getLog().debug("Download solr-zip because it does not exists!"); downloadZip(); } extractSOLRZip(); } }
protected SOLRRunner buildRunner() throws MojoFailureException { SOLRRunner solrRunner = new SOLRRunner(getSOLRExecutablePath()); solrRunner.setForeground(false); solrRunner.setSolrHome(this.getSOLRHome().toString()); solrRunner.setPort(this.solrPort); return solrRunner; }
private Path getSOLRExecutablePath() throws MojoFailureException { Path solr = getSOLRPath().resolve("bin/"); if(System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains("windows")){ solr = solr.resolve("solr.cmd"); } else { solr = solr.resolve("solr"); } return solr; }
private Path getLocalRepoPath() throws MojoFailureException { try { return Paths.get(new URL(localRepository.getUrl()).toURI()); } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) { throw new MojoFailureException("Could not resolve path to local .m2", e); } }
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { setUpSolr(); try { SOLRRunner runner = buildRunner(); if (runner.start() != 0) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Solr command did not return 0. See Log for errors."); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw new MojoFailureException("Error while starting SOLR!", e); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { setUpSolr(); try { SOLRRunner runner = buildRunner(); if (runner.stop() != 0) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Solr command did not return 0. See Log for errors."); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { throw new MojoFailureException("Error while stopping SOLR!", e); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { Generator generator = new Generator(); try { generator.parse(input); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new MojoExecutionException("Error during GCM parse stage", e); } final String[] gcVersion = {""}; project.getPluginArtifacts().forEach(artifact -> { if (artifact.getGroupId().equals("com.datathings") && artifact.getArtifactId().equals("greycat-mavenplugin")) { gcVersion[0] = artifact.getVersion(); } }); final List<File> cps = new ArrayList<File>(); if (project != null) { for (Artifact a : project.getArtifacts()) { File file = a.getFile(); if (file != null) { if (file.isFile()) { cps.add(file); } } } } generator.generate(packageName, pluginName, targetGen, targetGenJS, generateJava, generateJS, gcVersion[0], project.getVersion(), cps); project.addCompileSourceRoot(targetGen.getAbsolutePath()); }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { try { getLog().info( "Running Error Code documentation plugin" ); ErrorCodeDocumentationGenerator.main(); } catch (IOException | TransformerConfigurationException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error code documentation problems", e); } }
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (!StrUtils.notBlank(endpoint)) { throw new MojoExecutionException("endpoint can not be null"); } if (!StrUtils.notBlank(accessKeyId)) { throw new MojoExecutionException("accessKeyId can not be null"); } if (!StrUtils.notBlank(accessKeySecret)) { throw new MojoExecutionException("accessKeySecret can not be null"); } if (!StrUtils.notBlank(bucketName)) { throw new MojoExecutionException("bucketName can not be null"); } AliyunOssUtills.init(endpoint, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, bucketName, supportCname); String[] upFiles = listSelectedFiles(); if (null != upFiles && upFiles.length > 0) { getLog().info("files upload to aliyun oss begin"); for (String upFile : upFiles) { File file = new File(getBasePath() + "/" + upFile); if (file.exists()) { doUpload(file); } else { warn("upload file not exists: %s", file.getName()); } } getLog().info(upFiles.length + " files upload to aliyun oss finished"); } else { getLog().warn("no files to upload"); } }
protected final String[] listSelectedFiles() throws MojoFailureException { Selection selection = new Selection(getBaseDir(), includes, buildExcludes(), true); debug("From: %s", getBaseDir()); debug("Including: %s", deepToString(selection.getIncluded())); debug("Excluding: %s", deepToString(selection.getExcluded())); return selection.getSelectedFiles(); }
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { try { generateDocs(readInputFiles()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoFailureException("Failed to generate configuration docs", e); } }
@Override public synchronized void execute () throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if ( !this.project.getProperties ().containsKey ( UNQUALIFIED_VERSION_PROPERTY ) ) { final String result = makeVersion ( this.project.getVersion () ); getLog ().debug ( "Setting unqualified version to: " + result ); if ( result != null ) { this.project.getProperties ().put ( UNQUALIFIED_VERSION_PROPERTY, result ); } } }
@Override public void execute () throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if ( this.sourceFiles == null || this.sourceFiles.isEmpty () ) { throw new MojoFailureException ( "'sourceFiles' must not be empty!" ); } try { Document doc = null; for ( final File file : this.sourceFiles ) { if ( doc == null ) { doc = XmlHelper.parse ( file ); } else { doc = merge ( doc, XmlHelper.parse ( file ) ); } } updateInformation ( doc ); XmlHelper.write ( doc, this.targetFile ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { throw new MojoExecutionException ( "Failed to merge target files", e ); } }
private void parseProvidedVersions () throws MojoFailureException { for ( final String v : this.providedVersions ) { final String toks[] = v.split ( ":" ); if ( toks.length != 3 ) { throw new MojoFailureException ( this.providedVersions, "Wrong provided version syntax", "The syntax of the provided versions is <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>. Multiple entries must be comma seperated." ); } getLog ().info ( String.format ( "Recording provided version - %s:%s -> %s", toks[0], toks[1], toks[2] ) ); this.versions.put ( new PomId ( toks[0], toks[1] ), toks[2] ); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { SDLogger.configure(getLog()); this.validateField(Constants.ENTITY_PACKAGE); this.validateField(Constants.MAGANER_PACKAGE); this.validateField(Constants.REPOSITORY_PACKAGE); try { CustomResourceLoader resourceLoader = new CustomResourceLoader(project); resourceLoader = new CustomResourceLoader(project); resourceLoader.setPostfix(managerPostfix); resourceLoader.setRepositoryPackage(repositoryPackage); resourceLoader.setRepositoryPostfix(repositoryPostfix); resourceLoader.setOverwrite(overwrite); String absolutePath = GeneratorUtils.getAbsolutePath(managerPackage); if (absolutePath == null){ SDLogger.addError("Could not define the absolute path of the managers"); throw new SDMojoException(); } ScanningConfigurationSupport scanningConfigurationSupport = new ScanningConfigurationSupport(entityPackage, onlyAnnotations); ManagerTemplateSupport managerTemplateSupport = new ManagerTemplateSupport(resourceLoader); managerTemplateSupport.initializeCreation(absolutePath, managerPackage, scanningConfigurationSupport.getCandidates(resourceLoader)); SDLogger.printGeneratedTables(true); } catch (Exception e) { SDLogger.addError(e.getMessage()); throw new SDMojoException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { SDLogger.configure(getLog()); this.validateField(Constants.ENTITY_PACKAGE); this.validateField(Constants.REPOSITORY_PACKAGE); try { CustomResourceLoader resourceLoader = new CustomResourceLoader(project); resourceLoader = new CustomResourceLoader(project); resourceLoader.setPostfix(repositoryPostfix); resourceLoader.setOverwrite(overwrite); String absolutePath = GeneratorUtils.getAbsolutePath(repositoryPackage); if (absolutePath == null){ SDLogger.addError("Could not define the absolute path of the repositories"); throw new SDMojoException(); } ScanningConfigurationSupport scanningConfigurationSupport = new ScanningConfigurationSupport(entityPackage, onlyAnnotations); RepositoryTemplateSupport repositoryTemplateSupport = new RepositoryTemplateSupport(resourceLoader); repositoryTemplateSupport.initializeCreation(absolutePath, repositoryPackage, scanningConfigurationSupport.getCandidates(resourceLoader)); SDLogger.printGeneratedTables(true); } catch (Exception e) { SDLogger.addError(e.getMessage()); throw new SDMojoException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (!gerkinSeparateFeature) { appendTitle(get(pageCount.get())); } readFeatures().forEach(path -> { if (gerkinSeparateFeature) { // read feature title try { Map<String, Object> parsed = MapFormatter.parse(readFileToString(FileUtils.getFile(path), defaultCharset())); String title = StringUtils.defaultString(getTitle(), EMPTY) + String.valueOf(parsed.get("name")); appendTitle(get(pageCount.get()), title); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error reading " + path, e); } } get(pageCount.get()).textLine(String.format("gherkin::%s[%s]", path, gherkinOptions)); get(pageCount.get()).textLine(EMPTY); somethingWasGenerated = true; if (gerkinSeparateFeature) { pageCount.incrementAndGet(); } }); if (!somethingWasGenerated) { // nothing generated return; } write(docBuilders.get(0)); }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (interactive) { diagramWithLink = true; diagramImageType = DiagramImageType.svg; } // generate diagram String diagram = generateDiagram(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(diagram)) { // nothing to generate return; } switch (format) { case html: case adoc: case asciidoc: AsciiDocBuilder asciiDocBuilder = this.createAsciiDocBuilder(); appendTitle(asciiDocBuilder); switch (diagramType) { case plantuml: asciiDocBuilder.textLine(String.format("[plantuml, %s, format=%s, opts=interactive]", getOutputFilename(), diagramImageType)); } asciiDocBuilder.textLine("----"); asciiDocBuilder.textLine(diagram); asciiDocBuilder.textLine("----"); // write to file write(asciiDocBuilder); break; case plantuml: write(diagram, getOutput(getOutputFilename(), Format.plantuml)); } }
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { try { final TooltipExtractor consumer = new TooltipExtractor(); for (File path: sources) { Files.lines(path.toPath()).forEach(consumer); } consumer.write(new FileWriter(output)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoFailureException(e.getMessage(), e); } }