private ServletAdapter createJerseyAdapter(Endpoint e) { ServletAdapter jersey = new ServletAdapter(); jersey.setServletInstance(new ServletContainer()); jersey.addInitParameter("", "org.apache.zookeeper.server.jersey.resources"); jersey.setContextPath(e.getContext()); Credentials c = Credentials.join(e.getCredentials(), cfg .getCredentials()); if (!c.isEmpty()) { jersey.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuth(c), e.getContext() + "-basic-auth", null); } return jersey; }
public void start() throws IOException { System.out.println("Starting grizzly ..."); boolean useSSL = cfg.useSSL(); gws = new GrizzlyWebServer(cfg.getPort(), "/tmp/23cxv45345/2131xc2/", useSSL); // BUG: Grizzly needs a doc root if you are going to register multiple adapters for (Endpoint e : cfg.getEndpoints()) { ZooKeeperService.mapContext(e.getContext(), e); gws.addGrizzlyAdapter(createJerseyAdapter(e), new String[] { e .getContext() }); } if (useSSL) { System.out.println("Starting SSL ..."); String jks = cfg.getJKS("keys/rest.jks"); String jksPassword = cfg.getJKSPassword(); SSLConfig sslConfig = new SSLConfig(); URL resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(jks); if (resource == null) { LOG.error("Unable to find the keystore file: " + jks); System.exit(2); } try { sslConfig.setKeyStoreFile(new File(resource.toURI()) .getAbsolutePath()); } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { LOG.error("Unable to load keystore: " + jks, e1); System.exit(2); } sslConfig.setKeyStorePass(jksPassword); gws.setSSLConfig(sslConfig); } gws.start(); }
private static void printEndpoints(RestCfg cfg) { int port = cfg.getPort(); for (Endpoint e : cfg.getEndpoints()) { String context = e.getContext(); if (context.charAt(context.length() - 1) != '/') { context += "/"; } System.out.println(String.format( "Started %s - WADL: http://localhost:%d%sapplication.wadl", context, port, context)); } }
/** * Return a ZooKeeper client which may or may not be connected, but it will * not be expired. This method can be called multiple times, the same object * will be returned except in the case where the session expires (at which * point a new session will be returned) */ synchronized public static ZooKeeper getClient(String contextPath, String session, int expireTime) throws IOException { final String connectionId = concat(contextPath, session); ZooKeeper zk = zkMap.get(connectionId); if (zk == null) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"creating new " + "connection for : '%s'", connectionId)); } Endpoint e = contextMap.get(contextPath); zk = new ZooKeeper(e.getHostPort(), 30000, new MyWatcher( connectionId)); for (Map.Entry<String, String> p : e.getZooKeeperAuthInfo().entrySet()) { zk.addAuthInfo("digest", String.format("%s:%s", p.getKey(), p.getValue()).getBytes()); } zkMap.put(connectionId, zk); // a session should automatically expire after an amount of time if (session != null) { zkSessionTimers.put(connectionId, new SessionTimerTask( expireTime, session, contextPath, timer)); } } return zk; }