Java 类org.assertj.core.api.WritableAssertionInfo 实例源码

项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value at start point is a stringbuilder.
public void should_fail_because_value_at_start_point_is_a_stringbuilder() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeType.isBoolean(tableAssert, info,
                                             getValue(null, new StringBuilder("test")), getValue(null, true), false);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting that the value at start point:%n"
                                                                  + "  <test>%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <BOOLEAN>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <NOT_IDENTIFIED> (java.lang.StringBuilder)"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not a date.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_a_date() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueInequality.isNotEqualTo(tableAssert, info, getValue(null, 8), DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "  <8>%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <[DATE, DATE_TIME]>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <NUMBER>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a date/time.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_date_time() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info,
                                                 getValue(null, "other"),
                                                 getValue(null, Timestamp.valueOf("2002-07-25 03:30:05")),
                                                 DateTimeValue.of(DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23), TimeValue.of(9, 1)),
                                                 DateTimeValue.of(DateValue.of(2002, 7, 25), TimeValue.of(3, 30, 5)));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that the value at start point:%n"
                                                    + "  <\"other\">%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <[DATE, DATE_TIME, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * Verifies that the value is before or equal to a date value.
 * @param <A>       The type of the assertion which call this method.
 * @param assertion The assertion which call this method.
 * @param info      Writable information about an assertion.
 * @param value     The value.
 * @param date      The date value to compare to.
 * @return {@code this} assertion object.
 * @throws AssertionError If the value is not before or equal to the date value in parameter.
public static <A extends AbstractAssert<?>> A isBeforeOrEqualTo(A assertion, WritableAssertionInfo info, Value value,
                                                             DateValue date) {
  Object object = value.getValue();
  AssertionsOnValueType.isOfAnyTypeIn(assertion, info, value, ValueType.DATE, ValueType.DATE_TIME);
  if (object instanceof Date) {
    if (DateValue.from((Date) object).isBefore(date) || areEqual(value, date)) {
      return assertion;
    throw failures.failure(info, shouldBeBeforeOrEqual(DateValue.from((Date) object), date));
  } else {
    DateTimeValue dateTimeValue = DateTimeValue.of(date);
    if (DateTimeValue.from((Timestamp) object).isBefore(dateTimeValue) || areEqual(value, dateTimeValue)) {
      return assertion;
    throw failures.failure(info, shouldBeBeforeOrEqual(DateTimeValue.from((Timestamp) object), dateTimeValue));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method tests the {@code containsValues} assertion method.
public void test_contains_values() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, Locale.FRENCH), getValue(null, Locale.ENGLISH), getValue(
          null, Locale.FRENCH), getValue(null, null)));
  TableAssert tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list, Locale.FRENCH, Locale.ENGLISH, Locale.FRENCH, null);
  tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list, Locale.FRENCH, Locale.FRENCH, Locale.ENGLISH, null);
  tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list, Locale.ENGLISH, null, Locale.FRENCH, Locale.FRENCH);
  list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, Locale.FRENCH), getValue(null, Locale.ENGLISH), getValue(null,
                                                                                                               Locale.ENGLISH), getValue(
          null, null)));
  tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list, null, Locale.ENGLISH,
                                                          Locale.FRENCH, Locale.ENGLISH);
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value at start point is different.
public void should_fail_because_value_at_start_point_is_different() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info,
                                                 getValue(null, UUID.fromString(
                                                 getValue(null, UUID.fromString("30B443AE-C0C9-4790-9BEC-CE1380808435")),
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting that start point:%n"
                                                                  + "  <0e2a1269-eff0-4233-b87b-b53e8b6f164d>%n"
                                                                  + "to be equal to: %n"
                                                                  + "  <30b443ae-c0c9-4790-9bec-ce1380808435>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a number.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_number() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, "other"), getValue(null, 8)));
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info, list, 7, 8);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that the value at index 0:%n"
                                                    + "  <\"other\">%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <[NUMBER, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the values are different.
public void should_fail_because_values_are_different() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, new byte[] {0, 1}), getValue(null, new byte[] {2, 3}), getValue(
          null, null)));
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info, list, new byte[] { 0, 1 }, new byte[] { 1, 3 }, null);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that the value at index 1 to be equal to the expected value but was not equal"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a date/time.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_date() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, "other"),
                                                   getValue(null, Date.valueOf("2002-07-25"))));
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list,
                                             DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23),
                                             DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting that the value at index 0:%n"
                                                                  + "  <\"other\">%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <[DATE, DATE_TIME, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not a boolean.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_a_boolean() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueType.isBoolean(tableAssert, info, getValue(null, "text"));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting:%n"
                                                                  + "  <\"text\">%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <BOOLEAN>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not a date/time.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_a_date_time() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueCloseness.isCloseTo(tableAssert, info, getValue(null, 8),
                                         DateTimeValue.of(DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23)), DateValue.of(0, 0, 1));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting:%n"
                                                                  + "  <8>%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <[DATE, DATE_TIME]>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <NUMBER>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a date/time.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_time() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, "other"), getValue(null, Time.valueOf("03:30:05"))));
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list,
                                             TimeValue.of(9, 1),
                                             TimeValue.of(9, 1));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting that the value at index 0:%n"
                                                                  + "  <\"other\">%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <[TIME, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * Verifies that the values of a column are equal to texts.
 * @param <A>        The type of the assertion which call this method.
 * @param assertion  The assertion which call this method.
 * @param info       Writable information about an assertion.
 * @param valuesList The list of values.
 * @param expected The expected text values.
 * @return {@code this} assertion object.
 * @throws AssertionError If the values of the column are not equal to the texts in parameter.
public static <A extends AbstractAssert<?>> A hasValues(A assertion, WritableAssertionInfo info,
                                                     List<Value> valuesList, String... expected) {
  AssertionsOnColumnType.isOfAnyTypeIn(assertion, info, valuesList, ValueType.TEXT, ValueType.NUMBER, ValueType.DATE,
          ValueType.TIME, ValueType.DATE_TIME, ValueType.UUID, ValueType.NOT_IDENTIFIED);
  AssertionsOnNumberOfRows.hasNumberOfRows(assertion, info, valuesList.size(), expected.length);
  int index = 0;
  for (Value value : valuesList) {
    if (!areEqual(value, expected[index])) {
      throw failures.failure(info,
                             shouldBeEqual(index, Values.getRepresentationFromValueInFrontOfExpected(value, expected[index]),
  return assertion;
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a text.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_text() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, "T"), getValue(null, false)));
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info, list, 'T', 't');
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                         + "Expecting that the value at index 1:%n"
                                         + "  <false>%n"
                                         + "to be of type%n"
                                         + "  <[TEXT, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                         + "but was of type%n"
                                         + "  <BOOLEAN>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value at end point is different.
public void should_fail_because_value_at_end_point_is_different() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info,
                                                 getValue(null, 1),
                                                 getValue(null, 2), 1);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that end point:%n"
                                                    + "  <2>%n"
                                                    + "to be equal to: %n"
                                                    + "  <1>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * Verifies that the values of a column are equal to date values.
 * @param <A>        The type of the assertion which call this method.
 * @param assertion  The assertion which call this method.
 * @param info       Writable information about an assertion.
 * @param valuesList The list of values.
 * @param expected The expected date values.
 * @return {@code this} assertion object.
 * @throws AssertionError If the values of the column are not equal to the date values in parameter.
public static <A extends AbstractAssert<?>> A hasValues(A assertion, WritableAssertionInfo info,
                                                     List<Value> valuesList, DateValue... expected) {
          .isOfAnyTypeIn(assertion, info, valuesList, ValueType.DATE, ValueType.DATE_TIME, ValueType.NOT_IDENTIFIED);
  AssertionsOnNumberOfRows.hasNumberOfRows(assertion, info, valuesList.size(), expected.length);
  int index = 0;
  for (Value value : valuesList) {
    if (!areEqual(value, expected[index])) {
      throw failures.failure(info,
                             shouldBeEqual(index, Values.getRepresentationFromValueInFrontOfExpected(value, expected[index]), expected[index]));
  return assertion;
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not a text.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_a_text() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueInequality.isNotEqualTo(tableAssert, info, getValue(null, 8), 'T');
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "  <8>%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <NUMBER>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value at end point is different.
public void should_fail_because_value_at_end_point_is_different() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info,
                                                 getValue(null, 1),
                                                 getValue(null, 2), 1, 1);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that end point:%n"
                                                    + "  <2>%n"
                                                    + "to be equal to: %n"
                                                    + "  <1>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is a stringbuiler.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_a_stringbuilder() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, new StringBuilder("test")), getValue(null, true)));
    AssertionsOnColumnType.isBytes(tableAssert, info, list, false);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting that the value at index 0:%n"
                                                                  + "  <test>%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <BYTES>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <NOT_IDENTIFIED> (java.lang.StringBuilder)"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method tests the {@code hasNumberOfChangesLessThan} assertion method.
public void test_has_number_of_changes_less_than() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  Row rowAtStartPoint = getRow(Arrays.asList("ID"),
                               Arrays.asList("ID", "NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "BIRTH"),
                               Arrays.asList(getValue(null, 1), getValue(null, "Weaver"), getValue(null, "Sigourney"),
                                             getValue(null, Date.valueOf("1949-10-08"))));
  Row rowAtEndPoint = getRow(Arrays.asList("ID"),
                             Arrays.asList("ID", "NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "BIRTH"),
                             Arrays.asList(getValue(null, 1), getValue(null, "Weaverr"), getValue(null, "Sigourneyy"),
                                           getValue(null, Date.valueOf("1949-10-08"))));
  Change change = getChange(DataType.TABLE, "test", ChangeType.CREATION, rowAtStartPoint, rowAtEndPoint);
  Changes changes = getChanges(Arrays.asList(change, change));
  TableAssert tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnNumberOfChanges.hasNumberOfChangesLessThan(tableAssert, info,
                                                                                    changes, 3);
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the type of change is different.
public void should_fail_because_type_of_change_is_different() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  Row rowAtStartPoint = getRow(null, null, null);
  Row rowAtEndPoint = getRow(null, null, null);
  Change change = getChange(DataType.TABLE, "test", ChangeType.CREATION, rowAtStartPoint, rowAtEndPoint);
  try {
    AssertionsOnChangeType.isDeletion(tableAssert, info, change);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <DELETION>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <CREATION>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method tests the {@code isDate} assertion method.
public void test_is_date() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, Date.valueOf("2007-12-23")),
                                                   getValue(null, Date.valueOf("2002-07-25"))));
  TableAssert tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnType.isDate(tableAssert, info, list, false);
  list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, Date.valueOf("2007-12-23")),
                                       getValue(null, Date.valueOf("2002-07-25"))));
  tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnType.isDate(tableAssert, info, list, true);
  list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, null),
                                       getValue(null, Date.valueOf("2002-07-25"))));
  tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnType.isDate(tableAssert, info, list, true);
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the data type is different.
public void should_fail_because_data_type_is_different() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  Row rowAtStartPoint = getRow(null, null, null);
  Row rowAtEndPoint = getRow(null, null, null);
  Change change = getChange(DataType.REQUEST, "test", ChangeType.CREATION, rowAtStartPoint, rowAtEndPoint);
  try {
    AssertionsOnDataType.isOnTable(tableAssert, info, change);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "to be on data type%n"
                                                    + "  <TABLE>%n"
                                                    + "but was on data type%n"
                                                    + "  <REQUEST>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method tests the description of value at end point of column of change of changes.
public void test_default_description_value_at_end_point_of_column_of_change_of_changes() throws Exception {
  Field field = AbstractElement.class.getDeclaredField("info");

  Changes changesFromSource = new Changes(source).setStartPointNow();
  Changes changesFromDataSource = new Changes(dataSource).setStartPointNow();

  ChangeColumnValueAssert assertionFromSource = assertThat(changesFromSource).change().column().valueAtEndPoint();
  ChangeColumnValueAssert assertionFromDataSource = assertThat(changesFromDataSource).change(

  WritableAssertionInfo infoFromSource = (WritableAssertionInfo) field.get(assertionFromSource);
  assertThat(infoFromSource.descriptionText()).isEqualTo("Value at end point of Column at index 0 (column name : ID) of Change at index 0 (on table : ACTOR and with primary key : [4]) of Changes on tables of 'sa/jdbc:h2:mem:test' source");

  WritableAssertionInfo infoFromDataSource = (WritableAssertionInfo) field.get(assertionFromDataSource);
  assertThat(infoFromDataSource.descriptionText()).isEqualTo("Value at end point of Column at index 0 (column name : ID) of Change at index 1 (on table : INTERPRETATION and with primary key : [6]) of Changes on tables of a data source");
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not a time.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_a_time() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueInequality.isNotEqualTo(tableAssert, info, getValue(null, 8), TimeValue.of(9, 1));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "  <8>%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TIME>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <NUMBER>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a boolean.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_boolean() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, "other"), getValue(null, false)));
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info, list, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                         + "Expecting that the value at index 0:%n"
                                         + "  <\"other\">%n"
                                         + "to be of type%n"
                                         + "  <[BOOLEAN, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                         + "but was of type%n"
                                         + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value at end point is different.
public void should_fail_because_value_at_end_point_is_different() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info,
                                                 getValue(null, false),
                                                 getValue(null, true),
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that end point:%n"
                                                    + "  <true>%n"
                                                    + "to be equal to: %n"
                                                    + "  <false>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is a stringbuiler.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_a_stringbuilder() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, new StringBuilder("test")),
                                                     getValue(null, true)));
    AssertionsOnColumnType.isDateTime(tableAssert, info, list, false);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting that the value at index 0:%n"
                                                                  + "  <test>%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <DATE_TIME>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <NOT_IDENTIFIED> (java.lang.StringBuilder)"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not compatible.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_compatible() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueChronology.isBefore(tableAssert, info,
                                         getValue(null, "test"),
                                         DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "  <\"test\">%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <[DATE, DATE_TIME]>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a date/time.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_date_time() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info,
                                                 getValue(null, "other"),
                                                 getValue(null, Timestamp.valueOf("2007-12-23 09:01:00")),
                                                 DateTimeValue.of(DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23), TimeValue.of(9, 1)));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that the value at start point:%n"
                                                    + "  <\"other\">%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <[DATE, DATE_TIME, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the expected index must be not {@code null}.
public void should_fail_because_expected_index_must_be_not_null() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  Row rowAtStartPoint = getRow(null,
                               Arrays.asList("ID", "NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "BIRTH"),
                               Arrays.asList(getValue(null, 1), getValue(null, "Weaver"), getValue(null, "Sigourney"),
                                             getValue(null, Date.valueOf("1949-10-08"))));
  Row rowAtEndPoint = getRow(null,
                             Arrays.asList("ID", "NAME", "FIRSTNAME", "BIRTH"),
                             Arrays.asList(getValue(null, 1), getValue(null, "Weaverr"), getValue(null, "Sigourneyy"),
                                           getValue(null, Date.valueOf("1949-10-08"))));
  Change change = getChange(DataType.TABLE, "test", ChangeType.MODIFICATION, rowAtStartPoint, rowAtEndPoint);
  try {
    AssertionsOnModifiedColumns.hasModifiedColumns(tableAssert, info, change, 1, null);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (NullPointerException e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("Column index must be not null"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not compatible.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_compatible() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueChronology.isBefore(tableAssert, info,
                                         getValue(null, "test"),
                                        DateTimeValue.of(DateValue.of(2007, 12, 23),
                                                         TimeValue.of(9, 1, 6)));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "  <\"test\">%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <[DATE, DATE_TIME]>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the number of rows is different.
public void should_fail_because_number_of_rows_is_less_than_or_equal() {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnNumberOfRows.hasNumberOfRowsGreaterThan(tableAssert, info, 8, 8);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting size (number of rows) to be greater than :%n"
                                                                  + "   <8>%n"
                                                                  + "but was:%n"
                                                                  + "   <8>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the expected string is not correct to compare to a time.
public void should_fail_because_expected_string_is_not_correct_to_compare_to_time() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueChronology.isBeforeOrEqualTo(tableAssert, info,
                                                  getValue(null, Time.valueOf("09:01:05")),
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertJDBException e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("Expected <09_01:00> is not correct to compare to <09:01:05.000000000>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is not a number.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_not_a_number() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueEquality.isEqualTo(tableAssert, info, getValue(null, false), 8);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting:%n"
                                                    + "  <false>%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <NUMBER>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <BOOLEAN>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value at start point have different type.
public void should_fail_because_value_at_start_point_have_different_type() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeType.isText(tableAssert, info,
                                          getValue(null, true), getValue(null, "test"), false);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that the value at start point:%n"
                                                    + "  <true>%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <BOOLEAN>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because one of the values is not a time.
public void should_fail_because_one_value_is_not_a_time() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnColumnOfChangeEquality.hasValues(tableAssert, info,
                                                 getValue(null, "other"),
                                                 getValue(null, Time.valueOf("09:01:05")),
                                                 TimeValue.of(9, 1));
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                    + "Expecting that the value at start point:%n"
                                                    + "  <\"other\">%n"
                                                    + "to be of type%n"
                                                    + "  <[TIME, NOT_IDENTIFIED]>%n"
                                                    + "but was of type%n"
                                                    + "  <TEXT>"));
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method tests the {@code as} method to modify the description.
public void test_as() throws Exception {
  Field field = AbstractElement.class.getDeclaredField("info");
  Table table = new Table(source, "actor");

  TableRowAssert assertion = assertThat(table).row();
  WritableAssertionInfo info1 = (WritableAssertionInfo) field.get(assertion);
  assertThat(info1.descriptionText()).isEqualTo("Row at index 0 of ACTOR table");

  TableRowAssert assertion2 ="message %s with text", 1);
  WritableAssertionInfo info2 = (WritableAssertionInfo) field.get(assertion2);
  assertThat(info2.descriptionText()).isEqualTo("message 1 with text");

  Description description = new TextDescription("description %s %s", "with", "information");
  TableRowAssert assertion3 =;
  WritableAssertionInfo info3 = (WritableAssertionInfo) field.get(assertion3);
  assertThat(info3.descriptionText()).isEqualTo("description with information");
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method tests the {@code containsValues} assertion method.
public void test_contains_values() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  List<Value> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getValue(null, "test1"), getValue(null, "test2"), getValue(null,
                                                                                                              "test1"), getValue(
          null, null)));
  TableAssert tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list, "test1", "test2", "test1", null);
  tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list, "test2", "test1", "test1", null);
  tableAssert2 = AssertionsOnColumnContent.containsValues(tableAssert, info, list, null, "test1", "test1", "test2");
项目:assertj-db    文件   
 * This method should fail because the value is a stringbuilder.
public void should_fail_because_value_is_a_stringbuilder() throws Exception {
  WritableAssertionInfo info = new WritableAssertionInfo();
  Table table = new Table();
  TableAssert tableAssert = assertThat(table);
  try {
    AssertionsOnValueType.isOfType(tableAssert, info, getValue(null, new StringBuilder("text")), ValueType.TEXT);
    fail("An exception must be raised");
  } catch (AssertionError e) {
    Assertions.assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo(String.format("[description] %n"
                                                                  + "Expecting:%n"
                                                                  + "  <text>%n"
                                                                  + "to be of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <TEXT>%n"
                                                                  + "but was of type%n"
                                                                  + "  <NOT_IDENTIFIED> (java.lang.StringBuilder)"));