public static Time getInstance( Object obj) { if (obj == null || obj instanceof Time) { return (Time)obj; } else if (obj instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return new Time((ASN1UTCTime)obj); } else if (obj instanceof ASN1GeneralizedTime) { return new Time((ASN1GeneralizedTime)obj); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown object in factory: " + obj.getClass().getName()); }
public Date getDate() { try { if (time instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return ((ASN1UTCTime)time).getAdjustedDate(); } else { return ((ASN1GeneralizedTime)time).getDate(); } } catch (ParseException e) { // this should never happen throw new IllegalStateException("invalid date string: " + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Return a Time object from the given object. * <p> * Accepted inputs: * <ul> * <li> null → null * <li> {@link Time} object * <li> {@link org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERUTCTime DERUTCTime} object * <li> {@link org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERGeneralizedTime DERGeneralizedTime} object * </ul> * * @param obj the object we want converted. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the object cannot be converted. */ public static Time getInstance( Object obj) { if (obj == null || obj instanceof Time) { return (Time)obj; } else if (obj instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return new Time((ASN1UTCTime)obj); } else if (obj instanceof ASN1GeneralizedTime) { return new Time((ASN1GeneralizedTime)obj); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown object in factory: " + obj.getClass().getName()); }
/** * Get java.util.Date version of date+time. */ public Date getDate() { try { if (time instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return ((ASN1UTCTime)time).getAdjustedDate(); } else { return ((ASN1GeneralizedTime)time).getDate(); } } catch (ParseException e) { // this should never happen throw new IllegalStateException("invalid date string: " + e.getMessage()); } }
private String dumpUTCTime(ASN1UTCTime asn1Time) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(indentSequence.toString(indentLevel)); sb.append("UTC TIME="); // UTCTime, note does not support ms precision hence the different date format Date date; try { date = asn1Time.getDate(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot parse utc time"); } String formattedDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss z").format(date); sb.append(formattedDate); sb.append(" ("); sb.append(asn1Time.getTime()); sb.append(")"); sb.append(NEWLINE); return sb.toString(); }
private X509Certificate makeEsteidCert(KeyPair esteid, KeyPair root) throws InvalidKeyException, IllegalStateException, NoSuchProviderException, SignatureException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, ParseException, OperatorCreationException, CertificateException { // Load current root certificate X509CertificateHolder real = getRealCert("sk-esteid.pem"); JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder builder = new JcaX509v3CertificateBuilder(real.getIssuer(), real.getSerialNumber(), Time.getInstance(new ASN1UTCTime(real.getNotBefore())), Time.getInstance(new ASN1GeneralizedTime(real.getNotAfter())), real.getSubject(), esteid.getPublic()); // Basic constraints @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> list = real.getExtensionOIDs(); // Copy all extensions for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier extoid : list) { Extension ext = real.getExtension(extoid); builder.copyAndAddExtension(ext.getExtnId(), ext.isCritical(), real); } // Generate cert ContentSigner sigGen = new JcaContentSignerBuilder("SHA384withRSA").setProvider(BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME).build(root.getPrivate()); X509CertificateHolder cert =; return new JcaX509CertificateConverter().setProvider(BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME).getCertificate(cert); }
private CrlIdentifier(ASN1Sequence seq) { if (seq.size() < 2 || seq.size() > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.crlIssuer = X500Name.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(0)); this.crlIssuedTime = ASN1UTCTime.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(1)); if (seq.size() > 2) { this.crlNumber = ASN1Integer.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(2)); } }
public CrlIdentifier(X500Name crlIssuer, ASN1UTCTime crlIssuedTime, BigInteger crlNumber) { this.crlIssuer = crlIssuer; this.crlIssuedTime = crlIssuedTime; if (null != crlNumber) { this.crlNumber = new ASN1Integer(crlNumber); } }
public Time( ASN1Primitive time) { if (!(time instanceof ASN1UTCTime) && !(time instanceof ASN1GeneralizedTime)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown object passed to Time"); } this.time = time; }
public String getTime() { if (time instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return ((ASN1UTCTime)time).getAdjustedTime(); } else { return ((ASN1GeneralizedTime)time).getTime(); } }
public Date getDate() { if (time instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return ((ASN1UTCTime)time).getAdjustedDate(); } else { return ((ASN1GeneralizedTime)time).getDate(); } }
/** * @deprecated use getInstance() */ public Time( ASN1Primitive time) { if (!(time instanceof ASN1UTCTime) && !(time instanceof ASN1GeneralizedTime)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown object passed to Time"); } this.time = time; }
/** * Get the date+tine as a String in full form century format. */ public String getTime() { if (time instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return ((ASN1UTCTime)time).getAdjustedTime(); } else { return ((ASN1GeneralizedTime)time).getTime(); } }
/** * Get dump of the supplied ASN.1 object. * * @param asn1Object * ASN.1 object * @return Dump of object * @throws Asn1Exception * A problem was encountered getting the ASN.1 dump * @throws IOException * If an I/O problem occurred */ public String dump(ASN1Primitive asn1Object) throws Asn1Exception, IOException { // Get dump of the supplied ASN.1 object incrementing the indent level of the output try { indentLevel++; if (asn1Object instanceof DERBitString) { // special case of ASN1String return dumpBitString((DERBitString) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1String) { return dumpString((ASN1String) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1UTCTime) { return dumpUTCTime((ASN1UTCTime) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1GeneralizedTime) { return dumpGeneralizedTime((ASN1GeneralizedTime) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1Sequence || asn1Object instanceof ASN1Set ) { return dumpSetOrSequence(asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1TaggedObject) { return dumpTaggedObject((ASN1TaggedObject) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1Boolean) { return dumpBoolean((ASN1Boolean) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1Enumerated) { return dumpEnumerated((ASN1Enumerated) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1Integer) { return dumpInteger((ASN1Integer) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1Null) { return dumpNull((ASN1Null) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1ObjectIdentifier) { return dumpObjectIdentifier((ASN1ObjectIdentifier) asn1Object); } else if (asn1Object instanceof ASN1OctetString) { return dumpOctetString((ASN1OctetString) asn1Object); } else { throw new Asn1Exception("Unknown ASN.1 object: " + asn1Object.toString()); } } finally { if (true) { indentLevel--; } } }
@Override public Date getSigningTime() { final Attribute attr = getSignedAttribute(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs_9_at_signingTime); if (attr == null) { return null; } final ASN1Set attrValues = attr.getAttrValues(); final ASN1Encodable attrValue = attrValues.getObjectAt(0); final Date signingDate = DSSASN1Utils.getDate(attrValue); if (signingDate != null) { /* * RFC 3852 [4] states that "dates between January 1, 1950 and * December 31, 2049 (inclusive) must be encoded as UTCTime. Any * dates with year values before 1950 or after 2049 must be encoded * as GeneralizedTime". */ if (!(signingDate.before(JANUARY_1950) && signingDate.after(JANUARY_2050))) { // must be ASN1UTCTime if (!(attrValue instanceof ASN1UTCTime)) { LOG.error( "RFC 3852 states that dates between January 1, 1950 and December 31, 2049 (inclusive) must be encoded as UTCTime. Any dates with year values before 1950 or after 2049 must be encoded as GeneralizedTime. Date found is {} encoded as {}", signingDate.toString(), attrValue.getClass()); return null; } } return signingDate; } if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error when reading signing time. Unrecognized " + attrValue.getClass()); } return null; }