Java 类org.bouncycastle.asn1.esf.RevocationValues 实例源码

项目:dss    文件   
public List<BasicOCSPResp> getContainedOCSPResponses() {

    final List<BasicOCSPResp> basicOCSPResps = new ArrayList<BasicOCSPResp>();
    // Add OCSPs from SignedData
    // Adds OCSP responses in -XL id_aa_ets_revocationValues inside SignerInfo attribute if present
    if (signerInformation != null) {

        final AttributeTable attributes = signerInformation.getUnsignedAttributes();
        if (attributes != null) {

            final Attribute attribute = attributes.get(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_aa_ets_revocationValues);
            ETSI TS 101 733 V2.2.1 (2013-04) page 43
               6.3.4 revocation-values Attribute Definition
               This attribute is used to contain the revocation information required for the following forms of extended electronic
               signature: CAdES-X Long, ES X-Long Type 1, and CAdES-X Long Type 2, see clause B.1.1 for an illustration of
               this form of electronic signature.
               The revocation-values attribute is an unsigned attribute. Only a single instance of this attribute shall occur with
               an electronic signature. It holds the values of CRLs and OCSP referenced in the
               complete-revocation-references attribute.

               RevocationValues ::= SEQUENCE {
               crlVals [0] SEQUENCE OF CertificateList OPTIONAL,
               ocspVals [1] SEQUENCE OF BasicOCSPResponse OPTIONAL,
               otherRevVals [2] OtherRevVals OPTIONAL}
            if (attribute != null) {

                final ASN1Set attrValues = attribute.getAttrValues();
                final ASN1Encodable attValue = attrValues.getObjectAt(0);
                final RevocationValues revocationValues = RevocationValues.getInstance(attValue);
                for (final BasicOCSPResponse basicOCSPResponse : revocationValues.getOcspVals()) {

                    final BasicOCSPResp basicOCSPResp = new BasicOCSPResp(basicOCSPResponse);
                    addBasicOcspResp(basicOCSPResps, basicOCSPResp);
                /* TODO: should add also OtherRevVals, but:
                 "The syntax and semantics of the other revocation values (OtherRevVals) are outside the scope of the present
                   document. The definition of the syntax of the other form of revocation information is as identified by


    /* TODO (pades): Read revocation data from from unsigned attribute  1.2.840.113583.1.1.8
         In the PKCS #7 object of a digital signature in a PDF file, identifies a signed attribute
         that "can include all the revocation information that is necessary to carry out revocation
         checks for the signer's certificate and its issuer certificates."
         Defined as adbe-revocationInfoArchival { adbe(1.2.840.113583) acrobat(1) security(1) 8 } in "PDF Reference, fifth edition: Adobe® Portable Document Format, Version 1.6" Adobe Systems Incorporated, 2004. page 698

         RevocationInfoArchival ::= SEQUENCE {
           crl [0] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of CRLs, OPTIONAL
           ocsp [1] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of OCSP Responses, OPTIONAL
           otherRevInfo [2] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of OtherRevInfo, OPTIONAL
         OtherRevInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
           Value OCTET STRING
    return basicOCSPResps;
项目:dss    文件   
private void extract() {

        // Adds CRLs contained in SignedData
        final Store<X509CRLHolder> crLs = cmsSignedData.getCRLs();
        final Collection<X509CRLHolder> collection = crLs.getMatches(null);
        for (final X509CRLHolder x509CRLHolder : collection) {

        // Adds CRLs in -XL ... inside SignerInfo attribute if present
        if (signerInformation != null) {

            final AttributeTable attributes = signerInformation.getUnsignedAttributes();
            if (attributes != null) {
                 * ETSI TS 101 733 V2.2.1 (2013-04) page 43
                 * 6.3.4 revocation-values Attribute Definition
                 * This attribute is used to contain the revocation information required for the following forms of
                 * extended electronic
                 * signature: CAdES-X Long, ES X-Long Type 1, and CAdES-X Long Type 2, see clause B.1.1 for an
                 * illustration of
                 * this form of electronic signature.
                 * The revocation-values attribute is an unsigned attribute. Only a single instance of this attribute
                 * shall occur with
                 * an electronic signature. It holds the values of CRLs and OCSP referenced in the
                 * complete-revocation-references attribute.
                 * RevocationValues ::= SEQUENCE {
                 * crlVals [0] SEQUENCE OF CertificateList OPTIONAL,
                 * ocspVals [1] SEQUENCE OF BasicOCSPResponse OPTIONAL,
                 * otherRevVals [2] OtherRevVals OPTIONAL}
                final Attribute attribute = attributes.get(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.id_aa_ets_revocationValues);
                if (attribute != null) {

                    final ASN1Set attrValues = attribute.getAttrValues();

                    final ASN1Encodable attValue = attrValues.getObjectAt(0);
                    final RevocationValues revValues = RevocationValues.getInstance(attValue);
                    for (final CertificateList revValue : revValues.getCrlVals()) {
                        addX509CRLHolder(new X509CRLHolder(revValue));

             * TODO (pades): Read revocation data from from unsigned attribute 1.2.840.113583.1.1.8
             * In the PKCS #7 object of a digital signature in a PDF file, identifies a signed attribute
             * that "can include all the revocation information that is necessary to carry out revocation
             * checks for the signer's certificate and its issuer certificates."
             * Defined as adbe-revocationInfoArchival { adbe(1.2.840.113583) acrobat(1) security(1) 8 } in
             * "PDF Reference, fifth edition: Adobe® Portable Document Format, Version 1.6" Adobe Systems Incorporated,
             * 2004.
             * page 698
             * RevocationInfoArchival ::= SEQUENCE {
             * crl [0] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of CRLs, OPTIONAL
             * ocsp [1] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of OCSP Responses, OPTIONAL
             * otherRevInfo [2] EXPLICIT SEQUENCE of OtherRevInfo, OPTIONAL
             * }
             * OtherRevInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
             * Type OBJECT IDENTIFIER
             * Value OCTET STRING
             * }

            // TODO: (Bob: 2013 Dec 03) --> NICOLAS: Is there any other container within the CAdES signature with
            // revocation data? (ie: timestamp)