Java 类org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ApplicationSpecific 实例源码

项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
private CVCertificateRequest(ASN1ApplicationSpecific request)
    throws IOException
    if (request.getApplicationTag() == EACTags.AUTHENTIFICATION_DATA)
        ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(request.getObject(BERTags.SEQUENCE));


        outerSignature = ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(seq.size() - 1)).getContents();
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
public static CVCertificateRequest getInstance(Object obj)
    if (obj instanceof CVCertificateRequest)
        return (CVCertificateRequest)obj;
    else if (obj != null)
            return new CVCertificateRequest(ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(obj));
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new ASN1ParsingException("unable to parse data: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return null;
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
private CVCertificateRequest(ASN1ApplicationSpecific request)
    throws IOException
    if (request.getApplicationTag() == EACTags.AUTHENTIFICATION_DATA)
        ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(request.getObject(BERTags.SEQUENCE));


        outerSignature = ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(seq.size() - 1)).getContents();
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
public static CVCertificateRequest getInstance(Object obj)
    if (obj instanceof CVCertificateRequest)
        return (CVCertificateRequest)obj;
    else if (obj != null)
            return new CVCertificateRequest(ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(obj));
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new ASN1ParsingException("unable to parse data: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return null;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
public static int encodeTag(ASN1ApplicationSpecific spec)
    int retValue = BERTags.APPLICATION;
    boolean constructed = spec.isConstructed();
    if (constructed)
        retValue |= BERTags.CONSTRUCTED;

    int tag = spec.getApplicationTag();

    if (tag > 31)
        retValue |= 0x1F;
        retValue <<= 8;

        int currentByte = tag & 0x7F;
        retValue |= currentByte;
        tag >>= 7;

        while (tag > 0)
            retValue |= 0x80;
            retValue <<= 8;

            currentByte = tag & 0x7F;
            tag >>= 7;
        retValue |= tag;

    return retValue;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
private void initCertBody(ASN1ApplicationSpecific request)
    throws IOException
    if (request.getApplicationTag() == EACTags.CARDHOLDER_CERTIFICATE)
        ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(request.getObject(BERTags.SEQUENCE));
        for (Enumeration en = seq.getObjects(); en.hasMoreElements();)
            ASN1ApplicationSpecific obj = ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(en.nextElement());
            switch (obj.getApplicationTag())
                certificateBody = CertificateBody.getInstance(obj);
                valid |= bodyValid;
                innerSignature = obj.getContents();
                valid |= signValid;
                throw new IOException("Invalid tag, not an CV Certificate Request element:" + obj.getApplicationTag());
        throw new IOException("not a CARDHOLDER_CERTIFICATE in request:" + request.getApplicationTag());
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * Gives an instance of Iso7816CertificateBody taken from Object obj
 * @param obj is the Object to extract the certificate body from.
 * @return the Iso7816CertificateBody taken from Object obj.
 * @throws IOException if object is not valid.
public static CertificateBody getInstance(Object obj)
    throws IOException
    if (obj instanceof CertificateBody)
        return (CertificateBody)obj;
    else if (obj != null)
        return new CertificateBody(ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(obj));

    return null;
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
public static int encodeTag(ASN1ApplicationSpecific spec)
    int retValue = BERTags.APPLICATION;
    boolean constructed = spec.isConstructed();
    if (constructed)
        retValue |= BERTags.CONSTRUCTED;

    int tag = spec.getApplicationTag();

    if (tag > 31)
        retValue |= 0x1F;
        retValue <<= 8;

        int currentByte = tag & 0x7F;
        retValue |= currentByte;
        tag >>= 7;

        while (tag > 0)
            retValue |= 0x80;
            retValue <<= 8;

            currentByte = tag & 0x7F;
            tag >>= 7;
        retValue |= tag;

    return retValue;
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
private void initCertBody(ASN1ApplicationSpecific request)
    throws IOException
    if (request.getApplicationTag() == EACTags.CARDHOLDER_CERTIFICATE)
        ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(request.getObject(BERTags.SEQUENCE));
        for (Enumeration en = seq.getObjects(); en.hasMoreElements();)
            ASN1ApplicationSpecific obj = ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(en.nextElement());
            switch (obj.getApplicationTag())
                certificateBody = CertificateBody.getInstance(obj);
                valid |= bodyValid;
                innerSignature = obj.getContents();
                valid |= signValid;
                throw new IOException("Invalid tag, not an CV Certificate Request element:" + obj.getApplicationTag());
        throw new IOException("not a CARDHOLDER_CERTIFICATE in request:" + request.getApplicationTag());
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * Gives an instance of Iso7816CertificateBody taken from Object obj
 * @param obj is the Object to extract the certificate body from.
 * @return the Iso7816CertificateBody taken from Object obj.
 * @throws IOException if object is not valid.
public static CertificateBody getInstance(Object obj)
    throws IOException
    if (obj instanceof CertificateBody)
        return (CertificateBody)obj;
    else if (obj != null)
        return new CertificateBody(ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(obj));

    return null;
项目:animamea    文件   
public static int encodeTag(ASN1ApplicationSpecific appSpe)
    int retValue = BERTags.APPLICATION;
    boolean constructed = appSpe.isConstructed();
    if (constructed)
        retValue |= BERTags.CONSTRUCTED;

    int tag = appSpe.getApplicationTag();

    if (tag > 31)
        retValue |= 0x1F;
retValue <<= 8;

int currentByte = tag & 0x7F;
        retValue |= currentByte;
        tag >>= 7;

        while (tag > 0)
            retValue |= 0x80;
            retValue <<= 8;

            currentByte = tag & 0x7F;
            tag >>= 7;
        retValue |= tag;

    return retValue;
项目:animamea    文件   
public static DiscretionaryDataTemplate getInstance(Object obj) throws IOException {
    if (obj instanceof DiscretionaryDataTemplate) {
        return (DiscretionaryDataTemplate) obj;
    } else if (obj != null) {
        return new DiscretionaryDataTemplate(ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(obj));

    return null;
项目:animamea    文件   
public static CVExtensions getInstance(Object appSpe)
    throws IOException
    if (appSpe instanceof CVExtensions)
        return (CVExtensions)appSpe;
    else if (appSpe != null)
        return new CVExtensions(ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(appSpe));

    return null;
项目:animamea    文件   
private DiscretionaryDataTemplate(ASN1ApplicationSpecific appSpe) throws IOException {
项目:animamea    文件   
private CVExtensions(ASN1ApplicationSpecific appSpe)
    throws IOException
项目:animamea    文件   
public static AmECPublicKey getInstance(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
    ASN1ApplicationSpecific seq = ASN1ApplicationSpecific.getInstance(bytes);
    AmECPublicKey ecPubKey = new AmECPublicKey(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(seq.getObject(16)));
    return ecPubKey;
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * Create an iso7816Certificate structure from a DERApplicationSpecific.
 * @param appSpe the DERApplicationSpecific object.
 * @return the Iso7816CertificateStructure represented by the DERApplicationSpecific object.
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem parsing the data.
private CVCertificate(ASN1ApplicationSpecific appSpe)
    throws IOException
项目:gwt-crypto    文件   
 * builds an Iso7816CertificateBody with an ASN1InputStream.
 * @param obj DERApplicationSpecific containing the whole body.
 * @throws IOException if the body is not valid.
private CertificateBody(ASN1ApplicationSpecific obj)
    throws IOException
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * Create an iso7816Certificate structure from a DERApplicationSpecific.
 * @param appSpe the DERApplicationSpecific object.
 * @return the Iso7816CertificateStructure represented by the DERApplicationSpecific object.
 * @throws IOException if there is a problem parsing the data.
private CVCertificate(ASN1ApplicationSpecific appSpe)
    throws IOException
项目:Aki-SSL    文件   
 * builds an Iso7816CertificateBody with an ASN1InputStream.
 * @param obj DERApplicationSpecific containing the whole body.
 * @throws IOException if the body is not valid.
private CertificateBody(ASN1ApplicationSpecific obj)
    throws IOException