public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedClass paramAnnotatedClass, MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, AnnotationIntrospector paramAnnotationIntrospector) { HashMap localHashMap = new HashMap(); if (this._registeredSubtypes != null) { Class localClass = paramAnnotatedClass.getRawType(); Iterator localIterator = this._registeredSubtypes.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { NamedType localNamedType = (NamedType); if (!localClass.isAssignableFrom(localNamedType.getType())) continue; _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass.constructWithoutSuperTypes(localNamedType.getType(), paramAnnotationIntrospector, paramMapperConfig), localNamedType, paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, localHashMap); } } _collectAndResolve(paramAnnotatedClass, new NamedType(paramAnnotatedClass.getRawType(), null), paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, localHashMap); return new ArrayList(localHashMap.values()); }
protected TypeIdResolver idResolver(MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2) { if (this._customIdResolver != null) return this._customIdResolver; if (this._idType == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Can not build, 'init()' not yet called"); switch (1.$SwitchMap$org$codehaus$jackson$annotate$JsonTypeInfo$Id[this._idType.ordinal()]) { default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type id resolver for idType: " + this._idType); case 1: return new ClassNameIdResolver(paramJavaType, paramMapperConfig.getTypeFactory()); case 2: return new MinimalClassNameIdResolver(paramJavaType, paramMapperConfig.getTypeFactory()); case 3: } return TypeNameIdResolver.construct(paramMapperConfig, paramJavaType, paramCollection, paramBoolean1, paramBoolean2); }
public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated paramAnnotated) { JsonSubTypes localJsonSubTypes = (JsonSubTypes)paramAnnotated.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); ArrayList localArrayList; if (localJsonSubTypes == null) localArrayList = null; while (true) { return localArrayList; JsonSubTypes.Type[] arrayOfType = localJsonSubTypes.value(); localArrayList = new ArrayList(arrayOfType.length); int i = arrayOfType.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { JsonSubTypes.Type localType = arrayOfType[j]; localArrayList.add(new NamedType(localType.value(),; } } }
public TypeDeserializer buildTypeDeserializer(JavaType baseType, Collection<NamedType> subtypes) { TypeIdResolver idRes = idResolver(baseType, subtypes, false, true); // First, method for converting type info to type id: switch (_includeAs) { case WRAPPER_ARRAY: return new AsArrayTypeDeserializer(baseType, idRes); case PROPERTY: return new AsPropertyTypeDeserializer(baseType, idRes, _typeProperty); case WRAPPER_OBJECT: return new AsWrapperTypeDeserializer(baseType, idRes); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type serializer for inclusion type: "+_includeAs); } }
/** * Helper method that will either return configured custom * type id resolver, or construct a standard resolver * given configuration. */ protected TypeIdResolver idResolver(JavaType baseType, Collection<NamedType> subtypes, boolean forSer, boolean forDeser) { // Custom id resolver? if (_customIdResolver != null) { return _customIdResolver; } if (_idType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can not build, 'init()' not yet called"); } switch (_idType) { case CLASS: return new ClassNameIdResolver(baseType); case MINIMAL_CLASS: return new MinimalClassNameIdResolver(baseType); case NAME: return TypeNameIdResolver.construct(baseType, subtypes, forSer, forDeser); case CUSTOM: // need custom resolver... case NONE: // hmmh. should never get this far with 'none' } throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type id resolver for idType: "+_idType); }
/** * Method called to construct a type serializer for values with given declared * base type. This is called for values other than those of bean property * types. */ @Override public TypeSerializer createTypeSerializer(JavaType baseType, SerializationConfig config) { BasicBeanDescription bean = config.introspectClassAnnotations(baseType.getRawClass()); AnnotatedClass ac = bean.getClassInfo(); AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector(); TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findTypeResolver(ac, baseType); /* Ok: if there is no explicit type info handler, we may want to * use a default. If so, config object knows what to use. */ Collection<NamedType> subtypes = null; if (b == null) { b = config.getDefaultTyper(baseType); } else { subtypes = SubTypeHelper.collectAndResolveSubtypes(ac, config, ai); } return (b == null) ? null : b.buildTypeSerializer(baseType, subtypes); }
@Override public TypeDeserializer findTypeDeserializer(DeserializationConfig config, JavaType baseType) { Class<?> cls = baseType.getRawClass(); BasicBeanDescription bean = config.introspectClassAnnotations(cls); AnnotatedClass ac = bean.getClassInfo(); AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector(); TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findTypeResolver(ac, baseType); /* Ok: if there is no explicit type info handler, we may want to * use a default. If so, config object knows what to use. */ Collection<NamedType> subtypes = null; if (b == null) { b = config.getDefaultTyper(baseType); } else { subtypes = SubTypeHelper.collectAndResolveSubtypes(ac, config, ai); } return (b == null) ? null : b.buildTypeDeserializer(baseType, subtypes); }
/** * * @param base Base member to use for type resolution: either annotated type (class), * or property (field, getter/setter) */ public static List<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(Annotated base, MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai) { // but if annotations found, may need to resolve subtypes: Collection<NamedType> st = ai.findSubtypes(base); AnnotatedClass ac = (base instanceof AnnotatedClass) ? (AnnotatedClass) base : null; // If no explicit definitions, base itself might have name if (st == null || st.isEmpty()) { if (ac != null) { String name = ai.findTypeName(ac); if (name != null) { ArrayList<NamedType> result = new ArrayList<NamedType>(); result.add(new NamedType(ac.getRawType(), name)); return result; } } return null; } return instance._collectAndResolve(ac, config, ai, st); }
public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedClass paramAnnotatedClass, MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, AnnotationIntrospector paramAnnotationIntrospector) { HashMap localHashMap = new HashMap(); if (this._registeredSubtypes != null) { Class localClass = paramAnnotatedClass.getRawType(); Iterator localIterator = this._registeredSubtypes.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { NamedType localNamedType = (NamedType); if (localClass.isAssignableFrom(localNamedType.getType())) _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass.constructWithoutSuperTypes(localNamedType.getType(), paramAnnotationIntrospector, paramMapperConfig), localNamedType, paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, localHashMap); } } _collectAndResolve(paramAnnotatedClass, new NamedType(paramAnnotatedClass.getRawType(), null), paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, localHashMap); return new ArrayList(localHashMap.values()); }
public TypeDeserializer buildTypeDeserializer(DeserializationConfig paramDeserializationConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, BeanProperty paramBeanProperty) { TypeIdResolver localTypeIdResolver = idResolver(paramDeserializationConfig, paramJavaType, paramCollection, false, true); switch (StdTypeResolverBuilder.1.$SwitchMap$org$codehaus$jackson$annotate$JsonTypeInfo$As[this._includeAs.ordinal()]) { default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type serializer for inclusion type: " + this._includeAs); case 1: return new AsArrayTypeDeserializer(paramJavaType, localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._defaultImpl); case 2: return new AsPropertyTypeDeserializer(paramJavaType, localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._defaultImpl, this._typeProperty); case 3: return new AsWrapperTypeDeserializer(paramJavaType, localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._defaultImpl); case 4: } return new AsExternalTypeDeserializer(paramJavaType, localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._defaultImpl, this._typeProperty); }
public TypeSerializer buildTypeSerializer(SerializationConfig paramSerializationConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, BeanProperty paramBeanProperty) { TypeIdResolver localTypeIdResolver = idResolver(paramSerializationConfig, paramJavaType, paramCollection, true, false); switch (StdTypeResolverBuilder.1.$SwitchMap$org$codehaus$jackson$annotate$JsonTypeInfo$As[this._includeAs.ordinal()]) { default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type serializer for inclusion type: " + this._includeAs); case 1: return new AsArrayTypeSerializer(localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty); case 2: return new AsPropertyTypeSerializer(localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._typeProperty); case 3: return new AsWrapperTypeSerializer(localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty); case 4: } return new AsExternalTypeSerializer(localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._typeProperty); }
protected TypeIdResolver idResolver(MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2) { if (this._customIdResolver != null) return this._customIdResolver; if (this._idType == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Can not build, 'init()' not yet called"); switch (StdTypeResolverBuilder.1.$SwitchMap$org$codehaus$jackson$annotate$JsonTypeInfo$Id[this._idType.ordinal()]) { default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type id resolver for idType: " + this._idType); case 1: return new ClassNameIdResolver(paramJavaType, paramMapperConfig.getTypeFactory()); case 2: return new MinimalClassNameIdResolver(paramJavaType, paramMapperConfig.getTypeFactory()); case 3: } return TypeNameIdResolver.construct(paramMapperConfig, paramJavaType, paramCollection, paramBoolean1, paramBoolean2); }
public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated paramAnnotated) { JsonSubTypes localJsonSubTypes = (JsonSubTypes)paramAnnotated.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); Object localObject; if (localJsonSubTypes == null) localObject = null; while (true) { return localObject; JsonSubTypes.Type[] arrayOfType = localJsonSubTypes.value(); localObject = new ArrayList(arrayOfType.length); int i = arrayOfType.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { JsonSubTypes.Type localType = arrayOfType[j]; ((ArrayList)localObject).add(new NamedType(localType.value(),; } } }
public static TypeNameIdResolver construct(MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2) { if (paramBoolean1 == paramBoolean2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); HashMap localHashMap1 = null; if (paramBoolean1) localHashMap1 = new HashMap(); HashMap localHashMap2 = null; if (paramBoolean2) localHashMap2 = new HashMap(); if (paramCollection != null) { Iterator localIterator = paramCollection.iterator(); if (localIterator.hasNext()) { NamedType localNamedType = (NamedType); Class localClass = localNamedType.getType(); if (localNamedType.hasName()); for (String str = localNamedType.getName(); ; str = _defaultTypeId(localClass)) { if (paramBoolean1) localHashMap1.put(localClass.getName(), str); if (!paramBoolean2) break; JavaType localJavaType = (JavaType)localHashMap2.get(str); if ((localJavaType != null) && (localClass.isAssignableFrom(localJavaType.getRawClass()))) break; localHashMap2.put(str, paramMapperConfig.constructType(localClass)); break; } } } return new TypeNameIdResolver(paramMapperConfig, paramJavaType, localHashMap1, localHashMap2); }
public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypes(AnnotatedMember paramAnnotatedMember, MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, AnnotationIntrospector paramAnnotationIntrospector) { HashMap localHashMap = new HashMap(); if (this._registeredSubtypes != null) { Class localClass = paramAnnotatedMember.getRawType(); Iterator localIterator2 = this._registeredSubtypes.iterator(); while (localIterator2.hasNext()) { NamedType localNamedType3 = (NamedType); if (!localClass.isAssignableFrom(localNamedType3.getType())) continue; _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass.constructWithoutSuperTypes(localNamedType3.getType(), paramAnnotationIntrospector, paramMapperConfig), localNamedType3, paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, localHashMap); } } List localList = paramAnnotationIntrospector.findSubtypes(paramAnnotatedMember); if (localList != null) { Iterator localIterator1 = localList.iterator(); while (localIterator1.hasNext()) { NamedType localNamedType2 = (NamedType); _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass.constructWithoutSuperTypes(localNamedType2.getType(), paramAnnotationIntrospector, paramMapperConfig), localNamedType2, paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, localHashMap); } } NamedType localNamedType1 = new NamedType(paramAnnotatedMember.getRawType(), null); _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass.constructWithoutSuperTypes(paramAnnotatedMember.getRawType(), paramAnnotationIntrospector, paramMapperConfig), localNamedType1, paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, localHashMap); return new ArrayList(localHashMap.values()); }
public void registerSubtypes(Class<?>[] paramArrayOfClass) { NamedType[] arrayOfNamedType = new NamedType[paramArrayOfClass.length]; int i = 0; int j = paramArrayOfClass.length; while (i < j) { arrayOfNamedType[i] = new NamedType(paramArrayOfClass[i]); i++; } registerSubtypes(arrayOfNamedType); }
public void registerSubtypes(NamedType[] paramArrayOfNamedType) { if (this._registeredSubtypes == null) this._registeredSubtypes = new LinkedHashSet(); int i = paramArrayOfNamedType.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { NamedType localNamedType = paramArrayOfNamedType[j]; this._registeredSubtypes.add(localNamedType); } }
public TypeDeserializer buildTypeDeserializer(DeserializationConfig paramDeserializationConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, BeanProperty paramBeanProperty) { TypeIdResolver localTypeIdResolver = idResolver(paramDeserializationConfig, paramJavaType, paramCollection, false, true); switch (1.$SwitchMap$org$codehaus$jackson$annotate$JsonTypeInfo$As[this._includeAs.ordinal()]) { default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type serializer for inclusion type: " + this._includeAs); case 1: return new AsArrayTypeDeserializer(paramJavaType, localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty); case 2: return new AsPropertyTypeDeserializer(paramJavaType, localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._typeProperty); case 3: } return new AsWrapperTypeDeserializer(paramJavaType, localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty); }
public TypeSerializer buildTypeSerializer(SerializationConfig paramSerializationConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, BeanProperty paramBeanProperty) { TypeIdResolver localTypeIdResolver = idResolver(paramSerializationConfig, paramJavaType, paramCollection, true, false); switch (1.$SwitchMap$org$codehaus$jackson$annotate$JsonTypeInfo$As[this._includeAs.ordinal()]) { default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type serializer for inclusion type: " + this._includeAs); case 1: return new AsArrayTypeSerializer(localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty); case 2: return new AsPropertyTypeSerializer(localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty, this._typeProperty); case 3: } return new AsWrapperTypeSerializer(localTypeIdResolver, paramBeanProperty); }
public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated paramAnnotated) { List localList1 = this._primary.findSubtypes(paramAnnotated); List localList2 = this._secondary.findSubtypes(paramAnnotated); if ((localList1 == null) || (localList1.isEmpty())) return localList2; if ((localList2 == null) || (localList2.isEmpty())) return localList1; ArrayList localArrayList = new ArrayList(localList1.size() + localList2.size()); localArrayList.addAll(localList1); localArrayList.addAll(localList2); return localArrayList; }
public static TypeNameIdResolver construct(JavaType baseType, Collection<NamedType> subtypes, boolean forSer, boolean forDeser) { // sanity check if (forSer == forDeser) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); HashMap<String, String> typeToId = null; HashMap<String, JavaType> idToType = null; if (forSer) { typeToId = new HashMap<String, String>(); } if (forDeser) { idToType = new HashMap<String, JavaType>(); } if (subtypes != null) { for (NamedType t : subtypes) { /* no name? Need to figure out default; for now, let's just * use non-qualified class name */ Class<?> cls = t.getType(); String id = t.hasName() ? t.getName() : _defaultTypeId(cls); if (forSer) { typeToId.put(cls.getName(), id); } if (forDeser) { // In case of name collisions, let's make sure first one wins: if (!idToType.containsKey(id)) { idToType.put(id, TypeFactory.type(cls)); } } } } return new TypeNameIdResolver(baseType, typeToId, idToType); }
public TypeSerializer buildTypeSerializer(JavaType baseType, Collection<NamedType> subtypes) { TypeIdResolver idRes = idResolver(baseType, subtypes, true, false); switch (_includeAs) { case WRAPPER_ARRAY: return new AsArrayTypeSerializer(idRes); case PROPERTY: return new AsPropertyTypeSerializer(idRes, _typeProperty); case WRAPPER_OBJECT: return new AsWrapperTypeSerializer(idRes); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Do not know how to construct standard type serializer for inclusion type: "+_includeAs); } }
/** * Method called to create a type information serializer for values of given * non-container property * if one is needed. If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured), should * return null. * * @param baseType Declared type to use as the base type for type information serializer * * @return Type serializer to use for property values, if one is needed; null if not. * * @since 1.5 */ public TypeSerializer findPropertyTypeSerializer(JavaType baseType, SerializationConfig config, AnnotatedMember propertyEntity) { AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector(); TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyTypeResolver(propertyEntity, baseType); // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check value class if (b == null) { return createTypeSerializer(baseType, config); } Collection<NamedType> subtypes = SubTypeHelper.collectAndResolveSubtypes(propertyEntity, config, ai); return b.buildTypeSerializer(baseType, subtypes); }
/** * Method called to create a type information serializer for values of given * container property * if one is needed. If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured), should * return null. * * @param containerType Declared type of the container to use as the base type for type information serializer * * @return Type serializer to use for property value contents, if one is needed; null if not. * * @since 1.5 */ public TypeSerializer findPropertyContentTypeSerializer(JavaType containerType, SerializationConfig config, AnnotatedMember propertyEntity) { JavaType contentType = containerType.getContentType(); AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector(); TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyContentTypeResolver(propertyEntity, containerType); // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check value class if (b == null) { return createTypeSerializer(contentType, config); } Collection<NamedType> subtypes = SubTypeHelper.collectAndResolveSubtypes(propertyEntity, config, ai); return b.buildTypeSerializer(contentType, subtypes); }
@Override public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated a) { JsonSubTypes t = a.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); if (t == null) return null; JsonSubTypes.Type[] types = t.value(); ArrayList<NamedType> result = new ArrayList<NamedType>(types.length); for (JsonSubTypes.Type type : types) { result.add(new NamedType(type.value(),; } return result; }
/** * Method called to find and create a type information deserializer for values of * given container (list, array, map) property, if one is needed. * If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured for property), should return null. *<p> * Note that this method is only called for container bean properties, * and not for values in container types or root values (or non-container properties) * * @param containerType Type of property; must be a container type * @param propertyEntity Field or method that contains container property * * @since 1.5 */ public TypeDeserializer findPropertyContentTypeDeserializer(DeserializationConfig config, JavaType containerType, AnnotatedMember propertyEntity) { AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector(); TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyContentTypeResolver(propertyEntity, containerType); JavaType contentType = containerType.getContentType(); // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check class if (b == null) { return findTypeDeserializer(config, contentType); } // but if annotations found, may need to resolve subtypes: Collection<NamedType> subtypes = SubTypeHelper.collectAndResolveSubtypes(propertyEntity, config, ai); return b.buildTypeDeserializer(contentType, subtypes); }
@Override public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated a) { List<NamedType> types1 = _primary.findSubtypes(a); List<NamedType> types2 = _secondary.findSubtypes(a); if (types1 == null || types1.isEmpty()) return types2; if (types2 == null || types2.isEmpty()) return types1; ArrayList<NamedType> result = new ArrayList<NamedType>(types1.size() + types2.size()); result.addAll(types1); result.addAll(types2); return result; }
/** * * @param rootType If type resolution started with a root type, definition of * that type; null if * @return */ protected List<NamedType> _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass rootType, MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai, Collection<NamedType> subtypeList) { // Hmmh. Can't iterate over collection and modify it, so: HashSet<NamedType> seen = new HashSet<NamedType>(subtypeList); ArrayList<NamedType> subtypes = new ArrayList<NamedType>(subtypeList); // Plus root type can have name of its own... NamedType rootNamedType = (rootType == null) ? null : new NamedType(rootType.getRawType(), ai.findTypeName(rootType)); if (rootNamedType != null) { seen.add(rootNamedType); } // collect all subtypes iteratively for (int i = 0; i < subtypes.size(); ++i) { NamedType type = subtypes.get(i); AnnotatedClass ac = AnnotatedClass.constructWithoutSuperTypes(type.getType(), ai, config); // but first: does type have a name already? if (!type.hasName()) { // if not, let's see if annotations define it type.setName(ai.findTypeName(ac)); } // and see if annotations list more subtypes List<NamedType> moreTypes = ai.findSubtypes(ac); if (moreTypes != null) { for (NamedType t2 : moreTypes) { // we want to keep the first reference (may have name) if (seen.add(t2)) { subtypes.add(t2); } } } } // and finally, root type with its name too: if (rootNamedType != null) { subtypes.add(rootNamedType); } return subtypes; }
public static TypeNameIdResolver construct(MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, JavaType paramJavaType, Collection<NamedType> paramCollection, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2) { if (paramBoolean1 == paramBoolean2) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (paramBoolean1); for (HashMap localHashMap1 = new HashMap(); ; localHashMap1 = null) { if (paramBoolean2); for (HashMap localHashMap2 = new HashMap(); ; localHashMap2 = null) { if (paramCollection != null) { Iterator localIterator = paramCollection.iterator(); if (localIterator.hasNext()) { NamedType localNamedType = (NamedType); Class localClass = localNamedType.getType(); if (localNamedType.hasName()); for (String str = localNamedType.getName(); ; str = _defaultTypeId(localClass)) { if (paramBoolean1) localHashMap1.put(localClass.getName(), str); if (!paramBoolean2) break; JavaType localJavaType = (JavaType)localHashMap2.get(str); if ((localJavaType != null) && (localClass.isAssignableFrom(localJavaType.getRawClass()))) break; localHashMap2.put(str, paramMapperConfig.constructType(localClass)); break; } } } return new TypeNameIdResolver(paramMapperConfig, paramJavaType, localHashMap1, localHashMap2); } } }
protected void _collectAndResolve(AnnotatedClass paramAnnotatedClass, NamedType paramNamedType, MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, AnnotationIntrospector paramAnnotationIntrospector, HashMap<NamedType, NamedType> paramHashMap) { if (!paramNamedType.hasName()) { String str = paramAnnotationIntrospector.findTypeName(paramAnnotatedClass); if (str != null) paramNamedType = new NamedType(paramNamedType.getType(), str); } if (paramHashMap.containsKey(paramNamedType)) if ((paramNamedType.hasName()) && (!((NamedType)paramHashMap.get(paramNamedType)).hasName())) paramHashMap.put(paramNamedType, paramNamedType); List localList; do { return; paramHashMap.put(paramNamedType, paramNamedType); localList = paramAnnotationIntrospector.findSubtypes(paramAnnotatedClass); } while ((localList == null) || (localList.isEmpty())); Iterator localIterator = localList.iterator(); label114: NamedType localNamedType1; AnnotatedClass localAnnotatedClass; if (localIterator.hasNext()) { localNamedType1 = (NamedType); localAnnotatedClass = AnnotatedClass.constructWithoutSuperTypes(localNamedType1.getType(), paramAnnotationIntrospector, paramMapperConfig); if (localNamedType1.hasName()) break label194; } label194: for (NamedType localNamedType2 = new NamedType(localNamedType1.getType(), paramAnnotationIntrospector.findTypeName(localAnnotatedClass)); ; localNamedType2 = localNamedType1) { _collectAndResolve(localAnnotatedClass, localNamedType2, paramMapperConfig, paramAnnotationIntrospector, paramHashMap); break label114; break; } }