public static void addAtlasProxyClazz(Document document, Set<String> nonProxyChannels, Result result) { Element root = document.getRootElement();// Get the root node List<? extends Node> serviceNodes = root.selectNodes("//@android:process"); String packageName = root.attribute("package").getStringValue(); Set<String> processNames = new HashSet<>(); processNames.add(packageName); for (Node node : serviceNodes) { if (null != node && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(node.getStringValue())) { String value = node.getStringValue(); processNames.add(value); } } processNames.removeAll(nonProxyChannels); List<String> elementNames = Lists.newArrayList("activity", "service", "provider"); Element applicationElement = root.element("application"); for (String processName : processNames) { boolean isMainPkg = packageName.equals(processName); //boolean isMainPkg = true; String processClazzName = processName.replace(":", "").replace(".", "_"); for (String elementName : elementNames) { String fullClazzName = "ATLASPROXY_" + (isMainPkg ? "" : (packageName.replace(".", "_") + "_" )) + processClazzName + "_" + StringUtils.capitalize(elementName); if ("activity".equals(elementName)) { result.proxyActivities.add(fullClazzName); } else if ("service".equals(elementName)) { result.proxyServices.add(fullClazzName); } else { result.proxyProviders.add(fullClazzName); } Element newElement = applicationElement.addElement(elementName); newElement.addAttribute("android:name", ATLAS_PROXY_PACKAGE + "." + fullClazzName); if (!packageName.equals(processName)) { newElement.addAttribute("android:process", processName); } boolean isProvider = "provider".equals(elementName); if (isProvider) { newElement.addAttribute("android:authorities", ATLAS_PROXY_PACKAGE + "." + fullClazzName); } } } }
/** * 用于防钓鱼,调用接口query_timestamp来获取时间戳的处理函数 * 注意:远程解析XML出错,与服务器是否支持SSL等配置有关 * @return 时间戳字符串 * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException * @throws MalformedURLException */ public static String query_timestamp() throws MalformedURLException, DocumentException, IOException { //构造访问query_timestamp接口的URL串 String strUrl = ALIPAY_GATEWAY_NEW + "service=query_timestamp&partner=" + AlipayConfig.partner + "&_input_charset" +AlipayConfig.input_charset; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document doc = URL(strUrl).openStream()); List<Node> nodeList = doc.selectNodes("//alipay/*"); for (Node node : nodeList) { // 截取部分不需要解析的信息 if (node.getName().equals("is_success") && node.getText().equals("T")) { // 判断是否有成功标示 List<Node> nodeList1 = doc.selectNodes("//response/timestamp/*"); for (Node node1 : nodeList1) { result.append(node1.getText()); } } } return result.toString(); }
/** * 用于防钓鱼,调用接口query_timestamp来获取时间戳的处理函数 * 注意:远程解析XML出错,与服务器是否支持SSL等配置有关 * * @return 时间戳字符串 * @throws IOException * @throws DocumentException * @throws MalformedURLException */ public static String query_timestamp() throws MalformedURLException, DocumentException, IOException { //构造访问query_timestamp接口的URL串 String strUrl = PayManager.HTTPS_MAPI_ALIPAY_COM_GATEWAY_DO + "?" + "service=query_timestamp&partner=" + AlipayConfig.partner + "&_input_charset" + AlipayConfig.input_charset; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document doc = URL(strUrl).openStream()); List<Node> nodeList = doc.selectNodes("//alipay/*"); for (Node node : nodeList) { // 截取部分不需要解析的信息 if (node.getName().equals("is_success") && node.getText().equals("T")) { // 判断是否有成功标示 List<Node> nodeList1 = doc.selectNodes("//response/timestamp/*"); for (Node node1 : nodeList1) { result.append(node1.getText()); } } } return result.toString(); }
/** * 将mq查询结果包装成list--dto的形式,dto内容为item中的内容 * * @param recv * @return */ public static Map MqResToDto(String recv) { // System.out.println("####recv"+recv); List res = new ArrayList(); Map map = new HashMap(); try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(recv); List list = doc.selectNodes("//item"); Iterator<DefaultElement> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map elementdto = XmlUtil.Dom2Map(; res.add(elementdto); } map.put("resultList", res);// 放入结果集 /* 如果存在REC_MNT,说明是分页查询类,需要将总记录数返回 */ Node de = doc.selectSingleNode("//REC_MNT"); if (DataUtil.isNotEmpty(de)) { map.put("countInteger", de.getText()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("", e); } return map; }
public static void removeStringValue(File file, String key) throws IOException, DocumentException { if (!file.exists()) { return; } Document document = XmlHelper.readXml(file);// Read the XML file Element root = document.getRootElement();// Get the root node List<? extends Node> nodes = root.selectNodes("//string"); for (Node node : nodes) { Element element = (Element)node; String name = element.attributeValue("name"); if (key.equals(name)) { element.getParent().remove(element); break; } } // sLogger.warn("[resxmlediter] add " + key + " to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); XmlHelper.saveDocument(document, file); }
private static String readConfig(List<String> configPaths) throws DocumentException { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); for (String path : configPaths) { File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Iterator<Node> it = root.elementIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Node node =; if (node != null && "localRepository".equals(node.getName())) { return node.getText(); } } } } return null; }
/** * Gets the qualified element name of the repeatingComplexSingleton child of * the node specified by the provided path, or an empty string if such a child * does not exist. * * @param xpath NOT YET DOCUMENTED * @return The repeatingComplexSingletonChildName value */ public String getRepeatingComplexSingletonChildName(String xpath) { String normalizedXPath = XPathUtils.normalizeXPath(xpath); Node instanceDocNode = getInstanceDocNode(normalizedXPath); if (instanceDocNode != null && instanceDocNode.getNodeType() == org.dom4j.Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { List children = ((Element) instanceDocNode).elements(); if (children.size() == 1) { Element childElement = (Element) children.get(0); String childPath = childElement.getPath(); SchemaNode schemaNode = getSchemaNode(childPath); if (schemaNode != null && schemaNode.getTypeDef().isComplexType() && isRepeatingElement(childPath)) return childElement.getQualifiedName(); } } return ""; }
/** * 将mq查询结果包装成list--dto的形式,dto内容为item中的内容 * * @param recv * @return */ public static Map MqResToDto(String recv) { // System.out.println("####recv"+recv); List res = new ArrayList(); Map map = new HashMap(); try { Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(recv); List list = doc.selectNodes("//item"); Iterator<DefaultElement> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map elementdto = XmlUtil.Dom2Map(; res.add(elementdto); } map.put("resultList", res);// 放入结果集 /* * 如果存在REC_MNT,说明是分页查询类,需要将总记录数返回 */ Node de = doc.selectSingleNode("//REC_MNT"); if (DataUtil.isNotEmpty(de)) { map.put("countInteger", de.getText()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(XmlUtil.class, e); } return map; }
/** * Updates the Document by setting the Text of the Node at the specified * xpath. If there is no node at the specified path, a new one is created.<p> * * ISSUE: what if there is no value (one way this happens is when there is a * field in the form but no value is supplied by user. In this case we * shouldn't bother creating a new node because there is no value to insert. * But what if there was formerly a value and the user has deleted it? if the * node is an Element, then should that element be deleted? (The user should * be warned first!) if the node is an attribute, then should that attribute * be deleted? (the user won't be warned, since this does not have the * "ripple" effect that deleting an element can have. (maybe the user should * be warned only if the element has children with values). * * @param key unencoded xpath * @param val value to assign to node at xpath */ public void put(Object key, Object val) { String xpath = XPathUtils.decodeXPath((String) key); Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) { // prtln("DocMap.put(): creating new node for " + xpath); try { node = createNewNode(xpath); } catch (Exception e) { prtlnErr("DocMap.put(): couldn't create new node at \"" + xpath + "\": " + e); return; } } // 2/28/07 no longer trim values! /* String trimmed_val = ""; if (val != null) trimmed_val = ((String) val).trim(); node.setText(trimmed_val);*/ node.setText(val != null ? (String) val : ""); }
/** * Tests xpath against provided schema (via SchemaHelper) before putting * value, creating a new Node if one is not found at xpath. * * @param xpath NOT YET DOCUMENTED * @param value NOT YET DOCUMENTED * @exception Exception NOT YET DOCUMENTED */ public void smartPut(String xpath, String value) throws Exception { if (schemaHelper != null && schemaHelper.getSchemaNode(xpath) == null) { throw new Exception("stuffValue got an illegal xpath: " + xpath); } if (value == null) throw new Exception("stuffValue got a null value (which is illegal) for " + xpath); Node node = selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) node = createNewNode(xpath); if (node == null) throw new Exception("smartPut failed to find or create node: " + xpath); else { // 2/18/07 no longer trim values! // node.setText(value.trim()); node.setText(value); } }
/** * removes a node from the dom4j Document. * * @param xpath Description of the Parameter */ public void remove(String xpath) { Node node = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) { // prtln("remove could not find node to delete (" + xpath + ")"); return; } Element parent = node.getParent(); if (parent == null) { // prtln("remove could not find parent of node to delete (" + xpath + ")"); return; } if (!parent.remove(node)) { prtlnErr("failed to remove node at " + xpath); } }
public String getInstanceValue(Element element, String appName) throws MissingNodeException { Object value = element.selectObject(xpath); if (value == null) throw new MissingNodeException("Could not get value from element (path=" + xpath + ")"); if (value instanceof List) { List list = (List) value; value = list.get(0); } if (value instanceof Node) { Node node = (Node) value; return node.getText(); } else if (value instanceof String) { return (String) value; } else if (value instanceof Number) { String s = value.toString(); if (s.endsWith(".0")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 2); return s; } else throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected object returned from xpath query: " + value); }
private void handleRelationField(String xPathToField, Document xmlDocument) { List nodes = xmlDocument.selectNodes( xPathToField ); if(nodes != null){ for(int i = 0; i< nodes.size(); i++){ Node currentNode = (Node)nodes.get(i); String relation = currentNode.getText(); // Insert the URL if an ID is present... if(!relation.toLowerCase().matches(".*http\\:\\/\\/.*|.*ftp\\:\\/\\/.*")){ String relatedID = relation.substring(relation.indexOf(" ")+1,relation.length()); ResultDocList results = index.searchDocs("id:" + SimpleLuceneIndex.encodeToTerm(relatedID)); if(results == null || results.size() == 0){ currentNode.detach(); }else{ String url = ((ItemDocReader)((ResultDoc)results.get(0)).getDocReader()).getUrl(); currentNode.setText(relation.substring(0,relation.indexOf(" ") + 1) + url ); } } } } }
/** * Delete the custom header * * @param document * @param manifestOptions */ private static void removeCustomLaunches(Document document, ManifestOptions manifestOptions) { if (null == manifestOptions) { return; } Element root = document.getRootElement();// Get the root node // Update launch information if (manifestOptions.getRetainLaunches() != null && manifestOptions.getRetainLaunches().size() > 0) { List<? extends Node> nodes = root.selectNodes( "//activity/intent-filter/category|//activity-alias/intent-filter/category"); for (Node node : nodes) { Element e = (Element)node; if ("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER".equalsIgnoreCase(e.attributeValue("name"))) { Element activityElement = e.getParent().getParent(); String activiyName = activityElement.attributeValue("name"); if (!manifestOptions.getRetainLaunches().contains(activiyName)) { if (activityElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("activity-alias")) { activityElement.getParent().remove(activityElement); } else { e.getParent().remove(e); } } } } } }
/** * Gets the anyTypeValueOf attribute of the SchemEditForm object * * @param key a jsp-encoded xpath * @return The anyTypeValueOf value */ public Object getAnyTypeValueOf(String key) { // prtln("\nGET AnyTypeValueOf(): key = " + key); String xpath = XPathUtils.decodeXPath(key); // prtln ("\t decodedKey: " + xpath); if (this.inputManager != null) { String paramName = "anyTypeValueOf(" + key + ")"; AnyTypeInputField field = (AnyTypeInputField) inputManager.getInputField(paramName); if (field != null && field.hasParseError()) return field.getValue(); } xpath = this.schemaHelper.encodeAnyTypeXpath(xpath); Node node = docMap.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node != null) { return Dom4jUtils.prettyPrint(node); } return ""; }
/** * Gets the schemaPathMap attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object * * @return The schemaPathMap value */ public SchemaPathMap getSchemaPathMap() { if (this.schemaPathMap == null) { // prtln ("getSchemaPathMap()"); schemaPathMap = new SchemaPathMap(); Node schemaPathsNode = getNode("/frameworkConfigRecord/schemaInfo/paths"); if (schemaPathsNode != null) { Element schemaPathsElement = (Element) schemaPathsNode; for (Iterator i = schemaPathsElement.elementIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Element pathElement = (Element); SchemaPath schemaPath = new SchemaPath(pathElement); schemaPathMap.putPath(schemaPath); } } } return schemaPathMap; }
/** * Gets the pageList attribute of the FrameworkConfigReader object * * @return The pageList value */ public PageList getPageList() { if (this.pageList == null) { pageList = new PageList(); Node editorPagesNode = getNode("/frameworkConfigRecord/editorInfo/editorPages"); if (editorPagesNode != null) { Element fieldInfoElement = (Element) editorPagesNode; for (Iterator i = fieldInfoElement.elementIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Element editorPage = (Element); String pageLabel = editorPage.attributeValue("pageLabel"); String elementName = editorPage.getText(); pageList.addPage(elementName, pageLabel); } } String firstPage = getNodeText("/frameworkConfigRecord/editorInfo/firstPage"); if (firstPage == null || firstPage.trim().length() == 0) firstPage = this.getRootElementName(); pageList.setFirstPage(firstPage); pageList.setHomePage(getXmlFormat() + ".index"); } return pageList; }
/** * Gets the statusMap attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object * * @return The statusMap value */ public Map getStatusMap() { if (statusMap == null) { statusMap = new HashMap(); Node statusFlagsNode = getNode(statusFlagsPath); if (statusFlagsNode != null) { Element statusFlagsElement = (Element) statusFlagsNode; for (Iterator i = statusFlagsElement.elementIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Element statusFlagElement = (Element); try { StatusFlag statusFlag = new StatusFlag(statusFlagElement); statusMap.put(statusFlag.getLabel(), statusFlag); } catch (Exception e) { prtln("getStatusMapError: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } return statusMap; }
/** * NOTE: if we edit the config record via schemedit, the record is * automatically updated and then we have to reload it. But if we edit the * statusMap via another editor, then this method is necessary to update the * config file * * @param sMap The new statusMap value * @exception Exception NOT YET DOCUMENTED */ public void setStatusMap(Map sMap) throws Exception { // prtln ("setStatusMap()"); Node statusFlagsNode = getNode(statusFlagsPath); if (statusFlagsNode == null) { statusFlagsNode = getDocMap().createNewNode(statusFlagsPath); if (statusFlagsNode == null) throw new Exception("statusMap node could not found or created"); } Element statusFlagsElement = (Element) statusFlagsNode; statusFlagsElement.clearContent(); statusMap = null; for (Iterator i = sMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String status = (String); String description = (String) sMap.get(status); Element statusFlag = statusFlagsElement.addElement("statusFlag"); Element statusElement = statusFlag.addElement("status"); statusElement.setText(status); Element descriptionElement = statusFlag.addElement("description"); descriptionElement.setText(description); } }
/** * Sets the tupleMap attribute of the CollectionConfigReader object * * @param tMap The new tupleMap value * @exception Exception NOT YET DOCUMENTED */ public void setTupleMap(Map tMap) throws Exception { Node tuplesNode = getNode(tuplesPath); if (tuplesNode == null) { tuplesNode = getDocMap().createNewNode(tuplesPath); if (tuplesNode == null) throw new Exception("tupleMap node could not found or created"); } Element tuplesElement = (Element) tuplesNode; tuplesElement.clearContent(); tupleMap = null; for (Iterator i = tMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String); String value = (String) tMap.get(name); Element tuple = tuplesElement.addElement("tuple"); Element statusElement = tuple.addElement("name"); statusElement.setText(name); Element descriptionElement = tuple.addElement("value"); descriptionElement.setText(value); } }
public Plugin(String directory, boolean isDependent) throws DocumentException, EclipseClasspathException, IOException { = directory; this.isDependent = isDependent; this.requiredPluginIdList = new LinkedList<String>(); this.exportedLibraryList = new LinkedList<String>(); // Figure out whether this is an old-style (Eclipse 2.1.x) // or new-style (3.0, OSGI-based) plugin. boolean oldStyle = false; Document document = null; File pluginDescriptorFile = new File(directory + File.separator + "plugin.xml"); if (pluginDescriptorFile.isFile()) { SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); document = EclipseXMLReader(new FileReader(pluginDescriptorFile))); Node plugin = document.selectSingleNode("/plugin"); if (plugin == null) throw new EclipseClasspathException("No plugin node in plugin descriptor"); oldStyle = !plugin.valueOf("@id").equals(""); } // Get the plugin id if (oldStyle) { parseOldPluginDescriptor(directory, document, isDependent); } else { parseNewPluginDescriptor(directory, isDependent); } }
/** * Displays specific info about all the SchemaNodeMap schemaNodes that wrap * attribute elements from the schema */ public void displayAttributes() { prtln("Attributes from the SchemaNodeMap"); List attrXPaths = schemaNodeMap.getKeys(Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE); for (Iterator i = attrXPaths.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String xpath = (String); SchemaNode schemaNode = (SchemaNode) schemaNodeMap.getValue(xpath); String use = schemaNode.getAttr("use"); // prtln("\n" + xpath + "\n\tdataType: " + schemaNode.getDataTypeName() + "\n\tuse: " + use); prtln("\n" + xpath + "\n\tdataType: " + schemaNode.getTypeDef().getName() + "\n\tuse: " + use); } }
protected static void replaceNode(Node container, Element value) { if ( container!=value ) { //not really necessary, I guess... Element parent = container.getParent(); container.detach(); value.setName( container.getName() ); value.detach(); parent.add(value); } }
private String getValue (String xpath) { XPath xpathObj = DocumentHelper.createXPath(xpath); xpathObj.setNamespaceURIs(getNSMap()); Node node = xpathObj.selectSingleNode(doc); if (node != null) return node.getText(); else return null; }
private Node findByType(List<Node> findbugsAbstract, String type) { for (Node node : findbugsAbstract) { if (Objects.equal(type, node.valueOf("@type"))) { return node; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot find " + type); }
@Override public void remove(Dom4jNode node) { final Node wrappedNode = node.getNode(); final Element parent = wrappedNode.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.remove(wrappedNode); } else { throw new XmlBuilderException("Unable to remove node " + node + ". Node either root or in detached state"); } }
public static String tryGetItemText(Node node, String itemName, String defaultValue) { if (node == null) return defaultValue; Node item = node.selectSingleNode(itemName); if (item == null) return defaultValue; return item.getText(); }
/** * 遍历解析元素 * @param element */ public void treeWalk(Element element) { for ( int i = 0, size = element.nodeCount(); i < size; i++ ) { Node node = element.node(i); if ( node instanceof Element ) { treeWalk( (Element) node ); } else { // 处理.... } } }
/** * Gets the responseError attribute of the WebServiceClient class * *@param doc Description of the Parameter *@return The responseError value */ public static String getResponseError(Document doc) { try { Node errorNode = doc.selectSingleNode("/DDSWebService/error"); if (errorNode != null) { return errorNode.getText().trim(); } } catch (Exception e) { prtln("getResponseError() " + e); } return ""; }
public String[] getUrls() throws Exception { // Announcement url Node node = getDom4jDoc().selectSingleNode("/news-oppsRecord/announcementURL"); if (node == null) return null; return new String[]{node.getText()}; }
public Attribute checkAttribute(Node node, String attrName) throws DocumentException { if (!(node instanceof Element)) throw new CheckMessagesException("Node is not an element", this, node); Element element = (Element) node; Attribute attr = element.attribute(attrName); if (attr == null) throw new CheckMessagesException("Missing " + attrName + " attribute", this, node); return attr; }
private Date getPostDate() throws Exception { Date date = null; Node node = getDom4jDoc().selectSingleNode("/news-oppsRecord/postDate"); if (node != null) date = MetadataUtils.parseUnionDateType(node.getText()); return date; }
/** * Returns the accession date or null if this collection is not currently accessioned. * * @return The accession date or null * @exception Exception This method should throw and Exception with appropriate error message if an error * occurs. */ protected Date getAccessionDate() throws Exception { if (!getAccessionStatus().equals("accessioned")) return null; Node dateElement = getDom4jDoc().selectSingleNode("/collectionRecord/approval/collectionStatuses/collectionStatus[@state='Accessioned']"); if (dateElement != null) return MetadataUtils.parseUnionDateType(((Element) dateElement).attribute("date").getText()); return null; }
/** * Build collection of the values of given attribute * in all nodes matching given XPath expression. */ public Set<String> collectAttributes(String xpath, String attrName) throws DocumentException { HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); for (Iterator i = xpathIterator(xpath); i.hasNext(); ) { Node node = (Node); String value = checkAttribute(node, attrName).getValue(); result.add(value); } return result; }
private static void fillFullClazzName(Element root, String packageName, String type) { List<? extends Node> applicatNodes = root.selectNodes("//" + type); for (Node node : applicatNodes) { Element element = (Element)node; Attribute attribute = element.attribute("name"); if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.getValue().startsWith(".")) { attribute.setValue(packageName + attribute.getValue()); } } } }
/** * NOT YET DOCUMENTED * * @param node NOT YET DOCUMENTED * @return NOT YET DOCUMENTED */ static String pp(Node node) { try { return (Dom4jUtils.prettyPrint(node)); } catch (Exception e) { return (e.getMessage()); } }
@Override public void prependCopy(Dom4jNode node) throws XmlBuilderException { final Node wrappedNode = node.getNode(); if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE != wrappedNode.getNodeType()) { throw new XmlBuilderException("Unable to copy non-element node " + node); } final Element parent = wrappedNode.getParent(); if (null == parent) { throw new XmlBuilderException("Unable to prepend - no parent found of " + node); } final int prependIndex = parent.indexOf(wrappedNode); final Element copiedNode = ((Element) wrappedNode).createCopy(); parent.elements().add(prependIndex, copiedNode); }