private static void covertPathToUrl(IProject project, Set<URL> paths, IPath path) { if (path != null && project != null && path.removeFirstSegments(1) != null && project.findMember(path.removeFirstSegments(1)) != null) { URI uri = project.findMember(path.removeFirstSegments(1)).getRawLocationURI(); if (uri != null) { String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if (FILE_SCHEME.equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)) addUri(paths, uri); else if ("sourcecontrol".equals(scheme)) { // special case of Rational Team Concert IPath sourceControlPath = project.findMember(path.removeFirstSegments(1)).getLocation(); File sourceControlFile = sourceControlPath.toFile(); if (sourceControlFile.exists()) addUri(paths, sourceControlFile.toURI()); } else { IPathVariableManager variableManager = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getPathVariableManager(); addUri(paths, variableManager.resolveURI(uri)); } } } }
/** * Undeploys the check configuration. * * @throws CoreException * core exception. */ public static void undeployCheckConfiguration() throws CoreException { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IPathVariableManager pathMan = workspace.getPathVariableManager(); if (pathMan.getURIValue(CheckCfgConstants.CHECK_CFG_VAR_NAME) == null) { return; } pathMan.setURIValue(CheckCfgConstants.CHECK_CFG_VAR_NAME, null); }
/** * Transform an absolute path URI to a relative path one (i.e. from "C:\foo\bar\file.txt" to * "VAR\file.txt" granted that the relativeVariable is "VAR" and points to "C:\foo\bar\"). * * @param location * @param resource * @return an URI that was made relative to a variable */ private IPath createRelativePath(IPath location, IResource resource) { if (relativeVariable == null) return location; if (relativeVariable.equals(ABSOLUTE_PATH)) return location; IPathVariableManager pathVariableManager = resource.getPathVariableManager(); try { return URIUtil.toPath( pathVariableManager.convertToRelative(URIUtil.toURI(location), true, relativeVariable)); } catch (CoreException e) { return location; } }
/** * Sets up workspace variables to point at the the {@code GWT_ROOT} and {@code GWT_TOOLS} * environment variables, which point at a local clone of the GWT git repository. If those * environment variables are not set, extracts a snapshot of the GWT source tree that * is bundled with this plug-in and sets the environment variables to point at it. */ private static void setupWorkspaceVariables() throws CoreException { IPathVariableManager variableManager = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getPathVariableManager(); String gwtRoot = System.getenv("GWT_ROOT"); if (gwtRoot == null) { System.out.println("The GWT_ROOT environment variable is not set, using test bundle version"); gwtRoot = TestEnvironmentUtil.installTestSdk( GwtTestingPlugin.getDefault().getBundle(), Path.fromPortableString("/resources/")).append("trunk").toOSString(); TestEnvironmentUtil.updateEnvironmentVariable("GWT_ROOT", gwtRoot); System.out.println("The GWT_ROOT environment variable is now set"); } IPath gwtRootPath = Path.fromOSString(gwtRoot); if (variableManager.getURIValue("GWT_ROOT") == null) { CorePluginLog.logInfo("Setting GWT_ROOT = " + gwtRootPath.toOSString()); variableManager.setURIValue("GWT_ROOT", gwtRootPath.toFile().toURI()); } String gwtTools = System.getenv("GWT_TOOLS"); if (gwtTools == null) { System.out.println("The GWT_TOOLS environment variable is not set, using GWT_ROOT as a base"); gwtTools = gwtRoot + "/tools"; TestEnvironmentUtil.updateEnvironmentVariable("GWT_TOOLS", gwtTools); } IPath gwtToolsPath = Path.fromOSString(gwtTools); if (JavaCore.getClasspathVariable("GWT_TOOLS") == null) { CorePluginLog.logInfo("Setting GWT_TOOLS = " + gwtToolsPath.toOSString()); JavaCore.setClasspathVariable("GWT_TOOLS", gwtToolsPath, null); } }
@Override public IStatus validate() { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IPathVariableManager pathVariableManager = workspace.getPathVariableManager(); URI gwtUri = pathVariableManager.getURIValue("GWT_ROOT"); if (gwtUri == null) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, GWTPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Path variable 'GWT_ROOT' is not defined"); } IPath gwtRoot = URIUtil.toPath(gwtUri); if (gwtRoot == null) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, GWTPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Path variable 'GWT_ROOT' is not defined"); } if (!gwtRoot.toFile().exists()) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, GWTPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Path variable 'GWT_ROOT' points to an invalid location"); } if (findDevProject() == null) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, GWTPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Could not find and gwt-dev-* project"); } if (findUserProject() == null) { return new Status(IStatus.ERROR, GWTPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Could not find the gwt-user project"); } return getGwtDevJarStatus(this); }
/** * @param source * @return File object, corresponding to given resource. This file could be * deleted or not yet created. */ protected File getSourceFile(IResource source) { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); // linked resources will be resolved here! IPath rawPath = source.getRawLocation(); // here we should resolve path variables, // probably existing at first place of path IPathVariableManager pathManager = workspace.getPathVariableManager(); rawPath = pathManager.resolvePath(rawPath); return rawPath.toFile(); }
/** * Validates this page's controls. * @param folderName the folder name * * @return IStatus indicating the validation result. IStatus.OK if the * specified link target is valid given the linkHandle. */ private IStatus validateLinkLocation(String folderName) { IWorkspace workspace= JavaPlugin.getWorkspace(); IPath path= Path.fromOSString(fLinkFields.fLinkLocation.getText()); Path folderLocation= new Path(folderName); if (folderLocation.isAbsolute()) return new StatusInfo(IStatus.ERROR, NewWizardMessages.AddSourceFolderWizardPage_error_NotARelativePathName); IProject project= fNewElement.getJavaProject().getProject(); IFolder folder= project.getFolder(folderLocation); IStatus locationStatus= workspace.validateLinkLocation(folder, path); if (locationStatus.matches(IStatus.ERROR)) return locationStatus; IPathVariableManager pathVariableManager= project.getPathVariableManager(); IPath path1= Path.fromOSString(fLinkFields.fLinkLocation.getText()); IPath resolvedPath= pathVariableManager.resolvePath(path1); // use the resolved link target name String resolvedLinkTarget= resolvedPath.toOSString(); path= new Path(resolvedLinkTarget); File linkTargetFile= new Path(resolvedLinkTarget).toFile(); if (linkTargetFile.exists()) { if (!linkTargetFile.isDirectory()) return new StatusInfo(IStatus.ERROR, NewWizardMessages.NewFolderDialog_linkTargetNotFolder); } else { return new StatusInfo(IStatus.ERROR, NewWizardMessages.NewFolderDialog_linkTargetNonExistent); } if (locationStatus.isOK()) { return new StatusInfo(); } return new StatusInfo(locationStatus.getSeverity(), locationStatus.getMessage()); }
/** * Transform an absolute path URI to a relative path one (i.e. from * "C:\foo\bar\file.txt" to "VAR\file.txt" granted that the relativeVariable * is "VAR" and points to "C:\foo\bar\"). * * @param location * @param resource * @return an URI that was made relative to a variable */ private IPath createRelativePath(IPath location, IResource resource) { if (relativeVariable == null) return location; if (relativeVariable.equals(ABSOLUTE_PATH)) return location; IPathVariableManager pathVariableManager = resource.getPathVariableManager(); // try { // return URIUtil.toPath(pathVariableManager.convertToRelative(URIUtil.toURI(location), true, relativeVariable)); // } catch (CoreException e) { // return location; // } return null; // temporary }
@Override public IPathVariableManager getPathVariableManager() { // not required return null; }
@Override public IPathVariableManager getPathVariableManager() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
public IPathVariableManager getPathVariableManager() { // if (getProject() == null) // return workspace.getPathVariableManager(); // return new ProjectPathVariableManager(this); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IPathVariableManager getPathVariableManager() { return resource().getPathVariableManager(); }
@Override public IPathVariableManager getPathVariableManager() { return null; }