private String getComponentIds() { String featureId = "ru.taximaxim.codekeeper.feature"; String pluginId = "ru.taximaxim.codekeeper.ui"; String pluginName = "codekeeperUI"; if (Platform.getBundle(pluginId) != null) { return pluginName; } else { for (IBundleGroupProvider bundleGroupProvider : Platform.getBundleGroupProviders()) { for (IBundleGroup group : bundleGroupProvider.getBundleGroups()) { if (group.getIdentifier().equals(featureId)) { return pluginName; } } } } return ""; }
/** * Returns the map of versioned feature ids -> info object for all installed features. The format * of the versioned feature id (the key of the map) is featureId + ":" + versionId. * * @return map of versioned feature ids -> info object (key type: <code>String</code>, value type: * <code>AboutInfo</code>) * @since 3.0 */ private Map<String, AboutInfo> computeBundleGroupMap() { // use tree map to get predicable order Map<String, AboutInfo> ids = new TreeMap<String, AboutInfo>(); IBundleGroupProvider[] providers = Platform.getBundleGroupProviders(); for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; ++i) { IBundleGroup[] groups = providers[i].getBundleGroups(); for (int j = 0; j < groups.length; ++j) { IBundleGroup group = groups[j]; AboutInfo info = new AboutInfo(group); String version = info.getVersionId(); version = version == null ? "0.0.0" //$NON-NLS-1$ : new Version(version).toString(); String versionedFeature = group.getIdentifier() + ":" + version; //$NON-NLS-1$ ids.put(versionedFeature, info); } } return ids; }
public LocalizeDialog(Shell shell, ITranslatableText tabTitle, ITranslatableSet targetLanguageSet, ITranslatableSet menuTextSet) { super(shell); this.tabTitle = tabTitle; this.targetLanguageSet = targetLanguageSet; this.menuTextSet = menuTextSet; // create a descriptive object for each BundleGroup IBundleGroupProvider[] providers = Platform.getBundleGroupProviders(); LinkedList groups = new LinkedList(); if (providers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; ++i) { IBundleGroup[] bundleGroups = providers[i].getBundleGroups(); for (int j = 0; j < bundleGroups.length; ++j) { groups.add(new AboutBundleGroupData(bundleGroups[j])); } } } bundleGroupInfos = (AboutBundleGroupData[]) groups .toArray(new AboutBundleGroupData[0]); }
/** * The Plugins button was pressed. Open an about dialog on the plugins for * the selected feature. */ private void handlePluginInfoPressed() { final TableItem[] items = table.getSelection(); if (items.length <= 0) { return; } final AboutBundleGroupData info = (AboutBundleGroupData) items[0] .getData(); final IBundleGroup bundleGroup = info.getBundleGroup(); final Bundle[] bundles = bundleGroup == null ? new Bundle[0] : bundleGroup.getBundles(); final AboutPluginsDialog d = new AboutPluginsDialog(getShell(), getProductName(), bundles, WorkbenchMessages.AboutFeaturesDialog_pluginInfoTitle, NLS.bind( WorkbenchMessages.AboutFeaturesDialog_pluginInfoMessage, bundleGroup.getIdentifier()), IWorkbenchHelpContextIds.ABOUT_FEATURES_PLUGINS_DIALOG);; }
/** * @param shell */ public AboutDialog(Shell shell) { super(shell); product = Platform.getProduct(); if (product != null) { productName = product.getName(); } if (productName == null) { productName = WorkbenchMessages.AboutDialog_defaultProductName; } // create a descriptive object for each BundleGroup final IBundleGroupProvider[] providers = Platform.getBundleGroupProviders(); final LinkedList<AboutBundleGroupData> groups = new LinkedList<AboutBundleGroupData>(); if (providers != null) { for (final IBundleGroupProvider provider : providers) { final IBundleGroup[] bundleGroups = provider.getBundleGroups(); for (final IBundleGroup bundleGroup : bundleGroups) { groups.add(new AboutBundleGroupData(bundleGroup)); } } } bundleGroupInfos = groups.toArray(new AboutBundleGroupData[0]); }
private String getVersion() { IBundleGroupProvider[] providers = Platform.getBundleGroupProviders(); if (providers != null) { for (IBundleGroupProvider provider : providers) { IBundleGroup[] bundleGroups = provider.getBundleGroups(); for (IBundleGroup group : bundleGroups) { if (group.getIdentifier().equals("ru.taximaxim.codekeeper.feature")) { return group.getVersion(); } } } } return "version_unavalable"; }
/** * It returns two strings, the first is the eclipse provider and the second * is the eclipse version. */ private final String getProductInformation(final String shortName) { final String[] productInfo = new String[2]; String productVendorVersion = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // collect this information only in case of running as eclipse plugin if (shortName.equals(ProductName.PLUGIN)) { productInfo[0] = Platform.getProduct().getName().replace(' ', '_'); final IBundleGroupProvider[] providers = Platform.getBundleGroupProviders(); if (providers != null) { for (final IBundleGroupProvider provider : providers) { final IBundleGroup[] groups = provider.getBundleGroups(); for (final IBundleGroup group : groups) { final String groupName = group.getName(); final String groupVersion = group.getVersion(); if (groupName.equalsIgnoreCase(ECLIPSE_GROUP_NAME)) { final int index = groupVersion.indexOf(".v"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (index > 0) { productInfo[1] = groupVersion.substring(0, index); } else { productInfo[1] = groupVersion; } break; } } } } } if (productInfo[0] != null && productInfo[1] != null) { productVendorVersion = MessageFormat.format("{0} {1} ", productInfo[0], productInfo[1]); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return productVendorVersion; }
@VisibleForTesting static String getToolsVersion(IBundleGroupProvider[] bundleGroupProviders) { for (IBundleGroupProvider provider : bundleGroupProviders) { for (IBundleGroup feature : provider.getBundleGroups()) { if (CLOUD_TOOLS_FOR_ECLIPSE_FEATURE_ID.equals(feature.getIdentifier())) { return feature.getVersion(); } } } // May not have been installed with via a feature. Although we could report the bundle version, // that may result in a confusing versions. logger.fine("Feature not found: " + CLOUD_TOOLS_FOR_ECLIPSE_FEATURE_ID); return "0.0.0"; }
@Test public void testGetToolsVersion_hasFeature() { Mockito.when(bundleGroupProvider.getBundleGroups()) .thenReturn(new IBundleGroup[] {bundleGroup}); Mockito.when(bundleGroup.getIdentifier()) .thenReturn(CloudToolsInfo.CLOUD_TOOLS_FOR_ECLIPSE_FEATURE_ID); Mockito.when(bundleGroup.getVersion()).thenReturn("123.456.789"); Assert.assertEquals("123.456.789", CloudToolsInfo.getToolsVersion(new IBundleGroupProvider[] {bundleGroupProvider})); }
private void loadFeatures(Version version, IBundleGroup[] bundleGroups) { for (IBundleGroup bundlegroup : bundleGroups) { Feature feature = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createFeature(); feature.setId(bundlegroup.getIdentifier()); feature.setName(bundlegroup.getName()); feature.setVendor(bundlegroup.getProviderName()); Description description = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createDescription(); description.setDescription(bundlegroup.getDescription()); feature.setFeatureDescription(description); version.getFeatures().add(feature); loadBundles(bundlegroup, feature, version, bundlegroup.getBundles()); } }
private void loadBundles(IBundleGroup bundlegroup, Feature feature, Version version, Bundle[] bundles) { for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { com.remainsoftware.fde.model.Bundle fbundle = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createBundle(); fbundle.setId(bundle.getSymbolicName()); fbundle.setName(bundle.getHeaders().get("Bundle-Name")); fbundle.setVersion(bundle.getHeaders().get("Bundle-Version")); fbundle.setVendor(bundle.getHeaders().get("Bundle-Vendor")); version.getBundles().add(fbundle); } }
private void initializeBundleGroupInfos() { if (bundleGroupInfos == null) { final IBundleGroupProvider[] providers = Platform .getBundleGroupProviders(); // create a descriptive object for each BundleGroup final LinkedList groups = new LinkedList(); if (providers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < providers.length; ++i) { final IBundleGroup[] bundleGroups = providers[i] .getBundleGroups(); for (int j = 0; j < bundleGroups.length; ++j) { groups.add(new AboutBundleGroupData(bundleGroups[j])); } } } bundleGroupInfos = (AboutBundleGroupData[]) groups .toArray(new AboutBundleGroupData[0]); } else { // the order of the array may be changed due to sorting, so create a // copy, since the client set this value. final AboutBundleGroupData[] clientArray = bundleGroupInfos; bundleGroupInfos = new AboutBundleGroupData[clientArray.length]; System.arraycopy(clientArray, 0, bundleGroupInfos, 0, clientArray.length); } AboutData.sortByProvider(reverseSort, bundleGroupInfos); }