public static void persistMetamodel(ResourceSet resourceSet, EPackage generated, String path) throws IOException { if (new File(path).exists()) { EPackage existing = (EPackage) OcciHelper.getRootElement(resourceSet, "file:/" + path); for (Iterator<EObject> iterator = existing.eAllContents(); iterator.hasNext();) { EObject eo =; if (eo instanceof EAnnotation && isOCLRelated((EAnnotation) eo)) { EModelElement existingContainer = (EModelElement) eo.eContainer(); EModelElement generatedContainer = (EModelElement) getGeneratedElement(generated, existingContainer); if (generatedContainer == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find " + existingContainer + " to reattach " + eo + " " + ((EAnnotation) eo).getEAnnotations()); } else { generatedContainer.getEAnnotations().add((EAnnotation) EcoreUtil.copy(eo)); } } } }, generated, "file:/" + path); }
/** * activate에서 등록한 어댑터를 삭제한다. * * @see nexcore.tool.uml.ui.core.diagram.edit.part.AbstractNotationNodeEditPart#deactivate() */ @Override public void deactivate() { super.deactivate(); LabelNode node = (LabelNode) getModel(); if (node.getParent() != null) { node.getParent().eAdapters().remove(this); Element umlModel = ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel(); if (umlModel != null) { umlModel.eAdapters().remove(this); for (Stereotype stereotype : ((Element) umlModel).getAppliedStereotypes()) { stereotype.eAdapters().remove(this); } for (EAnnotation annotation : ((EModelElement) umlModel).getEAnnotations()) { annotation.eAdapters().remove(this); } } } }
/** * @see nexcore.tool.uml.ui.core.diagram.edit.part.AbstractNotationNodeEditPart#activate() */ @Override public void activate() { super.activate(); LabelNode node = (LabelNode) getModel(); if (node.getParent() != null) { node.getParent().eAdapters().add(this); if (null == ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getParent()) { return; } ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getParent().eAdapters().add(this); ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel().eAdapters().add(this); for (Stereotype stereotype : ((Element) ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel()).getAppliedStereotypes()) { stereotype.eAdapters().add(this); } for (EAnnotation annotation : ((EModelElement) ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel()).getEAnnotations()) { annotation.eAdapters().add(this); } } }
/** * @see nexcore.tool.uml.ui.core.diagram.edit.part.AbstractNotationNodeEditPart#deactivate() */ @Override public void deactivate() { super.deactivate(); LabelNode node = (LabelNode) getModel(); if (node.getParent() != null) { node.getParent().eAdapters().remove(this); ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getParent().eAdapters().remove(this); ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel().eAdapters().remove(this); for (Stereotype stereotype : ((Element) ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel()).getAppliedStereotypes()) { stereotype.eAdapters().remove(this); } for (EAnnotation annotation : ((EModelElement) ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel()).getEAnnotations()) { annotation.eAdapters().remove(this); } } }
/** * @see org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractGraphicalEditPart#activate() */ public void activate() { if (!isActive()) { super.activate(); EObject model = (EObject) getModel(); model.eAdapters().add(this); model = ((AbstractNode) getModel()).getUmlModel(); model.eAdapters().add(this); model = ((AbstractNode) getModel()).getUmlModel(); for (Stereotype stereotype : ((Element) model).getAppliedStereotypes()) { stereotype.eAdapters().add(this); } model = ((AbstractNode) getModel()).getUmlModel(); for (EAnnotation annotation : ((EModelElement) model).getEAnnotations()) { annotation.eAdapters().add(this); } } }
/** * @see org.eclipse.gef.editparts.AbstractGraphicalEditPart#deactivate() */ public void deactivate() { if (isActive()) { super.deactivate(); EObject model = (EObject) getModel(); model.eAdapters().remove(this); model = ((AbstractNode) getModel()).getUmlModel(); model.eAdapters().remove(this); model = ((AbstractNode) getModel()).getUmlModel(); for (Stereotype stereotype : ((Element) model).getAppliedStereotypes()) { stereotype.eAdapters().remove(this); } model = ((AbstractNode) getModel()).getUmlModel(); for (EAnnotation annotation : ((EModelElement) model).getEAnnotations()) { annotation.eAdapters().remove(this); } } }
/** * 모델에서 어답터를 제거함 void */ protected void deactivate() { if (null == this.selectedModel) { return; } if (this.selectedModel.eAdapters().contains(this)) { this.selectedModel.eAdapters().remove(this); } for (Stereotype stereotype : ((Element) selectedModel).getAppliedStereotypes()) { stereotype.eAdapters().remove(this); } for (EAnnotation annotation : ((EModelElement) selectedModel).getEAnnotations()) { annotation.eAdapters().remove(this); } if (selectedModel instanceof InteractionConstraint) { InteractionConstraint constraint = (InteractionConstraint) selectedModel; OpaqueExpression expression = (OpaqueExpression) constraint.getSpecification(); expression.eAdapters().remove(this); } }
protected static int getColumnWidth(EObject eObject, final IItemPropertyDescriptor descriptor) { int columnWidth = 100; Object feature = descriptor.getFeature(eObject); if (feature instanceof EModelElement) { EModelElement element = (EModelElement) feature; String valueString = EMFUtils.getAnnotation(element, ANNOTATION_SOURCE_TABLE, ANNOTATION_DETAIL_COLUMN_WIDTH); if (valueString != null) { try { columnWidth = Integer.parseInt(valueString); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.error("cannot parse '"+valueString+"' for "+element); } } } return columnWidth; }
private void computeMappings() { this.mappings = new ArrayList<ITransformationMapping.MetamodelElementMapping>(); this.srcUses = new HashSet<EModelElement>(); this.tgtUses = new HashSet<EModelElement>(); List<RuleWithPattern> rules = analysis.getATLModel().allObjectsOf(RuleWithPattern.class); for (RuleWithPattern r : rules) { InPatternElement src = r.getInPattern().getElements().get(0); for (OutPatternElement ope : r.getOutPattern().getElements()) { Metaclass srcType = (Metaclass) src.getInferredType(); Metaclass tgtType = (Metaclass) ope.getInferredType(); addMapping(mappings, r, srcType.getKlass(), tgtType.getKlass()); } } }
public static void setDocumentation(EModelElement eModelElement, String documentation) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = eModelElement.getEAnnotation(GEN_MODEL_PACKAGE_NS_URI); if (documentation == null) { if (eAnnotation != null) { eAnnotation.getDetails().removeKey("documentation"); } } else { if (eAnnotation == null) { eAnnotation = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); eAnnotation.setSource(GEN_MODEL_PACKAGE_NS_URI); eModelElement.getEAnnotations().add(eAnnotation); } eAnnotation.getDetails().put("documentation", documentation); } }
public static List<String> getConstraints(EModelElement eModelElement) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = eModelElement.getEAnnotation(EcorePackage.eNS_URI); if (eAnnotation != null) { String constraints = eAnnotation.getDetails().get("constraints"); if (constraints != null) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(constraints); stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens();) { String constraint = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); result.add(constraint); } return result; } } return Collections.emptyList(); }
public static void setAnnotation(EModelElement eModelElement, String sourceURI, String key, String value) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = eModelElement.getEAnnotation(sourceURI); if (value == null) { if (eAnnotation != null) { eAnnotation.getDetails().removeKey(key); } } else { if (eAnnotation == null) { eAnnotation = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); eAnnotation.setSource(sourceURI); eModelElement.getEAnnotations().add(eAnnotation); } eAnnotation.getDetails().put(key, value); } }
/** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated */ public void setEModelElement(EModelElement newEModelElement) { if (newEModelElement != eInternalContainer() || (eContainerFeatureID() != EcorePackage.EANNOTATION__EMODEL_ELEMENT && newEModelElement != null)) { if (EcoreUtil.isAncestor(this, newEModelElement)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recursive containment not allowed for " + toString()); NotificationChain msgs = null; if (eInternalContainer() != null) msgs = eBasicRemoveFromContainer(msgs); if (newEModelElement != null) msgs = ((InternalEObject)newEModelElement).eInverseAdd(this, EcorePackage.EMODEL_ELEMENT__EANNOTATIONS, EModelElement.class, msgs); msgs = basicSetEModelElement(newEModelElement, msgs); if (msgs != null) msgs.dispatch(); } else if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, EcorePackage.EANNOTATION__EMODEL_ELEMENT, newEModelElement, newEModelElement)); }
/** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public NotificationChain eInverseAdd(InternalEObject otherEnd, int featureID, NotificationChain msgs) { switch (featureID) { case EcorePackage.EANNOTATION__EANNOTATIONS: return ((InternalEList<InternalEObject>)(InternalEList<?>)getEAnnotations()).basicAdd(otherEnd, msgs); case EcorePackage.EANNOTATION__EMODEL_ELEMENT: if (eInternalContainer() != null) msgs = eBasicRemoveFromContainer(msgs); return basicSetEModelElement((EModelElement)otherEnd, msgs); } return eDynamicInverseAdd(otherEnd, featureID, msgs); }
public static void setDocumentation(EModelElement eModelElement, String documentation) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = eModelElement.getEAnnotation(GEN_MODEL_PACKAGE_NS_URI); if (documentation == null) { if (eAnnotation != null) { eAnnotation.getDetails().remove("documentation"); } } else { if (eAnnotation == null) { eAnnotation = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); eAnnotation.setSource(GEN_MODEL_PACKAGE_NS_URI); eModelElement.getEAnnotations().add(eAnnotation); } eAnnotation.getDetails().put("documentation", documentation); } }
/** * keep appending to the documentation of the first model element * @param firstEl * @param secondEl */ private void appendDocumentation(EModelElement firstEl,EModelElement secondEl) { EAnnotation firstAnn = firstEl.getEAnnotation(ModelUtil.genModelURI()); String firstDoc = null; if (firstAnn != null) firstDoc = firstAnn.getDetails().get("documentation"); EAnnotation secondAnn = secondEl.getEAnnotation(ModelUtil.genModelURI()); String secondDoc = null; if (secondAnn != null) secondDoc = secondAnn.getDetails().get("documentation"); // append documentation strings if they are both non-null String fullDoc = null; if (firstDoc == null) fullDoc = secondDoc; if (secondDoc == null) fullDoc = firstDoc; if ((firstDoc != null) && (secondDoc != null)) fullDoc = firstDoc + secondDoc; if (fullDoc != null) firstEl.getEAnnotation(ModelUtil.genModelURI()).getDetails().put("documentation",fullDoc); }
/** * * @param mappedEobject * @param docString */ private void addDocumentation(EModelElement mappedEobject,String docString) { EAnnotation ann = mappedEobject.getEAnnotation(javaDocURI); // if this is the first documentation for this class or feature, add it with the preface defining the message if (ann == null) { ann = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); ann.setSource(javaDocURI); ann.getDetails().put(javaDocKey, docPreface() + docString); mappedEobject.getEAnnotations().add(ann); } // append any subsequent documentation on the same class or feature else if (ann != null) { String previousDoc = ann.getDetails().get(javaDocKey); String newDoc = previousDoc + docString; ann.getDetails().put(javaDocKey, newDoc); } }
/** * copy an ECore annotation from one object to another - * maybe overwriting the values of existing annotations with the same * source and the same key * @param toObject * @param note */ public static void copyAnnotation(EModelElement toObject, EAnnotation note) { String source = note.getSource(); // if the target does not have an annotation with this source, make one EAnnotation existing = toObject.getEAnnotation(source); if (existing == null) { existing = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); existing.setSource(source); toObject.getEAnnotations().add(existing); } // transfer values for all keys, overwriting if values already exist for (Iterator<String> it = note.getDetails().keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String key =; existing.getDetails().put(key, note.getDetails().get(key)); } }
private void createMarker() { editor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor(); file = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage() .getActiveEditor().getEditorInput().getAdapter(IFile.class); selection = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getSelectionService().getSelection(); final IMarker beAdded = getMarker(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") String text = ""; if (selection instanceof ITextSelection) { if (beAdded != null && beAdded.exists()) { text = ((ITextSelection) selection).getText(); AnnotationFactory.addAnnotation(beAdded, AnnotationFactory.ANNOTATION_MARKING); } } else if (selection instanceof ITreeSelection) { if (editor instanceof EcoreEditor) { final ITreeSelection treeSelection = (ITreeSelection) selection; if (beAdded != null && beAdded.exists()) { if (treeSelection.getFirstElement() instanceof EModelElement) { text = ((ENamedElement) treeSelection.getFirstElement()).getName(); } else { text = MarkUtilities.getText(beAdded); } } } } addToAlloyXML(beAdded); // MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(MarkerActivator.getShell(), "Mark Information", // null, // "\"" + text + "\" has been selected to be marked", MessageDialog.INFORMATION, // new String[] {"OK"}, 0); //; }
/** * Loads EMF Metamodel via given @URI * * @param uri Metamodel's @URI * @return List of @EModelElement * @throws IOException */ public static List<EModelElement> loadMetaModel(final URI uri) throws IOException { List<EModelElement> list = null; try { final ModelIO<EModelElement> modelIO = new ModelIO<>(); list =; } catch (final Exception e) { return null; } return list; }
/** * Loads EMF Metamodel via given path * * @param anyPath * @return root @EObject * @throws IOException */ public static List<EModelElement> loadMetaModel(final String anyPath) throws IOException { List<EModelElement> elems = EcoreUtilities.loadMetaModel(URI.createPlatformResourceURI(anyPath, true)); if (elems == null) { elems = EcoreUtilities.loadMetaModel(URI.createFileURI(anyPath)); if (elems == null) { elems = EcoreUtilities.loadMetaModel(URI.createPlatformPluginURI(anyPath, true)); if (elems == null) { elems = EcoreUtilities.loadMetaModel(URI.createURI(anyPath)); } } } return elems; }
private void attachInfo(EModelElement element, String value) { EAnnotation annotation = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); annotation.setSource(""); element.getEAnnotations().add(annotation); if (value != null) annotation.getDetails().put("documentation", value); else annotation.getDetails().put("documentation", ""); }
private boolean hasSelectedChildren(Object element) { for (Object child: contentProvider.getChildren(element)) { ModelElement modelElement = eCoreCodeGeneratorWritableValue.getValue().find((EModelElement) child, false); if (modelElement != null && modelElement.isSelected()) { return true; } if (hasSelectedChildren(child)) { return true; } } return false; }
private boolean hasUnselectedChildren(Object element) { for (Object child: contentProvider.getChildren(element)) { ModelElement modelElement = eCoreCodeGeneratorWritableValue.getValue().find((EModelElement) child, false); if (modelElement == null || !modelElement.isSelected()) { return true; } if (hasUnselectedChildren(child)) { return true; } } return false; }
private boolean isSelfOrParentSelected(Object element) { EcoreCodeGenerator eCoreCodeGenerator = eCoreCodeGeneratorWritableValue.getValue(); if (eCoreCodeGenerator.isSelected() || element == eCoreCodeGenerator || element == null) { return eCoreCodeGenerator.isSelected(); } if (element instanceof EModelElement) { ModelElement modelElement = eCoreCodeGenerator.find((EModelElement) element, false); if (modelElement != null && modelElement.isSelected()) { return true; } } return isSelfOrParentSelected(contentProvider.getParent(element)); }
private boolean isSupportedByGenerationTargets(EModelElement modelElement) { for (GenerationTarget generationTarget: generationTargets) { if (generationTarget.isSupported(modelElement)) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated */ @Override public Object eInvoke(int operationID, EList<?> arguments) throws InvocationTargetException { switch (operationID) { case EcorePackage.MODEL_ELEMENT___FIND__EMODELELEMENT_BOOLEAN: return find((EModelElement)arguments.get(0), (Boolean)arguments.get(1)); case EcorePackage.MODEL_ELEMENT___GET_CONFIGURATION__STRING: return getConfiguration((String)arguments.get(0)); } return super.eInvoke(operationID, arguments); }
/** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated NOT */ public boolean isSelected(EModelElement eModelElement) { if (isSelected()) { // Selected if contained in one of packages return EcoreUtil.isAncestor(getEPackages(), eModelElement); } ModelElement me = find(eModelElement, false); if (me != null && me.isSelected()) { return true; } TreeIterator<EObject> cit = eModelElement.eAllContents(); while (cit.hasNext()) { EObject next =; if (next instanceof EModelElement) { me = find((EModelElement) next, false); if (me != null && me.isSelected()) { return true; } } } for (EObject container = eModelElement.eContainer(); container instanceof EModelElement; container = container.eContainer()) { me = find((EModelElement) container, false); if (me != null && me.isSelected()) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated NOT */ public Map<String, EObject> getConfiguration(EModelElement eModelElement) { if (isSelected(eModelElement)) { Map<String, EObject> ret = new HashMap<>(); ModelElement me = find(eModelElement, false); if (me != null) { for (ConfigurationEntry ce: me.getConfiguration()) { ret.put(ce.getId(), ce.getConfiguration()); } } return ret; } return null; }
/** * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * @generated */ @Override public Object eInvoke(int operationID, EList<?> arguments) throws InvocationTargetException { switch (operationID) { case EcorePackage.ECORE_CODE_GENERATOR___GET_EPACKAGES: return getEPackages(); case EcorePackage.ECORE_CODE_GENERATOR___IS_SELECTED__EMODELELEMENT: return isSelected((EModelElement)arguments.get(0)); case EcorePackage.ECORE_CODE_GENERATOR___GET_CONFIGURATION__EMODELELEMENT: return getConfiguration((EModelElement)arguments.get(0)); } return super.eInvoke(operationID, arguments); }
/** * @see nexcore.tool.uml.ui.core.diagram.edit.part.AbstractNotationNodeEditPart#activate() */ @Override public void activate() { super.activate(); // 현재 뷰모델에 어댑터 등록 LabelNode node = (LabelNode) getModel(); if (node.getParent() != null) { node.getParent().eAdapters().add(this); // 현재 뷰모델의 UML 모델에도 어댑터 등록 Element umlModel = ((AbstractView) node.getParent()).getUmlModel(); if (umlModel != null) { umlModel.eAdapters().add(this); // 현재 UML 모델의 Stereotyp과 annotation에 어댑터 등록 // annotation 안에 keyword가 존재한다. for (Stereotype stereotype : ((Element) umlModel).getAppliedStereotypes()) { stereotype.eAdapters().add(this); } for (EAnnotation annotation : ((EModelElement) umlModel).getEAnnotations()) { annotation.eAdapters().add(this); } } } }
/** * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider#getText(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public String getText(Object objects) { if (objects == null || objects.equals(StructuredSelection.EMPTY)) { return "No items selected";//$NON-NLS-1$ } final boolean multiple[] = { false }; Object object = getObject(objects, multiple); if (object == null || ((IStructuredSelection) objects).size() > 1) { return ((IStructuredSelection) objects).size() + " items selected";//$NON-NLS-1$ } else { if (object instanceof EditPart) { object = ((EditPart) object).getModel(); } if (object instanceof EObject) { EObject robj = (EObject) object; if (robj instanceof PictogramElement) { PictogramElement pe = (PictogramElement) robj; EObject businessObject = Graphiti.getLinkService().getBusinessObjectForLinkedPictogramElement(pe); if (businessObject == null) { businessObject = robj; } // return the name of the MetamodelClass EObject refMetaObject = businessObject.eClass(); if (refMetaObject instanceof ENamedElement) { return ((ENamedElement) refMetaObject).getName(); } return ""; // no luck //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { return "" + ((EModelElement) robj.eClass()).getClass().getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { return object.toString(); } } }
public static void addAnnotation(EModelElement eNamedElement, String source, String... details) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = eNamedElement.getEAnnotation(source); if (eAnnotation == null) { eAnnotation = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); eAnnotation.setSource(source); eNamedElement.getEAnnotations().add(eAnnotation); } EMap<String, String> theDetails = eAnnotation.getDetails(); for (int i = 1; i < details.length; i += 2) { theDetails.put(details[i - 1], details[i]); } }
public static String getAnnotation(EModelElement eNamedElement, String source, String key) { if (eNamedElement != null) { EAnnotation annotation = eNamedElement.getEAnnotation(source); if (annotation != null) { return annotation.getDetails().get(key); } } return null; }
private static Boolean parseBoolean(EModelElement element, String source, String key, Boolean defaultValue) { String string = EMFUtils.getAnnotation(element, source, key); if (string == null) { return defaultValue; } return Boolean.valueOf(string); }
/** * Check the visibility of the annotation WRT the annotations, there is a lot of capability repeated here acros * the details, ParameterDescritpor, etc, which we should clean up an unify * @param feature * @return */ private static boolean isVisible(Object feature) { if (feature instanceof EModelElement) { EModelElement modelElement = (EModelElement) feature; String valueString = EMFUtils.getAnnotation(modelElement, ANNOTATION_SOURCE_TABLE, "visible"); // TODO: Move ParameterDescriptor to core if (valueString != null && valueString.equalsIgnoreCase("FALSE")) { return false; } } return true; }
public static EAnnotation getOclAnnotation(EModelElement c) { EAnnotation ann = c.getEAnnotation(""); if ( ann == null ) { ann = c.getEAnnotation(""); if ( ann == null ) { ann = c.getEAnnotation(""); } } return ann; }