private ClasspathChange setClasspath( IClasspathEntry[] newRawClasspath, IClasspathEntry[] referencedEntries, IPath newOutputLocation, IJavaModelStatus newRawClasspathStatus, IClasspathEntry[] newResolvedClasspath, Map newRootPathToRawEntries, Map newRootPathToResolvedEntries, IJavaModelStatus newUnresolvedEntryStatus, boolean addClasspathChange) { ClasspathChange classpathChange = addClasspathChange ? addClasspathChange() : null; if (referencedEntries != null) this.referencedEntries = referencedEntries; if (this.referencedEntries == null) this.referencedEntries = ClasspathEntry.NO_ENTRIES; this.rawClasspath = newRawClasspath; this.outputLocation = newOutputLocation; this.rawClasspathStatus = newRawClasspathStatus; this.resolvedClasspath = newResolvedClasspath; this.rootPathToRawEntries = newRootPathToRawEntries; this.rootPathToResolvedEntries = newRootPathToResolvedEntries; this.unresolvedEntryStatus = newUnresolvedEntryStatus; this.javadocCache = new LRUCache(JAVADOC_CACHE_INITIAL_SIZE); return classpathChange; }
public synchronized ClasspathChange setRawClasspath( IClasspathEntry[] newRawClasspath, IClasspathEntry[] referencedEntries, IPath newOutputLocation, IJavaModelStatus newRawClasspathStatus) { this.rawTimeStamp++; return setClasspath( newRawClasspath, referencedEntries, newOutputLocation, newRawClasspathStatus, null /*resolved classpath*/, null /*root to raw map*/, null /*root to resolved map*/, null /*unresolved status*/, true /*add classpath change*/); }
public ClasspathChange setResolvedClasspath( IClasspathEntry[] newResolvedClasspath, Map newRootPathToRawEntries, Map newRootPathToResolvedEntries, IJavaModelStatus newUnresolvedEntryStatus, int timeStamp, boolean addClasspathChange) { return setResolvedClasspath( newResolvedClasspath, null, newRootPathToRawEntries, newRootPathToResolvedEntries, newUnresolvedEntryStatus, timeStamp, addClasspathChange); }
public synchronized ClasspathChange setResolvedClasspath( IClasspathEntry[] newResolvedClasspath, IClasspathEntry[] referencedEntries, Map newRootPathToRawEntries, Map newRootPathToResolvedEntries, IJavaModelStatus newUnresolvedEntryStatus, int timeStamp, boolean addClasspathChange) { if (this.rawTimeStamp != timeStamp) return null; return setClasspath( this.rawClasspath, referencedEntries, this.outputLocation, this.rawClasspathStatus, newResolvedClasspath, newRootPathToRawEntries, newRootPathToResolvedEntries, newUnresolvedEntryStatus, addClasspathChange); }
private static IJavaModelStatus validateLibraryContents( IPath path, IJavaProject project, String entryPathMsg) { JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); try { manager.verifyArchiveContent(path); } catch (CoreException e) { if (e.getStatus().getMessage() == Messages.status_IOException) { return new JavaModelStatus( IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_CLASSPATH, Messages.bind( Messages.classpath_archiveReadError, new String[] {entryPathMsg, project.getElementName()})); } } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
public static void commitClassPath(List<CPListElement> newEntries, IJavaProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); monitor.beginTask("", 2); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { IClasspathEntry[] entries= convert(newEntries); IPath outputLocation= project.getOutputLocation(); IJavaModelStatus status= JavaConventions.validateClasspath(project, entries, outputLocation); if (!status.isOK()) throw new JavaModelException(status); BuildPathSupport.setEEComplianceOptions(project, newEntries); project.setRawClasspath(entries, outputLocation, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 2)); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
public static void commitClassPath(CPJavaProject cpProject, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); monitor.beginTask("", 2); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { List<CPListElement> cpListElements= cpProject.getCPListElements(); IClasspathEntry[] entries= convert(cpListElements); IPath outputLocation= cpProject.getDefaultOutputLocation(); IJavaProject javaProject= cpProject.getJavaProject(); IJavaModelStatus status= JavaConventions.validateClasspath(javaProject, entries, outputLocation); if (!status.isOK()) throw new JavaModelException(status); BuildPathSupport.setEEComplianceOptions(javaProject, cpListElements); javaProject.setRawClasspath(entries, outputLocation, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 2)); } finally { monitor.done(); } }
private void updateBuildPathStatus() { List<CPListElement> elements= fClassPathList.getElements(); IClasspathEntry[] entries= new IClasspathEntry[elements.size()]; for (int i= elements.size()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { CPListElement currElement= elements.get(i); entries[i]= currElement.getClasspathEntry(); } IJavaModelStatus status= JavaConventions.validateClasspath(fCurrJProject, entries, fOutputLocationPath); if (!status.isOK()) { fBuildPathStatus.setError(status.getMessage()); return; } fBuildPathStatus.setOK(); }
/** * @see CreateTypeMemberOperation#verifyNameCollision */ protected IJavaModelStatus verifyNameCollision() { if (this.createdNode != null) { IType type = getType(); String name; if (((MethodDeclaration) this.createdNode).isConstructor()) name = type.getElementName(); else name = getASTNodeName(); String[] types = convertASTMethodTypesToSignatures(); if (type.getMethod(name, types).exists()) { return new JavaModelStatus( IJavaModelStatusConstants.NAME_COLLISION, Messages.bind(Messages.status_nameCollision, name)); } } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - the parent element supplied to the operation is * <code>null</code>. * <li>INVALID_CONTENTS - The source is <code>null</code> or has serious syntax errors. * <li>NAME_COLLISION - A name collision occurred in the destination * </ul> */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } if (this.source == null) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_CONTENTS); } if (!this.force) { //check for name collisions try { ICompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit(); generateElementAST(null, cu); } catch (JavaModelException jme) { return jme.getJavaModelStatus(); } return verifyNameCollision(); } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * @see CreateTypeMemberOperation#verifyNameCollision */ protected IJavaModelStatus verifyNameCollision() { IJavaElement parent = getParentElement(); switch (parent.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT: String typeName = getASTNodeName(); if (((ICompilationUnit) parent).getType(typeName).exists()) { return new JavaModelStatus( IJavaModelStatusConstants.NAME_COLLISION, Messages.bind(Messages.status_nameCollision, typeName)); } break; case IJavaElement.TYPE: typeName = getASTNodeName(); if (((IType) parent).getType(typeName).exists()) { return new JavaModelStatus( IJavaModelStatusConstants.NAME_COLLISION, Messages.bind(Messages.status_nameCollision, typeName)); } break; // Note: creating local/anonymous type is not supported } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - the compilation unit supplied to the operation is * <code>null</code>. * <li>INVALID_NAME - no name, a name was null or not a valid * import declaration name. * <li>INVALID_SIBLING - the sibling provided for positioning is not valid. * </ul> * @see IJavaModelStatus * @see org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaConventions */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { if (getParentElement() == null) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } if (this.anchorElement != null) { IJavaElement domPresentParent = this.anchorElement.getParent(); if (domPresentParent.getElementType() == IJavaElement.IMPORT_CONTAINER) { domPresentParent = domPresentParent.getParent(); } if (!domPresentParent.equals(getParentElement())) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_SIBLING, this.anchorElement); } } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Returns a Java model status describing the problem related to this classpath entry if any, * a status object with code <code>IStatus.OK</code> if the entry is fine (that is, if the * given classpath entry denotes a valid element to be referenced onto a classpath). * * @param project the given java project * @param entry the given classpath entry * @param checkSourceAttachment a flag to determine if source attachment should be checked * @param referredByContainer flag indicating whether the given entry is referred by a classpath container * @return a java model status describing the problem related to this classpath entry if any, a status object with code <code>IStatus.OK</code> if the entry is fine */ public static IJavaModelStatus validateClasspathEntry(IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry entry, boolean checkSourceAttachment, boolean referredByContainer){ if (entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY) { JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().removeFromInvalidArchiveCache(entry.getPath()); } IJavaModelStatus status = validateClasspathEntry(project, entry, null, checkSourceAttachment, referredByContainer); // and // Ignore class path errors from optional entries. int statusCode = status.getCode(); if ( (statusCode == IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_CLASSPATH || statusCode == IJavaModelStatusConstants.CP_CONTAINER_PATH_UNBOUND || statusCode == IJavaModelStatusConstants.CP_VARIABLE_PATH_UNBOUND || statusCode == IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_PATH) && ((ClasspathEntry) entry).isOptional()) return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; return status; }
protected IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } CompilationUnit workingCopy = getWorkingCopy(); if (!workingCopy.isWorkingCopy()) { return new JavaModelStatus( IJavaModelStatusConstants.ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST, workingCopy); // was destroyed } return status; }
/** * Common code used to verify the elements this operation is processing. * * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelOperation#verify() */ protected IJavaModelStatus commonVerify() { if (this.elementsToProcess == null || this.elementsToProcess.length == 0) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } for (int i = 0; i < this.elementsToProcess.length; i++) { if (this.elementsToProcess[i] == null) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } } return org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** Convenience method to run an operation within this operation */ public void executeNestedOperation(JavaModelOperation operation, int subWorkAmount) throws JavaModelException { IJavaModelStatus status = operation.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) { throw new JavaModelException(status); } IProgressMonitor subProgressMonitor = getSubProgressMonitor(subWorkAmount); // fix for 1FW7IKC, part (1) try { operation.setNested(true);; } catch (CoreException ce) { if (ce instanceof JavaModelException) { throw (JavaModelException) ce; } else { // translate the core exception to a java model exception if (ce.getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.OPERATION_FAILED) { Throwable e = ce.getStatus().getException(); if (e instanceof JavaModelException) { throw (JavaModelException) e; } } throw new JavaModelException(ce); } } }
/** * Main entry point for Java Model operations. Runs a Java Model Operation as an * IWorkspaceRunnable if not read-only. */ public void runOperation(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { IJavaModelStatus status = verify(); if (!status.isOK()) { throw new JavaModelException(status); } try { if (isReadOnly()) { run(monitor); } else { // Use to ensure that resource changes are batched // Note that if the tree is locked, this will throw a CoreException, but this is ok // as this operation is modifying the tree (not read-only) and a CoreException will be // thrown anyway. // ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(this, getSchedulingRule(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, // monitor); // todo use ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run run(monitor); } } catch (CoreException ce) { if (ce instanceof JavaModelException) { throw (JavaModelException) ce; } else { if (ce.getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.OPERATION_FAILED) { Throwable e = ce.getStatus().getException(); if (e instanceof JavaModelException) { throw (JavaModelException) e; } } throw new JavaModelException(ce); } } }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - the package fragment supplied to the operation is * <code>null</code>. * <li>INVALID_NAME - the compilation unit name provided to the operation * is <code>null</code> or has an invalid syntax * <li>INVALID_CONTENTS - the source specified for the compiliation unit is null * </ul> */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { if (getParentElement() == null) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } IJavaProject project = getParentElement().getJavaProject(); if (JavaConventions.validateCompilationUnitName(, project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, true), project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, true)).getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_NAME,; } if (this.source == null) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_CONTENTS); } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - no compilation unit was supplied to the operation * <li>INVALID_NAME - a name supplied to the operation was not a valid * package declaration name. * </ul> * @see IJavaModelStatus * @see JavaConventions */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } IJavaProject project = getParentElement().getJavaProject(); if (JavaConventions.validatePackageName(, project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, true), project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, true)).getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_NAME,; } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: * <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - no elements supplied to the operation * <li>INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS - the number of renamings supplied to the operation * does not match the number of elements that were supplied. * </ul> */ protected IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } if (this.renamingsList != null && this.renamingsList.length != this.elementsToProcess.length) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
public IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) return status; this.project.flushClasspathProblemMarkers(false, false, true); return ClasspathEntry.validateClasspath(this.project, this.newRawClasspath, this.newOutputLocation); }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - at least one of a type or region must * be provided to generate a type hierarchy. * <li>ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT - the provided type or type's project does not exist * </ul> */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaElement elementToProcess= getElementToProcess(); if (elementToProcess == null && !(this.typeHierarchy instanceof RegionBasedTypeHierarchy)) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } if (elementToProcess != null && !elementToProcess.exists()) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST, elementToProcess); } IJavaProject project = this.typeHierarchy.javaProject(); if (project != null && !project.exists()) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST, project); } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPES - the compilation unit supplied to this * operation is not a working copy * <li>ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT - the compilation unit the working copy is * based on no longer exists. * <li>UPDATE_CONFLICT - the original compilation unit has changed since * the working copy was created and the operation specifies no force * <li>READ_ONLY - the original compilation unit is in read-only mode * </ul> */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { CompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit(); if (!cu.isWorkingCopy()) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPES, cu); } if (cu.hasResourceChanged() && !this.force) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.UPDATE_CONFLICT); } // no read-only check, since some repository adapters can change the flag on save // operation. return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * @see CreateTypeMemberOperation#verifyNameCollision */ protected IJavaModelStatus verifyNameCollision() { if (this.createdNode != null) { IType type= getType(); String fieldName = getASTNodeName(); if (type.getField(fieldName).exists()) { return new JavaModelStatus( IJavaModelStatusConstants.NAME_COLLISION, Messages.bind(Messages.status_nameCollision, fieldName)); } } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - the root supplied to the operation is * <code>null</code>. * <li>INVALID_NAME - the name provided to the operation * is <code>null</code> or is not a valid package fragment name. * <li>READ_ONLY - the root provided to this operation is read only. * <li>NAME_COLLISION - there is a pre-existing resource (file) * with the same name as a folder in the package fragment's hierarchy. * <li>ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT - the underlying resource for the root is missing * </ul> * @see IJavaModelStatus * @see JavaConventions */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaElement parentElement = getParentElement(); if (parentElement == null) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } String packageName = this.pkgName == null ? null : Util.concatWith(this.pkgName, '.'); IJavaProject project = parentElement.getJavaProject(); if (this.pkgName == null || (this.pkgName.length > 0 && JavaConventions.validatePackageName(packageName, project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, true), project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, true)).getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR)) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_NAME, packageName); } IJavaElement root = getParentElement(); if (root.isReadOnly()) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.READ_ONLY, root); } IContainer parentFolder = (IContainer) ((JavaElement) root).resource(); int i; for (i = 0; i < this.pkgName.length; i++) { IResource subFolder = parentFolder.findMember(this.pkgName[i]); if (subFolder != null) { if (subFolder.getType() != IResource.FOLDER) { return new JavaModelStatus( IJavaModelStatusConstants.NAME_COLLISION, Messages.bind(Messages.status_nameCollision, subFolder.getFullPath().toString())); } parentFolder = (IContainer) subFolder; } } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - the compilation unit supplied to the operation is * <code>null</code>. * <li>INVALID_NAME - not a valid import declaration name. * </ul> * @see IJavaModelStatus * @see JavaConventions */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } IJavaProject project = getParentElement().getJavaProject(); if (JavaConventions.validateImportDeclaration(this.importName, project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, true), project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, true)).getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_NAME, this.importName); } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * Possible failures: * <ul> * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - the compilation unit supplied to the operation is <code>null</code></li>. * <li>INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPES - the supplied elements are not an instance of IWorkingCopy</li>. * </ul> * @return IJavaModelStatus */ public IJavaModelStatus verify() { if (this.elementsToProcess.length != 1) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } if (this.elementsToProcess[0] == null) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS); } if (!(this.elementsToProcess[0] instanceof ICompilationUnit) || !((ICompilationUnit) this.elementsToProcess[0]).isWorkingCopy()) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPES, this.elementsToProcess[0]); } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
public IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (!status.isOK()) return status; try { IJavaElement parent = getParentElement(); if (this.anchorElement != null && this.anchorElement.getElementType() == IJavaElement.FIELD && parent.getElementType() == IJavaElement.TYPE && ((IType)parent).isEnum()) return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_SIBLING, this.anchorElement); } catch (JavaModelException e) { return e.getJavaModelStatus(); } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
private static IJavaModelStatus validateLibraryContents(IPath path, IJavaProject project, String entryPathMsg) { JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); try { manager.verifyArchiveContent(path); } catch (CoreException e) { if (e.getStatus().getMessage() == Messages.status_IOException) { return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.INVALID_CLASSPATH, Messages.bind( Messages.classpath_archiveReadError, new String[] {entryPathMsg, project.getElementName()})); } } return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }
/** * @see IJavaProject */ public IClasspathEntry[] getResolvedClasspath(boolean ignoreUnresolvedEntry) throws JavaModelException { if (JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().isClasspathBeingResolved(this)) { if (JavaModelManager.CP_RESOLVE_VERBOSE_ADVANCED) verbose_reentering_classpath_resolution(); return RESOLUTION_IN_PROGRESS; } PerProjectInfo perProjectInfo = getPerProjectInfo(); // use synchronized block to ensure consistency IClasspathEntry[] resolvedClasspath; IJavaModelStatus unresolvedEntryStatus; synchronized (perProjectInfo) { resolvedClasspath = perProjectInfo.getResolvedClasspath(); unresolvedEntryStatus = perProjectInfo.unresolvedEntryStatus; } if (resolvedClasspath == null || (unresolvedEntryStatus != null && !unresolvedEntryStatus.isOK())) { // force resolution to ensure initializers are run again resolveClasspath(perProjectInfo, false/*don't use previous session values*/, true/*add classpath change*/); synchronized (perProjectInfo) { resolvedClasspath = perProjectInfo.getResolvedClasspath(); unresolvedEntryStatus = perProjectInfo.unresolvedEntryStatus; } if (resolvedClasspath == null) { // another thread reset the resolved classpath, use a temporary PerProjectInfo PerProjectInfo temporaryInfo = newTemporaryInfo(); resolveClasspath(temporaryInfo, false/*don't use previous session values*/, true/*add classpath change*/); resolvedClasspath = temporaryInfo.getResolvedClasspath(); unresolvedEntryStatus = temporaryInfo.unresolvedEntryStatus; } } if (!ignoreUnresolvedEntry && unresolvedEntryStatus != null && !unresolvedEntryStatus.isOK()) throw new JavaModelException(unresolvedEntryStatus); return resolvedClasspath; }
/** * @see MultiOperation */ protected IJavaModelStatus verify() { IJavaModelStatus status = super.verify(); if (! status.isOK()) return status; if (this.renamingsList == null || this.renamingsList.length == 0) return new JavaModelStatus(IJavaModelStatusConstants.NULL_NAME); return JavaModelStatus.VERIFIED_OK; }