protected void initialize() { Label label0 = new Label (this, SWT.NONE); label0.setText ("Please choose type(s) which are returned by transaction response:"); list = new List(this, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI | SWT.V_SCROLL); GridData data = new GridData (); data.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL; data.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL; data.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; data.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true; data.heightHint = 200; list.setLayoutData (data); GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(); setLayout(gridLayout); setSize(new Point(408, 251)); }
/** * If there is a current class this method will add it to the list of recently opened * files. Should it be on this list already, it will be removed. If the number of entries * on the list will exceed the maximum, the last entry is dropped. */ private void addClassToRecentFileList() { if (this.currentClass != null) { // Get the full path. String recentFile = this.currentClass.getFullPath(); // Check if this file is already referenced. It it is, remove it. java.util.List<String> recentFilesPaths = Options.getInst().recentFilesPaths; recentFilesPaths.remove(recentFile); // Insert the file to the first position. recentFilesPaths.add(0, recentFile); // Check if the list got too long. Remove the last element in that case. if (recentFilesPaths.size() > Options.getInst().numberOfRecentFiles) { recentFilesPaths.remove(Options.getInst().numberOfRecentFiles); } // Write back the entries. Options.getInst().recentFilesPaths = recentFilesPaths; } }
/** * Create the composite. * * @param parent * @param expressionEditorTextBox * @param categoriesComposite * @param style */ public FunctionsComposite(Composite parent, StyledText expressionEditorTextBox, CategoriesComposite categoriesComposite, int style) { super(parent, style); setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false)); this.expressionEditorTextBox=expressionEditorTextBox; functionUppersComposite = new FunctionsUpperComposite(this, SWT.BORDER); GridData gd_composite = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1); gd_composite.heightHint = 35; functionUppersComposite.setLayoutData(gd_composite); methodList = new List(this, SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL); methodList.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 1, 1)); addDragSupport(); linkFunctionAndClassComposite(categoriesComposite); functionUppersComposite.setMethodList(methodList); functionUppersComposite.setClassNameList(categoriesComposite.getClassNamelist()); addListnersToMethodList(methodList); addDoubleClickListner(methodList); }
/** * Create the composite. * * @param parent * @param style */ public CategoriesComposite(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, style); setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false)); categoriesUpperComposite = new CategoriesUpperComposite(this, SWT.BORDER); categoriesUpperComposite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false, 1, 1)); classNamelist = new List(this, SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL); classNamelist.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 1, 1)); loadClassesFromRepo(); addListnersToClassNameList(classNamelist); addSelectionListnerToClassNameList(); categoriesUpperComposite.setClassNameList(classNamelist); }
private void addDragSupport(final List sourcePackageList, final Combo comboJarList) { DragSource dragSource = ExpressionEditorUtil.INSTANCE.getDragSource(sourcePackageList); dragSource.addDragListener(new DragSourceAdapter() { public void dragSetData(DragSourceEvent event) { = formatDataToTransfer(sourcePackageList.getSelection()); } private Object formatDataToTransfer(String[] selection) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (String field : selection) { buffer.append(field + Constants.DOT + Constants.ASTERISK + SWT.SPACE + Constants.DASH + SWT.SPACE + comboJarList.getItem(comboJarList.getSelectionIndex()) + Constants.FIELD_SEPRATOR_FOR_DRAG_DROP); } return buffer.toString(); } }); }
@Override protected Control createContents(Composite parent) { Label trackerListLabel = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE); trackerListLabel.setText("Eye Tracker Interface"); //Get currently selected eye tracker type as index into list. TrackerType[] trackerKeys = EyeTrackerFactory.getAvailableEyeTrackers() .keySet().toArray(new TrackerType[0]); int trackerSelectionIndex = Arrays.asList(trackerKeys).indexOf( TrackerType.valueOf(getPreferenceStore() .getString(EYE_TRACKER_TYPE))); //Create tracker list. trackerList = new List(parent, SWT.BORDER); String[] items = EyeTrackerFactory.getAvailableEyeTrackers().values() .toArray(new String[0]); trackerList.setItems(items); trackerList.setSelection(trackerSelectionIndex); return parent; }
@Override public CloneConstructor getCloneConstructor() { return( new CloneConstructor() { public Class<? extends UISWTViewCoreEventListenerEx> getCloneClass() { return( ConfigView.class ); } public java.util.List<Object> getParameters() { return( null ); } }); }
@Override protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) { Composite area = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent); Composite container = new Composite(area, SWT.NONE); container.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(2, false); container.setLayout(layout); Label lbtOcciServerUrl = new Label(container, SWT.NONE); lbtOcciServerUrl.setText(Messages.OcciActionDialog_Label); final List listOcciActions = new List (container, SWT.BORDER | SWT.SINGLE | SWT.V_SCROLL); listOcciActions.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { selectedAction = listOcciActions.getSelection()[0]; } } ); listOcciActions.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); for(Action action : actions) { listOcciActions.add(action.getScheme() + action.getTerm()); } return area; }
@Override public List getListControl(final Composite parent) { if (this.list == null) { this.list = new List(parent, 2820); this.list.addSelectionListener(this.getSelectionListener()); this.list.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { @Override public void widgetDisposed(final DisposeEvent event) { ListFieldEditor.this.list = null; } }); } else { this.checkParent(this.list, parent); } return this.list; }
/** * Open the config editor dialog for editing an existing configuration. * This is called, when edit button is pressed. */ private void openEditorDialog() { List list = getListControl(parent); int index = list.getSelectionIndex(); if (index < 0) { // no item selected from the list, do nothing return; } String name = list.getItem(index); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { // no name for the item, can't load config return; } registry.setActiveViewer(name.substring(0, name.indexOf('(')-1)); ViewerConfigDialog dialog = new ViewerConfigDialog(editButton.getShell(), (ViewerAttributeRegistry) registry.clone()); int code =; if (code == Window.OK) { registry.mergeWith(dialog.getRegistry()); list.setItem(index, registry.getActiveViewer() + " (" + registry.getCommand() + ")"); } }
/** * Creates and returns the contents of an area of the dialog which appears * below the message and above the button bar. * * This implementation creates two labels and two textfields. * * @param parent parent composite to contain the custom area * @return the custom area control, or <code>null</code> */ protected Control createCustomArea(Composite parent) { Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NULL); composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); composite.setLayout(new GridLayout()); envVarList = new List(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); envVarList.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); envVarList.setItems(items); envVarList.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { selections = envVarList.getSelectionIndices(); }}); return composite; }
/** * Creates and returns the contents of an area of the dialog which appears * below the message and above the button bar. * * This implementation creates two labels and two textfields. * * @param parent parent composite to contain the custom area * @return the custom area control, or <code>null</code> */ protected Control createCustomArea(Composite parent) { Composite composite = new Composite(parent, SWT.NULL); composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); composite.setLayout(new GridLayout()); skVarList = new List(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); skVarList.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); skVarList.setItems(items); skVarList.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { selections = skVarList.getSelectionIndices(); }}); return composite; }
/** * Creates a list element containing available templates (system and user) * and a text area next to it for showing description about the selected template * * @param composite the parent container */ private void createTemplateControl(Composite composite) { // add list for templates templateList = new List(composite, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); templateList.setItems(ProjectTemplateManager.loadTemplateNames()); templateList.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_VERTICAL)); templateList.setToolTipText(TexlipsePlugin.getResourceString("projectWizardTemplateTooltip")); templateList.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { attributes.setTemplate(templateList.getSelection()[0]); updateEntries(); }}); templateList.setSelection(0); // this has to be done, because setSelection() doesn't generate an event attributes.setTemplate(templateList.getItem(0)); // add TextField for the selected template's description descriptionField = new Text(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER); descriptionField.setToolTipText(TexlipsePlugin.getResourceString("projectWizardTemplateDescriptionTooltip")); descriptionField.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH)); descriptionField.setEditable(false); }
public void init(){ Composite composite = new Composite(this,SWT.NONE); composite.setLayout(new GridLayout()); composite.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL,SWT.FILL,true,true)); this.proposalParameters = new ArrayList<int[]>(); this.proposalList = new List(composite,SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); this.proposalList.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL,SWT.FILL,true,true)); this.proposalList.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { if(getDialog().getEditor() != null){ showChord(getProposalList().getSelectionIndex()); } } }); }
public void notifyProposals(final long processId, final boolean sharp, final boolean redecorate, final boolean setChordName, final java.util.List<int[]> proposalParameters, final java.util.List<String> proposalNames) { final int params[] = (!proposalParameters.isEmpty() ? (int[])proposalParameters.get(0) : null); final String chordName = (params != null ? getChordName(params, sharp) : ""); TGSynchronizer.getInstance(this.dialog.getContext().getContext()).executeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { if(!getDialog().isDisposed() && isValidProcess(processId)){ for(int[] currentProposalParameters : proposalParameters) { addProposalParameters(currentProposalParameters); } for(String currentProposalName : proposalNames) { addProposalName(currentProposalName); } if( redecorate && params != null ) { redecorate(params); } if( setChordName ) { getDialog().getEditor().setChordName( chordName != null ? chordName : "" ); } } } }); }
/** * Shellsort, using a sequence suggested by Gonnet. * -- a little adopted * @param a List of Proposals, unsorted * @param sortIndex 1 to sort by don'tHaveGrade, 2 to sort by unusualGrade * @return sorted list by selected criteria */ public void shellsort( java.util.List<Proposal> a, int sortIndex ){ int length = a.size(); for( int gap = length / 2; gap > 0; gap = gap == 2 ? 1 : (int) ( gap / 2.2 ) ) for( int i = gap; i < length; i++ ){ Proposal tmp = (Proposal)a.get(i); int j = i; for( ; j >= gap && ( sortIndex == 1 ? tmp.dontHaveGrade > ((Proposal)a.get(j - gap)).dontHaveGrade : tmp.unusualGrade > ((Proposal)a.get(j - gap)).unusualGrade ) ; j -= gap ) a.set(j, a.get(j - gap)); a.set( j , tmp); } }
/** * Called when the user selects an item in the List. */ public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { List list = ((List) e.widget); Spec spec = ToolboxHandle.getCurrentSpec(); if (spec != null) { spec.setModuleToShow(list.getSelection()[0]); String moduleName = list.getSelection()[0]; spec.setModuleToShow(list.getSelection()[0]); int idx = selectString(moduleNames, moduleName); if (idx != -1) { setUseMarkers(showUses[idx], moduleName, spec); } } }
private void showRefs(Scanner input, ArrayList<String> refStrings) { while(input.hasNext()){ String line = input.nextLine(); if (!line.equals("") && line.length() > 0) refStrings.add(line); } if (refStrings.size() == 0){ MessageBox dialog = new MessageBox(parent.getShell(), SWT.ERROR | SWT.OK); dialog.setText("Error"); dialog.setMessage("No refactoring information was found!");; } else{ list = new List(parent, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI | SWT.V_SCROLL); list.setBounds (20, 100, 250, 250); list.setVisible(true); for (int i = 0; i < refStrings.size(); i++) { list.add(refStrings.get(i)); } } }
private void loadListOfServers(List list) { ServerStore serverStore = new ServerStore(; java.util.List<Server> servers = serverStore.readAllServers(); list.removeAll(); list.add(CUSTOM_URL_TEXT); list.setSelection(0); // by default select option "Custom URL" for (Server server : servers) { list.add(server.getBaseURL()); } userName.setEnabled(false); userName.setText(""); frontRepoURL.setText(""); }
private Credentials getCredentials(String serverURL) { CredentialsStore.Credentials creds = null; if (CUSTOM_URL_TEXT.equals(serverURL)) { return new Credentials("", ""); } ServerStore serverStore = new ServerStore(; java.util.List<Server> servers = serverStore.readAllServers(); for (Server server : servers) { if (serverURL.equals(server.getBaseURL())) { try { creds = .get(server.getBaseURL()); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.warn("Could not load credentials for server with URL " + serverURL); } } } return creds; }
private void handleAddInList(List inlist) { int index = Math.max(0, inlist.getSelectionIndex()); OperandDialog dialog = new OperandDialog(getShell()); ArrayList<AOperand> ops = new ArrayList<AOperand>(operands); if (index < ops.size()) ops.add(index, new ParameterPOperand(value)); else ops.add(new ParameterPOperand(value)); dialog.setValues(value, ops, index); if ( == Dialog.OK) { AOperand op = dialog.getOperand(); if (index < ops.size()) operands.add(index + 1, op); else ops.add(op); showInList(inlist); } }
private void handleAddInList(List inlist) { int index = Math.max(0, inlist.getSelectionIndex()); OperandDialog dialog = new OperandDialog(getShell()); ArrayList<AOperand> ops = new ArrayList<AOperand>(operands); if (index < ops.size()) ops.add(index, Factory.getDefaultOperand(value)); else ops.add(Factory.getDefaultOperand(value)); dialog.setValues(value, ops, index); if ( == Dialog.OK) { AOperand op = dialog.getOperand(); if (index < ops.size()) operands.add(index + 1, op); else ops.add(op); showInList(inlist); } }
/** * Creates the bottom part of this wizard where selected locales are stored. * * @param parent * parent container */ private void createBottomSelectedLocalesComposite(Composite parent) { // Selected locales Group Group selectedGroup = new Group(parent, SWT.NULL); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 1; selectedGroup.setLayout(layout); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); selectedGroup.setLayoutData(gd); selectedGroup.setText(Messages.editor_wiz_selected); bundleLocalesList = new List(selectedGroup, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER); gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); bundleLocalesList.setLayoutData(gd); bundleLocalesList.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { removeButton.setEnabled(bundleLocalesList.getSelectionIndices().length != 0); setAddButtonState(); } }); // add a single Locale so that the bundleLocalesList isn't empty on // startup bundleLocalesList.add(DEFAULT_LOCALE); }
private void refreshZipEntriesList() { zipFileContent.removeAll(); if(!zipEntries.isEmpty()){ java.util.List<String> fileLocations = new ArrayList<String>(); for(ZipEntry ze : zipEntries){ fileLocations.add(ze.getLocation()); } Collections.sort(fileLocations); for(String loc : fileLocations){ zipFileContent.add(loc); } zipFileContent.setFont(standardListFont); } else { zipFileContent.add(Messages.IssueAttachmentDetailsPage_NoAttachments); zipFileContent.setFont(ResourceManager.getItalicFont(standardListFont)); } }
private void removeZipEntries(java.util.List<String> entries) { if(!zipEntries.isEmpty()){ for (Iterator<ZipEntry> it = zipEntries.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){ ZipEntry ze =; if(entries.contains(ze.getLocation())){ switch (ze.getType()) { case HW_SW_INFO: btnSoftwareAndHardware.setSelection(false); break; case LOG: btnLogFile.setSelection(false); break; case PREFS: btnJaspersoftStudioPreferences.setSelection(false); break; default: break; } it.remove(); } } } }
/** * Create the set with the specified controls. * @param controls The controls which make up this set. */ public SWTSet( Control ... controls ) { this.controls = controls; for( Control control : controls ) { if( this.label == null && control instanceof Label ) { this.label = (Label) control; } if( this.button == null && control instanceof Button ) { this.button = (Button) control; } if( this.text == null && control instanceof Text ) { this.text = (Text) control; } if( this.combo == null && control instanceof Combo ) { this.combo = (Combo) control; } if( this.list == null && control instanceof List ) { this.list = (List) control; } } }
/** * Copies the current selection to the clipboard. * * @param list the data source */ protected void copy(final List list) { if (canCopy(list)) { final StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); for (int row = 0; row < list.getSelectionCount(); row++) { data.append(list.getSelection()[row]); if (row != list.getSelectionCount() - 1) { data.append(NewLine.SYSTEM_LINE_SEPARATOR); } } final Clipboard clipboard = new Clipboard(list.getDisplay()); clipboard.setContents(new String[] { data.toString() }, new TextTransfer[] { TextTransfer.getInstance() }); clipboard.dispose(); } }
protected void createContextMenu(final List list) { contextMenu = new Menu(list); copyMenuItem = createCopyMenuItem(list); new MenuItem(contextMenu, SWT.SEPARATOR); selectAllMenuItem = createSelectAllMenuItem(list); new MenuItem(contextMenu, SWT.SEPARATOR); clearMenuItem = createClearMenuItem(); list.addMenuDetectListener(new MenuDetectListener() { @Override public void menuDetected(final MenuDetectEvent mde) { final boolean notEmpty = !isEmpty(); selectAllMenuItem.setEnabled(notEmpty); clearMenuItem.setEnabled(notEmpty); copyMenuItem.setEnabled(list.getSelectionCount() > 0); contextMenu.setVisible(true); } }); list.setMenu(contextMenu); }
protected MenuItem createSelectAllMenuItem(final List list) { final MenuItem selectAll = new MenuItem(contextMenu, SWT.PUSH); selectAll.setText(JFaceMessages.get("") + SwtUtils.getMod1ShortcutLabel(SwtUtils.KEY_SELECT_ALL)); selectAll.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(final SelectionEvent se) { list.selectAll(); } }); list.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent ke) { if (ke.stateMask == SWT.MOD1 && ke.keyCode == SwtUtils.KEY_SELECT_ALL) { ke.doit = false; list.selectAll(); } } }); return selectAll; }
protected MenuItem createCopyMenuItem(final List list) { final MenuItem copy = new MenuItem(contextMenu, SWT.PUSH); copy.setText(JFaceMessages.get("") + SwtUtils.getMod1ShortcutLabel(SwtUtils.KEY_COPY)); copy.setAccelerator(SWT.MOD1 | SwtUtils.KEY_COPY); copy.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(final SelectionEvent se) { copy(list); } }); list.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { if (e.stateMask == SWT.MOD1 && e.keyCode == SwtUtils.KEY_COPY) { e.doit = false; // avoids unwanted scrolling copy(list); } } }); return copy; }
@Override protected List createDropDownList(final Composite parent) { final List list = super.createDropDownList(parent); if (list.getMenu() != null) { for (final MenuItem item : list.getMenu().getItems()) { if (item.getText().equals(JFaceResources.getString("copy"))) { item.setText(JFaceMessages.get("") + SwtUtils.getMod1ShortcutLabel(SwtUtils.KEY_COPY)); item.setAccelerator(SWT.MOD1 | SwtUtils.KEY_COPY); list.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { @Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { if (SWT.MOD1 == e.stateMask && SwtUtils.KEY_COPY == e.keyCode) { e.doit = false; // avoids unwanted scrolling item.notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, null); } } }); break; } } } return list; }
/** * Creates the bottom part of this wizard where selected locales * are stored. * @param parent parent container */ private void createBottomSelectedLocalesComposite(Composite parent) { // Selected locales Group Group selectedGroup = new Group(parent, SWT.NULL); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout = new GridLayout(); layout.numColumns = 1; selectedGroup.setLayout(layout); GridData gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); selectedGroup.setLayoutData(gd); selectedGroup.setText(MessagesEditorPlugin.getString( "editor.wiz.selected")); //$NON-NLS-1$ bundleLocalesList = new List(selectedGroup, SWT.READ_ONLY | SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER); gd = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH); bundleLocalesList.setLayoutData(gd); bundleLocalesList.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event) { removeButton.setEnabled( bundleLocalesList.getSelectionIndices().length != 0); setAddButtonState(); } }); }
/** * Set the content of the ColumnsViewer * */ private void setColumnsViewerContent( ) { selectedColumnsViewer.setContentProvider( new IStructuredContentProvider( ) { public Object[] getElements( Object inputElement ) { if ( inputElement instanceof java.util.List ) { return ( (java.util.List<?>) inputElement ).toArray( ); } return new Object[0]; } public void dispose( ) { } public void inputChanged( Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput ) { } } ); }
public ValidatorDialog(Shell parent, Object in, TransMeta tr, String sname) { super(parent, (BaseStepMeta)in, tr, sname); input=(ValidatorMeta)in; // Just to make sure everything is nicely in sync... // java.util.List<StreamInterface> infoStreams = input.getStepIOMeta().getInfoStreams(); for (int i=0;i<infoStreams.size();i++) { input.getValidations().get(i).setSourcingStepName(infoStreams.get(i).getStepname()); } selectedField = null; selectionList = new ArrayList<Validation>(); // Copy the data from the input into the map... // for (Validation field : input.getValidations()) { selectionList.add(field.clone()); } }
private void doAdd( ) { HyperlinkEditorDialog dialog = new HyperlinkEditorDialog( getShell( ), null, fContext, fTriggerMatrix, fOptionalStyles ); java.util.List<String> labels = Arrays.asList( fListHyperlinks.getItems( ) ); dialog.setExistingLabels( labels ); if ( ) == Window.OK ) { URLValue value = dialog.getURLValue( ); fMultiURLValues.getURLValues( ).add( value ); value.eAdapters( ).addAll( fMultiURLValues.eAdapters( ) ); String text = value.getLabel( ).getCaption( ).getValue( ); fListHyperlinks.add( text ); fURLValuesMap.put( text, value ); } fListHyperlinks.setSelection( fListHyperlinks.getItemCount( ) - 1 ); }
private void addList() { Composite composite = new Composite(sashform, SWT.NONE); props.setLook(composite); FillLayout fillLayout = new FillLayout(); fillLayout.marginWidth = Const.FORM_MARGIN; fillLayout.marginHeight = Const.FORM_MARGIN; composite.setLayout(fillLayout); // Make a listbox wList = new List(composite, SWT.MULTI | SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL); // Add a selection listener. wList.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) { refreshGrid(); } } ); }