protected String getTypeQualifier(XNumberLiteral literal) { String valueAsLowerCase = literal.getValue().toLowerCase(); switch (getBase(literal)) { case 16: int index = valueAsLowerCase.indexOf('#'); if (index != -1) return valueAsLowerCase.substring(index + 1); else return ""; case 10: if (valueAsLowerCase.endsWith("bi") || valueAsLowerCase.endsWith("bd")) return valueAsLowerCase.substring(valueAsLowerCase.length() - 2); char lastChar = valueAsLowerCase.charAt(literal.getValue().length() - 1); switch (lastChar) { case 'l': case 'd': case 'f': return Character.toString(lastChar); default: return ""; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number literal base " + getBase(literal)); } }
protected String getXbaseDigits(XNumberLiteral literal) { String value = literal.getValue(); int length = value.length(); String typeQualifier = getTypeQualifier(literal); switch (getBase(literal)) { case 10: return value.substring(0, length - typeQualifier.length()); case 16: if (equal("", typeQualifier)) return value.substring(2, length - typeQualifier.length()); else return value.substring(2, length - typeQualifier.length() - 1); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number literal base " + getBase(literal)); } }
protected boolean isFloatingPoint(XNumberLiteral literal) { if (literal.getValue().indexOf('.') != -1) { return true; } String lowerCaseValue = literal.getValue().toLowerCase(); switch (getBase(literal)) { case 16: return false; case 10: if (lowerCaseValue.indexOf('e') != -1) return true; char lastChar = lowerCaseValue.charAt(literal.getValue().length() - 1); return lastChar == 'd' || lastChar == 'f'; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number literal base " + getBase(literal)); } }
protected Class<? extends Number> getExplicitJavaType(XNumberLiteral literal) { String typeQualifier = getTypeQualifier(literal); if (equal("", typeQualifier)) return null; else if (equal("f", typeQualifier)) return Float.TYPE; else if (equal("l", typeQualifier)) return Long.TYPE; else if (equal("d", typeQualifier)) return Double.TYPE; else if (equal("bi", typeQualifier)) return BigInteger.class; else if (equal("bd", typeQualifier)) return BigDecimal.class; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type qualifier " + typeQualifier); }
public String getExponent(XNumberLiteral literal, String digits) { if (isHex(literal)) return null; int e = digits.indexOf('e'); if (e == -1) { e = digits.indexOf('E'); } if (e != -1) { if (e != digits.length() - 1 && (digits.charAt(e + 1) == '+' || digits.charAt(e + 1) == '-')) { e++; } if (e < digits.length() - 1) { String exponent = digits.substring(e + 1); return exponent; } } return null; }
public BigDecimal toBigDecimal(XNumberLiteral literal) { if (isFloatingPoint(literal)) { String digits = getDigits(literal); String exponent = getExponent(literal, digits); if (exponent != null && exponent.length() > 10) { throw new NumberFormatException("Too many nonzero exponent digits."); } return new BigDecimal(digits); } else { int base = getBase(literal); switch (base) { case 16: return new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(getDigits(literal), base)); case 10: return new BigDecimal(getDigits(literal)); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number literal base " + base); } } }
@Override protected void internalToConvertedExpression(XExpression obj, ITreeAppendable appendable) { if (obj instanceof XStringLiteral) { _toJavaExpression((XStringLiteral) obj, appendable); } else if (obj instanceof XNumberLiteral) { _toJavaExpression((XNumberLiteral) obj, appendable); } else if (obj instanceof XNullLiteral) { _toJavaExpression((XNullLiteral) obj, appendable); } else if (obj instanceof XBooleanLiteral) { _toJavaExpression((XBooleanLiteral) obj, appendable); } else if (obj instanceof XTypeLiteral) { _toJavaExpression((XTypeLiteral) obj, appendable); } else { super.internalToConvertedExpression(obj, appendable); } }
@Override protected void doInternalToJavaStatement(XExpression obj, ITreeAppendable appendable, boolean isReferenced) { if (obj instanceof XStringLiteral) { _toJavaStatement((XStringLiteral) obj, appendable, isReferenced); } else if (obj instanceof XNumberLiteral) { _toJavaStatement((XNumberLiteral) obj, appendable, isReferenced); } else if (obj instanceof XNullLiteral) { _toJavaStatement((XNullLiteral) obj, appendable, isReferenced); } else if (obj instanceof XBooleanLiteral) { _toJavaStatement((XBooleanLiteral) obj, appendable, isReferenced); } else if (obj instanceof XTypeLiteral) { _toJavaStatement((XTypeLiteral) obj, appendable, isReferenced); } else { super.doInternalToJavaStatement(obj, appendable, isReferenced); } }
/** * @param context unused in this context but required for dispatching * @param indicator unused in this context but required for dispatching */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object _doEvaluate(XNumberLiteral literal, IEvaluationContext context, CancelIndicator indicator) { IResolvedTypes resolvedTypes = typeResolver.resolveTypes(literal); LightweightTypeReference expectedType = resolvedTypes.getExpectedType(literal); Class<? extends Number> type = numberLiterals.getJavaType(literal); if (expectedType != null && expectedType.isSubtypeOf(Number.class)) { try { Class<?> expectedClassType = getJavaType(expectedType.toJavaCompliantTypeReference().getType()); if (expectedClassType.isPrimitive()) { expectedClassType = ReflectionUtil.getObjectType(expectedClassType); } if (Number.class != expectedClassType && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(expectedClassType)) { type = (Class<? extends Number>) expectedClassType; } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } return numberLiterals.numberValue(literal, type); }
public boolean isConstant(final XExpression expression) { if (expression instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall) { return _isConstant((XAbstractFeatureCall)expression); } else if (expression instanceof XBooleanLiteral) { return _isConstant((XBooleanLiteral)expression); } else if (expression instanceof XCastedExpression) { return _isConstant((XCastedExpression)expression); } else if (expression instanceof XNumberLiteral) { return _isConstant((XNumberLiteral)expression); } else if (expression instanceof XStringLiteral) { return _isConstant((XStringLiteral)expression); } else if (expression instanceof XTypeLiteral) { return _isConstant((XTypeLiteral)expression); } else if (expression != null) { return _isConstant(expression); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(expression).toString()); } }
@Test public void testIntegerAnnotation() { try { final XAnnotationsFactory f = XAnnotationsFactory.eINSTANCE; final XExpression e = this.expression("\'Foo\'"); final XAnnotation anno = f.createXAnnotation(); JvmType _findDeclaredType = this.references.findDeclaredType(TestAnnotation3.class, e); final JvmAnnotationType annotatiomType = ((JvmAnnotationType) _findDeclaredType); anno.setAnnotationType(annotatiomType); final XAnnotationElementValuePair pair = f.createXAnnotationElementValuePair(); pair.setElement(IterableExtensions.<JvmOperation>head(annotatiomType.getDeclaredOperations())); pair.setValue(this.expression("10")); EList<XAnnotationElementValuePair> _elementValuePairs = anno.getElementValuePairs(); this._jvmTypesBuilder.<XAnnotationElementValuePair>operator_add(_elementValuePairs, pair); final JvmGenericType type = this.typesFactory.createJvmGenericType(); this._jvmTypesBuilder.addAnnotation(type, anno); Assert.assertEquals(anno.getAnnotationType(), IterableExtensions.<JvmAnnotationReference>head(type.getAnnotations()).getAnnotation()); Assert.assertEquals(1, IterableExtensions.<JvmAnnotationReference>head(type.getAnnotations()).getValues().size()); JvmAnnotationValue _head = IterableExtensions.<JvmAnnotationValue>head(IterableExtensions.<JvmAnnotationReference>head(type.getAnnotations()).getValues()); final JvmCustomAnnotationValue value = ((JvmCustomAnnotationValue) _head); EObject _head_1 = IterableExtensions.<EObject>head(value.getValues()); Assert.assertTrue((_head_1 instanceof XNumberLiteral)); } catch (Throwable _e) { throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e); } }
/** * Validates that all XNumberLiterals in this expression, which occurs on the right-hand side of a formal parameter * declaration/definition, have indeed integral values. * * @param value * to check * @param issueCode * to issue if the validation fails */ protected void checkRightHandSideHasOnlyIntegralNumbers(final XExpression value, final String issueCode) { if (value != null) { List<XExpression> exprs = (value instanceof XListLiteral) ? ((XListLiteral) value).getElements() : Collections.singletonList(value); for (XExpression expr : exprs) { XExpression e = expr; while (e instanceof XUnaryOperation) { e = ((XUnaryOperation) e).getOperand(); } if (e instanceof XNumberLiteral) { try { Integer.decode(((XNumberLiteral) e).getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { error("Only integral values as numbers are allowed in check parameters", expr, null, issueCode); // TODO: NLS } } } } }
@Check protected void checkNumberFormat(XNumberLiteral literal) { try { numberLiterals.numberValue(literal, numberLiterals.getJavaType(literal)); } catch (Exception e) { error("Invalid number format: " + e.getMessage(), Literals.XNUMBER_LITERAL__VALUE, INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT); } }
public String toJavaLiteral(XNumberLiteral literal, boolean removeUnderscores) { if (getJavaType(literal).isPrimitive()) { boolean floatingPoint = isFloatingPoint(literal); String value = literal.getValue(); if (!floatingPoint && !value.startsWith("0x")) { // strip leading zeros since they denote octal literals value = value.replaceAll("^[0_]+(\\d)", "$1"); } if (removeUnderscores) return value.replace("_", "").replace("#", ""); else return value.replace("#", ""); } else return null; }
protected boolean isHex(XNumberLiteral literal) { String text = literal.getValue(); if (text.length() >= 2) { char second = text.charAt(1); return text.charAt(0) == '0' && (second == 'X' || second =='x'); } return false; }
/** * @return whether the expression itself (not its children) possibly causes a side-effect */ public boolean hasSideEffects(XExpression expr) { if (expr instanceof XClosure || expr instanceof XStringLiteral || expr instanceof XTypeLiteral || expr instanceof XBooleanLiteral || expr instanceof XNumberLiteral || expr instanceof XNullLiteral || expr instanceof XAnnotation ) return false; if(expr instanceof XCollectionLiteral) { for(XExpression element: ((XCollectionLiteral)expr).getElements()) { if(hasSideEffects(element)) return true; } return false; } if (expr instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall) { XAbstractFeatureCall featureCall = (XAbstractFeatureCall) expr; return hasSideEffects(featureCall, true); } if (expr instanceof XConstructorCall) { XConstructorCall constrCall = (XConstructorCall) expr; return findPureAnnotation(constrCall.getConstructor()) == null; } return true; }
@Override protected boolean isVariableDeclarationRequired(XExpression expr, ITreeAppendable b, boolean recursive) { if (expr instanceof XBooleanLiteral || expr instanceof XStringLiteral || expr instanceof XNumberLiteral || expr instanceof XTypeLiteral || expr instanceof XClosure || expr instanceof XNullLiteral) return false; return super.isVariableDeclarationRequired(expr,b, recursive); }
public EvaluationResult internalEvaluate(final XExpression it, final EvaluationContext context) { if (it instanceof XBinaryOperation) { return _internalEvaluate((XBinaryOperation)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XUnaryOperation) { return _internalEvaluate((XUnaryOperation)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall) { return _internalEvaluate((XAbstractFeatureCall)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XBooleanLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XBooleanLiteral)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XCastedExpression) { return _internalEvaluate((XCastedExpression)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XNullLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XNullLiteral)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XNumberLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XNumberLiteral)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XStringLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XStringLiteral)it, context); } else if (it instanceof XTypeLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XTypeLiteral)it, context); } else if (it != null) { return _internalEvaluate(it, context); } else if (it == null) { return _internalEvaluate((Void)null, context); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(it, context).toString()); } }
public Object internalEvaluate(final XExpression it, final Context ctx) { if (it instanceof XBinaryOperation) { return _internalEvaluate((XBinaryOperation)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XUnaryOperation) { return _internalEvaluate((XUnaryOperation)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall) { return _internalEvaluate((XAbstractFeatureCall)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XBooleanLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XBooleanLiteral)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XCastedExpression) { return _internalEvaluate((XCastedExpression)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XNumberLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XNumberLiteral)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XStringLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XStringLiteral)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XTypeLiteral) { return _internalEvaluate((XTypeLiteral)it, ctx); } else if (it instanceof XAnnotation) { return _internalEvaluate((XAnnotation)it, ctx); } else if (it != null) { return _internalEvaluate(it, ctx); } else if (it == null) { return _internalEvaluate((Void)null, ctx); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(it, ctx).toString()); } }
@Override protected boolean highlightElement(EObject object, IHighlightedPositionAcceptor acceptor, CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) { if (object instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall) { if (((XAbstractFeatureCall) object).isPackageFragment()) { return true; } if (SPECIAL_FEATURE_NAMES.contains(((XAbstractFeatureCall) object).getConcreteSyntaxFeatureName())) { return false; } operationCanceledManager.checkCanceled(cancelIndicator); computeFeatureCallHighlighting((XAbstractFeatureCall) object, acceptor); } else if (object instanceof JvmTypeParameter) { highlightTypeParameter((JvmTypeParameter) object, acceptor); } else if (object instanceof JvmFormalParameter) { highlightFormalParameter((JvmFormalParameter) object, acceptor); } else if (object instanceof XVariableDeclaration) { highlightVariableDeclaration((XVariableDeclaration) object, acceptor); } else if (object instanceof XNumberLiteral) { highlightNumberLiterals((XNumberLiteral) object, acceptor); } else if (object instanceof XConstructorCall) { highlightConstructorCall((XConstructorCall) object, acceptor); } else if (object instanceof XAnnotation) { // Handle XAnnotation in a special way because we want the @ highlighted too highlightAnnotation((XAnnotation) object, acceptor); } else { computeReferencedJvmTypeHighlighting(acceptor, object, cancelIndicator); } return false; }
@Test public void testAddition_1() throws Exception { XBinaryOperation operation = (XBinaryOperation) expression("3 + 4 + 5"); XBinaryOperation leftOperand = (XBinaryOperation) operation.getLeftOperand(); assertEquals("3", ((XNumberLiteral) leftOperand.getLeftOperand()).getValue()); assertEquals("4", ((XNumberLiteral) leftOperand.getRightOperand()).getValue()); assertEquals("5", ((XNumberLiteral) operation.getRightOperand()).getValue()); }
@Test public void testFeatureCall_3() throws Exception { XMemberFeatureCall call = (XMemberFeatureCall) expression("'holla'.bar(4)"); assertNotNull(call); assertEquals(2, call.getExplicitArguments().size()); assertEquals("4", ((XNumberLiteral) call.getExplicitArguments().get(1)).getValue()); assertTrue(call.getExplicitArguments().get(0) instanceof XStringLiteral); }
@Test public void testFeatureCall_4() throws Exception { XFeatureCall call = (XFeatureCall) expression("bar(0,1,2)"); assertNotNull(call); assertEquals("bar",call.getConcreteSyntaxFeatureName()); assertEquals(3, call.getExplicitArguments().size()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) assertEquals(""+ i, ((XNumberLiteral) call.getExplicitArguments().get(i)).getValue()); }
@Test public void testSwitch_1() throws Exception { XSwitchExpression se = (XSwitchExpression) expression("switch number{case 1:'1' case 2:'2' default:'3'}"); assertTrue(se.getDefault() instanceof XStringLiteral); assertEquals(2, se.getCases().size()); assertTrue(se.getSwitch() instanceof XFeatureCall); XCasePart case1 = se.getCases().get(0); assertEquals("1", ((XNumberLiteral) case1.getCase()).getValue()); assertTrue(case1.getThen() instanceof XStringLiteral); XCasePart case2 = se.getCases().get(1); assertEquals("2", ((XNumberLiteral) case2.getCase()).getValue()); assertTrue(case2.getThen() instanceof XStringLiteral); }
@Test public void testReturnExpressionInBlock_1() throws Exception { XBlockExpression block = (XBlockExpression) expression( "{ return 1 2 }"); assertEquals(2, block.getExpressions().size()); assertTrue(block.getExpressions().get(0) instanceof XReturnExpression); XReturnExpression returnExpression = (XReturnExpression) block.getExpressions().get(0); assertTrue(returnExpression.getExpression() instanceof XNumberLiteral); }
@Test public void testInvocationOnPrimitive() { ExpectationTestingTypeComputer _typeComputer = this.getTypeComputer(); final Function1<XExpression, Boolean> _function = (XExpression it) -> { return Boolean.valueOf((it instanceof XNumberLiteral)); }; _typeComputer.setPredicate(_function); this.expects("1L.intValue").types(((String) null)).finalizedAs(((String) null)).queriedAs("Long"); }
/** * Constraint: * value=Number */ protected void sequence_XNumberLiteral(EObject context, XNumberLiteral semanticObject) { if(errorAcceptor != null) { if(transientValues.isValueTransient(semanticObject, XbasePackage.Literals.XNUMBER_LITERAL__VALUE) == ValueTransient.YES) errorAcceptor.accept(diagnosticProvider.createFeatureValueMissing(semanticObject, XbasePackage.Literals.XNUMBER_LITERAL__VALUE)); } INodesForEObjectProvider nodes = createNodeProvider(semanticObject); SequenceFeeder feeder = createSequencerFeeder(semanticObject, nodes); feeder.accept(grammarAccess.getXNumberLiteralAccess().getValueNumberParserRuleCall_1_0(), semanticObject.getValue()); feeder.finish(); }
@Deprecated protected void sequence_XNumberLiteral(EObject context, XNumberLiteral semanticObject) { sequence_XNumberLiteral(createContext(context, semanticObject), semanticObject); }
public int getBase(XNumberLiteral literal) { if (isHex(literal)) return 16; else return 10; }
public String toJavaLiteral(XNumberLiteral literal) { return toJavaLiteral(literal, true); }
public String getDigits(XNumberLiteral literal) { return getXbaseDigits(literal).replace("_", ""); }
public Class<? extends Number> getJavaType(XNumberLiteral literal) { Class<? extends Number> explicitType = getExplicitJavaType(literal); return (explicitType == null) ? (isFloatingPoint(literal)) ? Double.TYPE : Integer.TYPE : explicitType; }
public BigInteger toBigInteger(XNumberLiteral literal) { if (isFloatingPoint(literal)) return toBigDecimal(literal).toBigInteger(); else return new BigInteger(getDigits(literal), getBase(literal)); }
@Override public void computeTypes(XExpression expression, ITypeComputationState state) { if (expression instanceof XAssignment) { _computeTypes((XAssignment)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall) { _computeTypes((XAbstractFeatureCall)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XDoWhileExpression) { _computeTypes((XDoWhileExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XWhileExpression) { _computeTypes((XWhileExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XBlockExpression) { _computeTypes((XBlockExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XBooleanLiteral) { _computeTypes((XBooleanLiteral)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XCastedExpression) { _computeTypes((XCastedExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XClosure) { _computeTypes((XClosure)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XConstructorCall) { _computeTypes((XConstructorCall)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XForLoopExpression) { _computeTypes((XForLoopExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XBasicForLoopExpression) { _computeTypes((XBasicForLoopExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XIfExpression) { _computeTypes((XIfExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XInstanceOfExpression) { _computeTypes((XInstanceOfExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XNumberLiteral) { _computeTypes((XNumberLiteral)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XNullLiteral) { _computeTypes((XNullLiteral)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XReturnExpression) { _computeTypes((XReturnExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XStringLiteral) { _computeTypes((XStringLiteral)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XSwitchExpression) { _computeTypes((XSwitchExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XThrowExpression) { _computeTypes((XThrowExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XTryCatchFinallyExpression) { _computeTypes((XTryCatchFinallyExpression)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XTypeLiteral) { _computeTypes((XTypeLiteral)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XVariableDeclaration) { _computeTypes((XVariableDeclaration)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XListLiteral) { _computeTypes((XListLiteral)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XSetLiteral) { _computeTypes((XSetLiteral)expression, state); } else if (expression instanceof XSynchronizedExpression) { _computeTypes((XSynchronizedExpression)expression, state); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Missing type computation for expression type: " + expression.eClass().getName() + " / " + state); } }
protected void _computeTypes(XNumberLiteral object, ITypeComputationState state) { // TODO evaluate expectation if no specific suffix is given LightweightTypeReference result = getTypeForName(numberLiterals.getJavaType(object), state); state.acceptActualType(result); }
public void _toJavaStatement(XNumberLiteral expr, ITreeAppendable b, boolean isReferenced) { generateComment(expr, b, isReferenced); }
/** * don't call this directly. Always call evaluate() internalEvaluate() */ protected Object doEvaluate(XExpression expression, IEvaluationContext context, CancelIndicator indicator) { if (expression instanceof XAssignment) { return _doEvaluate((XAssignment)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XDoWhileExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XDoWhileExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XMemberFeatureCall) { return _doEvaluate((XMemberFeatureCall)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XWhileExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XWhileExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XFeatureCall) { return _doEvaluate((XFeatureCall)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XAbstractFeatureCall) { return _doEvaluate((XAbstractFeatureCall)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XBlockExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XBlockExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XSynchronizedExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XSynchronizedExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XBooleanLiteral) { return _doEvaluate((XBooleanLiteral)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XCastedExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XCastedExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XClosure) { return _doEvaluate((XClosure)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XConstructorCall) { return _doEvaluate((XConstructorCall)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XForLoopExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XForLoopExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XBasicForLoopExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XBasicForLoopExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XIfExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XIfExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XInstanceOfExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XInstanceOfExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XNullLiteral) { return _doEvaluate((XNullLiteral)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XNumberLiteral) { return _doEvaluate((XNumberLiteral)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XReturnExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XReturnExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XStringLiteral) { return _doEvaluate((XStringLiteral)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XSwitchExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XSwitchExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XThrowExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XThrowExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XTryCatchFinallyExpression) { return _doEvaluate((XTryCatchFinallyExpression)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XTypeLiteral) { return _doEvaluate((XTypeLiteral)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XVariableDeclaration) { return _doEvaluate((XVariableDeclaration)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XListLiteral) { return _doEvaluate((XListLiteral)expression, context, indicator); } else if (expression instanceof XSetLiteral) { return _doEvaluate((XSetLiteral)expression, context, indicator); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " + Arrays.<Object>asList(expression, context, indicator).toString()); } }
protected boolean _isConstant(final XNumberLiteral expression) { return true; }
protected void _findImplicitReturns(final XNumberLiteral expression, final ImplicitReturnFinder.Acceptor acceptor) { acceptor.accept(expression); }