private static void bindCollectionSecondPass( Collection collValue, PersistentClass collectionEntity, Ejb3JoinColumn[] joinColumns, boolean cascadeDeleteEnabled, XProperty property, Mappings mappings) { try { BinderHelper.createSyntheticPropertyReference( joinColumns, collValue.getOwner(), collectionEntity, collValue, false, mappings ); } catch (AnnotationException ex) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to map collection " + collectionEntity.getClassName() + "." + property.getName(), ex ); } SimpleValue key = buildCollectionKey( collValue, joinColumns, cascadeDeleteEnabled, property, mappings ); if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ElementCollection.class ) && joinColumns.length > 0 ) { joinColumns[0].setJPA2ElementCollection( true ); } TableBinder.bindFk( collValue.getOwner(), collectionEntity, joinColumns, key, false, mappings ); }
@Override public void contribute(InFlightMetadataCollector metadataCollector, IndexView jandexIndex) { MetadataBuildingOptions options = metadataCollector.getMetadataBuildingOptions(); ClassLoaderService classLoaderService = options.getServiceRegistry().getService(ClassLoaderService.class); final ClassLoaderAccess classLoaderAccess = new ClassLoaderAccessImpl( options.getTempClassLoader(), classLoaderService ); this.metadataBuildingContext = new MetadataBuildingContextRootImpl( options, classLoaderAccess, metadataCollector ); java.util.Collection<PersistentEntity> persistentEntities = hibernateMappingContext.getPersistentEntities(); for (PersistentEntity persistentEntity : persistentEntities) { if(!persistentEntity.getJavaClass().isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) { if(ConnectionSourcesSupport.usesConnectionSource(persistentEntity, dataSourceName) && persistentEntity.isRoot()) { bindRoot((HibernatePersistentEntity) persistentEntity, metadataCollector, sessionFactoryName); } } } }
/** * Creates the DependentValue object that forms a primary key reference for the collection. * * @param mappings * @param property The grails property * @param collection The collection object * @param persistentClasses * @return The DependantValue (key) */ protected DependantValue createPrimaryKeyValue(InFlightMetadataCollector mappings, PersistentProperty property, Collection collection, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses) { KeyValue keyValue; DependantValue key; String propertyRef = collection.getReferencedPropertyName(); // this is to support mapping by a property if (propertyRef == null) { keyValue = collection.getOwner().getIdentifier(); } else { keyValue = (KeyValue) collection.getOwner().getProperty(propertyRef).getValue(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] creating dependant key value to table [" + keyValue.getTable().getName() + "]"); key = new DependantValue(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable(), keyValue); key.setTypeName(null); // make nullable and non-updateable key.setNullable(true); key.setUpdateable(false); return key; }
/** * Binds a unidirectional one-to-many creating a psuedo back reference property in the process. * * @param property * @param mappings * @param collection */ protected void bindUnidirectionalOneToMany(org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany property, InFlightMetadataCollector mappings, Collection collection) { Value v = collection.getElement(); v.createForeignKey(); String entityName; if (v instanceof ManyToOne) { ManyToOne manyToOne = (ManyToOne) v; entityName = manyToOne.getReferencedEntityName(); } else { entityName = ((OneToMany) v).getReferencedEntityName(); } collection.setInverse(false); PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getEntityBinding(entityName); Backref prop = new Backref(); PersistentEntity owner = property.getOwner(); prop.setEntityName(owner.getName()); prop.setName(UNDERSCORE + addUnderscore(owner.getJavaClass().getSimpleName(), property.getName()) + "Backref"); prop.setUpdateable(false); prop.setInsertable(true); prop.setCollectionRole(collection.getRole()); prop.setValue(collection.getKey()); prop.setOptional(true); referenced.addProperty(prop); }
public OrmAttribute buildPluralAttribute( PersisterCreationContext creationContext, Collection collectionBinding, OrmNavigableSource source, String propertyName) { // todo : resolve cache access final CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cachingAccess = null; // need PersisterCreationContext - we should always have access to that when building persisters, through finalized initialization final CollectionPersister collectionPersister = creationContext.getPersisterFactory().createCollectionPersister( collectionBinding, (ManagedTypeImplementor) source, propertyName, cachingAccess, creationContext ); creationContext.registerCollectionPersister( collectionPersister ); return collectionPersister; }
private static CollectionType convertCollection( PersisterCreationContext creationContext, ManagedTypeImplementor source, String navigableName, Collection collectionValue, TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration) { final String roleName = source.getRolePrefix() + navigableName; CollectionPersister<?, ?, ?> collectionPersister = typeConfiguration.findCollectionPersister( roleName ); if ( collectionPersister == null ) { collectionPersister = creationContext.getPersisterFactory().createCollectionPersister( collectionValue, source, navigableName, null, creationContext ); } return collectionPersister.getOrmType(); }
private List<String> listTables() { List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<PersistentClass> iterator1 = configuration.getClassMappings(); while (iterator1.hasNext()) { results.add(; } Iterator<?> iterator2 = configuration.getCollectionMappings(); while (iterator2.hasNext()) { results.add(((Collection); } return results; }
private void validate() throws MappingException { Iterator iter = classes.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { ( (PersistentClass) ).validate( mapping ); } iter = collections.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { ( (Collection) ).validate( mapping ); } }
private void applyCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy(CacheHolder holder) { Collection collection = getCollectionMapping( holder.role ); if ( collection == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Cannot cache an unknown collection: " + holder.role ); } collection.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( holder.usage ); collection.setCacheRegionName( holder.region ); }
@Override public java.util.Collection<AttributeConverterDefinition> getAttributeConverters() { if ( attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass == null ) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass.values(); }
public CollectionPropertyHolder( Collection collection, String path, XClass clazzToProcess, XProperty property, PropertyHolder parentPropertyHolder, Mappings mappings) { super( path, parentPropertyHolder, clazzToProcess, mappings ); this.collection = collection; setCurrentProperty( property ); this.elementAttributeConversionInfoMap = new HashMap<String, AttributeConversionInfo>(); this.keyAttributeConversionInfoMap = new HashMap<String, AttributeConversionInfo>(); }
/** * buid a property holder on top of a collection */ public static CollectionPropertyHolder buildPropertyHolder( Collection collection, String path, XClass clazzToProcess, XProperty property, PropertyHolder parentPropertyHolder, Mappings mappings) { return new CollectionPropertyHolder( collection, path, clazzToProcess, property, parentPropertyHolder, mappings ); }
private static void checkFilterConditions(Collection collValue) { //for now it can't happen, but sometime soon... if ( ( collValue.getFilters().size() != 0 || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( collValue.getWhere() ) ) && collValue.getFetchMode() == FetchMode.JOIN && !( collValue.getElement() instanceof SimpleValue ) && //SimpleValue (CollectionOfElements) are always SELECT but it does not matter collValue.getElement().getFetchMode() != FetchMode.JOIN ) { throw new MappingException( "@ManyToMany or @CollectionOfElements defining filter or where without join fetching " + "not valid within collection using join fetching[" + collValue.getRole() + "]" ); } }
private void bindIndex(final Mappings mappings) { if ( !indexColumn.isImplicit() ) { PropertyHolder valueHolder = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder( this.collection, StringHelper.qualify( this.collection.getRole(), "key" ), null, null, propertyHolder, mappings ); List list = (List) this.collection; if ( !list.isOneToMany() ) indexColumn.forceNotNull(); indexColumn.setPropertyHolder( valueHolder ); SimpleValueBinder value = new SimpleValueBinder(); value.setColumns( new Ejb3Column[] { indexColumn } ); value.setExplicitType( "integer" ); value.setMappings( mappings ); SimpleValue indexValue = value.make(); indexColumn.linkWithValue( indexValue ); list.setIndex( indexValue ); list.setBaseIndex( indexColumn.getBase() ); if ( list.isOneToMany() && !list.getKey().isNullable() && !list.isInverse() ) { String entityName = ( (OneToMany) list.getElement() ).getReferencedEntityName(); PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getClass( entityName ); IndexBackref ib = new IndexBackref(); ib.setName( '_' + propertyName + "IndexBackref" ); ib.setUpdateable( false ); ib.setSelectable( false ); ib.setCollectionRole( list.getRole() ); ib.setEntityName( list.getOwner().getEntityName() ); ib.setValue( list.getIndex() ); referenced.addProperty( ib ); } } else { Collection coll = this.collection; throw new AnnotationException( "List/array has to be annotated with an @OrderColumn (or @IndexColumn): " + coll.getRole() ); } }
@Override @SuppressWarnings( {"unchecked"}) public CollectionPersister createCollectionPersister( Configuration cfg, Collection collectionMetadata, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws HibernateException { Class<? extends CollectionPersister> persisterClass = collectionMetadata.getCollectionPersisterClass(); if ( persisterClass == null ) { persisterClass = serviceRegistry.getService( PersisterClassResolver.class ).getCollectionPersisterClass( collectionMetadata ); } return create( persisterClass, COLLECTION_PERSISTER_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS, cfg, collectionMetadata, cacheAccessStrategy, factory ); }
public BasicCollectionPersister( Collection collection, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, Configuration cfg, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws MappingException, CacheException { super( collection, cacheAccessStrategy, cfg, factory ); }
public OneToManyPersister( Collection collection, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, Configuration cfg, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws MappingException, CacheException { super( collection, cacheAccessStrategy, cfg, factory ); cascadeDeleteEnabled = collection.getKey().isCascadeDeleteEnabled() && factory.getDialect().supportsCascadeDelete(); keyIsNullable = collection.getKey().isNullable(); keyIsUpdateable = collection.getKey().isUpdateable(); }
/** * Builds a CacheDataDescriptionImpl from the mapping model of a collection * * @param model The mapping model. * * @return The constructed CacheDataDescriptionImpl */ public static CacheDataDescriptionImpl decode(Collection model) { return new CacheDataDescriptionImpl( model.isMutable(), model.getOwner().isVersioned(), model.getOwner().isVersioned() ? ( (VersionType) model.getOwner().getVersion().getType() ).getComparator() : null ); }
protected void bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(Collection collection, PropertyConfig config) { if (config == null) { collection.setLazy(true); collection.setExtraLazy(false); } else { final FetchMode fetch = config.getFetchMode(); if(!fetch.equals(FetchMode.JOIN) && !fetch.equals(FetchMode.EAGER)) { collection.setLazy(true); } final Boolean lazy = config.getLazy(); if(lazy != null) { collection.setExtraLazy(lazy); } } }
/** * Links a bidirectional one-to-many, configuring the inverse side and using a column copy to perform the link * * @param collection The collection one-to-many * @param associatedClass The associated class * @param key The key * @param otherSide The other side of the relationship */ protected void linkBidirectionalOneToMany(Collection collection, PersistentClass associatedClass, DependantValue key, PersistentProperty otherSide) { collection.setInverse(true); // Iterator mappedByColumns = associatedClass.getProperty(otherSide.getName()).getValue().getColumnIterator(); Iterator<?> mappedByColumns = getProperty(associatedClass, otherSide.getName()).getValue().getColumnIterator(); while (mappedByColumns.hasNext()) { Column column = (Column); linkValueUsingAColumnCopy(otherSide, column, key); } }
protected void bindCollectionTable(ToMany property, InFlightMetadataCollector mappings, Collection collection, Table ownerTable, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { String owningTableSchema = ownerTable.getSchema(); PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property); JoinTable jt = config != null ? config.getJoinTable() : null; NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName); String tableName = (jt != null && jt.getName() != null ? jt.getName() : namingStrategy.tableName(calculateTableForMany(property, sessionFactoryBeanName))); String schemaName = getSchemaName(mappings); String catalogName = getCatalogName(mappings); if(jt != null) { if(jt.getSchema() != null) { schemaName = jt.getSchema(); } if(jt.getCatalog() != null) { catalogName = jt.getCatalog(); } } if(schemaName == null && owningTableSchema != null) { schemaName = owningTableSchema; } collection.setCollectionTable(mappings.addTable( schemaName, catalogName, tableName, null, false)); }
/** * Binds the sub classes of a root class using table-per-heirarchy inheritance mapping * * @param domainClass The root domain class to bind * @param parent The parent class instance * @param mappings The mappings instance * @param sessionFactoryBeanName the session factory bean name */ protected void bindSubClasses(HibernatePersistentEntity domainClass, PersistentClass parent, InFlightMetadataCollector mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { final java.util.Collection<PersistentEntity> subClasses = domainClass.getMappingContext().getDirectChildEntities(domainClass); for (PersistentEntity sub : subClasses) { final Class javaClass = sub.getJavaClass(); if (javaClass.getSuperclass().equals(domainClass.getJavaClass())) { bindSubClass((HibernatePersistentEntity)sub, parent, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName); } } }
public GrailsCollectionSecondPass(ToMany property, InFlightMetadataCollector mappings, Collection coll, String sessionFactoryBeanName) { = property; this.mappings = mappings; this.collection = coll; this.sessionFactoryBeanName = sessionFactoryBeanName; }
public void setCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy(String collectionRole, String concurrencyStrategy, String region) throws MappingException { Collection collection = getCollectionMapping( collectionRole ); if ( collection == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Cannot cache an unknown collection: " + collectionRole ); } collection.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( concurrencyStrategy ); collection.setCacheRegionName( region ); }
public static CollectionPersister createCollectionPersister(Configuration cfg, Collection model, CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws HibernateException { Class persisterClass = model.getCollectionPersisterClass(); if(persisterClass==null) { // default behavior return model.isOneToMany() ? (CollectionPersister) new OneToManyPersister(model, cache, cfg, factory) : (CollectionPersister) new BasicCollectionPersister(model, cache, cfg, factory); } else { return create(persisterClass, cfg, model, cache, factory); } }
public BasicCollectionPersister(Collection collection, CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, Configuration cfg, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws MappingException, CacheException { super( collection, cache, cfg, factory ); }
public OneToManyPersister(Collection collection, CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache, Configuration cfg, SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws MappingException, CacheException { super( collection, cache, cfg, factory ); cascadeDeleteEnabled = collection.getKey().isCascadeDeleteEnabled() && factory.getDialect().supportsCascadeDelete(); keyIsNullable = collection.getKey().isNullable(); keyIsUpdateable = collection.getKey().isUpdateable(); }
private void applyCacheSettings(Configuration configuration) { if ( settings.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() != null ) { Iterator iter = configuration.getClassMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { PersistentClass clazz = (PersistentClass); Iterator props = clazz.getPropertyClosureIterator(); boolean hasLob = false; while ( props.hasNext() ) { Property prop = (Property); if ( prop.getValue().isSimpleValue() ) { String type = ( ( SimpleValue ) prop.getValue() ).getTypeName(); if ( "blob".equals(type) || "clob".equals(type) ) { hasLob = true; } if ( Blob.class.getName().equals(type) || Clob.class.getName().equals(type) ) { hasLob = true; } } } if ( !hasLob && !clazz.isInherited() && settings.overrideCacheStrategy() ) { configuration.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( clazz.getEntityName(), settings.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() ); } } iter = configuration.getCollectionMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Collection coll = (Collection); configuration.setCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy( coll.getRole(), settings.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() ); } } }
public void testComparator() { PersistentClass cm = cfg.getClassMapping("org.hibernate.test.legacy.Wicked"); Property property = cm.getProperty("sortedEmployee"); Collection col = (Collection) property.getValue(); assertEquals(col.getComparatorClassName(),"org.hibernate.test.legacy.NonExistingComparator"); }
public void afterConfigurationBuilt(Mappings mappings, Dialect dialect) { super.afterConfigurationBuilt( mappings, dialect ); Collection children = mappings.getCollection( Parent.class.getName() + ".children" ); Component childComponents = ( Component ) children.getElement(); Formula f = ( Formula ) childComponents.getProperty( "bioLength" ).getValue().getColumnIterator().next(); SQLFunction lengthFunction = ( SQLFunction ) dialect.getFunctions().get( "length" ); if ( lengthFunction != null ) { ArrayList args = new ArrayList(); args.add( "bio" ); f.setFormula( lengthFunction.render( args, null ) ); } }
/** * Returns the first order field hash. * * @param c the c * @return the first order field hash * @throws Exception the exception */ public static String getFirstOrderFieldHash(Component c) throws Exception { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Method m : c.getClass().getMethods()) { if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()) && m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && m.getName().startsWith("get")) { sb.append(m.invoke(c, new Object[] {})).append(","); } } return ""; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings( {"unchecked"}) public CollectionPersister createCollectionPersister( Collection collectionBinding, ManagedTypeImplementor source, String propertyName, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, PersisterCreationContext creationContext) throws HibernateException { // // If the metadata for the collection specified an explicit persister class, use it // Class<? extends CollectionPersister> persisterClass = collectionBinding.getCollectionPersisterClass(); // if ( persisterClass == null ) { // // Otherwise, use the persister class indicated by the PersisterClassResolver service // persisterClass = serviceRegistry.getService( PersisterClassResolver.class ) // .getCollectionPersisterClass( collectionBinding ); // } // return createCollectionPersister( persisterClass, collectionBinding, source, propertyName, cacheAccessStrategy, creationContext ); // todo : ^^ we need to make this fit the published ctor contract (as much as possible) // for now just create a simpl testing stub return new CollectionPersisterImpl( collectionBinding, source, propertyName, null, creationContext ); }
@Override public void finishUp(PersisterCreationContext creationContext) { for ( EntityHierarchyNode root : roots ) { // todo : resolve any MappedSuperclasses for supers of the root entity EntityHierarchy entityHierarchy = new EntityHierarchyImpl( creationContext, (RootClass) root.mappingType, (EntityPersister) root.ormJpaType ); finishSupers( root.superEntityNode, entityHierarchy, creationContext ); root.finishUp( entityHierarchy, creationContext ); entityHierarchy.finishInitialization( creationContext, (RootClass) root.mappingType ); } // todo : for ( final Collection model : creationContext.getMetadata().getCollectionBindings() ) { final CollectionPersister collectionPersister = creationContext.getTypeConfiguration().findCollectionPersister( model.getRole() ); if ( collectionPersister == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "Collection role not properly materialized to CollectionPersister : " + model.getRole() ); } collectionPersister.finishInitialization( model, creationContext ); } for ( EmbeddableMapper mapper : creationContext.getTypeConfiguration().getEmbeddablePersisters() ) { mapper.afterInitialization( embeddableComponentMap.get( mapper ), creationContext ); } serviceRegistry = null; roots.clear(); nameToHierarchyNodeMap.clear(); embeddableComponentMap.clear(); }
public CollectionPersisterImpl( Collection collectionBinding, ManagedTypeImplementor source, String localName, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy collectionCaching, PersisterCreationContext creationContext) { super( source, localName, PropertyAccess.DUMMY ); this.source = source; this.localName = localName; this.role = source.getNavigableName() + '.' + this.localName; this.collectionClassification = PersisterHelper.interpretCollectionClassification( collectionBinding ); this.foreignKeyDescriptor = new CollectionKey( this ); this.typeConfiguration = creationContext.getTypeConfiguration(); this.collectionType = new CollectionTypeImpl( role, resolveCollectionJtd( creationContext, collectionClassification ), null, null ); if ( collectionBinding instanceof IndexedCollection ) { final Value indexValueMapping = ( (IndexedCollection) collectionBinding ).getIndex(); if ( indexValueMapping instanceof SimpleValue ) { final SimpleValue simpleIndexValueMapping = (SimpleValue) indexValueMapping; // indexAttributeConverter = simpleIndexValueMapping.getAttributeConverterDescriptor().getAttributeConverter(); } } final Value elementValueMapping = collectionBinding.getElement(); if ( elementValueMapping instanceof SimpleValue ) { final SimpleValue simpleElementValueMapping = (SimpleValue) elementValueMapping; // elementAttributeConverter = simpleElementValueMapping.getAttributeConverterDescriptor().getAttributeConverter(); } }
public static <T> Type convert( PersisterCreationContext creationContext, ManagedTypeImplementor source, String navigableName, Value valueBinding, TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration) { if ( valueBinding.getType() == null ) { return null; } if ( valueBinding.getType() instanceof org.hibernate.type.BasicType ) { return convertBasic( (BasicType) valueBinding.getType(), typeConfiguration ); } if ( valueBinding.getType() instanceof org.hibernate.type.CompositeType ) { return convertEmbedded( creationContext, source, navigableName, (Component) valueBinding, typeConfiguration ); } if ( valueBinding.getType() instanceof org.hibernate.type.CollectionType ) { return convertCollection( creationContext, source, navigableName, (Collection) valueBinding, typeConfiguration ); } if ( valueBinding.getType() instanceof org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneType ) { return convertEntity( creationContext, source, navigableName, (ToOne) valueBinding, typeConfiguration ); } throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Converting " + valueBinding.getType().getClass().getName() + " -> org.hibernate.orm.type.spi.Type" ); }
private void enrichLogicalDeleteCollections(Configuration configuration) { Iterator<?> mappings = configuration.getCollectionMappings(); while(mappings.hasNext()){ Collection collection = (Collection); if (mustBeProcessed(collection.getOwner().getMappedClass()) && collection.isOneToMany()){ log.debug("Enabling delete filter for collection class {}", collection.getRole()); addFilter(collection); } } }
public String getEndName(String parentClassname, String childClassname) throws TypesInformationException { LOG.debug("Getting the association end name for " + parentClassname + " to " + childClassname); String identifier = getAssociationIdentifier(parentClassname, childClassname); String roleName = roleNames.get(identifier); if (roleName == null) { PersistentClass clazz = findPersistentClass(parentClassname); Iterator<?> propertyIter = clazz.getPropertyIterator(); while (propertyIter.hasNext()) { Property prop = (Property); Value value = prop.getValue(); String referencedEntity = null; if (value instanceof Collection) { Value element = ((Collection) value).getElement(); if (element instanceof OneToMany) { referencedEntity = ((OneToMany) element).getReferencedEntityName(); } else if (element instanceof ToOne) { referencedEntity = ((ToOne) element).getReferencedEntityName(); } } else if (value instanceof ToOne) { referencedEntity = ((ToOne) value).getReferencedEntityName(); } if (childClassname.equals(referencedEntity)) { if (roleName != null) { // already found one association, so this is ambiguous throw new TypesInformationException("Association from " + parentClassname + " to " + childClassname + " is ambiguous. Please specify a valid role name"); } roleName = prop.getName(); } } } return roleName; }
private static void bindManyToManySubelements( Collection collection, Element manyToManyNode, Mappings model) throws MappingException { // Bind the where Attribute where = manyToManyNode.attribute( "where" ); String whereCondition = where == null ? null : where.getValue(); collection.setManyToManyWhere( whereCondition ); // Bind the order-by Attribute order = manyToManyNode.attribute( "order-by" ); String orderFragment = order == null ? null : order.getValue(); collection.setManyToManyOrdering( orderFragment ); // Bind the filters Iterator filters = manyToManyNode.elementIterator( "filter" ); if ( ( filters.hasNext() || whereCondition != null ) && collection.getFetchMode() == FetchMode.JOIN && collection.getElement().getFetchMode() != FetchMode.JOIN ) { throw new MappingException( "many-to-many defining filter or where without join fetching " + "not valid within collection using join fetching [" + collection.getRole() + "]" ); } final boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); while ( filters.hasNext() ) { final Element filterElement = ( Element ); final String name = filterElement.attributeValue( "name" ); String condition = filterElement.getTextTrim(); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) condition = filterElement.attributeValue( "condition" ); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) { condition = model.getFilterDefinition(name).getDefaultFilterCondition(); } if ( condition==null) { throw new MappingException("no filter condition found for filter: " + name); } Iterator aliasesIterator = filterElement.elementIterator("aliases"); java.util.Map<String, String> aliasTables = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (aliasesIterator.hasNext()){ Element alias = (Element); aliasTables.put(alias.attributeValue("alias"), alias.attributeValue("table")); } if ( debugEnabled ) { LOG.debugf( "Applying many-to-many filter [%s] as [%s] to role [%s]", name, condition, collection.getRole() ); } String autoAliasInjectionText = filterElement.attributeValue("autoAliasInjection"); boolean autoAliasInjection = StringHelper.isEmpty(autoAliasInjectionText) ? true : Boolean.parseBoolean(autoAliasInjectionText); collection.addManyToManyFilter(name, condition, autoAliasInjection, aliasTables, null); } }
CollectionSecondPass(Element node, Mappings mappings, Collection collection, java.util.Map inheritedMetas) { super(mappings, collection, inheritedMetas); this.node = node; }