private EntityBinding createEntityBinding(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding superEntityBinding) { if ( processedEntityNames.contains( entitySource.getEntityName() ) ) { return metadata.getEntityBinding( entitySource.getEntityName() ); } currentBindingContext = entitySource.getLocalBindingContext(); try { final EntityBinding entityBinding = doCreateEntityBinding( entitySource, superEntityBinding ); metadata.addEntity( entityBinding ); processedEntityNames.add( entityBinding.getEntity().getName() ); processFetchProfiles( entitySource, entityBinding ); return entityBinding; } finally { currentBindingContext = null; } }
private EntityBinding createBasicEntityBinding(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding superEntityBinding) { if ( superEntityBinding == null ) { return makeRootEntityBinding( (RootEntitySource) entitySource ); } else { switch ( currentInheritanceType ) { case SINGLE_TABLE: return makeDiscriminatedSubclassBinding( (SubclassEntitySource) entitySource, superEntityBinding ); case JOINED: return makeJoinedSubclassBinding( (SubclassEntitySource) entitySource, superEntityBinding ); case TABLE_PER_CLASS: return makeUnionedSubclassBinding( (SubclassEntitySource) entitySource, superEntityBinding ); default: // extreme internal error! throw new AssertionFailure( "Internal condition failure" ); } } }
private EntityBinding makeRootEntityBinding(RootEntitySource entitySource) { currentHierarchyEntityMode = entitySource.getEntityMode(); final EntityBinding entityBinding = buildBasicEntityBinding( entitySource, null ); bindPrimaryTable( entitySource, entityBinding ); bindIdentifier( entitySource, entityBinding ); bindVersion( entityBinding, entitySource ); bindDiscriminator( entitySource, entityBinding ); entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().setCaching( entitySource.getCaching() ); entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().setExplicitPolymorphism( entitySource.isExplicitPolymorphism() ); entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().setOptimisticLockStyle( entitySource.getOptimisticLockStyle() ); entityBinding.setMutable( entitySource.isMutable() ); entityBinding.setWhereFilter( entitySource.getWhere() ); entityBinding.setRowId( entitySource.getRowId() ); return entityBinding; }
private void bindIdentifier(RootEntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { if ( entitySource.getIdentifierSource() == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Expecting identifier information on root entity descriptor" ); } switch ( entitySource.getIdentifierSource().getNature() ) { case SIMPLE: { bindSimpleIdentifier( (SimpleIdentifierSource) entitySource.getIdentifierSource(), entityBinding ); break; } case AGGREGATED_COMPOSITE: { // composite id with an actual component class break; } case COMPOSITE: { // what we used to term an "embedded composite identifier", which is not tobe confused with the JPA // term embedded. Specifically a composite id where there is no component class, though there may // be a @IdClass :/ break; } } }
private void bindDiscriminator(RootEntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { final DiscriminatorSource discriminatorSource = entitySource.getDiscriminatorSource(); if ( discriminatorSource == null ) { return; } EntityDiscriminator discriminator = new EntityDiscriminator(); SimpleValue relationalValue = makeSimpleValue( entityBinding, discriminatorSource.getDiscriminatorRelationalValueSource() ); discriminator.setBoundValue( relationalValue ); discriminator.getExplicitHibernateTypeDescriptor().setExplicitTypeName( discriminatorSource.getExplicitHibernateTypeName() != null ? discriminatorSource.getExplicitHibernateTypeName() : "string" ); discriminator.setInserted( discriminatorSource.isInserted() ); discriminator.setForced( discriminatorSource.isForced() ); entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().setEntityDiscriminator( discriminator ); entityBinding.setDiscriminatorMatchValue( entitySource.getDiscriminatorMatchValue() ); }
private Table createTable(EntityBinding entityBinding, TableSource tableSource) { String tableName = tableSource.getExplicitTableName(); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( tableName ) ) { tableName = currentBindingContext.getNamingStrategy() .classToTableName( entityBinding.getEntity().getClassName() ); } else { tableName = currentBindingContext.getNamingStrategy().tableName( tableName ); } tableName = quoteIdentifier( tableName ); final Schema.Name databaseSchemaName = Helper.determineDatabaseSchemaName( tableSource.getExplicitSchemaName(), tableSource.getExplicitCatalogName(), currentBindingContext ); return currentBindingContext.getMetadataImplementor() .getDatabase() .locateSchema( databaseSchemaName ) .locateOrCreateTable( Identifier.toIdentifier( tableName ) ); }
private void bindTableUniqueConstraints(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { for ( ConstraintSource constraintSource : entitySource.getConstraints() ) { if ( constraintSource instanceof UniqueConstraintSource ) { TableSpecification table = entityBinding.locateTable( constraintSource.getTableName() ); if ( table == null ) { // throw exception !? } String constraintName =; if ( constraintName == null ) { // create a default name } UniqueKey uniqueKey = table.getOrCreateUniqueKey( constraintName ); for ( String columnName : constraintSource.columnNames() ) { uniqueKey.addColumn( table.locateOrCreateColumn( quoteIdentifier( columnName ) ) ); } } } }
void resolve() { for ( EntityBinding entityBinding : metadata.getEntityBindings() ) { if ( entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityDiscriminator() != null ) { resolveDiscriminatorTypeInformation( entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityDiscriminator() ); } for ( AttributeBinding attributeBinding : entityBinding.attributeBindings() ) { if ( SingularAttributeBinding.class.isInstance( attributeBinding ) ) { resolveSingularAttributeTypeInformation( SingularAttributeBinding.class.cast( attributeBinding ) ); } else if ( AbstractPluralAttributeBinding.class.isInstance( attributeBinding ) ) { resolvePluralAttributeTypeInformation( AbstractPluralAttributeBinding.class.cast( attributeBinding ) ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown type of AttributeBinding: " + attributeBinding.getClass().getName() ); } } } }
@Override public EntityBinding getRootEntityBinding(String entityName) { EntityBinding binding = entityBindingMap.get( entityName ); if ( binding == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown entity binding: " + entityName ); } do { if ( binding.isRoot() ) { return binding; } binding = binding.getSuperEntityBinding(); } while ( binding != null ); throw new AssertionFailure( "Entity binding has no root: " + entityName ); }
public UnionSubclassEntityPersister( final EntityBinding entityBinding, final EntityRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, final NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy naturalIdRegionAccessStrategy, final SessionFactoryImplementor factory, final Mapping mapping) throws HibernateException { super(entityBinding, cacheAccessStrategy, naturalIdRegionAccessStrategy, factory ); // TODO: implement!!! initializing final fields to null to make compiler happy. subquery = null; tableName = null; subclassClosure = null; spaces = null; subclassSpaces = null; discriminatorValue = null; discriminatorSQLValue = null; constraintOrderedTableNames = null; constraintOrderedKeyColumnNames = null; }
@Override protected ProxyFactory buildProxyFactory(EntityBinding mappingInfo, Getter idGetter, Setter idSetter) { ProxyFactory pf = new MapProxyFactory(); try { //TODO: design new lifecycle for ProxyFactory pf.postInstantiate( getEntityName(), null, null, null, null, null ); } catch ( HibernateException he ) { LOG.unableToCreateProxyFactory(getEntityName(), he); pf = null; } return pf; }
/** * Process an entity hierarchy. * * @param entityHierarchy THe hierarchy to process. */ public void processEntityHierarchy(EntityHierarchy entityHierarchy) { currentInheritanceType = entityHierarchy.getHierarchyInheritanceType(); EntityBinding rootEntityBinding = createEntityBinding( entityHierarchy.getRootEntitySource(), null ); if ( currentInheritanceType != InheritanceType.NO_INHERITANCE ) { processHierarchySubEntities( entityHierarchy.getRootEntitySource(), rootEntityBinding ); } currentHierarchyEntityMode = null; }
private EntityBinding makeDiscriminatedSubclassBinding(SubclassEntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding superEntityBinding) { final EntityBinding entityBinding = buildBasicEntityBinding( entitySource, superEntityBinding ); entityBinding.setPrimaryTable( superEntityBinding.getPrimaryTable() ); entityBinding.setPrimaryTableName( superEntityBinding.getPrimaryTableName() ); bindDiscriminatorValue( entitySource, entityBinding ); return entityBinding; }
private void bindSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifierSource identifierSource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { final BasicAttributeBinding idAttributeBinding = doBasicSingularAttributeBindingCreation( identifierSource.getIdentifierAttributeSource(), entityBinding ); entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().setValueBinding( idAttributeBinding ); IdGenerator generator = identifierSource.getIdentifierGeneratorDescriptor(); if ( generator == null ) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put( IdentifierGenerator.ENTITY_NAME, entityBinding.getEntity().getName() ); generator = new IdGenerator( "default_assign_identity_generator", "assigned", params ); } entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails() .getEntityIdentifier() .setIdGenerator( generator ); final org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.Value relationalValue = idAttributeBinding.getValue(); if ( SimpleValue.class.isInstance( relationalValue ) ) { if ( !Column.class.isInstance( relationalValue ) ) { // this should never ever happen.. throw new AssertionFailure( "Simple-id was not a column." ); } entityBinding.getPrimaryTable().getPrimaryKey().addColumn( Column.class.cast( relationalValue ) ); } else { for ( SimpleValue subValue : ( (Tuple) relationalValue ).values() ) { if ( Column.class.isInstance( subValue ) ) { entityBinding.getPrimaryTable().getPrimaryKey().addColumn( Column.class.cast( subValue ) ); } } } }
private void bindVersion(EntityBinding entityBinding, RootEntitySource entitySource) { final SingularAttributeSource versioningAttributeSource = entitySource.getVersioningAttributeSource(); if ( versioningAttributeSource == null ) { return; } BasicAttributeBinding attributeBinding = doBasicSingularAttributeBindingCreation( versioningAttributeSource, entityBinding ); entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().setVersioningAttributeBinding( attributeBinding ); }
private void bindDiscriminatorValue(SubclassEntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { final String discriminatorValue = entitySource.getDiscriminatorMatchValue(); if ( discriminatorValue == null ) { return; } entityBinding.setDiscriminatorMatchValue( discriminatorValue ); }
private SimpleValue makeSimpleValue( EntityBinding entityBinding, RelationalValueSource valueSource) { final TableSpecification table = entityBinding.locateTable( valueSource.getContainingTableName() ); if ( ColumnSource.class.isInstance( valueSource ) ) { return makeColumn( (ColumnSource) valueSource, table ); } else { return makeDerivedValue( (DerivedValueSource) valueSource, table ); } }
@SuppressWarnings( {"unchecked"} ) void resolve() { for ( EntityBinding entityBinding : metadata.getEntityBindings() ) { if ( entityBinding.isRoot() ) { Properties properties = new Properties( ); properties.putAll( metadata.getServiceRegistry() .getService( ConfigurationService.class ) .getSettings() ); //TODO: where should these be added??? if ( ! properties.contains( AvailableSettings.PREFER_POOLED_VALUES_LO ) ) { properties.put( AvailableSettings.PREFER_POOLED_VALUES_LO, "false" ); } if ( ! properties.contains( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER ) ) { properties.put( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER, new ObjectNameNormalizerImpl( metadata ) ); } entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().createIdentifierGenerator( metadata.getIdentifierGeneratorFactory(), properties ); } } }
void resolve() { for ( EntityBinding entityBinding : metadata.getEntityBindings() ) { for ( SingularAssociationAttributeBinding attributeBinding : entityBinding.getEntityReferencingAttributeBindings() ) { resolve( attributeBinding ); } } }
private void resolve(SingularAssociationAttributeBinding attributeBinding) { if ( attributeBinding.getReferencedEntityName() == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "attributeBinding has null entityName: " + attributeBinding.getAttribute().getName() ); } EntityBinding entityBinding = metadata.getEntityBinding( attributeBinding.getReferencedEntityName() ); if ( entityBinding == null ) { throw new org.hibernate.MappingException( String.format( "Attribute [%s] refers to unknown entity: [%s]", attributeBinding.getAttribute().getName(), attributeBinding.getReferencedEntityName() ) ); } AttributeBinding referencedAttributeBinding = attributeBinding.isPropertyReference() ? entityBinding.locateAttributeBinding( attributeBinding.getReferencedAttributeName() ) : entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().getValueBinding(); if ( referencedAttributeBinding == null ) { // TODO: does attribute name include path w/ entity name? throw new org.hibernate.MappingException( String.format( "Attribute [%s] refers to unknown attribute: [%s]", attributeBinding.getAttribute().getName(), attributeBinding.getReferencedEntityName() ) ); } attributeBinding.resolveReference( referencedAttributeBinding ); referencedAttributeBinding.addEntityReferencingAttributeBinding( attributeBinding ); }
public void addEntity(EntityBinding entityBinding) { final String entityName = entityBinding.getEntity().getName(); if ( entityBindingMap.containsKey( entityName ) ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( DuplicateMappingException.Type.ENTITY, entityName ); } entityBindingMap.put( entityName, entityBinding ); }
@Override public org.hibernate.type.Type getIdentifierType(String entityName) throws MappingException { EntityBinding entityBinding = getEntityBinding( entityName ); if ( entityBinding == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Entity binding not known: " + entityName ); } return entityBinding .getHierarchyDetails() .getEntityIdentifier() .getValueBinding() .getHibernateTypeDescriptor() .getResolvedTypeMapping(); }
@Override public String getIdentifierPropertyName(String entityName) throws MappingException { EntityBinding entityBinding = getEntityBinding( entityName ); if ( entityBinding == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Entity binding not known: " + entityName ); } AttributeBinding idBinding = entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().getValueBinding(); return idBinding == null ? null : idBinding.getAttribute().getName(); }
@Override public org.hibernate.type.Type getReferencedPropertyType(String entityName, String propertyName) throws MappingException { EntityBinding entityBinding = getEntityBinding( entityName ); if ( entityBinding == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Entity binding not known: " + entityName ); } // TODO: should this call EntityBinding.getReferencedAttributeBindingString), which does not exist yet? AttributeBinding attributeBinding = entityBinding.locateAttributeBinding( propertyName ); if ( attributeBinding == null ) { throw new MappingException( "unknown property: " + entityName + '.' + propertyName ); } return attributeBinding.getHibernateTypeDescriptor().getResolvedTypeMapping(); }
public Class<? extends EntityPersister> getEntityPersisterClass(EntityBinding metadata) { if ( metadata.isRoot() ) { Iterator<EntityBinding> subEntityBindingIterator = metadata.getDirectSubEntityBindings().iterator(); if ( subEntityBindingIterator.hasNext() ) { //If the class has children, we need to find of which kind metadata =; } else { return singleTableEntityPersister(); } } switch ( metadata.getHierarchyDetails().getInheritanceType() ) { case JOINED: { return joinedSubclassEntityPersister(); } case SINGLE_TABLE: { return singleTableEntityPersister(); } case TABLE_PER_CLASS: { return unionSubclassEntityPersister(); } default: { throw new UnknownPersisterException( "Could not determine persister implementation for entity [" + metadata.getEntity().getName() + "]" ); } } }
@Override @SuppressWarnings( {"unchecked"}) public EntityPersister createEntityPersister(EntityBinding metadata, EntityRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Mapping cfg) { Class<? extends EntityPersister> persisterClass = metadata.getCustomEntityPersisterClass(); if ( persisterClass == null ) { persisterClass = serviceRegistry.getService( PersisterClassResolver.class ).getEntityPersisterClass( metadata ); } return create( persisterClass, ENTITY_PERSISTER_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS_NEW, metadata, cacheAccessStrategy, null, factory, cfg ); }
/** * Construct an instance of the given tuplizer class. * * @param tuplizerClassName The name of the tuplizer class to instantiate * @param metamodel The metadata for the entity. * @param entityBinding The mapping info for the entity. * * @return The instantiated tuplizer * * @throws HibernateException If class name cannot be resolved to a class reference, or if the * {@link Constructor#newInstance} call fails. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public EntityTuplizer constructTuplizer( String tuplizerClassName, EntityMetamodel metamodel, EntityBinding entityBinding) { try { Class<? extends EntityTuplizer> tuplizerClass = ReflectHelper.classForName( tuplizerClassName ); return constructTuplizer( tuplizerClass, metamodel, entityBinding ); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { throw new HibernateException( "Could not locate specified tuplizer class [" + tuplizerClassName + "]" ); } }
/** * Construct an instance of the given tuplizer class. * * @param tuplizerClass The tuplizer class to instantiate * @param metamodel The metadata for the entity. * @param entityBinding The mapping info for the entity. * * @return The instantiated tuplizer * * @throws HibernateException if the {@link Constructor#newInstance} call fails. */ public EntityTuplizer constructTuplizer( Class<? extends EntityTuplizer> tuplizerClass, EntityMetamodel metamodel, EntityBinding entityBinding) { Constructor<? extends EntityTuplizer> constructor = getProperConstructor( tuplizerClass, ENTITY_TUP_CTOR_SIG_NEW ); assert constructor != null : "Unable to locate proper constructor for tuplizer [" + tuplizerClass.getName() + "]"; try { return constructor.newInstance( metamodel, entityBinding ); } catch ( Throwable t ) { throw new HibernateException( "Unable to instantiate default tuplizer [" + tuplizerClass.getName() + "]", t ); } }
public PojoEntityTuplizer(EntityMetamodel entityMetamodel, EntityBinding mappedEntity) { super( entityMetamodel, mappedEntity ); this.mappedClass = mappedEntity.getEntity().getClassReference(); this.proxyInterface = mappedEntity.getProxyInterfaceType().getValue(); this.lifecycleImplementor = Lifecycle.class.isAssignableFrom( mappedClass ); this.isInstrumented = entityMetamodel.isInstrumented(); for ( AttributeBinding property : mappedEntity.getAttributeBindingClosure() ) { if ( property.isLazy() ) { lazyPropertyNames.add( property.getAttribute().getName() ); } } String[] getterNames = new String[propertySpan]; String[] setterNames = new String[propertySpan]; Class[] propTypes = new Class[propertySpan]; for ( int i = 0; i < propertySpan; i++ ) { getterNames[i] = getters[ i ].getMethodName(); setterNames[i] = setters[ i ].getMethodName(); propTypes[i] = getters[ i ].getReturnType(); } if ( hasCustomAccessors || ! Environment.useReflectionOptimizer() ) { optimizer = null; } else { // todo : YUCK!!! optimizer = Environment.getBytecodeProvider().getReflectionOptimizer( mappedClass, getterNames, setterNames, propTypes ); // optimizer = getFactory().getSettings().getBytecodeProvider().getReflectionOptimizer( // mappedClass, getterNames, setterNames, propTypes // ); } }
@Override protected Instantiator buildInstantiator(EntityBinding entityBinding) { if ( optimizer == null ) { return new PojoInstantiator( entityBinding, null ); } else { return new PojoInstantiator( entityBinding, optimizer.getInstantiationOptimizer() ); } }
public PojoInstantiator(EntityBinding entityBinding, ReflectionOptimizer.InstantiationOptimizer optimizer) { this.mappedClass = entityBinding.getEntity().getClassReference(); this.isAbstract = ReflectHelper.isAbstractClass( mappedClass ); this.proxyInterface = entityBinding.getProxyInterfaceType().getValue(); this.embeddedIdentifier = entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().isEmbedded(); this.optimizer = optimizer; try { constructor = ReflectHelper.getDefaultConstructor( mappedClass ); } catch ( PropertyNotFoundException pnfe ) { LOG.noDefaultConstructor(mappedClass.getName()); constructor = null; } }
public DynamicMapInstantiator(EntityBinding mappingInfo) { this.entityName = mappingInfo.getEntity().getName(); isInstanceEntityNames.add( entityName ); for ( EntityBinding subEntityBinding : mappingInfo.getPostOrderSubEntityBindingClosure() ) { isInstanceEntityNames.add( subEntityBinding.getEntity().getName() ); } }
private static Constructor getConstructor(EntityBinding entityBinding) { if ( entityBinding == null || entityBinding.getEntity() == null ) { return null; } try { return ReflectHelper.getDefaultConstructor( entityBinding.getEntity().getClassReference() ); } catch( Throwable t ) { return null; } }
private static Comparator getVersionComparator(EntityBinding model ) { if ( model.isVersioned() ) { final VersionType versionType = (VersionType) model.getHierarchyDetails() .getVersioningAttributeBinding() .getHibernateTypeDescriptor() .getResolvedTypeMapping(); return versionType.getComparator(); } return null; }
private void processHierarchySubEntities(SubclassEntityContainer subclassEntitySource, EntityBinding superEntityBinding) { for ( SubclassEntitySource subEntity : subclassEntitySource.subclassEntitySources() ) { EntityBinding entityBinding = createEntityBinding( subEntity, superEntityBinding ); processHierarchySubEntities( subEntity, entityBinding ); } }
private EntityBinding buildBasicEntityBinding(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding superEntityBinding) { final EntityBinding entityBinding = superEntityBinding == null ? new EntityBinding( currentInheritanceType, currentHierarchyEntityMode ) : new EntityBinding( superEntityBinding ); final String entityName = entitySource.getEntityName(); final String className = currentHierarchyEntityMode == EntityMode.POJO ? entitySource.getClassName() : null; final Entity entity = new Entity( entityName, className, currentBindingContext.makeClassReference( className ), superEntityBinding == null ? null : superEntityBinding.getEntity() ); entityBinding.setEntity( entity ); entityBinding.setJpaEntityName( entitySource.getJpaEntityName() ); if ( currentHierarchyEntityMode == EntityMode.POJO ) { final String proxy = entitySource.getProxy(); if ( proxy != null ) { entityBinding.setProxyInterfaceType( currentBindingContext.makeClassReference( currentBindingContext.qualifyClassName( proxy ) ) ); entityBinding.setLazy( true ); } else if ( entitySource.isLazy() ) { entityBinding.setProxyInterfaceType( entityBinding.getEntity().getClassReferenceUnresolved() ); entityBinding.setLazy( true ); } } else { entityBinding.setProxyInterfaceType( null ); entityBinding.setLazy( entitySource.isLazy() ); } final String customTuplizerClassName = entitySource.getCustomTuplizerClassName(); if ( customTuplizerClassName != null ) { entityBinding.setCustomEntityTuplizerClass( currentBindingContext.<EntityTuplizer>locateClassByName( customTuplizerClassName ) ); } final String customPersisterClassName = entitySource.getCustomPersisterClassName(); if ( customPersisterClassName != null ) { entityBinding.setCustomEntityPersisterClass( currentBindingContext.<EntityPersister>locateClassByName( customPersisterClassName ) ); } entityBinding.setMetaAttributeContext( buildMetaAttributeContext( entitySource ) ); entityBinding.setDynamicUpdate( entitySource.isDynamicUpdate() ); entityBinding.setDynamicInsert( entitySource.isDynamicInsert() ); entityBinding.setBatchSize( entitySource.getBatchSize() ); entityBinding.setSelectBeforeUpdate( entitySource.isSelectBeforeUpdate() ); entityBinding.setAbstract( entitySource.isAbstract() ); entityBinding.setCustomLoaderName( entitySource.getCustomLoaderName() ); entityBinding.setCustomInsert( entitySource.getCustomSqlInsert() ); entityBinding.setCustomUpdate( entitySource.getCustomSqlUpdate() ); entityBinding.setCustomDelete( entitySource.getCustomSqlDelete() ); if ( entitySource.getSynchronizedTableNames() != null ) { entityBinding.addSynchronizedTableNames( entitySource.getSynchronizedTableNames() ); } entityBinding.setJpaCallbackClasses(entitySource.getJpaCallbackClasses()); return entityBinding; }
private void bindCollectionTable( PluralAttributeSource attributeSource, AbstractPluralAttributeBinding pluralAttributeBinding) { if ( attributeSource.getElementSource().getNature() == PluralAttributeElementNature.ONE_TO_MANY ) { return; } final Schema.Name schemaName = Helper.determineDatabaseSchemaName( attributeSource.getExplicitSchemaName(), attributeSource.getExplicitCatalogName(), currentBindingContext ); final Schema schema = metadata.getDatabase().locateSchema( schemaName ); final String tableName = attributeSource.getExplicitCollectionTableName(); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( tableName ) ) { final Identifier tableIdentifier = Identifier.toIdentifier( currentBindingContext.getNamingStrategy().tableName( tableName ) ); Table collectionTable = schema.locateTable( tableIdentifier ); if ( collectionTable == null ) { collectionTable = schema.createTable( tableIdentifier ); } pluralAttributeBinding.setCollectionTable( collectionTable ); } else { // todo : not sure wel have all the needed info here in all cases, specifically when needing to know the "other side" final EntityBinding owner = pluralAttributeBinding.getContainer().seekEntityBinding(); final String ownerTableLogicalName = Table.class.isInstance( owner.getPrimaryTable() ) ? Table.class.cast( owner.getPrimaryTable() ).getTableName().getName() : null; String collectionTableName = currentBindingContext.getNamingStrategy().collectionTableName( owner.getEntity().getName(), ownerTableLogicalName, null, // todo : here null, // todo : and here pluralAttributeBinding.getContainer().getPathBase() + '.' + attributeSource.getName() ); collectionTableName = quoteIdentifier( collectionTableName ); pluralAttributeBinding.setCollectionTable( schema.locateOrCreateTable( Identifier.toIdentifier( collectionTableName ) ) ); } if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( attributeSource.getCollectionTableComment() ) ) { pluralAttributeBinding.getCollectionTable().addComment( attributeSource.getCollectionTableComment() ); } if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( attributeSource.getCollectionTableCheck() ) ) { pluralAttributeBinding.getCollectionTable().addCheckConstraint( attributeSource.getCollectionTableCheck() ); } pluralAttributeBinding.setWhere( attributeSource.getWhere() ); }
private void bindPrimaryTable(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { final TableSource tableSource = entitySource.getPrimaryTable(); final Table table = createTable( entityBinding, tableSource ); entityBinding.setPrimaryTable( table ); entityBinding.setPrimaryTableName( table.getTableName().getName() ); }
private void bindSecondaryTables(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { for ( TableSource secondaryTableSource : entitySource.getSecondaryTables() ) { final Table table = createTable( entityBinding, secondaryTableSource ); entityBinding.addSecondaryTable( secondaryTableSource.getLogicalName(), table ); } }
private void processFetchProfiles(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding entityBinding) { // todo : process the entity-local fetch-profile declaration }