Java 类org.jdom.Text 实例源码

项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
 * Method updateElement.
 * @param counter
 * @param shouldExist
 * @param name
 * @param parent
 * @return Element
protected Element updateElement(Counter counter, Element parent, String name, boolean shouldExist)
    Element element =  parent.getChild(name, parent.getNamespace());
    if (element != null && shouldExist) {
    if (element == null && shouldExist) {
        element = factory.element(name, parent.getNamespace());
        insertAtPreferredLocation(parent, element, counter);
    if (!shouldExist && element != null) {
        int index = parent.indexOf(element);
        if (index > 0) {
            Content previous = parent.getContent(index - 1);
            if (previous instanceof Text) {
                Text txt = (Text)previous;
                if (txt.getTextTrim().length() == 0) {
    return element;
项目:apache-maven-shade-plugin    文件   
 * Method updateElement
 * @param counter
 * @param shouldExist
 * @param name
 * @param parent
protected Element updateElement( Counter counter, Element parent, String name, boolean shouldExist )
    Element element = parent.getChild( name, parent.getNamespace() );
    if ( element != null && shouldExist )
    if ( element == null && shouldExist )
        element = factory.element( name, parent.getNamespace() );
        insertAtPreferredLocation( parent, element, counter );
    if ( !shouldExist && element != null )
        int index = parent.indexOf( element );
        if ( index > 0 )
            Content previous = parent.getContent( index - 1 );
            if ( previous instanceof Text )
                Text txt = (Text) previous;
                if ( txt.getTextTrim().length() == 0 )
                    parent.removeContent( txt );
        parent.removeContent( element );
    return element;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public void testCollectMacros() {
  Element root = new Element("root");
  root.addContent(new Text("$MACro1$ some text $macro2$ other text $MACRo3$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("$macro4$ some text"));
  root.addContent(new Text("some text$macro5$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("file:$mac_ro6$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("jar://$macr.o7$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$mac-ro8$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$$$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$c:\\a\\b\\c$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$Revision 1.23$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("file://$root$/some/path/just$file$name.txt"));

  final Set<String> macros = PathMacrosCollector.getMacroNames(root, null, new PathMacrosImpl());
  UsefulTestCase.assertSameElements(macros, "MACro1", "macro4", "mac_ro6", "macr.o7", "mac-ro8", "root");
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
static String getTextValue(@NotNull Element element, @NotNull String defaultText) {
  List<Content> content = element.getContent();
  int size = content.size();
  StringBuilder builder = null;
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    Content child = content.get(i);
    if (child instanceof Text) {
      String value = child.getValue();
      if (builder == null && i == (size - 1)) {
        return value;

      if (builder == null) {
        builder = new StringBuilder();
  return builder == null ? defaultText : builder.toString();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private Object serializeItem(@Nullable Object value, Object context, @NotNull SerializationFilter filter) {
  if (value == null) {
    LOG.warn("Collection " + myAccessor + " contains 'null' object");
    return null;

  Binding binding = XmlSerializerImpl.getBinding(value.getClass());
  if (binding == null) {
    Element serializedItem = new Element(annotation == null ? Constants.OPTION : annotation.elementTag());
    String attributeName = annotation == null ? Constants.VALUE : annotation.elementValueAttribute();
    String serialized = XmlSerializerImpl.convertToString(value);
    if (attributeName.isEmpty()) {
      if (!serialized.isEmpty()) {
        serializedItem.addContent(new Text(serialized));
    else {
      serializedItem.setAttribute(attributeName, serialized);
    return serializedItem;
  else {
    return binding.serialize(value, context, filter);
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public Object serialize(@NotNull Object o, @Nullable Object context, @NotNull SerializationFilter filter) {
  Object value =;
  Element serialized = new Element(myName);
  if (value == null) {
    return serialized;

  if (myBinding == null) {
    serialized.addContent(new Text(XmlSerializerImpl.convertToString(value)));
  else {
    Object node = myBinding.serialize(value, serialized, filter);
    if (node != null && node != serialized) {
      JDOMUtil.addContent(serialized, node);
  return serialized;
项目:sortpom    文件   
public void testIsEmptyLine() {
    assertEquals(false, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("\n      sortpom\n  ")));
    assertEquals(false, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("sortpom")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("\n  ")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("  \n  ")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("  \n\n  ")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("\n\n")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("  \r  ")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("  \r\r  ")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("\r\r")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("  \r\n  ")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("  \r\n\r\n  ")));
    assertEquals(true, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("\r\n\r\n")));
    assertEquals(false, textWrapperCreator.isBlankLineOrLines(new Text("  ")));
项目:che    文件   
private static int getHash(int hash, Element element) {
  hash = sumHash(hash, element.getName());

  for (Object object : element.getAttributes()) {
    Attribute attribute = (Attribute) object;
    hash = sumHash(hash, attribute.getName());
    hash = sumHash(hash, attribute.getValue());

  for (Object o : element.getContent()) {
    if (o instanceof Element) {
      hash = getHash(hash, (Element) o);
    } else if (o instanceof Text) {
      String text = ((Text) o).getText();
      if (!isNullOrWhitespace(text)) {
        hash = sumHash(hash, text);

  return hash;
项目:teiid    文件   
 * Get the best content value for a JDOM object.  For elements, the content text is returned.  
 * For attributes, the attribute value is returned.  For namespaces, the URI is returned.  Etc...    
 * @param jdomObject JDOM object such as Element, Attribute, Text, Namespace, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, String
 * @return Content value for the specified JDOM object
 * @since 4.2
public static String getContentValue( Object jdomObject ) {
    if(jdomObject == null) {
        return null; 
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof String) {
        return (String)jdomObject;
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Element) {
        return ((Element)jdomObject).getText();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Attribute) {
        return ((Attribute)jdomObject).getValue();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Text) {
        return ((Text)jdomObject).getValue();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Namespace) {
        return ((Namespace)jdomObject).getURI();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof Comment) {
        return ((Comment)jdomObject).getText();
    } else if(jdomObject instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
        return ((ProcessingInstruction)jdomObject).getData();

    // Default
    return jdomObject.toString();        
项目:incubator-taverna-common-activities    文件   
public Element getXMLElement() {
    Element result = new Element("localInvocation");
    if ((directory != null) && !directory.isEmpty()){
        Element directoryElement = new Element("directory");
        directoryElement.addContent(new Text(directory));
    if ((shellPrefix != null) && !shellPrefix.isEmpty()) {
        Element shellPrefixElement = new Element("shellPrefix");
        shellPrefixElement.addContent(new Text(shellPrefix));
    if ((linkCommand != null) && !linkCommand.isEmpty()) {
        Element linkCommandElement = new Element("linkCommand");
        linkCommandElement.addContent(new Text(linkCommand));
    if (isRetrieveData()) {
        Element retrieveDataElement = new Element("retrieveData");
    return result;
项目:incubator-taverna-workbench    文件   
private XMLNode createTreeNode(Content content) {
    XMLNode node = new XMLNode(content);
    if (content instanceof Parent) {
        Parent parent = (Parent) content;
        for (Object child : parent.getContent()) {
            if (child instanceof Element)
                node.add(createTreeNode((Content) child));
            else if (textSizeLimit != 0 && child instanceof Text) {
                Text text = (Text) child;
                if (!text.getTextNormalize().isEmpty())
    return node;
项目:iis    文件   
 * @param from
 *            Extract text recursively from this element and its children.
 * @param insertNewlineBefore
 *            Insert newlines before these children.
 * @return Concatenated text.
private static String getText(Element from, List<String> insertNewlineBefore) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (Object child : from.getContent()) {
        if (child instanceof Element) {
            String childAsText = getText((Element) child, insertNewlineBefore).trim();
            if (!childAsText.isEmpty()) {
                if (insertNewlineBefore.contains(((Element) child).getName())) {
                } else {
                    sb.append(' ');
        } else if (child instanceof Text) {
            String cont = ((Text) child).getText().trim();
            if (!cont.isEmpty()) {
                sb.append(' ');
    return sb.toString().trim();
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public void testCollectMacros() {
  Element root = new Element("root");
  root.addContent(new Text("$MACro1$ some text $macro2$ other text $MACRo3$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("$macro4$ some text"));
  root.addContent(new Text("some text$macro5$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("file:$mac_ro6$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("jar://$macr.o7$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$mac-ro8$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$$$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$c:\\a\\b\\c$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$Revision 1.23$"));

  final Set<String> macros = PathMacrosCollector.getMacroNames(root, null, new PathMacrosImpl());

  assertEquals(5, macros.size());
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public Object serialize(Object o, Object context, SerializationFilter filter) {
  Element targetElement = new Element(myTagName);
  Object value =;

  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(myNameAttribute)) {
    targetElement.setAttribute(myNameAttribute, myName);

  if (value == null) return targetElement;

  Object node = myBinding.serialize(value, targetElement, filter);
  if (node instanceof Text) {
    Text text = (Text)node;
    targetElement.setAttribute(myValueAttribute, text.getText());
  else {
    if (targetElement != node) {
      JDOMUtil.addContent(targetElement, node);

  return targetElement;
项目:wildfly-camel    文件   
private static void updateSecurityDomain(ConfigContext context, boolean enable) {
    List<Element> profiles = ConfigSupport.findProfileElements(context.getDocument(), NS_DOMAINS);
    for (Element profile : profiles) {
        Element security = profile.getChild("subsystem", NS_SECURITY);
        if (security != null) {
            Element domains = security.getChild("security-domains", NS_SECURITY);
            ConfigSupport.assertExists(domains, "Did not find the <security-domains> element");
            Element domain = ConfigSupport.findElementWithAttributeValue(domains, "security-domain", "name", "hawtio-domain", NS_SECURITY);
            if (enable && domain == null) {
                URL resource = WildFlyCamelConfigPlugin.class.getResource("/hawtio-security-domain.xml");
                domains.addContent(new Text("    "));
                domains.addContent(new Text("\n            "));
            if (!enable && domain != null) {
项目:MacPaf    文件   
public HeaderJDOM(Submitter submitter) {
Element source = new Element(SOURCE).setText(MACPAF_APPROVED_SYSTEM_ID);
source.addContent(new Element(VERSION).setText(MACPAF_VERSION_NUMBER));
source.addContent(new Element(NAME).setText(MACPAF_NAME_OF_PRODUCT));
                                   MACPAF_BUSINESS_COUNTRY, MACPAF_BUSINESS_PHONE);
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new Text(MACPAF_NAME_OF_BUSINESS));
log.debug("headerjdom list:" + list);
source.addContent( (Content)new Element(CORPORATION).setContent(list));

element.addContent(new Element(DATE).setText(SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date())));
element.addContent(new Element(SUBMITTER).setAttribute(REF, submitter.getId()));
element.addContent( (Content)new Element(GEDCOM).addContent(new Element(VERSION).setText(GEDCOM_VERSION_55)).
                   addContent(new Element(FORM).setText(FORM_LINEAGE_LINKED)));
element.addContent(new Element(CHARACTER).setText(ANSEL));
element.addContent(new Element(LANGUAGE).setText(LANG_ENGLISH));
项目:consulo    文件   
public void testCollectMacros() {
  Element root = new Element("root");
  root.addContent(new Text("$MACro1$ some text $macro2$ other text $MACRo3$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("$macro4$ some text"));
  root.addContent(new Text("some text$macro5$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("file:$mac_ro6$"));
  root.addContent(new Text("jar://$macr.o7$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$mac-ro8$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$$$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$c:\\a\\b\\c$ "));
  root.addContent(new Text("$Revision 1.23$"));

  final Set<String> macros = PathMacrosService.getInstance().getMacroNames(root, null, new PathMacrosImpl());

  assertEquals(5, macros.size());
项目:consulo    文件   
private Object serializeItem(@Nullable Object value, Object context, @Nonnull SerializationFilter filter) {
  if (value == null) {
    LOG.warn("Collection " + myAccessor + " contains 'null' object");
    return null;

  Binding binding = XmlSerializerImpl.getBinding(value.getClass());
  if (binding == null) {
    Element serializedItem = new Element(annotation == null ? Constants.OPTION : annotation.elementTag());
    String attributeName = annotation == null ? Constants.VALUE : annotation.elementValueAttribute();
    String serialized = XmlSerializerImpl.convertToString(value);
    if (attributeName.isEmpty()) {
      if (!serialized.isEmpty()) {
        serializedItem.addContent(new Text(serialized));
    else {
      serializedItem.setAttribute(attributeName, serialized);
    return serializedItem;
  else {
    return binding.serialize(value, context, filter);
项目:consulo    文件   
public Object serialize(@Nonnull Object o, @Nullable Object context, @Nonnull SerializationFilter filter) {
  Object value =;
  Element serialized = new Element(myName);
  if (value == null) {
    return serialized;

  if (myBinding == null) {
    serialized.addContent(new Text(XmlSerializerImpl.convertToString(value)));
  else {
    Object node = myBinding.serialize(value, serialized, filter);
    if (node != null && node != serialized) {
      JDOMUtil.addContent(serialized, node);
  return serialized;
项目:iif-generic-soap-client    文件   
private void init() throws IOException {
    Document request = MyUtils.toDocument(wsdlDoc
    String expression = "//*[local-name()='" + name + "'][1]/text()";
    try {
        XPath xp = XPath.newInstance(expression);
        Text t = (Text) xp.selectSingleNode(request);
        String value = t.getText();
        if (value.equals("?")) {
            defaultValue = "";
        } else if (value.startsWith("cid:")) {
            binary = true;
            defaultValue = "";
        } else {
            defaultValue = value;

    } catch (JDOMException e) {
        throw new IOException("Could not read the generated SOAP using "
                + expression, e);
项目:iif-generic-soap-client    文件   
private void setValue() {

        try {
            SAXBuilder parser = new SAXBuilder();
            Document jdomDoc = ByteArrayInputStream(response
            String expression = "//*[local-name()='" + name + "'][1]/text()";
            XPath xp = XPath.newInstance(expression);
            Text t = (Text) xp.selectSingleNode(jdomDoc);
            if (t != null)
                value = t.getText();

        } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) {
            logger.error("Could not set value for output " + name, e);

项目:NucleosomePatternClassifier    文件   
private Element generateElement (String parentName, Span span, List childSpans, THashMap tree)
  Element parentElt = new Element (parentName);
  if (childSpans == null || childSpans.isEmpty ()) {
    parentElt.setContent (new Text (span.getText ()));
  } else {
    List childElts = new ArrayList (childSpans.size());
    int start = span.getStartIdx ();
    int current = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < childSpans.size(); i++) {
      LabeledSpan childSpan = (LabeledSpan) childSpans.get (i);
      Label childLabel = childSpan.getLabel();

      int childStart = childSpan.getStartIdx () - start;
      if (childStart > current) {
        childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current, childStart)));

      if (childLabel == backgroundTag) {
        childElts.add (new Text (childSpan.getText()));
      } else {
        String name = childLabel.getEntry ().toString();
        List grandchildren = (List) tree.get (childSpan);
        childElts.add (generateElement (name, childSpan, grandchildren, tree));

      current = childSpan.getEndIdx () - start;

    if (current < span.getEndIdx ())
      childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current)));

    parentElt.addContent (childElts);

  return parentElt;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public boolean skipPathMacros(Text element) {
  for (PathMacroFilter filter : myFilters) {
    if (filter.skipPathMacros(element)) return true;
  return false;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public boolean recursePathMacros(Text element) {
  for (PathMacroFilter filter : myFilters) {
    if (filter.recursePathMacros(element)) return true;
  return false;
项目:sortpom    文件   
Wrapper<Content> createWrapper(Text text) {
    if (isSingleNewLine(text)) {
        return SingleNewlineInTextWrapper.INSTANCE;
    } else if (isBlankLineOrLines(text)) {
        return new UnsortedWrapper<>(new NewlineText());
    return new UnsortedWrapper<>(text);
项目:bsming    文件   
protected String getElementText(Element elem,String xpath) throws JDOMException {
    Text text = ((Text)XPath.selectSingleNode(elem, xpath+"/text()"));
    if(null == text) {
        return "";
    return text.getText();
项目:wikit    文件   
private Element generateElement (String parentName, Span span, List childSpans, THashMap tree)
  Element parentElt = new Element (parentName);
  if (childSpans == null || childSpans.isEmpty ()) {
    parentElt.setContent (new Text (span.getText ()));
  } else {
    List childElts = new ArrayList (childSpans.size());
    int start = span.getStartIdx ();
    int current = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < childSpans.size(); i++) {
      LabeledSpan childSpan = (LabeledSpan) childSpans.get (i);
      Label childLabel = childSpan.getLabel();

      int childStart = childSpan.getStartIdx () - start;
      if (childStart > current) {
        childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current, childStart)));

      if (childLabel == backgroundTag) {
        childElts.add (new Text (childSpan.getText()));
      } else {
        String name = childLabel.getEntry ().toString();
        List grandchildren = (List) tree.get (childSpan);
        childElts.add (generateElement (name, childSpan, grandchildren, tree));

      current = childSpan.getEndIdx () - start;

    if (current < span.getEndIdx ())
      childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current)));

    parentElt.addContent (childElts);

  return parentElt;
项目:maven-shade-plugin    文件   
 * Method updateElement
 * @param counter
 * @param shouldExist
 * @param name
 * @param parent
protected Element updateElement( Counter counter, Element parent, String name, boolean shouldExist )
    Element element = parent.getChild( name, parent.getNamespace() );
    if ( element != null && shouldExist )
    if ( element == null && shouldExist )
        element = factory.element( name, parent.getNamespace() );
        insertAtPreferredLocation( parent, element, counter );
    if ( !shouldExist && element != null )
        int index = parent.indexOf( element );
        if ( index > 0 )
            Content previous = parent.getContent( index - 1 );
            if ( previous instanceof Text )
                Text txt = (Text) previous;
                if ( txt.getTextTrim().length() == 0 )
                    parent.removeContent( txt );
        parent.removeContent( element );
    return element;
项目:jaxen    文件   
public String getTextStringValue(Object obj)
    if ( obj instanceof Text )
        return ((Text)obj).getText();

    if ( obj instanceof CDATA )
        return ((CDATA)obj).getText();

    return "";
项目:jaxen    文件   
public String getElementStringValue(Object obj)
    Element elem = (Element) obj;

    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

    List     content     = elem.getContent();
    Iterator contentIter = content.iterator();
    Object   each        = null;

    while ( contentIter.hasNext() )
        each =;

        if ( each instanceof Text )
            buf.append( ((Text)each).getText() );
        else if ( each instanceof CDATA )
            buf.append( ((CDATA)each).getText() );
        else if ( each instanceof Element )
            buf.append( getElementStringValue( each ) );

    return buf.toString();
项目:jaxen    文件   
public String translateNamespacePrefixToUri(String prefix, Object context)
    Element element = null;
    if ( context instanceof Element ) 
        element = (Element) context;
    else if ( context instanceof Text )
        element = (Element)((Text)context).getParent();
    else if ( context instanceof Attribute )
        element = ((Attribute)context).getParent();
    else if ( context instanceof XPathNamespace )
        element = ((XPathNamespace)context).getJDOMElement();
    else if ( context instanceof Comment )
        element = (Element)((Comment)context).getParent();
    else if ( context instanceof ProcessingInstruction )
        element = (Element)((ProcessingInstruction)context).getParent();

    if ( element != null )
        Namespace namespace = element.getNamespace( prefix );

        if ( namespace != null ) 
            return namespace.getURI();
    return null;
项目:jaxen    文件   
public void testJaxen148() throws JaxenException, JDOMException, IOException  {
    String xml = "<xml-document><nodes><node>" +
    "\ntest\n" + 

    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    Document document = new InputSource( new StringReader(xml) ) );

    JDOMXPath x = new JDOMXPath("/xml-document/nodes/node/text()");
    Text t = (Text) x.selectSingleNode(document);

    assertEquals( "\ntest\n" , t.getText() );

项目:tctm    文件   
private Element generateElement (String parentName, Span span, List childSpans, THashMap tree)
  Element parentElt = new Element (parentName);
  if (childSpans == null || childSpans.isEmpty ()) {
    parentElt.setContent (new Text (span.getText ()));
  } else {
    List childElts = new ArrayList (childSpans.size());
    int start = span.getStartIdx ();
    int current = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < childSpans.size(); i++) {
      LabeledSpan childSpan = (LabeledSpan) childSpans.get (i);
      Label childLabel = childSpan.getLabel();

      int childStart = childSpan.getStartIdx () - start;
      if (childStart > current) {
        childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current, childStart)));

      if (childLabel == backgroundTag) {
        childElts.add (new Text (childSpan.getText()));
      } else {
        String name = childLabel.getEntry ().toString();
        List grandchildren = (List) tree.get (childSpan);
        childElts.add (generateElement (name, childSpan, grandchildren, tree));

      current = childSpan.getEndIdx () - start;

    if (current < span.getEndIdx ())
      childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current)));

    parentElt.addContent (childElts);

  return parentElt;
项目:mallet    文件   
private Element generateElement (String parentName, Span span, List childSpans, HashMap tree)
  Element parentElt = new Element (parentName);
  if (childSpans == null || childSpans.isEmpty ()) {
    parentElt.setContent (new Text (span.getText ()));
  } else {
    List childElts = new ArrayList (childSpans.size());
    int start = span.getStartIdx ();
    int current = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < childSpans.size(); i++) {
      LabeledSpan childSpan = (LabeledSpan) childSpans.get (i);
      Label childLabel = childSpan.getLabel();

      int childStart = childSpan.getStartIdx () - start;
      if (childStart > current) {
        childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current, childStart)));

      if (childLabel == backgroundTag) {
        childElts.add (new Text (childSpan.getText()));
      } else {
        String name = childLabel.getEntry ().toString();
        List grandchildren = (List) tree.get (childSpan);
        childElts.add (generateElement (name, childSpan, grandchildren, tree));

      current = childSpan.getEndIdx () - start;

    if (current < span.getEndIdx ())
      childElts.add (new Text (span.getText().substring (current)));

    parentElt.addContent (childElts);

  return parentElt;
项目:oliot-fc    文件   
        * {@inheritDoc}
public Content encodeXML(final String name, Namespace ns) {
    Element element = new Element(name, ns);
    //Element element = new Element(name, Namespace.getNamespace("llrp",LLRPConstants.LLRPNAMESPACE));
    element.setContent(new Text(toString()));

    return element;
项目:oliot-fc    文件   
        * {@inheritDoc}
public Content encodeXML(final String name, Namespace ns) {
    Element element = new Element(name, ns);
    //Element element = new Element(name, Namespace.getNamespace("llrp",LLRPConstants.LLRPNAMESPACE));
    element.setContent(new Text(toString()));

    return element;
项目:oliot-fc    文件   
        * {@inheritDoc}
public Content encodeXML(final String name, Namespace ns) {
    Element element = new Element(name, ns);
    //Element element = new Element(name, Namespace.getNamespace("llrp",LLRPConstants.LLRPNAMESPACE));
    element.setContent(new Text(toString()));

    return element;
项目:oliot-fc    文件   
        * {@inheritDoc}
public Content encodeXML(final String name, Namespace ns) {
    Element element = new Element(name, ns);
    //Element element = new Element(name, Namespace.getNamespace("llrp",LLRPConstants.LLRPNAMESPACE));
    element.setContent(new Text(toString()));

    return element;
项目:oliot-fc    文件   
        * {@inheritDoc}
public Content encodeXML(final String name, Namespace ns) {
    Element element = new Element(name, ns);
    //Element element = new Element(name, Namespace.getNamespace("llrp",LLRPConstants.LLRPNAMESPACE));
    element.setContent(new Text(toString()));

    return element;
项目:oliot-fc    文件   
        * {@inheritDoc}
public Content encodeXML(final String name, Namespace ns) {
    Element element = new Element(name, ns);
    //Element element = new Element(name, Namespace.getNamespace("llrp",LLRPConstants.LLRPNAMESPACE));
    element.setContent(new Text(toString()));

    return element;