Java 类org.jdom.filter.Filter 实例源码

项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
protected final org.jdom.Element findTypeContent(final String type, org.jdom.Element docRoot) {
    List<org.jdom.Element> lst = docRoot.getContent(new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object match) {
            if (match instanceof org.jdom.Element) {
                org.jdom.Element el = (org.jdom.Element)match;
                if ("complexType".equals(el.getName()) && type.equals(el.getAttributeValue("name"))) { //NOI18N
                    return true;
            return false;
    if (lst.size() > 0) {
        org.jdom.Element typeEl = lst.get(0);
        return typeEl.getChild("all", docRoot.getNamespace()); //NOI18N
    return null;
项目:jhove2    文件   
 * Extracts the contents of the named XML element from a parent
 * @param parentElement The parent element
 * @param theElement    Name of the XML element to be extracted
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws JDOMException
public static Element extractXMLelement(Element parentElement, String theElement) throws JDOMException, IOException {

    Filter elementFilter = new ElementFilter();
    List<Element> children = parentElement.getContent(elementFilter);
    for (Element element : children) {
        if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(theElement)) {
            return element;
        Element child = extractXMLelement(element, theElement);
        if (child != null) {
            return child;
    return null;
项目:cagrid-core    文件   
private static void cleanTaggedValues(StringBuffer xmiContents) throws IOException {
    // filter for <UML:TaggedValue ../>
    Filter taggedValueFilter = new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof Element) {
                Element elem = (Element) obj;
                if (elem.getName().equals("TaggedValue")) {
                    return elem.getAttribute("value") == null;
            return false;

    int removed = removeElementsByFilter(xmiContents, taggedValueFilter);
    log.debug("Removed " + removed + " TaggedValue elements");
项目:LAS    文件   
public boolean hasDocumentation() {

    Filter filter = new DocumentationFilter();
    Iterator docIt = element.getDescendants(filter);
    if ( docIt.hasNext() ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
项目:LAS    文件   
public Documentation getDocumentation () {
    Filter filter = new DocumentationFilter();
    Iterator docIt = element.getDescendants(filter);
    Element documentation = (Element);

    if ( documentation != null ) { 
        return new Documentation(documentation);

    return null;
项目:LAS    文件   
public Element findProperty(Element group, String name) throws LASException {
    Filter propertyFilter = new FindPropertyFilter(name);       
    Iterator propsIt = group.getDescendants(propertyFilter);
    Element property=null;
    if ( propsIt.hasNext() ) {
        property = (Element);
    if ( propsIt.hasNext()) {
        throw new LASException("More than one property with same name.");
    return property;  
项目:LAS    文件   
public Element findPropertyGroup(Element properties, String group) throws LASException {
        // Finds properties below a particular element.
        Filter propertyGroupFilter = new FindPropertyGroupFilter(group);
        Iterator pgIt = properties.getDescendants(propertyGroupFilter);
        Element propGroup = null;
        if (pgIt.hasNext()) {
            propGroup = (Element);
//        if ( pgIt.hasNext() ) {
//            throw new LASException("More than one property group with name = "+group);
//        }
        // Just return the first...
        return propGroup;
项目:LAS    文件   
public ArrayList<Element> findPropertyGroupList(Element element, String group) {
    ArrayList<Element> groups = new ArrayList<Element>();
    Filter propertyGroupFilter = new FindPropertyGroupFilter(group);
    for (Iterator pgIt = element.getDescendants(propertyGroupFilter); pgIt.hasNext(); ) {
    return groups;
项目:purple-include    文件   
private List<CDATA> getCDATAExceptionStackTracesUnder(Element rootElement) {
    Iterator it = rootElement.getDescendants(new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object arg0) {
            return arg0 instanceof CDATA;
    List<CDATA> stackTraceElements = new ArrayList<CDATA>();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        CDATA next = (CDATA);
    return stackTraceElements;
项目:cagrid-core    文件   
private static void cleanUmlDiagrams(StringBuffer xmiContents) throws IOException {
    // filter for <UML:Diagram ../>
    Filter diagramFilter = new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof Element) {
                Element elem = (Element) obj;
                return elem.getName().equals("Diagram");
            return false;

    int removed = removeElementsByFilter(xmiContents, diagramFilter);
    log.debug("Removed " + removed + " Diagram elements");
项目:cagrid-core    文件   
public static CQLQuery checkDefaultPredicates(CQLQuery original) throws Exception {
    LOG.debug("Checking query for Attributes with no predicate defined");
    StringWriter originalWriter = new StringWriter();
    Utils.serializeObject(original, DataServiceConstants.CQL_QUERY_QNAME, originalWriter);
    Element root = XMLUtilities.stringToDocument(originalWriter.getBuffer().toString()).getRootElement();
    Filter attributeNoPredicateFilter = new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                Element e = (Element) o;
                if (e.getName().equals("Attribute") && e.getAttribute("predicate") == null) {
                    return true;
            return false;
    List<?> attributesWithNoPredicate = root.getContent(attributeNoPredicateFilter);
    Iterator<?> attribIter = attributesWithNoPredicate.iterator();
    while (attribIter.hasNext()) {
        LOG.debug("Adding default predicate to an attribute");
        Element elem = (Element);
        elem.setAttribute("predicate", "EQUAL_TO");
    String xml = XMLUtilities.elementToString(root);
    CQLQuery edited = Utils.deserializeObject(new StringReader(xml), CQLQuery.class);
    return edited;
项目:cagrid-core    文件   
public static CQLQuery checkDefaultPredicates(CQLQuery original) throws Exception {
    LOG.debug("Checking query for Attributes with no predicate defined");
    StringWriter originalWriter = new StringWriter();
    Utils.serializeObject(original, DataServiceConstants.CQL_QUERY_QNAME, originalWriter);
    Element root = XMLUtilities.stringToDocument(originalWriter.getBuffer().toString()).getRootElement();
    Filter attributeNoPredicateFilter = new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                Element e = (Element) o;
                if (e.getName().equals("Attribute") && e.getAttribute("predicate") == null) {
                    return true;
            return false;
    List<?> attributesWithNoPredicate = root.getContent(attributeNoPredicateFilter);
    Iterator<?> attribIter = attributesWithNoPredicate.iterator();
    while (attribIter.hasNext()) {
        LOG.debug("Adding default predicate to an attribute");
        Element elem = (Element);
        elem.setAttribute("predicate", "EQUAL_TO");
    String xml = XMLUtilities.elementToString(root);
    CQLQuery edited = Utils.deserializeObject(new StringReader(xml), CQLQuery.class);
    return edited;
项目:cagrid-core    文件   
public static CQLQuery checkDefaultPredicates(CQLQuery original) throws Exception {
    LOG.debug("Checking query for Attributes with no predicate defined");
    StringWriter originalWriter = new StringWriter();
    Utils.serializeObject(original, DataServiceConstants.CQL_QUERY_QNAME, originalWriter);
    Element root = XMLUtilities.stringToDocument(originalWriter.getBuffer().toString()).getRootElement();
    Filter attributeNoPredicateFilter = new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                Element e = (Element) o;
                if (e.getName().equals("Attribute") && e.getAttribute("predicate") == null) {
                    return true;
            return false;
    List<?> attributesWithNoPredicate = root.getContent(attributeNoPredicateFilter);
    Iterator<?> attribIter = attributesWithNoPredicate.iterator();
    while (attribIter.hasNext()) {
        LOG.debug("Adding default predicate to an attribute");
        Element elem = (Element);
        elem.setAttribute("predicate", "EQUAL_TO");
    String xml = XMLUtilities.elementToString(root);
    CQLQuery edited = Utils.deserializeObject(new StringReader(xml), CQLQuery.class);
    return edited;
项目:consulo    文件   
public <T extends Content> List<T> getContent(final Filter<T> filter) {
  return (List<T>)ContainerUtil.filter(myContent, new Condition<Content>() {
    public boolean value(Content content) {
      return filter.matches(content);
项目:cagrid-core    文件   
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "serial", "rawtypes" })
private void addHttpsConnector(String keyStorePassword,
        File keyStoreLocation, Element serverElement) throws IOException,
        ContainerException {
    Iterator httpsConnectorElements = serverElement.getDescendants(new Filter() {
        public boolean matches(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                Element e = (Element) o;
                if (e.getName().equals("Connector")) {
                    if(e.getAttribute("schema")!=null && "https".equals(e.getAttribute("schema").getValue())){
                        return true;
            return false;
    // verify there is only one connector
    if (!httpsConnectorElements.hasNext()) {
        Element service=(Element)serverElement.getChildren("Service").get(0);

        Element connector = new Element("Connector");
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("acceptCount", "100"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("clientAuth", "false"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("debug", "0"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("disableUploadTimeout", "true"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("enableLookups", "false"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("keystoreFile", keyStoreLocation.getCanonicalPath()));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("keystorePass", keyStorePassword));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("maxHttpHeaderSize", "8192"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("maxSpareThreads", "75"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("maxThreads", "150"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("minSpareThreads", "25"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("port", ""+httpsPortNumber));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("schema", "https"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("secure", "true"));
        connector.setAttribute(new Attribute("sslProtocol", "TLS"));

        throw new ContainerException("More than one HTTPS connector was found in the server configuration!");
项目:cagrid-core    文件   
public void startFixing() {
    List<File> classpathFiles = recursiveListFiles(new File(baseSearchDir),
        new FileFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                return pathname.getName().equals(".classpath");
    for (File f : classpathFiles) {
        if (f.isFile()) {
            System.out.println("Working on " + f.getAbsolutePath());
            try {
                Document doc = fileToDocument(f);
                List libElements = doc.getRootElement().getContent(new Filter() {
                    public boolean matches(Object o) {
                        if (o instanceof Element) {
                            Element e = (Element) o;
                            if (e.getName().equals("classpathentry") &&
                                "lib".equals(e.getAttributeValue("kind"))) {
                                return true;
                        return false;
                Iterator libElemIter = libElements.iterator();
                while (libElemIter.hasNext()) {
                    Element entryElem = (Element);
                    File projectBase = f.getParentFile();
                    String libPath = entryElem.getAttributeValue("path");
                    File libFile = new File(projectBase, libPath);
                    String libName = libFile.getName();
                    if (libName.startsWith("caGrid-") && libName.endsWith("-1.6-dev.jar")) {
                        System.out.println("Found a library to fix up ("  + libPath + ")");
                        int endIndex = libPath.lastIndexOf("-1.6-dev.jar");
                        libPath = libPath.substring(0, endIndex);
                        libPath += "-1.4.jar";
                        System.out.println("\tFixed up to " + libPath);
                        entryElem.setAttribute("path", libPath);
                saveDocument(doc, f);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:consulo    文件   
public <T extends Content> Iterator<T> getDescendants(Filter<T> filter) {
  throw immutableError(this);
项目:consulo    文件   
public <T extends Content> List<T> removeContent(Filter<T> filter) {
  throw immutableError(this);
项目:cagrid2    文件   
public void startFixing() {
    List<File> classpathFiles = recursiveListFiles(new File(baseSearchDir),
        new FileFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                return pathname.getName().equals(".classpath");
    for (File f : classpathFiles) {
        if (f.isFile()) {
            System.out.println("Working on " + f.getAbsolutePath());
            try {
                Document doc = fileToDocument(f);
                List libElements = doc.getRootElement().getContent(new Filter() {
                    public boolean matches(Object o) {
                        if (o instanceof Element) {
                            Element e = (Element) o;
                            if (e.getName().equals("classpathentry") &&
                                "lib".equals(e.getAttributeValue("kind"))) {
                                return true;
                        return false;
                Iterator libElemIter = libElements.iterator();
                while (libElemIter.hasNext()) {
                    Element entryElem = (Element);
                    File projectBase = f.getParentFile();
                    String libPath = entryElem.getAttributeValue("path");
                    File libFile = new File(projectBase, libPath);
                    String libName = libFile.getName();
                    if (libName.startsWith("caGrid-") && libName.endsWith("-1.6-dev.jar")) {
                        System.out.println("Found a library to fix up ("  + libPath + ")");
                        int endIndex = libPath.lastIndexOf("-1.6-dev.jar");
                        libPath = libPath.substring(0, endIndex);
                        libPath += "-1.4.jar";
                        System.out.println("\tFixed up to " + libPath);
                        entryElem.setAttribute("path", libPath);
                saveDocument(doc, f);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
项目:gjOryx    文件   
 * Returns as a {@link java.util.List} the content of
 * this parent that matches the supplied filter. The returned list is
 * <b>"live"</b> and in document order. Any modifications to it affect
 * the element's actual contents. Modifications are checked for
 * conformance to XML 1.0 rules.
 * <p>
 * Sequential traversal through the List is best done with an Iterator
 * since the underlying implement of {@link java.util.List#size} may
 * require walking the entire list and indexed lookups may require
 * starting at the beginning each time.
 * @param  filter filter to apply
 * @return a list of the content of the parent matching the filter
 * @throws IllegalStateException if parent is a Document
 *         and the root element is not set
List getContent(Filter filter);
项目:gjOryx    文件   
 * Removes from this parent all child content matching the given filter
 * and returns a list of the detached children.
 * @param  filter filter to apply
 * @return list of the detached children matching the filter
List removeContent(Filter filter);
项目:gjOryx    文件   
 * Returns an {@link java.util.Iterator} that walks over all descendants
 * in document order applying the Filter to return only elements that
 * match the filter rule.  With filters you can match only Elements,
 * only Comments, Elements or Comments, only Elements with a given name
 * and/or prefix, and so on.
 * @param filter filter to select which descendants to see
 * @return an iterator to walk descendants that match a filter
Iterator getDescendants(Filter filter);
项目:jclic    文件   
 * Returns as a {@link java.util.List} the content of
 * this parent that matches the supplied filter. The returned list is
 * <b>"live"</b> and in document order. Any modifications to it affect
 * the element's actual contents. Modifications are checked for
 * conformance to XML 1.0 rules.
 * <p>
 * Sequential traversal through the List is best done with an Iterator
 * since the underlying implement of {@link java.util.List#size} may
 * require walking the entire list and indexed lookups may require
 * starting at the beginning each time.
 * @param  filter filter to apply
 * @return a list of the content of the parent matching the filter
 * @throws IllegalStateException if parent is a Document
 *         and the root element is not set
List getContent(Filter filter);
项目:jclic    文件   
 * Removes from this parent all child content matching the given filter
 * and returns a list of the detached children.
 * @param  filter filter to apply
 * @return list of the detached children matching the filter
List removeContent(Filter filter);
项目:jclic    文件   
 * Returns an {@link java.util.Iterator} that walks over all descendants
 * in document order applying the Filter to return only elements that
 * match the filter rule.  With filters you can match only Elements,
 * only Comments, Elements or Comments, only Elements with a given name
 * and/or prefix, and so on.
 * @param filter filter to select which descendants to see
 * @return an iterator to walk descendants that match a filter
Iterator getDescendants(Filter filter);