/** * Creates a new default instance. * * @param name the name of the theme (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param shadow a flag that controls whether a shadow generator is * included. * * @since 1.0.14 */ public StandardChartTheme(String name, boolean shadow) { ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(name, "name"); this.name = name; this.extraLargeFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 20); this.largeFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14); this.regularFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 12); this.smallFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 10); this.titlePaint = Color.black; this.subtitlePaint = Color.black; this.legendBackgroundPaint = Color.white; this.legendItemPaint = Color.darkGray; this.chartBackgroundPaint = Color.white; this.drawingSupplier = new DefaultDrawingSupplier(); this.plotBackgroundPaint = Color.lightGray; this.plotOutlinePaint = Color.black; this.labelLinkPaint = Color.black; this.labelLinkStyle = PieLabelLinkStyle.CUBIC_CURVE; this.axisOffset = new RectangleInsets(4, 4, 4, 4); this.domainGridlinePaint = Color.white; this.rangeGridlinePaint = Color.white; this.baselinePaint = Color.black; this.crosshairPaint = Color.blue; this.axisLabelPaint = Color.darkGray; this.tickLabelPaint = Color.darkGray; this.barPainter = new GradientBarPainter(); this.xyBarPainter = new GradientXYBarPainter(); this.shadowVisible = false; this.shadowPaint = Color.gray; this.itemLabelPaint = Color.black; this.thermometerPaint = Color.white; this.wallPaint = BarRenderer3D.DEFAULT_WALL_PAINT; this.errorIndicatorPaint = Color.black; this.shadowGenerator = shadow ? new DefaultShadowGenerator() : null; }
/** * Creates a new default instance. * * @param name the name of the theme ({@code null} not permitted). * @param shadow a flag that controls whether a shadow generator is * included. * * @since 1.0.14 */ public StandardChartTheme(String name, boolean shadow) { Args.nullNotPermitted(name, "name"); this.name = name; this.extraLargeFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 20); this.largeFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 14); this.regularFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 12); this.smallFont = new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 10); this.titlePaint = Color.BLACK; this.subtitlePaint = Color.BLACK; this.legendBackgroundPaint = Color.WHITE; this.legendItemPaint = Color.DARK_GRAY; this.chartBackgroundPaint = Color.WHITE; this.drawingSupplier = new DefaultDrawingSupplier(); this.plotBackgroundPaint = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; this.plotOutlinePaint = Color.BLACK; this.labelLinkPaint = Color.BLACK; this.labelLinkStyle = PieLabelLinkStyle.CUBIC_CURVE; this.axisOffset = new RectangleInsets(4, 4, 4, 4); this.domainGridlinePaint = Color.WHITE; this.rangeGridlinePaint = Color.WHITE; this.baselinePaint = Color.BLACK; this.crosshairPaint = Color.BLUE; this.axisLabelPaint = Color.DARK_GRAY; this.tickLabelPaint = Color.DARK_GRAY; this.barPainter = new GradientBarPainter(); this.xyBarPainter = new GradientXYBarPainter(); this.shadowVisible = false; this.shadowPaint = Color.GRAY; this.itemLabelPaint = Color.BLACK; this.thermometerPaint = Color.WHITE; this.errorIndicatorPaint = Color.BLACK; this.shadowGenerator = shadow ? new DefaultShadowGenerator() : null; }
/** * Creates a new default instance. * * @param name the name of the theme (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param shadow a flag that controls whether a shadow generator is * included. * * @since 1.0.14 */ public StandardChartTheme(String name, boolean shadow) { ParamChecks.nullNotPermitted(name, "name"); this.name = name; this.extraLargeFont = new Font(JFreeChart.getFont(), Font.BOLD, 20); this.largeFont = new Font(JFreeChart.getFont(), Font.BOLD, 14); this.regularFont = new Font(JFreeChart.getFont(), Font.PLAIN, 12); this.smallFont = new Font(JFreeChart.getFont(), Font.PLAIN, 10); this.titlePaint = Color.black; this.subtitlePaint = Color.black; this.legendBackgroundPaint = Color.white; this.legendItemPaint = Color.darkGray; this.chartBackgroundPaint = Color.white; this.drawingSupplier = new DefaultDrawingSupplier(); this.plotBackgroundPaint = Color.lightGray; this.plotOutlinePaint = Color.black; this.labelLinkPaint = Color.black; this.labelLinkStyle = PieLabelLinkStyle.CUBIC_CURVE; this.axisOffset = new RectangleInsets(4, 4, 4, 4); this.domainGridlinePaint = Color.white; this.rangeGridlinePaint = Color.white; this.baselinePaint = Color.black; this.crosshairPaint = Color.blue; this.axisLabelPaint = Color.darkGray; this.tickLabelPaint = Color.darkGray; this.barPainter = new GradientBarPainter(); this.xyBarPainter = new GradientXYBarPainter(); this.shadowVisible = false; this.shadowPaint = Color.gray; this.itemLabelPaint = Color.black; this.thermometerPaint = Color.white; this.wallPaint = BarRenderer3D.DEFAULT_WALL_PAINT; this.errorIndicatorPaint = Color.black; this.shadowGenerator = shadow ? new DefaultShadowGenerator() : null; }
/** * Creates a plot that will draw a pie chart for the specified dataset. * * @param dataset the dataset (<code>null</code> permitted). */ public PiePlot(PieDataset dataset) { super(); this.dataset = dataset; if (dataset != null) { dataset.addChangeListener(this); } this.pieIndex = 0; this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP; this.circular = true; this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE; this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE; this.minimumArcAngleToDraw = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_ARC_ANGLE_TO_DRAW; this.sectionPaintMap = new PaintMap(); this.baseSectionPaint = Color.gray; this.autoPopulateSectionPaint = true; this.sectionOutlinesVisible = true; this.sectionOutlinePaintMap = new PaintMap(); this.baseSectionOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint = false; this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap = new StrokeMap(); this.baseSectionOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke = false; this.explodePercentages = new TreeMap(); this.labelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(); this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT; this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT; this.labelBackgroundPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_BACKGROUND_PAINT; this.labelOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.labelOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.labelShadowPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_SHADOW_PAINT; this.labelLinksVisible = true; this.labelDistributor = new PieLabelDistributor(0); this.simpleLabels = false; this.simpleLabelOffset = new RectangleInsets(UnitType.RELATIVE, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18); this.labelPadding = new RectangleInsets(2, 2, 2, 2); this.toolTipGenerator = null; this.urlGenerator = null; this.legendLabelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(); this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator = null; this.legendLabelURLGenerator = null; this.legendItemShape = Plot.DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE; this.ignoreNullValues = false; this.ignoreZeroValues = false; this.selectedItemAttributes = new PieSelectionAttributes(); this.shadowGenerator = new DefaultShadowGenerator(); }