private BlockContainer createTestContainer1() { Block b1 = new EmptyBlock(10, 11); Block b2 = new EmptyBlock(20, 22); Block b3 = new EmptyBlock(30, 33); BlockContainer result = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(1, 3)); result.add(b1); result.add(b2); result.add(b3); return result; }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle null blocks in the layout. */ public void testNullBlock_FF() { BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(1, 1)); c.add(null); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, new RectangleConstraint(20, 10)); assertEquals(20.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(10.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle null blocks in the layout. */ public void testNullBlock_FN() { BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(1, 1)); c.add(null); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, RectangleConstraint.NONE.toFixedWidth(10)); assertEquals(10.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(0.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle null blocks in the layout. */ public void testNullBlock_FR() { BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(1, 1)); c.add(null); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, new RectangleConstraint(30.0, new Range(5.0, 10.0))); assertEquals(30.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(5.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle null blocks in the layout. */ public void testNullBlock_NN() { BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(1, 1)); c.add(null); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, RectangleConstraint.NONE); assertEquals(0.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(0.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle less blocks than grid spaces. */ public void testGridNotFull_FF() { Block b1 = new EmptyBlock(5, 5); BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(2, 3)); c.add(b1); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, new RectangleConstraint(200, 100)); assertEquals(200.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(100.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle less blocks than grid spaces. */ public void testGridNotFull_FN() { Block b1 = new EmptyBlock(5, 5); BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(2, 3)); c.add(b1); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, RectangleConstraint.NONE.toFixedWidth(30.0)); assertEquals(30.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(10.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle less blocks than grid spaces. */ public void testGridNotFull_FR() { Block b1 = new EmptyBlock(5, 5); BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(2, 3)); c.add(b1); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, new RectangleConstraint(30.0, new Range(5.0, 10.0))); assertEquals(30.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(10.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * The arrangement should be able to handle less blocks than grid spaces. */ public void testGridNotFull_NN() { Block b1 = new EmptyBlock(5, 5); BlockContainer c = new BlockContainer(new GridArrangement(2, 3)); c.add(b1); Size2D s = c.arrange(null, RectangleConstraint.NONE); assertEquals(15.0, s.getWidth(), EPSILON); assertEquals(10.0, s.getHeight(), EPSILON); }
/** * Immutable - cloning is not necessary. */ public void testCloning() { GridArrangement f1 = new GridArrangement(1, 2); assertFalse(f1 instanceof Cloneable); }