/** * Creates a new spider web plot with the given dataset. * * @param dataset the dataset. * @param extract controls how data is extracted ({@link TableOrder#BY_ROW} * or {@link TableOrder#BY_COLUMN}). */ public SpiderWebPlot(CategoryDataset dataset, TableOrder extract) { super(); Args.nullNotPermitted(extract, "extract"); this.dataset = dataset; if (dataset != null) { dataset.addChangeListener(this); } this.dataExtractOrder = extract; this.headPercent = DEFAULT_HEAD; this.axisLabelGap = DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_GAP; this.axisLinePaint = Color.BLACK; this.axisLineStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f); this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP; this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE; this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE; this.maxValue = DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE; this.seriesPaint = null; this.seriesPaintList = new PaintList(); this.baseSeriesPaint = null; this.seriesOutlinePaint = null; this.seriesOutlinePaintList = new PaintList(); this.baseSeriesOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.seriesOutlineStroke = null; this.seriesOutlineStrokeList = new StrokeList(); this.baseSeriesOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT; this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT; this.labelGenerator = new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator(); this.legendItemShape = DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE; }
/** * Creates a new spider web plot with the given dataset. * * @param dataset the dataset. * @param extract controls how data is extracted ({@link TableOrder#BY_ROW} * or {@link TableOrder#BY_COLUMN}). */ public SpiderWebPlot(CategoryDataset dataset, TableOrder extract) { super(); if (extract == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'extract' argument."); } this.dataset = dataset; if (dataset != null) { dataset.addChangeListener(this); } this.dataExtractOrder = extract; this.headPercent = DEFAULT_HEAD; this.axisLabelGap = DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_GAP; this.axisLinePaint = Color.black; this.axisLineStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f); this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP; this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE; this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE; this.maxValue = DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE; this.seriesPaint = null; this.seriesPaintList = new PaintList(); this.baseSeriesPaint = null; this.seriesOutlinePaint = null; this.seriesOutlinePaintList = new PaintList(); this.baseSeriesOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.seriesOutlineStroke = null; this.seriesOutlineStrokeList = new StrokeList(); this.baseSeriesOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT; this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT; this.labelGenerator = new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator(); this.legendItemShape = DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE; }
/** * Sets the direction in which the pie sections are drawn and sends a * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners. * * @param direction the direction (<code>null</code> not permitted). * * @see #getDirection() */ public void setDirection(Rotation direction) { if (direction == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'direction' argument."); } this.direction = direction; fireChangeEvent(); }
private double calculateAngleForValue(double value, double total) { if (this.direction == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) { return this.startAngle - (value / total * 360.0); } else if (this.direction == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) { return this.startAngle + (value / total * 360.0); } throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognised Rotation type."); }
/** * Creates a plot that will draw a pie chart for the specified dataset. * * @param dataset the dataset ({@code null} permitted). */ public PiePlot(PieDataset dataset) { super(); this.dataset = dataset; if (dataset != null) { dataset.addChangeListener(this); } this.pieIndex = 0; this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP; this.circular = true; this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE; this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE; this.minimumArcAngleToDraw = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_ARC_ANGLE_TO_DRAW; this.sectionPaintMap = new PaintMap(); this.defaultSectionPaint = Color.GRAY; this.autoPopulateSectionPaint = true; this.sectionOutlinesVisible = true; this.sectionOutlinePaintMap = new PaintMap(); this.defaultSectionOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint = false; this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap = new StrokeMap(); this.defaultSectionOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke = false; this.explodePercentages = new TreeMap(); this.labelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(); this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT; this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT; this.labelBackgroundPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_BACKGROUND_PAINT; this.labelOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.labelOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.labelShadowPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_SHADOW_PAINT; this.labelLinksVisible = true; this.labelDistributor = new PieLabelDistributor(0); this.simpleLabels = false; this.simpleLabelOffset = new RectangleInsets(UnitType.RELATIVE, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18); this.labelPadding = new RectangleInsets(2, 2, 2, 2); this.toolTipGenerator = null; this.urlGenerator = null; this.legendLabelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(); this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator = null; this.legendLabelURLGenerator = null; this.legendItemShape = Plot.DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE; this.ignoreNullValues = false; this.ignoreZeroValues = false; this.shadowGenerator = null; }
/** * Returns the center for the specified section. * Checks to see if the section is exploded and recalculates the * new center if so. * * @param state PiePlotState * @param key section key. * * @return The center for the specified section. * * @since 1.0.14 */ protected Point2D getArcCenter(PiePlotState state, Comparable key) { Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(state.getPieCenterX(), state .getPieCenterY()); double ep = getExplodePercent(key); double mep = getMaximumExplodePercent(); if (mep > 0.0) { ep = ep / mep; } if (ep != 0) { Rectangle2D pieArea = state.getPieArea(); Rectangle2D expPieArea = state.getExplodedPieArea(); double angle1, angle2; Number n = this.dataset.getValue(key); double value = n.doubleValue(); if (this.direction == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) { angle1 = state.getLatestAngle(); angle2 = angle1 - value / state.getTotal() * 360.0; } else if (this.direction == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) { angle1 = state.getLatestAngle(); angle2 = angle1 + value / state.getTotal() * 360.0; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Rotation type not recognised."); } double angle = (angle2 - angle1); Arc2D arc1 = new Arc2D.Double(pieArea, angle1, angle / 2, Arc2D.OPEN); Point2D point1 = arc1.getEndPoint(); Arc2D.Double arc2 = new Arc2D.Double(expPieArea, angle1, angle / 2, Arc2D.OPEN); Point2D point2 = arc2.getEndPoint(); double deltaX = (point1.getX() - point2.getX()) * ep; double deltaY = (point1.getY() - point2.getY()) * ep; center = new Point2D.Double(state.getPieCenterX() - deltaX, state.getPieCenterY() - deltaY); } return center; }
/** * Creates a plot that will draw a pie chart for the specified dataset. * * @param dataset the dataset (<code>null</code> permitted). */ public PiePlot(PieDataset dataset) { super(); this.dataset = dataset; if (dataset != null) { dataset.addChangeListener(this); } this.pieIndex = 0; this.interiorGap = DEFAULT_INTERIOR_GAP; this.circular = true; this.startAngle = DEFAULT_START_ANGLE; this.direction = Rotation.CLOCKWISE; this.minimumArcAngleToDraw = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_ARC_ANGLE_TO_DRAW; this.sectionPaintMap = new PaintMap(); this.baseSectionPaint = Color.gray; this.autoPopulateSectionPaint = true; this.sectionOutlinesVisible = true; this.sectionOutlinePaintMap = new PaintMap(); this.baseSectionOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.autoPopulateSectionOutlinePaint = false; this.sectionOutlineStrokeMap = new StrokeMap(); this.baseSectionOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.autoPopulateSectionOutlineStroke = false; this.explodePercentages = new TreeMap(); this.labelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(); this.labelFont = DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT; this.labelPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_PAINT; this.labelBackgroundPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_BACKGROUND_PAINT; this.labelOutlinePaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_PAINT; this.labelOutlineStroke = DEFAULT_LABEL_OUTLINE_STROKE; this.labelShadowPaint = DEFAULT_LABEL_SHADOW_PAINT; this.labelLinksVisible = true; this.labelDistributor = new PieLabelDistributor(0); this.simpleLabels = false; this.simpleLabelOffset = new RectangleInsets(UnitType.RELATIVE, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18); this.labelPadding = new RectangleInsets(2, 2, 2, 2); this.toolTipGenerator = null; this.urlGenerator = null; this.legendLabelGenerator = new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(); this.legendLabelToolTipGenerator = null; this.legendLabelURLGenerator = null; this.legendItemShape = Plot.DEFAULT_LEGEND_ITEM_CIRCLE; this.ignoreNullValues = false; this.ignoreZeroValues = false; this.selectedItemAttributes = new PieSelectionAttributes(); this.shadowGenerator = new DefaultShadowGenerator(); }
/** * Returns a shape representing the hotspot for a pie section. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param dataArea the area within which the data is being rendered. * @param selected is the item selected? * * @return A shape equal to the hot spot for a data item. */ public Shape createHotSpotShape(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, int section, boolean selected) { Number n = this.dataset.getValue(section); if (n == null) { return null; } double value = n.doubleValue(); double angle1 = 0.0; double angle2 = 0.0; double total = DatasetUtilities.calculatePieDatasetTotal(this.dataset); double lead = 0.0; if (this.direction == Rotation.CLOCKWISE) { for (int i = 0; i < section; i++) { n = this.dataset.getValue(i); if (n != null) { value = n.doubleValue(); if (value >= 0.0) { lead = lead + value; } } } angle1 = getStartAngle() - lead / total * 360.0; angle2 = angle1 - value / total * 360.0; } else if (this.direction == Rotation.ANTICLOCKWISE) { angle1 = getStartAngle() + lead / total * 360.0; angle2 = angle1 + value / total * 360.0; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Rotation type not recognised."); } double angle = (angle2 - angle1); if (Math.abs(angle) > getMinimumArcAngleToDraw()) { double ep = 0.0; double mep = getMaximumExplodePercent(); if (mep > 0.0) { ep = getExplodePercent(getSectionKey(section)) / mep; } Rectangle2D arcBounds = getArcBounds(dataArea, dataArea, angle1, angle, ep); Arc2D.Double arc = new Arc2D.Double(arcBounds, angle1, angle, Arc2D.PIE); return arc; } return null; }
/** * Sets the direction in which the pie sections are drawn and sends a * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners. * * @param direction the direction ({@code null} not permitted). * * @see #getDirection() */ public void setDirection(Rotation direction) { Args.nullNotPermitted(direction, "direction"); this.direction = direction; fireChangeEvent(); }
/** * Sets the direction in which the radar axes are drawn and sends a * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners. * * @param direction the direction (<code>null</code> not permitted). * * @see #getDirection() */ public void setDirection(Rotation direction) { if (direction == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'direction' argument."); } this.direction = direction; fireChangeEvent(); }
/** * Returns the direction in which the radar axes are drawn * (clockwise or anti-clockwise). * * @return The direction (never {@code null}). * * @see #setDirection(Rotation) */ public Rotation getDirection() { return this.direction; }
/** * Sets the direction in which the radar axes are drawn and sends a * {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered listeners. * * @param direction the direction ({@code null} not permitted). * * @see #getDirection() */ public void setDirection(Rotation direction) { Args.nullNotPermitted(direction, "direction"); this.direction = direction; fireChangeEvent(); }
/** * Returns the direction in which the pie sections are drawn (clockwise or * anti-clockwise). * * @return The direction (never {@code null}). * * @see #setDirection(Rotation) */ public Rotation getDirection() { return this.direction; }
/** * Returns the direction in which the radar axes are drawn * (clockwise or anti-clockwise). * * @return The direction (never <code>null</code>). * * @see #setDirection(Rotation) */ public Rotation getDirection() { return this.direction; }
/** * Returns the direction in which the pie sections are drawn (clockwise or * anti-clockwise). * * @return The direction (never <code>null</code>). * * @see #setDirection(Rotation) */ public Rotation getDirection() { return this.direction; }