public Card(String n) throws ParseException{ reader = new JSonReader(new File(GetExecutionPath()).getParent() + "/all-cards.json"); name = n; cost = (int)(reader.getCost(n)); attack = (int)(reader.getAttack(n)); health = (int)(reader.getHealth(n)); setRarity(JSonReader.getRarity(n)); set = JSonReader.getSet(n); canAttack = false; //effects = reader.getEffects(n); attributes = reader.getAttributes(n); type = reader.getType(n); attribute_values = reader.getAttributeValues(n, type); triggers = reader.getTriggers(n, type); trigger_object = reader.getTriggerObject(n, type); hasTaunt = attributes.contains("TAUNT"); hasDivineShield = attributes.contains("DIVINE_SHIELD"); hasWindfury = attributes.contains("WINDFURY"); containsAura = reader.hasAura(n); race = reader.getRace(n, type); }
public Card(String n, String t) throws ParseException{ reader = new JSonReader(new File(GetExecutionPath()).getParent() + "/all-cards.json"); name = n; cost = (int)(reader.getCost(n, t)); attack = (int)(reader.getAttack(n, t)); health = (int)(reader.getHealth(n, t)); setRarity(JSonReader.getRarity(n, t)); set = JSonReader.getSet(n, t); canAttack = false; //effects = reader.getEffects(n); attributes = reader.getAttributes(n, t); attribute_values = reader.getAttributeValues(n, t); triggers = reader.getTriggers(n, t); trigger_object = reader.getTriggerObject(n, t); type = t; hasTaunt = attributes.contains("TAUNT"); hasDivineShield = attributes.contains("DIVINE_SHIELD"); hasWindfury = attributes.contains("WINDFURY"); containsAura = reader.hasAura(n, t); race = reader.getRace(n, t); }
@Test // testing full suite public void testRandomStateGitHub() throws ParseException, IOException { String sha = "99db6f4f5fea3aa5cfbe8436feba8e213d06d1e8"; List<String> fileNames = JSONReader.getFileNamesForTreeSha(sha); List<String> includedFiles = Arrays.asList( "st201504081841JAVA.json", "st201504081842JAVA.json", "st201504081843JAVA.json" ); for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (includedFiles.contains(fileName)) { System.out.println("Running: " + fileName); String json = JSONReader.loadJSON("StateTests//RandomTests/" + fileName); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json); } } }
public static String getName(int id) { String name; if ((name = names.get(id)) != null) { return name; } else { try { String content = WebUtil.getContents(Configuration.ITEM_API + id); if (content.length() > 0) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(content); JSONObject itemInformation = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("result"); if (itemInformation.get("name") != null && !((String) itemInformation.get("name")).equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { name = (String) itemInformation.get("name"); names.put(id, name); return name; } } } catch (MalformedURLException | ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
public long getM15(String json) throws ParseException { long m15 = 0; if (json != null) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject battleNetCharacter = (JSONObject) parser.parse(json); JSONObject achivements = (JSONObject) battleNetCharacter.get("achievements"); JSONArray criteriaObject = (JSONArray) achivements.get("criteria"); int criteriaNumber = -1; for (int i = 0; i < criteriaObject.size(); i++) { if ((long)criteriaObject.get(i) == 32028 ) { criteriaNumber = i; } } if (criteriaNumber != -1) { m15 = (long) ((JSONArray)achivements.get("criteriaQuantity")).get(criteriaNumber); if (m15 >= 1) { m15 += 1; } } } return m15; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JSONArray executeImpl(String userId, WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res) throws IOException, ParseException { JSONArray jsonUsers = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parseWithException(req.getContent().getContent()); JSONArray result = new JSONArray(); for (Object o : jsonUsers) { String user = (o == null ? null : o.toString()); if (user != null) { JSONObject item = new JSONObject(); item.put(user, subscriptionService.follows(userId, user)); result.add(item); } } return result; }
@Test public void testEIP155TransactionTestFromGitHub() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); SystemProperties.getDefault().setBlockchainConfig(new BaseNetConfig() {{ add(0, new FrontierConfig()); add(1_150_000, new HomesteadConfig()); add(2_457_000, new Eip150HFConfig(new DaoHFConfig())); add(2_675_000, new Eip160HFConfig(new DaoHFConfig()){ @Override public Integer getChainId() { return null; } }); }}); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("TransactionTests/EIP155/ttTransactionTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runGitHubJsonTransactionTest(json, excluded); }
/** * Returns an int array based on the string it contains. getIdsContain(dragon) will return an int array with all items containingdragon * * @param name * * @return */ public static int[] getIdsContain(String name) { try { String content = WebUtil.getContents(Configuration.ITEM_API + "contains/" + name); if (content.length() > 0) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(content); JSONArray array = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("result"); if (array.size() > 0) { int[] ids = new int[array.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { ids[i] = Integer.parseInt((String) array.get(i)); } return ids; } } } catch (MalformedURLException | ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new int[0]; }
@Test // testing full suite public void testRandomStateGitHub() throws ParseException, IOException { String sha = "99db6f4f5fea3aa5cfbe8436feba8e213d06d1e8"; List<String> fileNames = getFileNamesForTreeSha(sha); List<String> includedFiles = Arrays.asList( "st201504081841JAVA.json", "st201504081842JAVA.json", "st201504081843JAVA.json" ); for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (includedFiles.contains(fileName)) { System.out.println("Running: " + fileName); String json = JSONReader.loadJSON("StateTests//RandomTests/" + fileName); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json); } } }
@Test public void stWalletTest() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/stWalletTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/Homestead/stWalletTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP150/Homestead/stWalletTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP158/Homestead/stWalletTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
@Test public void shouldReturnServerErrorAndReasonWhenMisconfigured() throws ParseException { ApiGatewayProxyRequest request = new ApiGatewayProxyRequestBuilder() .withHttpMethod(METHOD) .build(); LambdaProxyHandler<Configuration> handlerWithFailingConguration = new TestLambdaProxyHandlerWithFailingConguration(); handlerWithFailingConguration.registerMethodHandler(METHOD, c -> methodHandler); ApiGatewayProxyResponse actual = handlerWithFailingConguration.handleRequest(request, context); assertThat(actual).isNotNull(); assertThat(actual.getStatusCode()).isEqualTo(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getStatusCode()); JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(actual.getBody()); assertThat(jsonObject.keySet()).contains("message", "cause"); assertThat((String) jsonObject.get("message")).contains("This service is mis-configured. Please contact your system administrator."); assertThat((String) jsonObject.get("cause")).contains("NullPointerException"); }
@Test // testing full suite public void testRandomVMGitHub() throws ParseException { String shacommit = "c5eafb85390eee59b838a93ae31bc16a5fd4f7b1"; List<String> fileNames = getFileNamesForTreeSha(shacommit); List<String> excludedFiles = Collections.singletonList( "" ); for (String fileName : fileNames) { if (excludedFiles.contains(fileName)) continue; System.out.println("Running: " + fileName); String json = JSONReader.loadJSON("VMTests//RandomTests/" + fileName); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runGitHubJsonVMTest(json); } }
/** * 네트워크 연결을 통한 모든 메뉴 JSON 파싱 * @param reqAddress 모든 파라미터가 포함된 리퀘스트 주소 * @return 모든 메뉴가 담긴 JSONObject * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ private JSONObject getAllMenuJson(String reqAddress) throws IOException, ParseException { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(reqAddress).openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); conn.setConnectTimeout(5000); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); String line; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while((line = br.readLine()) != null){ sb.append(line); } br.close(); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject allMenu = (JSONObject)parser.parse(replace(sb.toString())); return allMenu; }
private void runHomestead(String name) throws IOException, ParseException { String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("BlockchainTests/Homestead/" + name + ".json", shacommit); ConfigHelper.CONFIG.setBlockchainConfig(new GenesisConfig()); try { GitHubJSONTestSuite.runGitHubJsonBlockTest(json, Collections.EMPTY_SET); } finally { ConfigHelper.CONFIG.setBlockchainConfig(MainNetConfig.INSTANCE); } }
public JSONObject getEffect() { try { return new org.json.JSONObject(reader.getEffect(name).toJSONString()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new org.json.JSONObject(); }
protected Result sendMessage(Constants.RequestPath requestPath, StringBuilder body, int retries) throws IOException, ParseException { int attempt = 0; Result result = null; int backoff = 1000; boolean tryAgain = false; do { ++attempt; if(logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("Attempt #" + attempt + " to send " + body + " to url " + requestPath.getPath()); } String bodyStr = body.toString(); if(bodyStr.charAt(0) == 38) { bodyStr = body.toString().substring(1); } result = this.sendMessage(requestPath, bodyStr); tryAgain = result == null && attempt <= retries; if(tryAgain) { int sleepTime = backoff / 2 + this.random.nextInt(backoff); this.sleep((long)sleepTime); if(2 * backoff < 1024000) { backoff *= 2; } } } while(tryAgain); if(result == null) { throw this.exception(attempt); } else { return result; } }
@Test public void stRecursiveCreate() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/stRecursiveCreate.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/Homestead/stRecursiveCreate.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP150/Homestead/stRecursiveCreate.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP158/Homestead/stRecursiveCreate.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
@Test public void stInitCodeTest() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/stInitCodeTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
public long getHealth(String n, String t) throws org.json.simple.parser.ParseException{ long[] info = findCard(n, t); if(info[0] != 2){ return info[3]; } return -1; }
@Test public void stMemoryTest() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/stMemoryTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException{ ArrayList<String> hand = new ArrayList<>(); hand.add("Northshire Cleric"); hand.add("Claw"); hand.add("Fiery War Axe"); hand.add("Moonfire"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int random = (int) (Math.random() * hand.size()); System.out.println(hand.get(random)); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, ParseException, IOException { switch (args[0]) { case "diff": doDiff(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); break; case "docs": queryDocs(Arrays.asList(args).subList(1, args.length)); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } }
private Msg getMsgFromJSON(String json) throws ParseException, ClassNotFoundException { JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(json); String className = (String) jsonObject.get(Msg.CLASS_NAME_VARIABLE); Class<?> msgClass = Class.forName(className); return (Msg) new Gson().fromJson(json, msgClass); }
@Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... objects) { try { this.weatherInfo = processWeatherInfo(this.url); } catch (IOException|ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); callback.onFailure(e.toString()); } return null; }
@Override protected Void doInBackground(Object... objects) { try { dailyForecastInfoList = processDailyForecastInfo(url); } catch (IOException|ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); callback.onFailure(e.toString()); } return null; }
@Override public void sendNotifyToAlias(List<String> alias, String title, String description, String messagePayload) throws IOException, ParseException { Constants.useOfficial(); Sender sender = new Sender(appSecretKey); Message message = getNotifyMessage(title, description, messagePayload); for (String item : alias) { Result result = sender.sendToAlias(message, item, 10); System.out.println(item + ":" + result.toString()); } }
public static void runGitHubJsonSingleBlockTest(String json, String testName) throws ParseException, IOException { BlockTestSuite testSuite = new BlockTestSuite(json); Set<String> testCollection = testSuite.getTestCases().keySet(); for (String testCase : testCollection) { if (testCase.equals(testName))" => " + testCase); else" " + testCase); } runSingleBlockTest(testSuite, testName); }
@Test public void stPreCompiledContracts() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/stPreCompiledContracts.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/Homestead/stPreCompiledContracts.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP150/Homestead/stPreCompiledContracts.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP158/Homestead/stPreCompiledContracts.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
public Result sendToUserAccount(Message message, List<String> userAccounts, int retries) throws IOException, ParseException { int attempt = 0; Result result = null; int backoff = 1000; boolean tryAgain; do { ++attempt; if(logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("Attempt #" + attempt + " to send message " + message + " to user account " + userAccounts); } result = this.sendToUserAccountNoRetry(message, userAccounts); tryAgain = result == null && attempt <= retries; if(tryAgain) { int sleepTime = backoff / 2 + this.random.nextInt(backoff); this.sleep((long)sleepTime); if(2 * backoff < 1024000) { backoff *= 2; } } } while(tryAgain); if(result == null) { throw this.exception(attempt); } else { return result; } }
/** * Test of {@code handleCharacterDataModified} method. */ @Test public void testHandleCharacterDataModified() throws ParseException { TransportImplementation transport = new DummyTransportImplementation(); DOM dom = new DOM(new TransportHelper(transport), null); final Node root = dom.getDocument(); final String DATA = "myData"; // NOI18N final int[] eventsFired = new int[1]; DOM.Listener listener = new DOMAdapter() { @Override public void characterDataModified(Node node) { eventsFired[0]++; assertEquals(root, node); String value = root.getNodeValue(); assertEquals(DATA, value); } }; dom.addListener(listener); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); // Modification of a known node Object json = parser.parse("{\"nodeId\":" + ROOT_NODE_ID + ",\"characterData\":\"" + DATA + "\"}"); // NOI18N dom.handleCharacterDataModified((JSONObject)json); assertEquals(1, eventsFired[0]); // Modification of an unknown node json = parser.parse("{\"nodeId\":" + (ROOT_NODE_ID+1) + ",\"characterData\":\"someData\"}"); // NOI18N dom.handleCharacterDataModified((JSONObject)json); assertEquals(1, eventsFired[0]); }
@Test public void stNonZeroCallsTest() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP158/stNonZeroCallsTest.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
@Test public void stLogTests() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/stLogTests.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/Homestead/stLogTests.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP150/Homestead/stLogTests.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); json = JSONReader.loadJSONFromCommit("StateTests/EIP158/Homestead/stLogTests.json", shacommit); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
/** * Test of {@code handleChildNodeInserted} method. */ @Test public void testHandleChildNodeInserted() throws ParseException { TransportImplementation transport = new DummyTransportImplementation(); DOM dom = new DOM(new TransportHelper(transport), null); final Node root = dom.getDocument(); final int CHILD_ID = 2; final String CHILD_NAME = "DIV"; // NOI18N final int[] eventsFired = new int[1]; DOM.Listener listener = new DOMAdapter() { @Override public void childNodeInserted(Node parent, Node child) { eventsFired[0]++; assertEquals(root, parent); List<Node> children = parent.getChildren(); assertNotNull(children); assertEquals(1, children.size()); assertEquals(child, children.get(0)); assertEquals(CHILD_ID, child.getNodeId()); assertEquals(CHILD_NAME, child.getNodeName()); } }; dom.addListener(listener); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); // Modification of a known node Object json = parser.parse("{\"node\":{\"childNodeCount\":0,\"localName\":\"div\",\"nodeId\":" + // NOI18N CHILD_ID + ",\"nodeValue\":\"\",\"nodeName\":\"" + // NOI18N CHILD_NAME + "\",\"attributes\":[],\"nodeType\":1},\"parentNodeId\":" + // NOI18N ROOT_NODE_ID + ",\"previousNodeId\":0}"); // NOI18N assertNull(root.getChildren()); dom.handleChildNodeInserted((JSONObject)json); assertEquals(1, eventsFired[0]); // Modification of an unknown node json = parser.parse("{\"node\":{\"childNodeCount\":0,\"localName\":\"div\",\"nodeId\":5,\"nodeValue\":\"\",\"nodeName\":\"DIV\",\"attributes\":[],\"nodeType\":1},\"parentNodeId\":5,\"previousNodeId\":0}"); // NOI18N dom.handleChildNodeInserted((JSONObject)json); assertEquals(1, eventsFired[0]); }
@Override public Void call(final String p) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { JSONObject json = (JSONObject)JSONValue.parseWithException(p); responseCallback.handleResponse(new Response(json)); } catch (ParseException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } }); return null; }
@Test public void stTransitionTest() throws ParseException, IOException { Set<String> excluded = new HashSet<>(); String json = getJSON("stTransitionTest"); GitHubJSONTestSuite.runStateTest(json, excluded); }
/** * ZERO_ONE対ZERO_ONEのUserDataをNavigationProperty経由で取得して対象データが取得できること. * @throws ParseException パース例外 */ @Test public final void ZERO_ONE対ZERO_ONEのUserDataをNavigationProperty経由で取得して対象データが取得できること() throws ParseException { try { String sourceMultiplicity = "0..1"; String targetMultiplicity = "0..1"; checkSchemaTypeDouble(sourceMultiplicity, targetMultiplicity); } finally { CellUtils.bulkDeletion(BEARER_MASTER_TOKEN, CELL_NAME); } }
/** * Implemented receiveGET from Interface interfaceAPI (see for more details) * * @throws IOException * IO Error * @throws ParseException * Parse Error */ @Override public void receiveGET() throws IOException, ParseException { JSONArray JSONArray = readResponseJSON(API_IDENTIFIER, EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity, "UTF-8"), "entities"); if (JSONArray != null) { for (Object aJSONArray : JSONArray) { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) aJSONArray; ResponseEntry entity = new ResponseEntry(); String s = (String) object.get("text"); s = addEntity(s); // Add Entity only if it is new and has not been added before if (s != null) { entity.setEntry(s); entity.setConfidence(convertRelevance((String) object.get("relevance"))); foundEntryList.add(entity); } } // Sort the Array List Entities from A to Z Collections.sort(foundEntryList, new SortResponseEntity()); int i = 1; for (ResponseEntry e : foundEntryList) { LOG.debug("Entity " + i + " is " + e.getEntry() + "(" + e.getConfidence() + ")"); i++; } } }
/** * Implemented receiveGET from Interface interfaceAPI (see for more details) * * @throws IOException * IO Error * @throws ParseException * Parse Error */ public void receiveGET() throws IOException, ParseException { JSONArray JSONArray = readResponseJSON(API_IDENTIFIER, EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity, "UTF-8"), "entity_list"); if (JSONArray != null) { for (Object aJSONArray : JSONArray) { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) aJSONArray; ResponseEntry entity = new ResponseEntry(); String s = (String) object.get("form"); s = addEntity(s); // Add Entity only if it is new and has not been added before if (s != null) { entity.setEntry(s); entity.setConfidence(convertRelevance((String) object.get("relevance"))); foundEntryList.add(entity); } } // Sort the Array List Entities from A to Z Collections.sort(foundEntryList, new SortResponseEntity()); int i = 1; for (ResponseEntry e : foundEntryList) { LOG.debug("Entity " + i + " is " + e.getEntry() + "(" + e.getConfidence() + ")"); i++; } } }
@Test public void ttWrongRLPFrontier() throws IOException, ParseException {"ttWrongRLPFrontier", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( "RLPArrayLengthWithFirstZeros", // TODO fix those tests, it just fails "RLPIncorrectByteEncoding00", "RLPIncorrectByteEncoding01", "RLPIncorrectByteEncoding127", "RLPListLengthWithFirstZeros" ))); }
private void add(final Boolean value) throws ParseException { try { builder.add(attribute, value); attribute = null; } catch (final VPackBuilderException e) { throw new ParseException(ParseException.ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION); } }