@Test public void noValueForSize() throws IOException { thrown = ExpectedException.none(); // Basic division by zero. final Token token = def("a", div(con(1), con(0))); assertFalse(token.parse(env(stream(1))).isPresent()); // Try to negate division by zero. final Token token2 = def("a", neg(div(con(1), con(0)))); assertFalse(token2.parse(env(stream(1))).isPresent()); // Add one to division by zero. final Token token3 = def("a", add(div(con(1), con(0)), con(1))); assertFalse(token3.parse(env(stream(1))).isPresent()); // Add division by zero to one. final Token token4 = def("a", add(con(1), div(con(1), con(0)))); assertFalse(token4.parse(env(stream(1))).isPresent()); }
@Test public void testExceptionThrownWhenMisConfigured() throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration()); conf.set("hbase.thrift.security.qop", "privacy"); conf.setBoolean("hbase.thrift.ssl.enabled", false); ThriftServerRunner runner = null; ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); try { thrown.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); thrown.expectMessage("Thrift HTTP Server's QoP is privacy, " + "but hbase.thrift.ssl.enabled is false"); runner = new ThriftServerRunner(conf); fail("Thrift HTTP Server starts up even with wrong security configurations."); } catch (Exception e) { } assertNull(runner); }
@Test public void testAnnotationBasedParser() { expectedEx = ExpectedException.none(); MyMapper mapper = new MyMapper(); TestRecord record = new TestRecord("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " + "Chrome/48.0.2564.82 Safari/537.36"); record = mapper.enrich(record); assertEquals("Desktop", record.deviceClass); assertEquals("Chrome 48.0.2564.82", record.agentNameVersion); }
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception { //单个测试案例执行完之后,引用置空,防止数据污染 tEmployee = null; tEmployeeExample = null; expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); }
@Test public void testMakeFromUrlAndPath() throws Exception { if (expectedResult == null) { expectedException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); } else { expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); } assertThat(UrlHelper.makeFromUrlAndPath(url, path)).isEqualTo(expectedResult); }
private TypeSpec classTest(ClassName className, List<MethodSpec> methodSpecs) { String methodName = Introspector .decapitalize(className.simpleName()); MethodSpec abstractMethodInstanceToTest = methodBuilder(methodName) .addModifiers(Modifier.ABSTRACT, Modifier.PROTECTED) .returns(className) .build(); FieldSpec exception = FieldSpec.builder(ExpectedException.class, "exception") .addAnnotation(Rule.class) .addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.FINAL) .initializer("$T.none()", ExpectedException.class) .build(); return TypeSpec.classBuilder(className.simpleName() + "Test_") .addModifiers(Modifier.ABSTRACT, Modifier.PUBLIC) .addMethod(abstractMethodInstanceToTest) .addField(exception) .addAnnotation(AnnotationSpec.builder(Generated.class) .addMember("value", "$S", MockeryProcessor.class.getCanonicalName()) .addMember("comments", "$S", CMessages.codeGenerateWarning()) .build()) .addAnnotation(AnnotationSpec.builder(RunWith.class) .addMember("value", "$T.class", OrderedRunner.class) .build()) .addMethods(methodSpecs) .build(); }
/** Tests trying to call add after calling sort. Should throw an exception. */ public static void testAddAfterSort(Sorter sorter, ExpectedException thrown) throws Exception { thrown.expect(IllegalStateException.class); thrown.expectMessage(is("Records can only be added before sort()")); KV<byte[], byte[]> kv = KV.of(new byte[] {4, 7}, new byte[] {1, 2}); sorter.add(kv); sorter.sort(); sorter.add(kv); }
/** Tests trying to calling sort twice. Should throw an exception. */ public static void testSortTwice(Sorter sorter, ExpectedException thrown) throws Exception { thrown.expect(IllegalStateException.class); thrown.expectMessage(is("sort() can only be called once.")); KV<byte[], byte[]> kv = KV.of(new byte[] {4, 7}, new byte[] {1, 2}); sorter.add(kv); sorter.sort(); sorter.sort(); }
@Test public void nsdManagementOnboardTest() throws NotFoundException, BadFormatException, NetworkServiceIntegrityException, CyclicDependenciesException, EntityInUseException, BadRequestException, IOException, AlreadyExistingException, PluginException, IncompatibleVNFPackage, VimException, InterruptedException, EntityUnreachableException { NetworkServiceDescriptor nsd_exp = createNetworkServiceDescriptor(); when(vnfmManagerEndpointRepository.findAll()) .thenReturn( new ArrayList<VnfmManagerEndpoint>() { { VnfmManagerEndpoint vnfmManagerEndpoint = new VnfmManagerEndpoint(); vnfmManagerEndpoint.setEndpoint("test"); vnfmManagerEndpoint.setType("test"); vnfmManagerEndpoint.setActive(true); vnfmManagerEndpoint.setEnabled(true); add(vnfmManagerEndpoint); } }); when(nsdRepository.save(nsd_exp)).thenReturn(nsd_exp); exception = ExpectedException.none(); nsdManagement.onboard(nsd_exp, projectId); assertEqualsNSD(nsd_exp); }
@Test public void testHTTPError() { ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); try { exception.expect(CandybeanException.class); response = WS.request(WS.OP.POST, uri + "/get", headers, "", ContentType.DEFAULT_TEXT); Assert.fail(); } catch (CandybeanException e) { Assert.assertEquals("HTTP request received HTTP code: 405", e.getMessage().split("\n")[0]); } }
@Test @Ignore("This test should pass, but takes a full minute to do so because it" + "waits for the response to time out.") public void testResponseError() { ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); try { exception.expect(CandybeanException.class); // Send to an IP address that does not exist response = WS.request(WS.OP.POST, "", headers, "", ContentType.DEFAULT_TEXT); Assert.fail(); } catch (CandybeanException e) { Assert.assertEquals("Connect to [/] failed: Operation timed out", e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void outputIsIdentical() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { if (!ToolHelper.artSupported()) { return; } String original = getOriginalDexFile().toString(); File generated; // Collect the generated dex files. File[] outputFiles = temp.getRoot().listFiles((File file) -> file.getName().endsWith(".dex")); if (outputFiles.length == 1) { // Just run Art on classes.dex. generated = outputFiles[0]; } else { // Run Art on JAR file with multiple dex files. generated = temp.getRoot().toPath().resolve(pkg + ".jar").toFile(); JarBuilder.buildJar(outputFiles, generated); } ToolHelper.ProcessResult javaResult = ToolHelper.runJava(ImmutableList.of(getOriginalJarFile().toString()), mainClass); if (javaResult.exitCode != 0) { fail("JVM failed for: " + mainClass); } // TODO(ager): Once we have a bot running using dalvik (version 4.4.4) we should remove // this explicit loop to get rid of repeated testing on the buildbots. for (DexVm version : artVersions) { TestCondition condition = failingRun.get(mainClass); if (condition != null && condition.test(tool, compiler, version, mode)) { thrown.expect(Throwable.class); } else { thrown = ExpectedException.none(); } // Check output against Art output on original dex file. String output = ToolHelper.checkArtOutputIdentical(original, generated.toString(), mainClass, version); // Check output against JVM output. if (shouldMatchJVMOutput(version)) { String javaOutput = javaResult.stdout; assertEquals( "JVM and Art output differ:\n" + "JVM:\n" + javaOutput + "\nArt:\n" + output, output, javaOutput); } } }
public ExpectedException thrown() { return thrown; }
public static void expectInvalidSyntaxUsageForClassInsteadOfInterface(ExpectedException thrown, Class<?> nonInterface) { thrown.expect(InvalidSyntaxUsageException.class); thrown.expectMessage(nonInterface.getName()); thrown.expectMessage("interface"); }
public static void expectInvalidSyntaxUsageForRetentionSource(ExpectedException thrown) { thrown.expect(InvalidSyntaxUsageException.class); thrown.expectMessage(Retention.class.getSimpleName()); thrown.expectMessage(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE.name()); thrown.expectMessage("useless"); }
private ExpectedTimeoutRule() { this.delegate = ExpectedException.none(); }
public ExceptionCatcher(ExpectedException expectedException) { this.expectedException = expectedException; }
@Rule public ExpectedException getThrown() { return thrown; }
public static void assertNullPointerExceptionThrown(ExpectedException expectedException, String expectMessage) { expectedException.expect(NullPointerException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(expectMessage); }
@After public void tearDown() throws Exception { types = null; parserFactory = null; exception = ExpectedException.none(); }
void setExpectedException(ExpectedException expectedException) { this.expectedException = expectedException; }
/** * Checks the GET operation fails when the downloaded file (from HA store) * is corrupt, i.e. its content's hash does not match the {@link BlobKey}'s hash. * * @param config * blob server configuration (including HA settings like {@link HighAvailabilityOptions#HA_STORAGE_PATH} * and {@link HighAvailabilityOptions#HA_CLUSTER_ID}) used to set up <tt>blobStore</tt> * @param blobStore * shared HA blob store to use * @param expectedException * expected exception rule to use */ public static void testGetFailsFromCorruptFile( Configuration config, BlobStore blobStore, ExpectedException expectedException) throws IOException { Random rnd = new Random(); JobID jobId = new JobID(); try (BlobServer server = new BlobServer(config, blobStore)) { server.start(); byte[] data = new byte[2000000]; rnd.nextBytes(data); // put content addressable (like libraries) BlobKey key = put(server, jobId, data, PERMANENT_BLOB); assertNotNull(key); // delete local file to make sure that the GET requests downloads from HA File blobFile = server.getStorageLocation(jobId, key); assertTrue(blobFile.delete()); // change HA store file contents to make sure that GET requests fail byte[] data2 = Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length); data2[0] ^= 1; File tmpFile = Files.createTempFile("blob", ".jar").toFile(); try { FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(tmpFile, data2); blobStore.put(tmpFile, jobId, key); } finally { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored tmpFile.delete(); } // issue a GET request that fails expectedException.expect(IOException.class); expectedException.expectMessage("data corruption"); get(server, jobId, key); } }
protected void expect404NotFoundCallfireApiException(ExpectedException ex) { ex.expect(CallfireApiException.class); ex.expect(hasProperty("apiErrorMessage", hasProperty("httpStatusCode", Matchers.is(404)))); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); // makes Curator fail faster, otherwise it takes 15 seconds to trigger a retry System.setProperty("curator-default-connection-timeout", "0"); }
public void testBeforeAndAfterRule() { // BUG: Diagnostic contains: remove this line new IntValue(1).increment(); ExpectedException.none().expect(IllegalStateException.class); new IntValue(1).increment(); // No error here, last statement in block }
public void testInvalidFind(InvalidDocumentTestResult<T> result) { rule = ExpectedException.none(); rule.expect(result.getExceptionClass()); T document = service.findOne(result.getDocument().getId()); }
public void testInvalidSave(InvalidDocumentTestResult<T> result) throws Exception { rule = ExpectedException.none(); rule.expect(result.getExceptionClass()); service.create((T) result.getDocument()); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void setExpectedExceptions(ExpectedException exception, Class<?> type, String message) { exception.expect((Class<? extends Throwable>) type); exception.expectMessage(message); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void setExpectedExceptions(Class<?> type, ExpectedException exception, String message) { exception.expect((Class<? extends Throwable>) type); exception.expectMessage(message); }