@Override public void init(final GameContainer paramGameContainer, final StateBasedGame paramStateBasedGame) throws SlickException { game = paramStateBasedGame; font = Resources.INSTANCE.font; textField = new TextField(paramGameContainer, font, 100, 540, 1720 , 140); textField.setBackgroundColor(Color.white); textField.setBorderColor(Color.black); textField.setText(Map.INSTANCE.getMapName()); TITLE_WIDTH = font.getWidth(TITLE); SAVE_WIDTH = font.getWidth(SAVE); SAVE_HEIGHT = font.getHeight(SAVE); BACK_WIDTH = font.getWidth(BACK); BACK_HEIGHT = font.getHeight(BACK); save = new Rectangle(430 - (SAVE_WIDTH / 2), 800, SAVE_WIDTH, SAVE_HEIGHT); back = new Rectangle(1290 - (BACK_WIDTH / 2), 800, BACK_WIDTH, BACK_HEIGHT); }
/** * @see org.newdawn.slick.Game#init(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer) */ public void init(GameContainer container) throws SlickException { state = new SavedState("testdata"); nameValue = state.getString("name","DefaultName"); ageValue = (int) state.getNumber("age",64); name = new TextField(container,container.getDefaultFont(),100,100,300,20,this); age = new TextField(container,container.getDefaultFont(),100,150,201,20,this); }
@Override public void init(GameContainer container) throws SlickException { this.container = container; this.map = new TiledMap("/home/enzo/newmap.tmx"); SpriteSheet spriteSheet = new SpriteSheet("/home/enzo/SpriteSheetAnim.png", 64, 64); this.animations[0] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 0, 1, 0); this.animations[1] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 0, 1, 1); this.animations[2] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 0, 1, 2); this.animations[3] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 0, 1, 3); this.animations[4] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 1, 9, 0); this.animations[5] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 1, 9, 1); this.animations[6] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 1, 9, 2); this.animations[7] = loadAnimation(spriteSheet, 1, 9, 3); Font font = new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 20); UnicodeFont uFont = new UnicodeFont(font, font.getSize(), font.isBold(), font.isItalic()); nameInput = new TextField(container, uFont, 150,20,500,35, new ComponentListener() { public void componentActivated(AbstractComponent source) { message = "Entered1: "+nameInput.getText(); nameInput.setFocus(true); } }); // ComponentListener listener = new ComponentListener(); // TextField nameInput = new TextField(arg0, truetypefont, 150,20,500,35, listener); // // { // public void componentActivated(AbstractComponent source) { // System.out.println("Entered1: "+nameInput.getText()); // } // }); }
public OptionsOverlay(DisplayContainer displayContainer, OptionTab[] sections) { this.displayContainer = displayContainer; this.sections = sections; dropdownMenus = new HashMap<>(); visibleDropdownMenus = new LinkedList<>(); searchField = new TextField(null, 0, 0, 0, 0); searchField.setMaxLength(20); scrollHandler = new KineticScrolling(); scrollHandler.setAllowOverScroll(true); }
void set(int typeID, GUI gui){ this.typeID = typeID; this.gui = gui; gui.clear(); gc = gui.gc; bgWidth = 600; bgHeight = 400; bgPosX = gc.getWidth()/2-bgWidth/2; bgPosY = gc.getHeight()/2-bgHeight/2; this.bg = new Rectangle(bgPosX, bgPosY, bgWidth, bgHeight); this.border = new Rectangle(gc.getWidth()/2-(bgWidth+5)/2, gc.getHeight()/2-(bgHeight+5)/2, bgWidth, bgHeight); si = items.get(typeID); cats = si.getCategories(); int strHeight = fontSmall.getHeight("A"), titleHeight = fontTitle.getHeight("A"), x = bgPosX+10, y = bgPosY+titleHeight+15; for (String cat : cats){ gui.drawText(cat, x, y, fontSmall, Color.white); y+=strHeight; } gui.drawText("X", bgPosX+bgWidth-20, bgPosY+5, fontSmall, Color.white); amount = new TextField(gc, fontSmall, 0, 0, 150, 40); amount.setBackgroundColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 50)); amount.setBorderColor(Color.transparent); amount.setTextColor(Color.white); amount.setMaxLength(253); amount.setFocus(true); amount.isAcceptingInput(); closeChooseAmount(); isSet = true; }
@Override public void init(GameContainer gc, final StateBasedGame sbg) throws SlickException { bg = new Image("res/bg.png"); logo = new Image("res/logo.png"); try { awtFontTitle = Game.awtFontTitle.deriveFont(40f); // set font size titleFont = new TrueTypeFont(awtFontTitle, true); awtFont = Game.awtFont.deriveFont(30f); // set font size font = new TrueTypeFont(awtFont, true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } IPinput = new TextField(gc, font, 0, 0, 350, 50); IPinput.setBackgroundColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 50)); IPinput.setBorderColor(Color.transparent); IPinput.setTextColor(Color.white); IPinput.setMaxLength(253); IPinput.setText(Game.prefs.get(Game.pref_lastip, "")); IPinput.setCursorPos(IPinput.getText().length()); nameField = new TextField(gc, font, 0, 0, 350, 50); nameField.setBackgroundColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 50)); nameField.setBorderColor(Color.transparent); nameField.setTextColor(Color.white); nameField.setMaxLength(20); nameField.setText(Game.prefs.get(Game.pref_playername, Game.default_username)); nameField.setCursorPos(nameField.getText().length()); // Net Game.network = new Network(gc, sbg); }
@Override public void init(final GameContainer paramGameContainer, final StateBasedGame paramStateBasedGame) throws SlickException { game = paramStateBasedGame; font = Resources.INSTANCE.font; font2 = paramGameContainer.getDefaultFont(); xField = new TextField(paramGameContainer, font2, 510, 540, 300 , 140); xField.setBackgroundColor(Color.black); xField.setBorderColor(Color.white); xField.setText("22"); xField.setMaxLength(2); yField = new TextField(paramGameContainer, font, 1060, 540, 300 , 140); yField.setBackgroundColor(Color.black); yField.setBorderColor(Color.white); yField.setText("22"); yField.setMaxLength(2); TITLE_X = font.getWidth(TITLE) / 2; OK_X = font.getWidth(OK); OK_Y = font.getHeight(OK); BACK_X = font.getWidth(BACK); BACK_Y = font.getHeight(BACK); X_X = font.getWidth(X) / 2; REASON_X = font.getWidth(reason) / 2; ok = new Rectangle(1260 - (OK_X / 2), 800, OK_X, OK_Y); back = new Rectangle(660 - (BACK_X / 2), 800, BACK_X, BACK_Y); }
@Override public void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { loadProperties(); // background = RessourceManager.loadImage("night.jpg"); connectButton = new Button(this, container, RessourceManager.loadImage("button.png"), 64, 160, () -> { try { SaboteurGame.instance.setUpConnection(ipTextField.getText(), 5000, pwTextField.getText(), nameTextField.getText()); if (playMusic) openingMenuMusic.fade(5000, 0, true); StateManager.changeState(1, new FadeOutTransition(Color.black, 1000), new FadeInTransition(Color.black, 1000)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden."); e.printStackTrace(); } }); connectButton.setText("Verbinden"); connectButton.setMouseDownImage(RessourceManager.loadImage("buttonShadow.png")); exitButton = new Button(this, container, RessourceManager.loadImage("button.png"), 1024, 512, () -> System.exit(0)); exitButton.setText("Spiel beenden"); exitButton.setSound(RessourceManager.loadSound("button.wav")); ipTextField = new TextField(container, new TrueTypeFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 16), false), 64, 64, 300, 25); ipTextField.setTextColor(Color.black); ipTextField.setBackgroundColor(Color.white); ipTextField.setText("localhost"); pwTextField = new TextField(container, new TrueTypeFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 16), false), 64, 96, 300, 25); pwTextField.setTextColor(Color.black); pwTextField.setBackgroundColor(Color.white); pwTextField.setText(""); pwTextField.deactivate(); nameTextField = new TextField(container, new TrueTypeFont(new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 16), false), 64, 128, 300, 25); nameTextField.setTextColor(Color.black); nameTextField.setBackgroundColor(Color.white); nameTextField.setText(""); nameTextField.setMaxLength(10); if (playMusic) { openingMenuMusic = new Music("res/music/Kool Kats.ogg"); openingMenuMusic.loop(); } }
/** * Creates the user selection overlay. * @param container the game container * @param listener the event listener */ public UserSelectOverlay(GameContainer container, UserSelectOverlayListener listener) { super(container); this.listener = listener; this.input = container.getInput(); this.containerWidth = container.getWidth(); this.containerHeight = container.getHeight(); // overlay positions this.x = containerWidth / 3; this.y = 0; this.width = containerWidth / 3; this.height = containerHeight; // user positions this.titleY = Fonts.LARGE.getLineHeight() * 2; this.usersStartX = (width - UserButton.getWidth()) / 2; this.usersStartY = (int) (titleY + Fonts.XLARGE.getLineHeight() * 1.5f); this.usersPaddingY = UserButton.getHeight() / 10; // new user this.newUser = new User("", UserList.DEFAULT_ICON); this.newUserButton = new UserButton( (int) (this.x + usersStartX), (int) (this.y + usersStartY + Fonts.MEDIUMBOLD.getLineHeight()), Color.white ); newUserButton.setUser(newUser); newUserButton.setHoverAnimationDuration(400); newUserButton.setHoverAnimationEquation(AnimationEquation.LINEAR); // new user text field this.textField = new TextField(container, null, 0, 0, 0, 0); textField.setMaxLength(UserList.MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH); // new user icons this.newUserIcons = new MenuButton[UserButton.getIconCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < newUserIcons.length; i++) { newUserIcons[i] = new MenuButton(UserButton.getIconImage(i), 0, 0); newUserIcons[i].setHoverFade(0.5f); } // kinetic scrolling this.scrolling = new KineticScrolling(); scrolling.setAllowOverScroll(true); }
@Override public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg) throws SlickException { font = new SimpleFont("data/space age.ttf", gc.getHeight()/54); width = gc.getWidth(); height = gc.getHeight(); multiplayerFont = new SimpleFont("data/space age.ttf", gc.getHeight()/25); multiplayerMenu = new String[] {"Spieler 1 hat gewonnen!", "Spieler 2 hat gewonnen!", "Unentschieden!"}; multiplayer = (boolean)status.get(0).getData(); playerSpeed = (float) width/3491; //0.55f @ 1080p int playerHeight = gc.getHeight()/22; int playerWidth = gc.getWidth()/96; playerOne = new Rectangle(width/2 + playerWidth/2, height - playerHeight, playerWidth, playerHeight); playerTwo = new Rectangle(width/2 - playerWidth, height - playerHeight, playerWidth, playerHeight); pOne = new Image("data/Spaceship1.png").getScaledCopy(playerWidth, playerHeight); pTwo = new Image("data/Spaceship2.png").getScaledCopy(playerWidth, playerHeight); spOne = (SensorParser) status.get(2).getData(); spTwo = (SensorParser) status.get(3).getData(); notHit = true; speedStep = 100; score = 0; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //The Highscore is time based obstacleSpeed = (float) height/10800; //0.01f @ 1080p obstacleGap = height / 4; sectorWidth = width / 10; obstacles = new ArrayDeque<ObstacleRow>(); obstacles.add(new ObstacleRow(sectorWidth, 10, -40)); int fieldWidth = gc.getWidth() / 6; int fieldHeight = gc.getHeight() / 36; nameField = new TextField(gc, font.get(), width/2 - fieldWidth/2, height/2 - fieldHeight/2, fieldWidth, fieldHeight); nameField.setFocus(true); selection = false; //true is right; false is left enteredName = false; menu = new String[] {"Nochmal", "Abbrechen"}; menuX = new int[2]; menuY = new int[2]; menuX[0] = nameField.getX() - font.get().getWidth(menu[0]) - 10; menuX[1] = nameField.getX() + nameField.getWidth() + 10; menuY[0] = nameField.getY() + font.get().getHeight(menu[0]) + 10; menuY[1] = nameField.getY() + font.get().getHeight(menu[1]) + 10; stars = new StarBackground(gc.getWidth(), gc.getHeight(), (int)(gc.getHeight() * gc.getWidth() / 4147)); }