void save (File file) throws IOException { HieroSettings settings = new HieroSettings(); settings.setFontSize(((Integer)fontSizeSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); settings.setBold(boldCheckBox.isSelected()); settings.setItalic(italicCheckBox.isSelected()); settings.setPaddingTop(((Integer)padTopSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); settings.setPaddingRight(((Integer)padRightSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); settings.setPaddingBottom(((Integer)padBottomSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); settings.setPaddingLeft(((Integer)padLeftSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); settings.setPaddingAdvanceX(((Integer)padAdvanceXSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); settings.setPaddingAdvanceY(((Integer)padAdvanceYSpinner.getValue()).intValue()); settings.setGlyphPageWidth(((Integer)glyphPageWidthCombo.getSelectedItem()).intValue()); settings.setGlyphPageHeight(((Integer)glyphPageHeightCombo.getSelectedItem()).intValue()); for (Iterator iter = effectPanels.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { EffectPanel panel = (EffectPanel)iter.next(); settings.getEffects().add(panel.getEffect()); } settings.save(file); }
/** * Load the hiero setting and configure the unicode font's rendering * * @param settings The settings to be applied */ private void loadSettings(HieroSettings settings) { paddingTop = settings.getPaddingTop(); paddingLeft = settings.getPaddingLeft(); paddingBottom = settings.getPaddingBottom(); paddingRight = settings.getPaddingRight(); paddingAdvanceX = settings.getPaddingAdvanceX(); paddingAdvanceY = settings.getPaddingAdvanceY(); glyphPageWidth = settings.getGlyphPageWidth(); glyphPageHeight = settings.getGlyphPageHeight(); effects.addAll(settings.getEffects()); }
void open (File file) throws SlickException { EffectPanel[] panels = (EffectPanel[])effectPanels.toArray(new EffectPanel[effectPanels.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) panels[i].remove(); HieroSettings settings = new HieroSettings(file.getAbsolutePath()); fontSizeSpinner.setValue(new Integer(settings.getFontSize())); boldCheckBox.setSelected(settings.isBold()); italicCheckBox.setSelected(settings.isItalic()); padTopSpinner.setValue(new Integer(settings.getPaddingTop())); padRightSpinner.setValue(new Integer(settings.getPaddingRight())); padBottomSpinner.setValue(new Integer(settings.getPaddingBottom())); padLeftSpinner.setValue(new Integer(settings.getPaddingLeft())); padAdvanceXSpinner.setValue(new Integer(settings.getPaddingAdvanceX())); padAdvanceYSpinner.setValue(new Integer(settings.getPaddingAdvanceY())); glyphPageWidthCombo.setSelectedItem(new Integer(settings.getGlyphPageWidth())); glyphPageHeightCombo.setSelectedItem(new Integer(settings.getGlyphPageHeight())); for (Iterator iter = settings.getEffects().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ConfigurableEffect settingsEffect = (ConfigurableEffect)iter.next(); for (int i = 0, n = effectsListModel.getSize(); i < n; i++) { ConfigurableEffect effect = (ConfigurableEffect)effectsListModel.getElementAt(i); if (effect.getClass() == settingsEffect.getClass()) { effect.setValues(settingsEffect.getValues()); new EffectPanel(effect); break; } } } updateFont(); }
/** * Load the hiero setting and configure the unicode font's rendering * * @param settings The settings to be applied */ private void loadSettings(@Nonnull HieroSettings settings) { paddingTop = settings.getPaddingTop(); paddingLeft = settings.getPaddingLeft(); paddingBottom = settings.getPaddingBottom(); paddingRight = settings.getPaddingRight(); paddingAdvanceX = settings.getPaddingAdvanceX(); paddingAdvanceY = settings.getPaddingAdvanceY(); glyphPageWidth = settings.getGlyphPageWidth(); glyphPageHeight = settings.getGlyphPageHeight(); effects.addAll(settings.getEffects()); }
/** * Create a new unicode font based on a TTF file and a set of heiro configuration * * @param ttfFileRef The file system or classpath location of the TrueTypeFont file. * @param settings The settings configured via the Hiero tool * @throws SlickException if the UnicodeFont could not be initialized. */ public UnicodeFont (String ttfFileRef, HieroSettings settings) throws SlickException { this.ttfFileRef = ttfFileRef; Font font = createFont(ttfFileRef); initializeFont(font, settings.getFontSize(), settings.isBold(), settings.isItalic()); loadSettings(settings); }
/** * Create a new unicode font based on a TTF file and a set of heiro configuration * * @param ttfFileRef The file system or classpath location of the TrueTypeFont file. * @param settings The settings configured via the Hiero tool * @throws SlickException if the UnicodeFont could not be initialized. */ private UnicodeFont(String ttfFileRef, @Nonnull HieroSettings settings) throws SlickException { this.ttfFileRef = ttfFileRef; Font font = createFont(ttfFileRef); initializeFont(font, settings.getFontSize(), settings.isBold(), settings.isItalic()); loadSettings(settings); }
/** * Create a new unicode font based on a TTF file * * @param ttfFileRef The file system or classpath location of the TrueTypeFont file. * @param hieroFileRef The file system or classpath location of the Hiero settings file. * @throws SlickException if the UnicodeFont could not be initialized. */ public UnicodeFont (String ttfFileRef, String hieroFileRef) throws SlickException { this(ttfFileRef, new HieroSettings(hieroFileRef)); }
/** * Creates a new UnicodeFont. * * @param font The AWT font to render * @param hieroFileRef The file system or classpath location of the Hiero settings file. * @throws SlickException if the UnicodeFont could not be initialized. */ public UnicodeFont (Font font, String hieroFileRef) throws SlickException { this(font, new HieroSettings(hieroFileRef)); }
/** * Creates a new UnicodeFont. * * @param font The AWT font to render * @param settings The settings configured via the Hiero tool */ public UnicodeFont (Font font, HieroSettings settings) { initializeFont(font, settings.getFontSize(), settings.isBold(), settings.isItalic()); loadSettings(settings); }