private RemoteWebDriver doCreateDriver(URL webDriverUrl) { DesiredCapabilities capability; switch (browser) { case GOOGLE_CHROME: ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options.addArguments("--no-sandbox"); options.addArguments("--dns-prefetch-disable"); capability =; capability.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options); break; default: capability = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); capability.setCapability("dom.max_script_run_time", 240); capability.setCapability("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", 240); } RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(webDriverUrl, capability); driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1920, 1080)); return driver; }
@Override public void mark(WebElement ele, File file) throws IOException { BufferedImage bufImg =; try { WebElement webEle = (WebElement) ele; Point loc = webEle.getLocation(); Dimension size = webEle.getSize(); Graphics2D g = bufImg.createGraphics(); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()); } catch(StaleElementReferenceException se) { } }
public void windowSetSize() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); Window window = driver.manage().window(); Dimension actual = window.getSize(); AssertJUnit.assertNotNull(actual); java.awt.Dimension expected =, "getSize"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected.width, actual.width); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected.height, actual.height); window.setSize(new Dimension(expected.width * 2, expected.height * 2)); actual = window.getSize(); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected.width * 2, actual.width); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(expected.height * 2, actual.height); }
/** * 判断要点击的元素是否被其它元素覆盖 * * @param clickBy * @param coverBy * @return */ public boolean isCover(By clickBy, By coverBy) { MobileElement clickElement = getDriver().findElement(clickBy); MobileElement coverElement = getDriver().findElement(coverBy); // 获取控件开始位置高度 Point clickstart = clickElement.getLocation(); int clickStartY = clickstart.y; Point coverstart = coverElement.getLocation(); int coverStartY = coverstart.y; // 获取控件高度 Dimension firstq = clickElement.getSize(); int height = firstq.getHeight(); // 控件中间高度是否大于底部高度 if (clickStartY + height / 2 >= coverStartY) { return true; } return false; }
private TouchAction swipeTo (final SwipeDirection direction, final SwipeDistance distance) { final Dimension size = this.driver.manage () .window () .getSize (); final int startX = size.getWidth () / 2; final int startY = size.getHeight () / 2; final int endX = (int) (startX * direction.getX () * distance.getDistance ()); final int endY = (int) (startY * direction.getY () * distance.getDistance ()); final int beforeSwipe = this.device.getSetting () .getDelayBeforeSwipe (); final int afterSwipe = this.device.getSetting () .getDelayAfterSwipe (); final TouchAction returnAction = new TouchAction (this.driver); (startX, startY) .waitAction (ofSeconds (beforeSwipe)) .moveTo (endX, endY) .waitAction (ofSeconds (afterSwipe)) .release (); return returnAction; }
protected void swipeDown(MobileElement element) { Point point = element.getLocation(); Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize(); int screenHeight = (int) (size.height * 0.90); int elementY = point.getY(); int endX = 0; int endY = ((int) screenHeight - elementY); // Logger.debug("Device height:" + size.getHeight() + "$$$ Device width:" + size.getWidth()); // Logger.debug("Element X:" + point.getX() + "$$$ Element Y:" + point.getY()); // Logger.debug("Element Height:" + element.getSize().height + "$$$$ Element Width:" + element.getSize().width); // Logger.debug("end X:" + endX + "$$$$end Y:" + endY); TouchAction action = new TouchAction((MobileDriver) driver); //, endY).release().perform();, element.getCenter().getY()).moveTo(endX, screenHeight - element.getCenter().getY()).release().perform(); }
protected void swipeRight(MobileElement element) { Point point = element.getLocation(); Point p = element.getCenter(); Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize(); int screenWidth = (int) (size.width * 0.90); // int elementX = point.getX(); int elementX = p.getX(); int endY = 0; int endX = element.getSize().getWidth(); // Logger.debug("Device height:" + size.getHeight() + "$$$ Device width:" + size.getWidth()); // Logger.debug("Element X:" + point.getX() + "$$$ Element Y:" + point.getY()); // Logger.debug("Element Height:" + element.getSize().height + "$$$$ Element Width:" + element.getSize().width); // Logger.debug("end X:" + endX + "$$$$end Y:" + endY); TouchAction action = new TouchAction((MobileDriver) driver); //, endY).release().perform(); (point.getX() + (element.getSize().getWidth() * 0.10)), element.getCenter().getY()).moveTo((int) (screenWidth - (point.getX() + (element.getSize().getWidth() * 0.10))), endY).release().perform(); }
private WebDriver createWebDriver(final Consumer<DesiredCapabilities> desiredCapabilities) { String hostName = GhostDriverService.get().getHostName(); DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.phantomjs(); if (desiredCapabilities != null) { desiredCapabilities.accept(capabilities); } try { WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:" + GhostDriverService.get().getLocalPort() + "/"), capabilities); driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1920, 1080)); return driver; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong hostName '" + hostName + "', possibly GhostDriverService::start not called ", e); } }
@Action(object = ObjectType.BROWSER, desc = "Changes the browser size into [<Data>]", input = InputType.YES) public void setBrowserSize() { try { if (Data.matches("\\d*(x|,| )\\d*")) { String size = Data.replaceFirst("(x|,| )", " "); String[] sizes = size.split(" ", 2); Driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(Integer.parseInt(sizes[0]), Integer.parseInt(sizes[1]))); Report.updateTestLog(Action, " Browser is resized to " + Data, Status.DONE); } else { Report.updateTestLog(Action, " Invalid Browser size [" + Data + "]", Status.DEBUG); } } catch (Exception ex) { Report.updateTestLog(Action, "Unable to resize the Window ", Status.FAIL); Logger.getLogger(Basic.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
/** * Swipe from xStart to xStop on the horizontal center of the screen. * * @param xStart - start point in percents * @param xStop - end point in percents * @param speed - swipe speed */ public static void horizontalSwipe(double xStart, double xStop, int speed) { Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize(); ((AppiumDriver<?>) driver).swipe( // start point (int)xStart, size.height/2, // end point (int)xStop, size.height/2, speed); ThreadUtils.sleepQuiet(2000); }
/** * Swipe from yStart to yStop on the vertical center of the screen. * * @param yStart - start point in percents * @param yStop - end point in percents * @param speed - swipe speed */ public static void verticalSwipe(double yStart, double yStop, int speed) { Dimension size = driver.manage().window().getSize(); ((AppiumDriver<?>) driver).swipe( // start point size.width/2, (int)(size.height*yStart), // end point size.width/2, (int)(size.height*yStop), speed); ThreadUtils.sleepQuiet(2000); }
/** * @return Point in the middle of the drop area. */ @Override public Point getCurrentLocation() { Point inViewPort = null; switcher.switchTo(getFramePath()); try { Dimension size = dropArea.getSize(); inViewPort = ((Locatable) dropArea).getCoordinates().inViewPort() .moveBy(size.getWidth() / 2, size.getHeight() / 2); } finally { switcher.switchBack(); } return inViewPort; }
@Override public Dimension getSize() { Dimension returnValue = null; webDriver.getExecutionContext().startStep( createStep( "AT" ), null, null ); try { returnValue = baseElement.getSize(); } catch( Exception e ) { webDriver.getExecutionContext().completeStep( StepStatus.FAILURE, e ); } webDriver.getExecutionContext().completeStep( StepStatus.SUCCESS, null ); return returnValue; }
@Override public Dimension getSize() { try { String height = null, width = null; height=getAttribute( "height" ); width=getAttribute( "width" ); if ( height != null && width != null ) return new Dimension( Integer.parseInt( width ), Integer.parseInt( height ) ); else return new Dimension( 0, 0 ); } catch( Exception e ) { return webDriver.findElement( by ).getSize(); } }
public void get( String url ) { setLastAction(); webDriver.get( url ); try { double outerHeight = Integer.parseInt( executeScript( "return window.outerHeight;" ) + "" ); double outerWidth = Integer.parseInt( executeScript( "return window.outerWidth;" ) + "" ); Dimension windowSize = manage().window().getSize(); Object f = executeScript( "return window.outerHeight;" ); heightModifier = (double) windowSize.getHeight() / outerHeight; widthModifier = (double) windowSize.getWidth() / outerWidth; } catch( Exception e ) { log.warn( "Could not extract height/width modifiers" ); heightModifier = 1; widthModifier = 1; } }
@Override public boolean popuplateDevice( DeviceWebDriver webDriver, String deviceId, Device device, String xFID ) { String uAgent = (String) webDriver.executeScript("return navigator.userAgent;"); UserAgent userAgent = new UserAgent( uAgent ); device.setBrowserName( userAgent.getBrowser().getName() ); device.setManufacturer( userAgent.getOperatingSystem().getManufacturer().getName() ); String[] osSplit = userAgent.getOperatingSystem().getName().split( " " ); device.setOs( osSplit[ 0 ].toUpperCase() ); if ( osSplit.length > 1 ) device.setOsVersion( userAgent.getOperatingSystem().getName().split( " " )[ 1 ].toUpperCase() ); Dimension winDim = webDriver.manage().window().getSize(); if ( winDim != null ) device.setResolution( winDim.getWidth() + " x " + winDim.height ); else device.setResolution( null ); return true; }
@Override protected boolean _executeGesture( WebDriver webDriver ) { AppiumDriver appiumDriver = null; if ( webDriver instanceof AppiumDriver ) appiumDriver = (AppiumDriver) webDriver; else if ( webDriver instanceof NativeDriverProvider ) { NativeDriverProvider nativeProvider = (NativeDriverProvider) webDriver; if ( nativeProvider.getNativeDriver() instanceof AppiumDriver ) appiumDriver = (AppiumDriver) nativeProvider.getNativeDriver(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported Driver Type " + webDriver ); } Dimension screenDimension = appiumDriver.manage().window().getSize(); Point pressPosition = getActualPoint( getPressPosition(), screenDimension ); TouchAction swipeAction = new TouchAction( appiumDriver ); pressPosition.getX(), pressPosition.getY() ).waitAction( Duration.ofMillis( getPressLength() ) ).release().perform(); return true; }
@Override protected boolean _executeGesture( WebDriver webDriver ) { AppiumDriver appiumDriver = null; if ( webDriver instanceof AppiumDriver ) appiumDriver = (AppiumDriver) webDriver; else if ( webDriver instanceof NativeDriverProvider ) { NativeDriverProvider nativeProvider = (NativeDriverProvider) webDriver; if ( nativeProvider.getNativeDriver() instanceof AppiumDriver ) appiumDriver = (AppiumDriver) nativeProvider.getNativeDriver(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported Driver Type " + webDriver ); } Dimension screenDimension = appiumDriver.manage().window().getSize(); Point actualStart = getActualPoint( getSwipeStart(), screenDimension ); Point actualEnd = getActualPoint( getSwipeEnd(), screenDimension ); TouchAction swipeAction = new TouchAction( appiumDriver ); actualStart.getX(), actualStart.getY() ).moveTo( actualEnd.getX(), actualEnd.getY() ).release().perform(); return true; }
private void clickAt( WebElement webElement, WebDriver webDriver, int x, int y ) { if ( webElement != null ) { Dimension elementSize = webElement.getSize(); int useX = (int) ((double) elementSize.getWidth() * ((double) x / 100.0)); int useY = (int) ((double) elementSize.getHeight() * ((double) y / 100.0)); if ( ((DeviceWebDriver) webDriver).getNativeDriver() instanceof AppiumDriver ) { new TouchAction( (AppiumDriver) ((DeviceWebDriver) webDriver).getNativeDriver() ).moveTo( webElement ).tap( webElement, useX, useY ).perform(); } else if ( ((DeviceWebDriver) webDriver).getNativeDriver() instanceof RemoteWebDriver ) { if ( ((DeviceWebDriver) webDriver).getNativeDriver() instanceof HasTouchScreen ) new TouchActions( webDriver ).moveToElement( webElement, useX, useY ).click().build().perform(); else new Actions( webDriver ).moveToElement( webElement, useX, useY ).click().build().perform(); } } }
/** * Convenience method for pinching an element on the screen. * "pinching" refers to the action of two appendages pressing the * screen and sliding towards each other. * NOTE: * This convenience method places the initial touches around the element, if this would * happen to place one of them off the screen, appium with return an outOfBounds error. * In this case, revert to using the MultiTouchAction api instead of this method. * * @param el The element to pinch. */ public void pinch(WebElement el) { MultiTouchAction multiTouch = new MultiTouchAction(this); Dimension dimensions = el.getSize(); Point upperLeft = el.getLocation(); Point center = new Point(upperLeft.getX() + dimensions.getWidth() / 2, upperLeft.getY() + dimensions.getHeight() / 2); int yOffset = center.getY() - upperLeft.getY(); TouchAction action0 = new TouchAction(this).press(el, center.getX(), center.getY() - yOffset).moveTo(el) .release(); TouchAction action1 = new TouchAction(this).press(el, center.getX(), center.getY() + yOffset).moveTo(el) .release(); multiTouch.add(action0).add(action1); multiTouch.perform(); }
/** * Convenience method for "zooming in" on an element on the screen. * "zooming in" refers to the action of two appendages pressing the screen and sliding * away from each other. * NOTE: * This convenience method slides touches away from the element, if this would happen * to place one of them off the screen, appium will return an outOfBounds error. * In this case, revert to using the MultiTouchAction api instead of this method. * * @param el The element to pinch. */ public void zoom(WebElement el) { MultiTouchAction multiTouch = new MultiTouchAction(this); Dimension dimensions = el.getSize(); Point upperLeft = el.getLocation(); Point center = new Point(upperLeft.getX() + dimensions.getWidth() / 2, upperLeft.getY() + dimensions.getHeight() / 2); int yOffset = center.getY() - upperLeft.getY(); TouchAction action0 = new TouchAction(this).press(center.getX(), center.getY()) .moveTo(el, center.getX(), center.getY() - yOffset).release(); TouchAction action1 = new TouchAction(this).press(center.getX(), center.getY()) .moveTo(el, center.getX(), center.getY() + yOffset).release(); multiTouch.add(action0).add(action1); multiTouch.perform(); }
@Override public AutoClosableWebDriver wrapDriver(WebDriver webDriver) { AutoClosableWebDriver autoClosableWebDriver = new AutoClosableWebDriver(webDriver); if (waitUntilTimeout != null && waitUntilTimeoutUnit != null) { autoClosableWebDriver.setDefaultWaitUntilTimeout(waitUntilTimeout); autoClosableWebDriver.setDefaultWaitUntilTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit.valueOf(waitUntilTimeoutUnit)); } if (implicityWaitTime != null && implicityWaitTimeUnit != null) { autoClosableWebDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(implicityWaitTime, TimeUnit.valueOf(implicityWaitTimeUnit)); } if (pageLoadTimeout != null && pageLoadTimeoutUnit != null) { autoClosableWebDriver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(pageLoadTimeout, TimeUnit.valueOf(pageLoadTimeoutUnit)); } if (scriptTimeout != null && scriptTimeoutUnit != null) { autoClosableWebDriver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(scriptTimeout, TimeUnit.valueOf(scriptTimeoutUnit)); } if (windowHeight != null && windowWidth != null) { autoClosableWebDriver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(windowWidth, windowHeight)); } return autoClosableWebDriver; }
public static BufferedImage createElementImage(WebDriver driver,WebElement webElement) throws IOException { try{ // 获得webElement的位置和大小。 Point location = webElement.getLocation(); Dimension size = webElement.getSize(); // 创建全屏截图。 BufferedImage originalImage = ByteArrayInputStream(takeScreenshot(driver))); // 截取webElement所在位置的子图。 BufferedImage croppedImage = originalImage.getSubimage( location.getX(), location.getY(), size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()); return croppedImage; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
private byte[] getImagePart(byte[] fullPage, WebElement webElement) throws IOException, ProcessingException { InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(fullPage); try { BufferedImage fullImg =; Point point = webElement.getLocation(); Dimension size = webElement.getSize(); BufferedImage screenshotSection = fullImg.getSubimage(point.getX(), point.getY(), size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()); return bufferedImageToByteArray(screenshotSection); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessingException("Unable to create image from taken screenshot", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } }
/** * Example: =1204,1024 */ @Autowired public BrowserClass(@Value("${browser.web}") final String browserWebPropertyStr, @Value("${browser.tablet}") final String browserTabletPropertyStr, @Value("${}") final String browserMobilePropertyStr, @Value("${browser.phantom}") final String browserPhantomPropertyStr) { List<Integer> browserWebProperty = stringToInts(browserWebPropertyStr); List<Integer> browserTabletProperty = stringToInts(browserTabletPropertyStr); List<Integer> browserMobileProperty = stringToInts(browserMobilePropertyStr); List<Integer> browserPhantomProperty = stringToInts(browserPhantomPropertyStr); browserClassMap.put(BrowserType.WEB, new Dimension(browserWebProperty.get(0), browserWebProperty.get(1))); browserClassMap.put(BrowserType.TABLET, new Dimension(browserTabletProperty.get(0), browserTabletProperty.get(1))); browserClassMap.put(BrowserType.MOBILE, new Dimension(browserMobileProperty.get(0), browserMobileProperty.get(1))); browserClassMap.put(BrowserType.PHANTOM, new Dimension(browserPhantomProperty.get(0), browserPhantomProperty.get(1))); }
private void waitElementIsStatic(FluentWait<WebDriver> webDriverWait, WebElement webElement) { AtomicInteger sizeHashCode = new AtomicInteger(); webDriverWait.until( (ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> { Dimension newDimension = waitAndGetWebElement(webElement).getSize(); if (dimensionsAreEquivalent(sizeHashCode, newDimension)) { return true; } else { sizeHashCode.set(getSizeHashCode(newDimension)); return false; } }); }
/** * */ @Test(groups = "local") public void testSetWindowSize() { DriverFactory factory = new DriverFactory(); Dimension dimension = new Dimension(400, 600); TestCaseContext context = new TestCaseContext(); context.parameters() .setBrowserVersionPlatform(BrowserVersionPlatform.WIN7FF) .setWindowSize(dimension); context.setDriverFactory(factory); Driver driver = context.getDriver(); Dimension actualDimension = driver.manage().window().getSize(); Assert.assertEquals(actualDimension.height, dimension.height); Assert.assertEquals(actualDimension.width, dimension.width); driver.quit(); }
/** * Wait till the element is displayed and swipe till the particular time * slot * * @param id * - id of the element */ public void swipe(String id) { try { if (isAndroid()) { new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions .presenceOfElementLocated(; Dimension dimension = appiumDriver.manage().window().getSize(); int ht = dimension.height; int width = dimension.width; appiumDriver.swipe((width / 2), (ht / 4), (width / 2), (ht / 2), 1000); } else { new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions .presenceOfElementLocated(; if (deviceName.equalsIgnoreCase("iphone 5")) { appiumDriver.swipe((int) 0.1, 557, 211, 206, 500); } else if (deviceName.equalsIgnoreCase("iphone 6")) { appiumDriver.swipe((int) 0.1, 660, 50, 50, 500); } } } catch (Throwable e) { Reporter.log("Element by Id " + id + " not visible"); captureScreenshot(); throw e; } }
@Test public void testResizeWestPanel() throws Exception { WebElement splitterDragHandle = driver.findElement(By.className("gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-HDragger")); Actions dragAndDrop = new Actions(driver); dragAndDrop.dragAndDropBy(splitterDragHandle, 123, 0); dragAndDrop.perform(); ResizeWidgetWrapper westScreen = new ResizeWidgetWrapper(driver, "west"); Dimension westScreenNewSize = westScreen.getReportedSize(); driver.get(baseUrl + "#" + DefaultPerspectiveActivity.class.getName()); waitForDefaultPerspective(); driver.get(baseUrl + "#" + NonTransientMultiPanelPerspective.class.getName()); ResizeWidgetWrapper westScreenReloaded = new ResizeWidgetWrapper(driver, "west"); assertEquals(westScreenNewSize, westScreenReloaded.getReportedSize()); }
@Test public void testListPerspectiveSizeWithNestedPanels() throws Exception { driver.get(baseUrl + "#" + ListPerspectiveActivity.class.getName()); ResizeWidgetWrapper widgetWrapper = new ResizeWidgetWrapper(driver, "listPerspectiveDefault"); TopHeaderWrapper topHeaderWrapper = new TopHeaderWrapper(driver); topHeaderWrapper.addPanelToRoot(CompassPosition.WEST, MultiListWorkbenchPanelPresenter.class, ResizeTestScreenActivity.class, "id", "resize1"); Dimension sizeAfterWestPanelAdded = widgetWrapper.getActualSize(); topHeaderWrapper.addPanelToRoot(CompassPosition.EAST, MultiListWorkbenchPanelPresenter.class, ResizeTestScreenActivity.class, "id", "resize2"); Dimension sizeAfterBothPanelsAdded = widgetWrapper.getActualSize(); assertTrue(sizeAfterWestPanelAdded.width < WINDOW_WIDTH); assertTrue(sizeAfterBothPanelsAdded.width < sizeAfterWestPanelAdded.width); }
@Test public void maximizeButtonShouldWorkOnTabbedPanel() throws Exception { MaximizeTestScreenWrapper tabPanelScreen4 = new MaximizeTestScreenWrapper(driver, MaximizeTestPerspective.TAB_PANEL_SCREEN_4_ID); Dimension reportedSizeBefore = tabPanelScreen4.getReportedSize(); tabPanel.clickMaximizeButton(); Dimension reportedSizeAfter = tabPanelScreen4.getReportedSize(); assertBigger(reportedSizeBefore, reportedSizeAfter); assertObscuredBy(tabPanel, listPanel); assertObscuredBy(tabPanel, simplePanel); }
@Test public void maximizeButtonShouldWorkOnListPanel() throws Exception { MaximizeTestScreenWrapper listPanelScreen2 = new MaximizeTestScreenWrapper(driver, MaximizeTestPerspective.LIST_PANEL_SCREEN_2_ID); Dimension reportedSizeBefore = listPanelScreen2.getReportedSize(); listPanel.clickMaximizeButton(); Dimension reportedSizeAfter = listPanelScreen2.getReportedSize(); assertBigger(reportedSizeBefore, reportedSizeAfter); assertObscuredBy(listPanel, tabPanel); assertObscuredBy(listPanel, simplePanel); }
@Test public void maximizeButtonShouldWorkOnSimplePanel() throws Exception { MaximizeTestScreenWrapper simplePanelScreen5 = new MaximizeTestScreenWrapper(driver, MaximizeTestPerspective.SIMPLE_PANEL_SCREEN_5_ID); Dimension reportedSizeBefore = simplePanelScreen5.getReportedSize(); simplePanel.clickMaximizeButton(); Thread.sleep(3000); Dimension reportedSizeAfter = simplePanelScreen5.getReportedSize(); assertBigger(reportedSizeBefore, reportedSizeAfter); assertObscuredBy(simplePanel, tabPanel); assertObscuredBy(simplePanel, listPanel); }
@Test public void maximizedTabPanelShouldTrackWindowSize() throws Exception { MaximizeTestScreenWrapper tabPanelScreen4 = new MaximizeTestScreenWrapper(driver, MaximizeTestPerspective.TAB_PANEL_SCREEN_4_ID); tabPanel.clickMaximizeButton(); Dimension originalMaximizedSize = tabPanelScreen4.getReportedSize(); driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(WINDOW_WIDTH + 50, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 40)); new WebDriverWait(driver, 5) .until(reportedSizeIs(tabPanelScreen4, new Dimension(originalMaximizedSize.width + 50, originalMaximizedSize.height - 40))); }
@Test public void maximizedListPanelShouldTrackWindowSize() throws Exception { MaximizeTestScreenWrapper listPanelScreen2 = new MaximizeTestScreenWrapper(driver, MaximizeTestPerspective.LIST_PANEL_SCREEN_2_ID); listPanel.clickMaximizeButton(); Dimension originalMaximizedSize = listPanelScreen2.getReportedSize(); driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(WINDOW_WIDTH + 50, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 40)); new WebDriverWait(driver, 5) .until(reportedSizeIs(listPanelScreen2, new Dimension(originalMaximizedSize.width + 50, originalMaximizedSize.height - 40))); }
/** * 初期設定(baseUrl、タイムアウト時間、ウィンドウサイズ)済のWebDriverを取得します。 * * @return WebDriver */ public PtlWebDriver getDriver() { synchronized (PtlWebDriverFactory.class) { LOG.debug("[Get WebDriver] create new session."); URL url = getGridHubURL(); PtlWebDriver driver = createWebDriver(url); driver.setEnvironmentConfig(environmentConfig); driver.setBaseUrl(testAppConfig.getBaseUrl()); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(environmentConfig.getMaxDriverWait(), TimeUnit.SECONDS) .setScriptTimeout(environmentConfig.getScriptTimeout(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (!isMobile()) { driver.manage().window() .setSize(new Dimension(testAppConfig.getWindowWidth(), testAppConfig.getWindowHeight())); } LOG.debug("[Get WebDriver] new session created. ({})", driver); return driver; } }
/** * 単体要素撮影時に、小数点以下がある幅を持つ単体要素を指定して除外する。 * * @ptl.expect 除外領域が正しく保存されていること。 */ @Test public void singleTestWithDecimal() { openBasicColorPage(); driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1100, (int) driver.getWindowHeight())); ScreenshotArgument arg = ScreenshotArgument.builder("s").addNewTarget().addExcludeById("colorColumn1").build(); assertionView.assertView(arg); // Check Rect rect = getRectById("colorColumn1"); TargetResult result = loadTargetResults("s").get(0); assertThat(result.getExcludes(), hasSize(1)); RectangleArea area = result.getExcludes().get(0).getRectangle(); RectangleArea expectArea = rect.toExcludeRect().toRectangleArea(); assertThat(area, is(expectArea)); }
/** * 十分な高さにしてスクロールが出ない状態でbodyのtakeScreenshotを実行するテスト.<br> * 前提条件:なし<br> * 実行環境:IE7~11/FireFox/Chrome/Android 2.3, 4.0, 4.4/iOS 8.1<br> * 期待結果:結果オブジェクト(ScrrenshotResult)に想定通りの値が入っている<br> * また、全体の画像とbodyの画像が取得でき、それらをpersistすると画像ファイルが生成される。<br> * これらの画像の内容は目視で確認を行うこと。 * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void specifyTargetBodyWithoutScroll() throws IOException { String platformName = capabilities.getPlatformName(); if (!"iOS".equals(platformName) && !"android".equalsIgnoreCase(platformName)) { driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1280, 2500)); } driver.get(TEST_TOP_PAGE_URL); PtlWebDriverWait wait = new PtlWebDriverWait(driver, 30); wait.untilLoad(); ScreenshotResult result = driver.takeScreenshot("topPage"); assertScreenshotResult(result, "specifyTargetBodyWithoutScroll"); }