private void executeIgnoringExceptions(WebDriver webDriver, WebDriverAction webDriverAction) { int i = 0; while (i < dependencies.getMaxRetries()) { try { webDriverAction.execute(webDriver, dependencies.getReplayingState(), dependencies.getEventSynchronizer()); return; } catch (WebDriverException ex) { logger.error("Could not make it from first try because of {}", ex.toString()); i++; try { Thread.sleep(dependencies.getMeasurementsPrecisionMilli()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw dependencies.webDriverActionExecutionException("Interrupted while waiting to retry", e); } } } throw new TimeoutException("Could not execute the action! " + webDriverAction.getName()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected RuntimeException timeoutException(String message, Throwable lastException) { TimeoutException ex = new TimeoutException(message, lastException); ex.addInfo(WebDriverException.DRIVER_INFO, context.getClass().getName()); WebDriver driver = WebDriverUtils.getDriver(context); if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) { RemoteWebDriver remote = (RemoteWebDriver) driver; if (remote.getSessionId() != null) { ex.addInfo(WebDriverException.SESSION_ID, remote.getSessionId().toString()); } if (remote.getCapabilities() != null) { ex.addInfo("Capabilities", remote.getCapabilities().toString()); } } throw ex; }
public String getAgentJar() { String prefix = launchType.getPrefix(); if (System.getenv(MARATHON_AGENT + ".file") != null) { return System.getenv(MARATHON_AGENT + ".file"); } if (System.getProperty(MARATHON_AGENT + ".file") != null) { return System.getProperty(MARATHON_AGENT + ".file"); } String path = findFile(new String[] { ".", "marathon-" + prefix + "-agent", "../marathon-" + prefix + "-agent", "../../marathonv4/marathon-" + prefix + "/marathon-" + prefix + "-agent", System.getProperty(PROP_HOME, "."), dirOfMarathonJavaDriverJar }, "marathon-" + prefix + "-agent.*.jar"); if (path != null) { Logger.getLogger(JavaProfile.class.getName()).info("Using " + path + " for agent"); return path; } throw new WebDriverException("Unable to find marathon-agent.jar. Set " + MARATHON_AGENT + ".file" + " environment variable to point to the jar file: " + new File(".").getAbsolutePath()); }
@Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { try { // check whether DTM has been loaded on the page Object response = _page .executeJavaScript("(typeof Visitor !== 'undefined') ? Visitor.version : 'unavailable'") .getJavaScriptResult(); // make sure the element exists if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(response.getClass()) && !((String) response).equals("unavailable")) { boolean result = Tools.testVersionNotOlderThanBaseVersion((String) response, _minVersion); assertTrue(Tools.MCVID + " min version should be " + _minVersion, result); } else { fail(Tools.MCVID + " version not available"); } } catch (WebDriverException we) { fail(Tools.MCVID + " not found"); } }
@After public void embedScreenshot(Scenario scenario) { try { if (!scenario.isFailed()) { // Take a screenshot only in the failure case return; } String webDriverType = System.getProperty("WebDriverType"); if (!webDriverType.equals("HtmlUnit")) { // HtmlUnit does not support screenshots byte[] screenshot = getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES); scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png"); } } catch (WebDriverException somePlatformsDontSupportScreenshots) { scenario.write(somePlatformsDontSupportScreenshots.getMessage()); } }
/** * Produce page source from the specified driver. * * @param optDriver optional web driver object * @param reason impetus for capture request; may be 'null' * @param logger SLF4J logger object * @return page source; if capture fails, an empty string is returned */ public static String getArtifact(Optional<WebDriver> optDriver, Throwable reason, Logger logger) { if (canGetArtifact(optDriver, logger)) { try { WebDriver driver = optDriver.get(); StringBuilder sourceBuilder = new StringBuilder(driver.getPageSource()); insertBaseElement(sourceBuilder, driver); insertBreakpointInfo(sourceBuilder, reason); insertOriginalUrl(sourceBuilder, driver); return sourceBuilder.toString(); } catch (WebDriverException e) { logger.warn("The driver is capable of producing page source, but failed.", e); } } return ""; }
@Test public void ifTooManyAttemtpsActionTimesOut() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { int maxRetries = 3; ActionExecutor webDriverActionExecutionBase = getWebDriverActionExecutionBase(10, maxRetries); Iterator<WebDriverAction> webDriverActionIterator = mock(Iterator.class); TestScenarioActions testScenarioSteps = mock(TestScenarioActions.class); when(testScenarioSteps.iterator()).thenReturn(webDriverActionIterator); TestScenario testScenario = mock(TestScenario.class); when(testScenario.steps()).thenReturn(testScenarioSteps); when(webDriverActionIterator.hasNext()).thenReturn(true, false); WebDriverAction firstAction = mock(WebDriverAction.class); doThrow(new WebDriverException("Exception occured!")).when(firstAction).execute(any(), any(), any()); when(; ExecutionReport report = webDriverActionExecutionBase.execute(testScenario); assertEquals(AutomationResult.TIMEOUT, report.getAutomationResult()); verify(firstAction, times(maxRetries)).execute(any(), any(), any()); }
private void executeJavascript(String imagePlaceholderId) { frameSwitcher.switchTo("/"); JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) webDriver; LOG.debug("executing javascript with argument: '{}'", imagePlaceholderId); bobcatWait.withTimeout(Timeouts.MEDIUM).until(driver -> { boolean executedSuccessfully = false; do { try { String javaScript = getJavascriptToExecute(); js.executeScript(javaScript, imagePlaceholderId); executedSuccessfully = true; } catch (WebDriverException wde) { LOG.warn("error while executing JavaScript: '{}'", wde.getMessage(), wde); } catch (IOException ioe) { String msg = "error while loading JavaScript from file: " + IMAGE_SETTER_JS_FILENAME; LOG.error(msg, ioe); throw new BobcatRuntimeException(msg); } } while (!executedSuccessfully); return executedSuccessfully; }, DELAY_BEFORE_RETRY_IN_SECONDS); frameSwitcher.switchBack(); }
@Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { try { // sleep Thread.sleep(_delay); // get the value of the dl element from the page Object response = _page.executeJavaScript(_elementName).getJavaScriptResult(); // make sure the element exists if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(response.getClass())) { assertEquals("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " value should be " + _elementExpectedValue + "after " + _delay + "ms", _elementExpectedValue, (String) response); } else { fail("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " does not exist"); } } catch (WebDriverException we) { fail("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " does not exist"); } }
@Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { // wait Thread.sleep(_milliseconds); try { // get the value of the dl element from the page Object response = _page.executeJavaScript("(typeof " + _elementName + " !== 'undefined')") .getJavaScriptResult(); // make sure the element exists if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(response.getClass())) { assertTrue("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " must exist after " + _milliseconds + "ms", (Boolean) response); } else { fail("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " does not exist"); } } catch (WebDriverException we) { fail("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " does not exist"); } }
@Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { try { // sleep Thread.sleep(_delay); // get the value of the dl element from the page Object response = _page.executeJavaScript(_elementName).getJavaScriptResult(); // make sure the element exists if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(response.getClass())) { assertEquals("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " numeric value should be " + _elementExpectedValue + "after " + _delay + "ms", _elementExpectedValue, (Long) response); } else { fail("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " does not exist"); } } catch (WebDriverException we) { fail("Data Layer element " + _elementName + " does not exist"); } }
public static ExpectedCondition<Boolean> ajaxCompleted() { return new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { boolean result; @Override public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) { try { result = (Boolean) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return typeof($) !== 'undefined' && $.active == 0"); //System.out.println("Ajax return $.active == 0 is: '" + result + "'"); } catch (WebDriverException e) { return false; } return result; } public String toString() { return "Ajax return $.active == 0 is: '" + result + "'"; } }; }
public boolean isPresent() { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id) && id != "-1" && cacheable) { return true; } try { List<WebElement> eles = null; if ((parentElement != null)) { if (!parentElement.isPresent()) { return false; } eles = parentElement.findElements(getBy()); } else { eles = getWrappedDriver().findElements(getBy()); } if ((eles != null) && (eles.size() > 0)) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) { id = ((QAFExtendedWebElement) eles.get(0)).id; } return true; } return false; } catch (WebDriverException e) { return false; } }
public void waitForIndex(final int index) { new QAFWebDriverWait() .withMessage(String.format("Wait timeout for list of %s with size %d", description, index + 1)) .until(new ExpectedCondition<QAFExtendedWebDriver, Boolean>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Boolean apply(QAFExtendedWebDriver driver) { try { clear(); addAll((Collection<T>) context.findElements(by)); return size() > index; } catch (WebDriverException e) { return false; } } }); }
private void init() { if (ApplicationProperties.DRIVER_NAME.getStringVal("").equalsIgnoreCase("")) { System.err.println("Driver not configured!... \nUsing " + STBArgs.browser_str.getDefaultVal() + " as default value. Please configure driver to be used using '" + ApplicationProperties.DRIVER_NAME.key + "' property"); } stb = initStbArgs();"Initializing Driver..." + STBArgs.allToString(stb)); // uiDriver = new UiDriverFactory().get(commandLog, stb); DriverInitExpectedCondition driverInitExpectedCondition = new DriverInitExpectedCondition( (ArrayList<LoggingBean>) getLog(), stb); UiDriver uiDriver = new UiDriverInitializer() .withTimeout(ApplicationProperties.DRIVER_INIT_TIMEOUT.getIntVal(0), TimeUnit.SECONDS) .pollingEvery(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).withMessage(driverInitExpectedCondition) .ignoring(WebDriverException.class).until(driverInitExpectedCondition); setUiDriver(uiDriver);"driver init done"); }
public static WebDriver selectLocalBrowser() { switch (browser) { case Chrome: return new ChromeDriver(); case Firefox: return new FirefoxDriver(); case IE: return new InternetExplorerDriver(); case Opera: return new OperaDriver(); case Safari: return new SafariDriver(); default: throw new WebDriverException("No browser specified"); } }
@After public void tearDown(Scenario scenario) { if (scenario.isFailed()) { try {"Test failed, taking screenshot"); byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) new Augmenter().augment(getAppiumDriver())) .getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES); scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png"); } catch (WebDriverException wde) { System.err.println(wde.getMessage()); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { cce.printStackTrace(); } } application.tearDown(); }
/** * @inheritDoc */ @Override public void lock(long timeoutInMillis) { synchronized (syncObject) { // Calculate the 'exit time' for our wait loop. long maxWait = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutInMillis + ADDITIONAL_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS; // Attempt to acquire the lock until something goes wrong or we run out of time. do { try { if (isLockOnInetSocketAddressFree(address)) { return; } // Randomness or retry! Something from my past (Paul H) : // (search for random in page) Thread.sleep((long) (DELAY_BETWEEN_SOCKET_CHECKS * Math.random())); } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } } while (System.currentTimeMillis() < maxWait); throw new WebDriverException(String.format("Unable to bind to locking port %d within %d ms", address.getPort(), timeoutInMillis + ADDITIONAL_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS)); } }
public void cleanUp() { try { if (driver != null) { try { TestLogging.log("quiting webdriver" + Thread.currentThread().getId()); driver.quit(); } catch (WebDriverException ex) { TestLogging.log("Exception encountered when quiting driver: " + WebUIDriver.getWebUIDriver().getConfig().getBrowser().name() + ":" + ex.getMessage()); } driver = null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void cleanUp() { try { if (driver != null) { try { driver.quit(); } catch (WebDriverException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } driver = null; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Create webDriver, capture socket customexception and retry with timeout. * * @return WebDriver */ protected WebDriver createWebDriverWithTimeout() { long time = 0; while (time < getTimeout()) { try { driver = createNativeDriver(); return driver; } catch (WebDriverException ex) { if (ex.getMessage().contains("SocketException") || ex.getMessage().contains("Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary") || ex.getMessage().contains("Unable to bind to locking port 7054 within 45000 ms")) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } time++; } else { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } throw new RuntimeException("Got customexception when creating webDriver with socket timeout 1 minute"); }
public static void cleanUp() { IWebDriverFactory iWebDriverFactory = getWebUIDriver().webDriverBuilder; if (iWebDriverFactory != null) { iWebDriverFactory.cleanUp(); } else { WebDriver driver = driverSession.get(); if (driver != null) { try { driver.quit(); } catch (WebDriverException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } driver = null; } } driverSession.remove(); uxDriverSession.remove(); }
private Predicate<WebDriver> vaadinIsReady() { return new Predicate<WebDriver>() { @Override public boolean apply(WebDriver driver) { try { JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) webDriver; return (Boolean) executor.executeScript(// " if(!window.vaadin) { return false;}" + // "for (var client in window.vaadin.clients) { " + // " if (window.vaadin.clients[client].isActive()) { " + // " return false;" + // " }" + // "}" + // "return true;"); } catch (WebDriverException e) { if ((e.getMessage() != null) && e.getMessage().contains("window.vaadin is undefined")) { return false; } else { throw e; } } } }; }
private <V> V untilSucessful(final Supplier<V> operation, Predicate<V> isSuccessful, Function<Throwable, RuntimeException> exceptionProducer) { Instant end =; Throwable lastThrowable; while (true) { try { V result = operation.get(); if (isSuccessful.test(result)) return result; else lastThrowable = null; } catch (Throwable t) { lastThrowable = t; } if ( { throw exceptionProducer.apply(lastThrowable); } try { Thread.sleep(interval.toMillis()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new WebDriverException(e); } } }
/** * By using the default URL, creates a WebDriver object and Selenium object as well. * * @param baseUrl is the default URL for the browser, must not be null! * @return withthe new WebDriver object */ public WebDriver buildWebDriverInstance(final String baseUrl) { if (browserString == null) { throw new SimpleGepardException("No browser to be used was specified."); } DesiredCapabilities capabilities = detectCapabilities(); try { webDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(buildWebDriverUrl(), capabilities); selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(webDriver, baseUrl); selenium.setTimeout(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); //set the default timeout } catch (WebDriverException | SeleniumException e) { throw new SimpleGepardException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } // hide all open windows on Mac, it is necessary to hide 'always on top' windows, otherwise useless screenshots will be created from desktop if (getBrowserType() == BrowserEnum.Safari) { selenium.keyPressNative(String.valueOf(KeyEvent.VK_F11)); } return webDriver; }
/** * Destroys the WebDriver object of this util class, as necessary. */ public void destroyWebDriverInstance() { if (webDriver != null) { webDriver.close(); try { Thread.sleep(WEB_DRIVER_SHUTDOWN_DELAY); webDriver.quit(); //close all opened browser window } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof WebDriverException)) { throw new SimpleGepardException("Issue occurred meanwhile waiting for WebDriver Quit.", e); } } webDriver = null; } selenium = null; }
public String findCommand(String command) { if (vmCommand != null) { return vmCommand; } if (javaHome != null) { File homeFolder = new File(javaHome); if (!homeFolder.exists() || !homeFolder.isDirectory()) { throw new WebDriverException(String.format("%s: No such directory", homeFolder)); } File binFolder = new File(javaHome, "bin"); if (!binFolder.exists() || !binFolder.isDirectory()) { throw new WebDriverException(String.format("%s: No bin directory found in home directory", binFolder)); } File java = new File(binFolder, Platform.getCurrent().is(Platform.WINDOWS) ? command + ".exe" : command); if (!java.exists() || !java.isFile()) { throw new WebDriverException(String.format("%s: No such file", java)); } return java.getAbsolutePath(); } return command; }
public String getRecorderJar() { if (System.getenv(MARATHON_RECORDER + ".file") != null) { return System.getenv(MARATHON_RECORDER + ".file"); } if (System.getProperty(MARATHON_RECORDER + ".file") != null) { return System.getProperty(MARATHON_RECORDER + ".file"); } String prefix = launchType.getPrefix(); String path = findFile(new String[] { ".", "marathon-" + prefix + "-recorder", "../marathon-" + prefix + "-recorder", System.getProperty(PROP_HOME, "."), dirOfMarathonJavaDriverJar }, "marathon-" + prefix + "-recorder.*.jar"); if (path != null) { Logger.getLogger(JavaProfile.class.getName()).info("Using " + path + " for recorder"); return path; } throw new WebDriverException("Unable to find marathon-recorder.jar. Set " + MARATHON_RECORDER + " environment variable to point to the jar file"); }
public void executeAsyncScriptWithoutCallback() throws Throwable { try { driver = new JavaDriver(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); WebElement element1 = driver.findElement("text-field")); ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeAsyncScript("$1.setText(\"hello world\");", element1); throw new MissingException(WebDriverException.class); } catch (WebDriverException e) { } finally { JavaElementFactory.reset(); } }
/** * Clear context. */ public void clear() { if (controller != null) { try { controller.quit(); } catch (WebDriverException wde) { logger.warn("Exception caught calling controller.quit(): \""+wde.getMessage()+"\" additional info: "+wde.getAdditionalInformation()); } } controller = null; verify = null; isWebDriver = false; if (paramsRegistry != null) { paramsRegistry.clear(); } Thread.currentThread().setName("Context - Inactive");"Context closed, controller shutdown"); }
public ServerSideSession getSession(String sessionId) { // first, check if the session stopped already if (stoppedSessionIds.contains(sessionId)) { throw newSessionStoppedException(sessionId); } // check if the session is in the process of stopping for (ServerSideSession session : sessions) { if (session.getSessionId().equals(sessionId)) { if (session.getSessionState() == SessionState.STOPPED) { throw newSessionStoppedException(sessionId); } else { return session; } } } throw new WebDriverException("Cannot find session " + sessionId + " on the server."); }
private RemoteWebElement retrieveDocumentAndCheckReady(long deadline) { RemoteWebElement element = null; String readyState = ""; while (!readyState.equals("complete")) { if (deadline > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() > deadline) { throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting to get the document."); } try { if (element == null) { element = retrieveDocument(); } readyState = element.getRemoteObject().call(".readyState"); } catch (WebDriverException e) {"Caught exception waiting for document to be ready. Retrying...: " + e); element = null; } } return element; }
private JsonObject getResponseBody(JsonObject response) { JsonObject body = null; try { body = response.containsKey("result") ? response.getJsonObject("result") : response.getJsonObject("object"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebDriverException(e); } if (body == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsting " + response); } return body; }
@Override public Response handle() throws Exception { JSONObject res = generateStatus(); Set<ServerSideSession> sessions = getServer().getSessions(); Response resp = new Response(); resp.setStatus(0); resp.setValue(res); if (sessions.size() == 0) { resp.setSessionId(null); } else if (sessions.size() == 1) { resp.setSessionId(sessions.iterator().next().getSessionId()); } else { throw new WebDriverException("NI multi sessions per server."); } return resp; }
public static String convertToCSSSelector(String type, String value) { if ("css selector".equals(type)) { return value; } if ("id".equals(type)) { // return "#" + value; // doesn't work for id starting with an int. return "[id='" + value + "']"; } if ("tag name".equals(type)) { return value; } if ("class name".equals(type)) { // detect composite class name if (isCompoundName(value)) { throw new InvalidSelectorException("Compound class names aren't allowed"); } return "." + value; } if ("class name".equals(type)) { return "." + value; } if ("name".equals(type)) { return "[name='" + value + "']"; } throw new WebDriverException("NI , selector type " + type); }
@Test public void properlyHandlesInterruptedExceptionBetweenRetries() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, InterruptedException { ActionExecutor webDriverActionExecutionBase = getWebDriverActionExecutionBase(10); Iterator<WebDriverAction> webDriverActionIterator = mock(Iterator.class); TestScenarioActions testScenarioSteps = mock(TestScenarioActions.class); when(testScenarioSteps.iterator()).thenReturn(webDriverActionIterator); TestScenario testScenario = mock(TestScenario.class); when(testScenario.steps()).thenReturn(testScenarioSteps); WebDriverAction firstAction = mock(WebDriverAction.class); doThrow(new WebDriverException("Something happened!")).when(firstAction).execute(any(), any(), any()); when(webDriverActionIterator.hasNext()).thenReturn(true, false); when(firstAction.expectsHttpRequest()).thenReturn(true); PowerMockito.mockStatic(Thread.class); PowerMockito.doThrow(new InterruptedException()).when(Thread.class); Thread.sleep(anyLong()); when(; ExecutionReport report = webDriverActionExecutionBase.execute(testScenario); assertEquals(AutomationResult.INTERRUPTED, report.getAutomationResult()); }
public static void assumeHavingFirefoxConfigured() { try { new FirefoxBinary(); } catch ( WebDriverException e ) { if ( e.getMessage().contains("Cannot find firefox binary in PATH") ) { assumeThat( "Please define the path to your firefox executable using " + DefaultFirefoxBinaryProvider.FIREFOX_BINARY_LOCATION_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY + " system property, or add your firefox executable to the PATH variable! " + "This is just an assumption to keep our build green.", System.getProperty(DefaultFirefoxBinaryProvider.FIREFOX_BINARY_LOCATION_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY), is(notNullValue())); } else { throw e; } } }
/** * <p> * Takes screen-shot if the scenario fails * </p> * * @param scenario will be the individual scenario's within the Feature files * @throws InterruptedException Exception thrown if there is an interuption within the JVM */ @After() public void afterTest(Scenario scenario) throws InterruptedException {"Taking screenshot IF Test Failed"); System.out.println("Taking screenshot IF Test Failed (sysOut)"); if (scenario.isFailed()) { try { System.out.println("Scenario FAILED... screen shot taken"); scenario.write(getDriver().getCurrentUrl()); byte[] screenShot = ((TakesScreenshot) getDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES); scenario.embed(screenShot, "image/png"); } catch (WebDriverException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } }
/** * it may happen that the window pops up just a moment before {@code} happens, * which results in WebdriverException: 'Other element would receive the click' - thus it is * catched and validated */ private void tryToOpenInsertWindow() { conditions.verify(ignored -> { try { boolean isInsertButtonPresent = !driver .findElements(By.cssSelector(INSERT_BUTTON_SELECTOR)) .isEmpty(); if(!isInsertButtonPresent) { // AEM 6.1 actions.doubleClick(dropArea).perform(); } else { // AEM 6.2; } } catch (WebDriverException e) { return e.getMessage().contains("Other element would receive the click"); } return insertComponentWindow.isDisplayedExpectingComponents(); }, Timeouts.MEDIUM); }