private void executeIgnoringExceptions(WebDriver webDriver, WebDriverAction webDriverAction) { int i = 0; while (i < dependencies.getMaxRetries()) { try { webDriverAction.execute(webDriver, dependencies.getReplayingState(), dependencies.getEventSynchronizer()); return; } catch (WebDriverException ex) { logger.error("Could not make it from first try because of {}", ex.toString()); i++; try { Thread.sleep(dependencies.getMeasurementsPrecisionMilli()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw dependencies.webDriverActionExecutionException("Interrupted while waiting to retry", e); } } } throw new TimeoutException("Could not execute the action! " + webDriverAction.getName()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected RuntimeException timeoutException(String message, Throwable lastException) { TimeoutException ex = new TimeoutException(message, lastException); ex.addInfo(WebDriverException.DRIVER_INFO, context.getClass().getName()); WebDriver driver = WebDriverUtils.getDriver(context); if (driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver) { RemoteWebDriver remote = (RemoteWebDriver) driver; if (remote.getSessionId() != null) { ex.addInfo(WebDriverException.SESSION_ID, remote.getSessionId().toString()); } if (remote.getCapabilities() != null) { ex.addInfo("Capabilities", remote.getCapabilities().toString()); } } throw ex; }
/** * Méthode countRowsTable. Prévoir une DIV avant la déclaration du tableau <display:table />. * @param type * @param selector * @return */ private int countRowsTable(String type, String selector) throws TimeoutException { int retour = 0; try { By locator = By.cssSelector(".pagebanner"); WebElement pagebanner = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(locator)); String pageNumber = pagebanner.getText().trim().split(" ")[0]; if (!pageNumber.equals("Aucun")) { return Integer.valueOf(pageNumber); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { String pathScreenShot = takeScreenShot();"countRowsTable impossible ! (type" + type + ", selector" + selector + ")" + e.getMessage() + " pathScreenShot=" + pathScreenShot); } return retour; }
RemoteWebElement getDocument() { int cpt = 0; while (!isReady) { cpt++; if (cpt > 20) { isReady = true; throw new TimeoutException("doc not ready."); } try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.log(Level.FINE, "", e); } } return document; }
private RemoteWebElement retrieveDocumentAndCheckReady(long deadline) { RemoteWebElement element = null; String readyState = ""; while (!readyState.equals("complete")) { if (deadline > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() > deadline) { throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting to get the document."); } try { if (element == null) { element = retrieveDocument(); } readyState = element.getRemoteObject().call(".readyState"); } catch (WebDriverException e) {"Caught exception waiting for document to be ready. Retrying...: " + e); element = null; } } return element; }
/** * Initializes the instance. Call this method prior to chat interaction. */ public void initialize() { switchToWindow(); this.mDriver.get(CHAT_SERVICE); final WebElement loginAnchor = new CSSSelectorPresenceWait(this.mDriver, LOGIN_ANCHOR).waitUntilCondition(); try {; } catch (final TimeoutException e) { // Ignore the error as it comes from the aborted page load } final WebElement outputFrame = new FramePresenceWait(this.mDriver, CHAT_OUTPUT_FRAME_NAME).waitUntilCondition(); final String frameSrc = outputFrame.getAttribute("src"); final Pattern idPattern = Pattern.compile(ID_PATTERN); final Matcher idMatcher = idPattern.matcher(frameSrc); if (idMatcher.matches()) { this.mId =; } }
/** * Wait for element to appear. * * @param driver the driver * @param element the element * @param logger the logger */ public static boolean waitForElementToAppear(WebDriver driver, WebElement element, ExtentTest logger) { boolean webElementPresence = false; try { Wait<WebDriver> fluentWait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).pollingEvery(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .withTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS).ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class); fluentWait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(element)); if (element.isDisplayed()) { webElementPresence= true; } } catch (TimeoutException toe) { logger.log(LogStatus.ERROR, "Timeout waiting for webelement to be present<br></br>" + toe.getStackTrace()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(LogStatus.ERROR, "Exception occured<br></br>" + e.getStackTrace()); } return webElementPresence; }
@Test(expected = TimeoutException.class) public void testLocate_context_timeout() throws Throwable { //prepare when(; when(locator.value()).thenReturn("testId"); when(locator.timeout()).thenReturn(1); when(webElement.isDisplayed()).thenReturn(false); when(searchContext.findElement("testId"))).thenReturn(webElement); //act Instant start =; try { WebElementLocator.locate(searchContext, locator); } finally { Duration dur = Duration.between(start,; assertTrue(dur.compareTo(Duration.ofMillis(950)) > 0); } }
/** * Download the FogBugz attachment, then reupload it to GitHub Issues. If * the file type is incompatible with GitHub Issues, zip it beforehand. * Since ZIP files are supported by GitHub Issues, this guarantees that any * attachment (within size constraints) will be accepted. * * @param fogBugz The {@link FogBugz} instance that owns the * {@link FBAttachment} * @param fbAttachment The {@link FBAttachment} * @return URL of the uploaded file */ @Override public String convert(final FogBugz fogBugz, final FBAttachment fbAttachment) { try { // Download FogBugz attachment String filename = fbAttachment.getFilename(); String fbURL = fbAttachment.getAbsoluteUrl(fogBugz); File temp = FB2GHUtils.createTempFile(filename); int timeoutInMillis = timeoutInSeconds * 1000; FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(fbURL), temp, timeoutInMillis, timeoutInMillis); // Upload to GitHub Issues return upload(temp); } catch (IOException | TimeoutException e) { logger.error("Could not convert: " + fbAttachment.getAbsoluteUrl(fogBugz), e); return fallback.convert(fogBugz, fbAttachment); } }
private List<WebElement> waitFor() { // When we use complex By strategies (like ChainedBy or ByAll) // there are some problems (StaleElementReferenceException, implicitly // wait time out // for each chain By section, etc) try { changeImplicitlyWaitTimeOut(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); FluentWait<By> wait = new FluentWait<>(by); wait.withTimeout(timeOutDuration.getTime(), timeOutDuration.getTimeUnit()); return wait.until(waitingFunction); } catch (TimeoutException e) { return new ArrayList<>(); } finally { changeImplicitlyWaitTimeOut(timeOutDuration.getTime(), timeOutDuration.getTimeUnit()); } }
public <T> T getWithRetry(String url, ExpectedCondition<T> expectedCondition, Long duration, TimeUnit timeUnit, int retryCount, ExpectedCondition retryImmediatelyCondition) { TimeoutException lastException = null; RetryImmediateCondition<T> condition = new RetryImmediateCondition<T>(expectedCondition, retryImmediatelyCondition); for (int ctr = 0; ctr < retryCount; ctr++) { try { boolean gotIt = get(url, condition, duration, timeUnit); if (gotIt && !condition.retry) return condition.ret; } catch (TimeoutException ignored) { lastException = ignored; } } throw lastException; }
@Override protected ExecuteResult execute(final WebSiteConnector connector) { final WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(connector.getDriver(), maxWaitTime); node.setSelector(insertVariableValues(node.getSelector())); value = insertVariableValues(value); try { if (regexp) {, "Waiting for pattern '{}' to be present in node '{}' for a maximum of " + "{}ms.", value, node, maxWaitTime); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.textMatches(node.getBy(), Pattern.compile(value))); } else {, "Waiting for text '{}' to be present in node '{}' for a maximum of {}ms.", value, node, maxWaitTime); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElementLocated(node.getBy(), value)); } return getSuccessOutput(); } catch (NoSuchElementException | TimeoutException e) {, "Waiting for text/patter '{}' to be present in node '{}' failed.", value, node); return getFailedOutput(); } }
@Before public void setUp() { findService = (BIFindService)getApplication().findService(); savedSearchService = getApplication().savedSearchService(); elementFactory = (BIIdolFindElementFactory)getElementFactory(); findPage = elementFactory.getFindPage(); findService.searchAnyView("careful now"); try { findPage = elementFactory.getFindPage(); findPage.waitUntilSearchTabsLoaded(); savedSearchService.deleteAll(); elementFactory.getConceptsPanel().removeAllConcepts(); } catch(final TimeoutException ignored) { //no-op } elementFactory.getTopicMap().waitForMapLoaded(); }
@Test(priority = 1) public void shouldExcludeModules() { projectExplorer.openItemByPath(PROJECT_NAME + "/pom.xml"); editor.waitActive(); editor.goToCursorPositionVisible(25, 8); editor.typeTextIntoEditor("!--"); editor.goToCursorPositionVisible(26, 32); editor.typeTextIntoEditor("--"); try { projectExplorer.waitFolderDefinedTypeOfFolderByPath(PROJECT_NAME + "/my-lib", SIMPLE_FOLDER); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue"); } projectExplorer.waitFolderDefinedTypeOfFolderByPath(PROJECT_NAME + "/my-webapp", SIMPLE_FOLDER); }
public WebElement findElement(String label, Browser browser, String id) { try { return new WebDriverWait(browser.getWebDriver(), testTimeout, POLLING_LATENCY) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(; } catch (TimeoutException e) { log.warn("Timeout when waiting for element {} to exist in browser {}", id, label); int originalTimeout = 60; try { originalTimeout = browser.getTimeout(); log.debug("Original browser timeout (s): {}, set to 10", originalTimeout); browser.setTimeout(10); browser.changeTimeout(10); WebElement elem = browser.getWebDriver().findElement(;"Additional findElement call was able to locate {} in browser {}", id, label); return elem; } catch (NoSuchElementException e1) { log.debug("Additional findElement call couldn't locate {} in browser {} ({})", id, label, e1.getMessage()); throw new NoSuchElementException("Element with id='" + id + "' not found after " + testTimeout + " seconds in browser " + label); } finally { browser.setTimeout(originalTimeout); browser.changeTimeout(originalTimeout); } } }
private void connectGithubAccount() { projectSourcePage.clickOnConnectGithubAccountButton(); seleniumWebDriver.switchToNoneCurrentWindow(ideWin); try { projectSourcePage.waitAuthorizationPageOpened(); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // Remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue"); } projectSourcePage.typeLogin(gitHubUsername); projectSourcePage.typePassword(gitHubPassword); projectSourcePage.clickOnSignInButton(); seleniumWebDriver.switchTo().window(ideWin); if (!projectSourcePage.isGithubProjectsListDisplayed()) { seleniumWebDriver.switchToNoneCurrentWindow(ideWin); projectSourcePage.waitAuthorizeBtn(); projectSourcePage.clickOnAuthorizeBtn(); seleniumWebDriver.switchTo().window(ideWin); } }
@Test public void test0093() throws Exception { projectExplorer.waitProjectExplorer(); projectExplorer.waitItem(PROJECT_NAME); projectExplorer.quickExpandWithJavaScript(); projectExplorer.openItemByPath(PROJECT_NAME + PATH_TO_PACKAGE_PREFIX + ""); editor.waitActive(); try { editor.waitMarkerInPosition(WARNING_MARKER, 12); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue", ex); } editor.goToCursorPositionVisible(17, 26); editor.typeTextIntoEditor(Keys.F4.toString()); editor.waitTabIsPresent("MyEnum"); editor.waitSpecifiedValueForLineAndChar(14, 3); }
@Test public void test0121() throws Exception { projectExplorer.waitProjectExplorer(); projectExplorer.waitItem(PROJECT_NAME); projectExplorer.quickExpandWithJavaScript(); projectExplorer.openItemByPath(PROJECT_NAME + PATH_TO_PACKAGE_PREFIX + ""); editor.waitActive(); editor.goToCursorPositionVisible(15, 43); editor.typeTextIntoEditor(Keys.F4.toString()); try { editor.waitTabIsPresent("Collections"); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue", ex); } editor.waitSpecifiedValueForLineAndChar(14, 35); }
@Test public void test0115() throws Exception { projectExplorer.waitProjectExplorer(); projectExplorer.waitItem(PROJECT_NAME); projectExplorer.quickExpandWithJavaScript(); projectExplorer.openItemByPath(PROJECT_NAME + PATH_TO_PACKAGE_PREFIX + ""); editor.waitActive(); try { editor.waitMarkerInPosition(WARNING_MARKER, 14); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue", ex); } editor.goToCursorPositionVisible(32, 14); editor.typeTextIntoEditor(Keys.F4.toString()); editor.waitSpecifiedValueForLineAndChar(35, 24); }
@Test public void checkRestoreStateOfProjectAfterRefreshTest() throws Exception { projectExplorer.waitProjectExplorer(); projectExplorer.waitItem(PROJECT_NAME); projectExplorer.quickExpandWithJavaScript(); consoles.closeProcessesArea(); openFilesInEditor(); checkFilesAreOpened(); seleniumWebDriver.navigate().refresh(); try { checkFilesAreOpened(); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // Remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue"); } editor.closeAllTabsByContextMenu(); }
@Test(priority = 2) public void shouldScrollIntoTerminal() throws InterruptedException { openMC("/"); try { // check scrolling of the terminal terminal.movePageDownListTerminal("opt"); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue", ex); } terminal.moveDownListTerminal(".dockerenv"); terminal.waitExpectedTextIntoTerminal(".dockerenv"); terminal.movePageUpListTerminal("projects"); terminal.moveUpListTerminal("bin"); terminal.waitExpectedTextIntoTerminal("bin"); }
@Test(priority = 4) public void shouldNavigateToMC() { openMC("/"); // navigate to midnight commander tree consoles.selectProcessByTabName("Terminal"); terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.ARROW_DOWN.toString()); terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.ARROW_DOWN.toString()); terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.ARROW_DOWN.toString()); terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.ARROW_DOWN.toString()); terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.ENTER.toString()); terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.ARROW_DOWN.toString()); terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.ENTER.toString()); try { // check the home content of the midnight commander for (String partOfContent : CHECK_MC_OPENING) { terminal.waitExpectedTextIntoTerminal(partOfContent); } } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue", ex); } terminal.typeIntoTerminal(Keys.F10.toString()); }
@Test public void checkEditorTabNameAfterChangingArtifactID() { projectExplorer.openItemByPath(PROJECT_NAME + "/pom.xml"); editor.waitActive(); editor.waitTabIsPresent("qa-spring-sample"); editor.goToCursorPositionVisible(18, 17); editor.typeTextIntoEditor("new-"); // this timeout is needed for waiting that the Editor tab name of 'pom.xml' file is changed WaitUtils.sleepQuietly(5); editor.waitTabIsPresent("new-qa-spring-sample"); seleniumWebDriver.navigate().refresh(); try { projectExplorer.waitItem(PROJECT_NAME + "/pom.xml"); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // Remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue"); } editor.waitTabIsPresent("new-qa-spring-sample"); editor.closeAllTabsByContextMenu(); }
@Test() public void checkRestoreWsAgentByApi() throws Exception { String expectedMessageOInDialog = "Workspace agent is no longer responding. To fix the problem, restart the workspace."; projectExplorer.waitProjectExplorer(); projectExplorer.waitItem(PROJECT_NAME); terminal.waitTerminalTab(); projectExplorer.invokeCommandWithContextMenu( ProjectExplorer.CommandsGoal.COMMON, PROJECT_NAME, nameCommandForKillWsAgent); try { new WebDriverWait(seleniumWebDriver, WIDGET_TIMEOUT_SEC) .until( ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated( By.xpath("//span[text()='" + expectedMessageOInDialog + "']"))); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue"); } new WebDriverWait(seleniumWebDriver, REDRAW_UI_ELEMENTS_TIMEOUT_SEC) .until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated("ask-dialog-first"))) .click(); testWorkspaceServiceClient.waitStatus(workspace.getName(), defaultTestUser.getName(), RUNNING); }
private void testCase() { projectExplorer.openItemByPath(pathToCurrentPackage + "/"); editor.waitTextIntoEditor(contentFromInA); projectExplorer.selectItem(pathToCurrentPackage + "/"); menu.runCommand( TestMenuCommandsConstants.Assistant.ASSISTANT, TestMenuCommandsConstants.Assistant.Refactoring.REFACTORING, TestMenuCommandsConstants.Assistant.Refactoring.RENAME); refactorPanel.typeAndWaitNewName(""); try { refactorPanel.clickOkButtonRefactorForm(); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // remove try-catch block after issue has been resolved fail("Known issue", ex); } askDialog.waitFormToOpen(); askDialog.clickOkBtn(); askDialog.waitFormToClose(); refactorPanel.waitRefactorPreviewFormIsClosed(); projectExplorer.waitItem(pathToCurrentPackage + "/", 6); editor.waitTextIntoEditor(contentFromOutB); }
public <P extends IPageObject> P getPage(String name) { final P pageObject; try { if (pageObjectResolverMapper.containsKey(name)) { pageObject = pageObjectResolverMapper.get(name).getCurrentPage(driver); } else if (errorPageObjects.containsKey(name)) { pageObject = errorPageObjects.get(name).getCurrentPage(driver); } else { throw new InvalidPageObjectException("Page Object " + name + " is not registered."); } } catch(TimeoutException e) { throw new PageObjectNotFoundException("Could not find Page Object " + name); } return pageObject; }
/** * */ @Test(groups = "local") public void testNavigationDetection() { Driver driver = new DriverFactory().getDriver(BrowserVersionPlatform.WIN7FF); driver.navigate().to(""); driver.prepareToNavigateToNewUrl(); driver.setImplicitWaitTimeInSeconds(1); // Test that the navigate to new url times out correctly. try { driver.waitForNavigateToNewUrl();; } catch (TimeoutException ex) { } driver.setImplicitWaitTimeInSeconds(4); driver.navigate().to(""); driver.waitForNavigateToNewUrl(); driver.quit(); }
public void editRole(String role){ WebDriverWait waitLoad = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); WebElement permissionItem = driver.findElement(By.xpath(uiElementMapper.getElement("emm.roles.update.permissionItemLogin")));; WebElement editRoleButton = driver.findElement("emm.roles.update.role.button")));; try { By roleCreatedMsg = By.xpath(uiElementMapper.getElement(("emm.roles.update.role.created.msg.div"))); waitLoad.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(roleCreatedMsg)); String resultText = driver.findElement(roleCreatedMsg ).getText(); if(!resultText.contains("PERMISSIONS WERE ASSIGNED TO THE ROLE SUCCESSFULLY")){ throw new IllegalStateException("Role was not edited"); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Role was not edited"); } }
public UserAddedPage(WebDriver driver) throws IOException { this.driver = driver; this.uiElementMapper = UIElementMapper.getInstance(); WebDriverWait waitLoad = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); try { By userCreateMsg = By.xpath(uiElementMapper.getElement(("emm.users.add.user.created.msg"))); waitLoad.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(userCreateMsg)); // Check that we're on the right page. String resultText = driver.findElement(userCreateMsg ).getText(); if(!resultText.contains("USER WAS ADDED SUCCESSFULLY")){ throw new IllegalStateException("User was not created"); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("User was not created"); } }
public void deleteUser() throws IOException { WebDriverWait waitLoad = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); try { By deleteBtnElement = By.xpath(uiElementMapper.getElement(("emm.user.delete.button"))); By deleteConfirmBtnElement ="emm.user.delete.button.confirm"))); waitLoad.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(deleteBtnElement)); WebElement deleteButton = driver.findElement(deleteBtnElement);; WebElement deleteConfirmButton = driver .findElement(deleteConfirmBtnElement); waitLoad.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(deleteConfirmBtnElement));; } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("User was not deleted"); } }
/** * Find element by the given locator after proper wait */ @Override public NativeAppElement findElement(final By locator) { WebElement appElement = null; try { appElement = (new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, maxWaitTime)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(locator)); } catch (Throwable te) { Reporter.log("Unable to find the element by locator: " + locator.toString() + " within " + maxWaitTime + " secs"); captureScreenshot(); throw new TimeoutException(te); } return new NativeAppElement(this, locator, appElement); }
private <T extends PageObject> void waitOnPageObjectListsVisibility(T pageInstance, Field field) { PageObjectList<PageObject> list = getPageObjectListFromOf(field, pageInstance); int expected = field.getAnnotation(Visible.class).value(); int actual = 0; for (PageObject pageObject : list) { try { Waits.waitUntil(pageObject, is(visible())); actual++; } catch (TimeoutException e) { // ignore timeout for present but not visible objects logger.debug("page object {} of list wasn't visible within the timeout - ignoring"); } } if (actual != expected) { String message = "Expected %s elements of page object list (%s) to be visible, but there were %s."; throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(message, expected, field, actual)); } }
@Test @ResolvedBug("FIND-228") public void testCompareUnsavedSearches() { findService.searchAnyView("\"not many results\""); savedSearchService.openNewTab(); findService.searchAnyView("\"to speed up comparison\""); final ComparisonModal modal = findPage.openCompareModal();"New Search"); modal.compareButton().click(); Exception thrown = null; try { // server appears to cancel comparison request after 90s modal.waitForComparisonToLoad(100); } catch(final TimeoutException e) { thrown = e; } assertThat(thrown, nullValue()); findPage.goBackToSearch(); }
@Override public void cliquer(String type, String selector) {"cliquer type:" + type + " selector:" + selector); try { By locator = BySelec.get(type, selector); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(locator)).click(); } catch (TimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); String pathScreenShot = takeScreenShot();"Cliquer impossible ! (type" + type + ", selector" + selector + ") pathScreenShot=" + pathScreenShot); } }
public void waitForLoadEvent() { try { eventsLock.lock(); pageLoadEvent.await(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new TimeoutException("timeout waiting for page load event."); } finally { eventsLock.unlock(); } }
private AutomationResultBuilder getAutomationResultBuilder() { return throwable -> { if (throwable instanceof AssertionError) { return AutomationResult.ASSERTION_ERROR; } else if (throwable instanceof java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException || throwable instanceof TimeoutException) { return AutomationResult.TIMEOUT; } else if (throwable instanceof InterruptedException) { return AutomationResult.INTERRUPTED; } else if (throwable instanceof WebDriverActionExecutionException) { return AutomationResult.INTERRUPTED; } return AutomationResult.UNRECOGNIZED_EXCEPTION; }; }
@Test public void correctlyCreatesTimeoutExceptionSelenium() { Throwable throwable = new TimeoutException(); AutomationResultBuilder automationResultBuilder = new InstanceBasedAutomationResultBuilder(); AutomationResult automationResult = automationResultBuilder.buildAutomationResult(throwable); assertEquals(automationResult, AutomationResult.TIMEOUT); }
@Test public void correctlyCreatesTimeoutExceptionThread() { Throwable throwable = new java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException(); AutomationResultBuilder automationResultBuilder = new InstanceBasedAutomationResultBuilder(); AutomationResult automationResult = automationResultBuilder.buildAutomationResult(throwable); assertEquals(automationResult, AutomationResult.TIMEOUT); }
/** * Check for alert presence. * * @return - true if an alert is present */ public boolean isAlertPresent(){ boolean foundAlert = false; // check for alert presence with no timeout (0 seconds) WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 0); try { wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); foundAlert = true; } catch (TimeoutException eTO) { foundAlert = false; } return foundAlert; }
@Test(expected = TimeoutException.class) public void testWaitForElement_noContext_timeout() throws Throwable { when(selenium.getMockDriver().findElement("test"))).thenReturn(webElement); when(webElement.isDisplayed()).thenReturn(false); selenium.execute(() -> { assertTrue(WebElementLocator.waitForElement("test"), 1).isPresent()); return null; }); }