private boolean showAxiomsDialog() { JFrame topFrame = (JFrame) SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this.editor); AxiomsDialog dialog = new AxiomsDialog(this, topFrame); if (dialog.isClickedOK()) { selectedAxioms = dialog.getSelectedAxioms(); if (!selectedAxioms.isEmpty()) { for (OWLAxiom axiom : selectedAxioms) { changes.add(new AddAxiom(activeOntology, axiom)); } return true; } else { editor.status("Selected Axioms is empty. Nothing to integrate."); } } else { editor.status(""); } return false; }
private boolean commitDeclarations() { // editor.status("Integrating Declaration axioms with Protege "); if (declarationAxioms != null && !declarationAxioms.isEmpty()) { // declarationAxioms List<OWLOntologyChange> declarations = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); for (OWLAxiom declarationAxiom : declarationAxioms) { declarations.add(new AddAxiom(activeOntology, declarationAxiom)); } ChangeApplied changeResult = owlOntologyManager.applyChanges(declarations); if (changeResult == ChangeApplied.SUCCESSFULLY) { editor.status("Declaration axioms integrated with protege successfully."); return true; } else if (changeResult == ChangeApplied.UNSUCCESSFULLY) { editor.status("Declaration integration with Protege unsuccessfull."); return false; } else if (changeResult == ChangeApplied.NO_OPERATION) { editor.status( "Declaration axioms are duplicate. Possible reason: trying to create new OWL Entity which IRI match with existing OWLEntity IRI."); return false; } } else { editor.status(""); return false; } return false; }
/** * Asserts that the given individual is an instance of the complement of the given type. * @param type the given type * @param indObj the given individual about which the assertion will be made * @return <code>true</code> if the assertion is successful */ @Override public boolean addNegatedAttributeToObject(OWLClass type,IndividualObject indObj) { OWLClassAssertionAxiom axiom = getFactory().getOWLClassAssertionAxiom( ELIndividualObject.getComplement(getOntology(), type), indObj.getIdentifier()); AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(getOntology(),axiom); try { getManager().applyChange(addAxiom); reClassifyOntology(); updateObjects(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); updateObjectDescriptions(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } getHistory().push(new ClassAssertionChange(this,addAxiom,indObj.getIdentifier(),type,true)); return true; }
/** * Adds a given individual to the ontology as an instance of <code>Thing</code> * @param object the given object to be added * @return <code>true</code> if the object is successfully added */ // @Override public boolean addIndividualToOntology(OWLNamedIndividual object) { OWLClassAssertionAxiom axiom = getFactory().getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(getFactory().getOWLThing(), object); AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(getOntology(),axiom); Set<OWLClass> attrs = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); try { getManager().applyChange(addAxiom); reClassifyOntology(); IndividualObject indObj = createIndividualObject(object); indObj.updateDescription(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); addObject(indObj); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } attrs.add(getFactory().getOWLThing()); getHistory().push(new NewIndividualChange(this,addAxiom,object,attrs)); return true; }
/** * Adds a given individual to the ontology as an instance of the conjunction of the * given set of classes * @param object the individual to be added * @param attributes the set of classes * @return <code>true</code> if the individual is successfully added */ public boolean addIndividualToOntology(OWLNamedIndividual object, Set<OWLClass> attributes) { // OWLObjectIntersectionOf description = toOWLDescription(attributes); OWLClassExpression description = toOWLDescription(attributes); OWLClassAssertionAxiom axiom = getFactory().getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(description, object); AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(getOntology(),axiom); try { getManager().applyChange(addAxiom); reClassifyOntology(); IndividualObject indObj = createIndividualObject(object); // for (OWLClass attribute : attributes) { // indObj.getDescription().addAttribute(attribute); // } indObj.getDescription().addAttributes(attributes); indObj.updateDescription(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); addObject(indObj); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } getHistory().push(new NewIndividualChange(this,addAxiom,object,attributes)); return true; }
/** * Asserts that the given individual is an instance of the given type. * @param type the given type * @param indObj the given individual about which the assertion will be made * @return <code>true</code> if the assertion is successful */ public boolean addAttributeToObject(OWLClass type,IndividualObject indObj) { OWLClassAssertionAxiom axiom = getFactory().getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(type, indObj.getIdentifier()); AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(getOntology(),axiom); try { getManager().applyChange(addAxiom); reClassifyOntology(); updateObjects(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); updateObjectDescriptions(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } getHistory().push(new ClassAssertionChange(this,addAxiom,indObj.getIdentifier(),type,false)); return true; }
/** * Asserts that the given individual is an instance of the complement of the given type. * @param type the given type * @param indObj the given individual about which the assertion will be made * @return <code>true</code> if the assertion is successful */ public boolean addNegatedAttributeToObject(OWLClass type,IndividualObject indObj) { OWLClassAssertionAxiom axiom = getFactory().getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(getFactory().getOWLObjectComplementOf(type), indObj.getIdentifier()); AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(getOntology(),axiom); try { getManager().applyChange(addAxiom); reClassifyOntology(); updateObjects(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); updateObjectDescriptions(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } getHistory().push(new ClassAssertionChange(this,addAxiom,indObj.getIdentifier(),type,true)); return true; }
protected void addPTBoxConstraints(OWLOntology ontology, PTBox ptbox, OWLOntologyManager manager, OWLDataFactory factory) { ConceptConverter converter = new ConceptConverter(ptbox.getClassicalKnowledgeBase(), factory); for (ConditionalConstraint cc : ptbox.getDefaultConstraints()) { OWLAnnotationProperty annProp = factory.getOWLAnnotationProperty( IRI.create(Constants.CERTAINTY_ANNOTATION_URI )); OWLAnnotationValue annValue = factory.getOWLStringLiteral( cc.getLowerBound() + ";" + cc.getUpperBound() ); OWLAnnotation annotation = factory.getOWLAnnotation( annProp, annValue ); OWLClassExpression clsEv = (OWLClassExpression)converter.convert( cc.getEvidence() ); OWLClassExpression clsCn = (OWLClassExpression)converter.convert( cc.getConclusion() ); OWLAxiom axiom = factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom( clsEv, clsCn, Collections.singleton( annotation ) ); try { manager.applyChange( new AddAxiom(ontology, axiom) ); } catch( OWLOntologyChangeException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void addDummyAxiom2Ontology(){ OWLClass dummycls = dataFactory.getOWLClass(IRI.create("")); managerOnto.applyChange( new AddAxiom( onto, dataFactory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(dummycls))); managerOnto.applyChange( new AddAxiom( onto, dataFactory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom( dummycls, dataFactory.getOWLThing()))); }
/** * Creates OWL axioms for mapping and adds it to the list */ public void addClassMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, int dir_mapping, double conf) { if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.EQ){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createEquivalenceMapping( factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri2))))); } else if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.L2R){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSubClassOfMapping( factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri2))))); } else{ //if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.R2L){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSuperClassOfMapping( factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri2))))); } }
/** * Creates OWL axioms for mapping and adds it to the list */ public void addDataPropMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, int dir_mapping, double conf) { if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.EQ){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createDataPropertyEquivalenceMapping( factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri2))))); } else if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.L2R){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSubDataPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri2))))); } else{ //if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.R2L){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSuperDataPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri2))))); } }
/** * Creates OWL axioms for mapping and adds it to the list */ public void addObjPropMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, int dir_mapping, double conf) { if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.EQ){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createObjectPropertyEquivalenceMapping( factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri2))))); } else if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.L2R){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSubObjectPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri2))))); } else{ //if (dir_mapping==LogMap_Lite.R2L){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSuperObjectPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri2))))); } }
/** * Necessary toi construct a module for an arbitriary set of axioms * @param moduleAxioms * @param moduleUri * @return */ public OWLOntology getModuleFromAxioms(Set<OWLAxiom> moduleAxioms, IRI moduleIri) { OWLOntologyManager ontologyManager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); OWLOntology module=null; try { module = ontologyManager.createOntology(moduleIri); List<OWLOntologyChange> ontoChanges = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(); for(OWLAxiom axiom : moduleAxioms) { ontoChanges.add(new AddAxiom(module, axiom)); } ontologyManager.applyChanges(ontoChanges); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error creating module ontology from extende set of axioms."); } //System.out.println("Time create OWLOntology for module (s): " + (double)((double)fin-(double)init)/1000.0); return module; }
public void parse(File myFile) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myFile))) { for(String line : IOUtils.readLines(reader)) { String[] row = line.split("\t"); if (config.defaultCol1 != null) row[0] = config.defaultCol1; if (config.defaultCol2 != null) { String[] row2 = new String[2]; row2[0] = row[0]; row = row2; row[1] = config.defaultCol2; } addRow(row); } } if (config.individualsType != null) { OWLDataFactory df = graph.getDataFactory(); graph.getManager().applyChange(new AddAxiom(graph.getSourceOntology(), df.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(config.individualsType))); } }
/** Adding the set annotations to the entity from the given ontology using the given manager. * @param modelManager * @param currentEntity * @param ontology * @param annotations */ public static void addAnnotation(OWLModelManager modelManager, OWLEntity currentEntity, OWLOntology ontology, Set<OWLAnnotation> annotations) { OWLDataFactory factory = modelManager.getOWLDataFactory(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new Vector<OWLOntologyChange>(); for(OWLAnnotation annot : annotations) { OWLAxiom axiom = factory.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom( currentEntity.getIRI(), annot); changes.add(new AddAxiom(ontology, axiom)); } modelManager.applyChanges(changes); }
/** * @param manager * @param ontology * @param newOwlAxiom */ public static void insertAxiomIntoOntology( OWLOntologyManager manager, OWLOntology ontology, OWLAxiom newOwlAxiom) { try { if (newOwlAxiom != null) { AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(ontology, newOwlAxiom); if (addAxiom != null) { manager.applyChange(addAxiom); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private OWLObject generateDependentOWLIndividual(Owlbuilder builder, PropertyTerm childProperty, OWLIndividual headInd, OWLObject childObject, Map<String,OWLObject> names) throws Exception{ final OWLDataFactory factory = builder.getDataFactory(); OWLObjectProperty elementProperty = (OWLObjectProperty)childProperty.generateOWL(builder,names);"Generated Individual reference: " + headInd); if (childObject != null){ if (childObject instanceof OWLIndividual){ OWLIndividual childIndividual = (OWLIndividual)childObject; OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom assertion = factory.getOWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(elementProperty, headInd, childIndividual); // Finally, add the axiom to our ontology and save AddAxiom addAxiomChange = new AddAxiom(builder.getTarget(), assertion); builder.getOntologyManager().applyChange(addAxiomChange); } else { //child is class expression?"class child of individual"); } } return headInd; //TODO finish implementing individual case }
/** * Adds a given attribute to the attributes of this context, updates the 'local' set of objects. * @param attribute the attribute to be added * @return <code>true</code> if the <code>attribute</code> is successfully added * @throws IllegalAttributeException if the given attribute is already in the set of * attributes */ @Override public boolean addAttribute(OWLClass attribute) { boolean added = getAttributes().add(attribute); if (!added) { throw new IllegalAttributeException("Attribute " + attribute + " has already been added"); } try { for (OWLNamedIndividual individual : getReasoner().getInstances(attribute, false).getFlattened()) { IndividualObject o = createIndividualObject(individual); o.getDescription().addAttribute(attribute); addObject(o); } // the CEL reasoner is being used // add new concept name for the complement of the added attribute OWLClass complementOfAttribute = ELIndividualObject.getComplement(getOntology(), attribute); // make them disjoint Set<OWLClass> disjoint = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); disjoint.add(attribute); disjoint.add(complementOfAttribute); OWLDisjointClassesAxiom disjointnessAxiom = getFactory().getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(disjoint); // create a new AddAxiom object AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(getOntology(),disjointnessAxiom); getManager().applyChange(addAxiom); reClassifyOntology(); //TODO // updateObjectDescriptions should be overridden for EL contexts updateObjectDescriptions(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } return added; }
public ClassAssertionChange(IndividualContext c, AddAxiom ch, OWLNamedIndividual o, OWLClass a, boolean complement) { // public ClassAssertionChange(IndividualContext c, AddAxiom ch) { super(c,ch); object = o; attribute = a; complemented = complement; }
/** * Adds the confirmed question to the set of implications of the context, adds the corresponing * axiom to the ontology, pushes the change to the history stack and continues exploration with * the next premise computed by using the new set of implications. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {"Expert accepted implication: " + getQuestion()); // first create the GCI OWLSubClassOfAxiom axiom = getContext().getFactory().getOWLSubClassOfAxiom( getContext().toOWLDescription(getQuestion().getPremise()), getContext().toOWLDescription(getQuestion().getConclusion())); // create a new AddAxiom object AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(getContext().getOntology(),axiom); // apply the change try { // add the new implication to the base getContext().getImplications().add(getQuestion()); // also to the KB as a GCI getContext().getManager().applyChange(addAxiom); getContext().getHistory().push(new NewSubClassAxiomChange(getContext(),getQuestion(),addAxiom)); getContext().reClassifyOntology(); // update objects, update object descriptions getContext().updateObjects(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); getContext().updateObjectDescriptions(Constants.AFTER_MODIFICATION); getContext().continueExploration(getContext().getNextPremise(getQuestion().getPremise())); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException x) { x.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } }
private OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom modifyAnnotations(OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom axiom, Set<OWLAnnotation> replacement, ModelContainer model, METADATA metadata) { OWLOntology ont = model.getAboxOntology(); OWLDataFactory f = model.getOWLDataFactory(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(2); changes.add(new RemoveAxiom(ont, axiom)); OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom newAxiom = f.getOWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(axiom.getProperty(), axiom.getSubject(), axiom.getObject(), replacement); changes.add(new AddAxiom(ont, newAxiom)); applyChanges(model, changes, metadata); return newAxiom; }
public void addAxiom(ModelContainer model, OWLAxiom axiom, METADATA metadata) { OWLOntology ont = model.getAboxOntology(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = Collections.<OWLOntologyChange>singletonList(new AddAxiom(ont, axiom)); synchronized (ont) { /* * all changes to the ontology are synchronized via the ontology object */ applyChanges(model, ont.getOWLOntologyManager(), changes, metadata); } }
void addAxioms(ModelContainer model, Set<? extends OWLAxiom> axioms, METADATA metadata) { OWLOntology ont = model.getAboxOntology(); List<OWLOntologyChange> changes = new ArrayList<OWLOntologyChange>(axioms.size()); for(OWLAxiom axiom : axioms) { changes.add(new AddAxiom(ont, axiom)); } synchronized (ont) { /* * all changes to the ontology are synchronized via the ontology object */ applyChanges(model, ont.getOWLOntologyManager(), changes, metadata); } }
private void addClassAssertionAxiom(OWLClass classname, OWLIndividual individ) { // pipe1 (individual) belongs to the class Pipe OWLClassAssertionAxiom assertion = dataFactory.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(classname, individ); AddAxiom addAxiom = new AddAxiom(ontology, assertion); manager.applyChange(addAxiom); countClassAssertionAxioms++; log.log(Level.FINER, "The class assertion axiom was added: " + assertion.toString()); }
protected void addPABoxConstraints(OWLOntology ontology, PABox pabox, KnowledgeBase kb, OWLOntologyManager manager, OWLDataFactory factory) { ConceptConverter converter = new ConceptConverter(kb, factory); for (Map.Entry<ATermAppl, Set<ConditionalConstraint>> entry : pabox.getConstraintsMap().entrySet()) { for (ConditionalConstraint cc : entry.getValue()) { OWLAnnotationProperty annProp = factory.getOWLAnnotationProperty( IRI.create( Constants.CERTAINTY_ANNOTATION_URI )); OWLAnnotationValue annValue = factory.getOWLStringLiteral( cc.getLowerBound() + ";" + cc.getUpperBound() ); OWLAnnotation annotation = factory.getOWLAnnotation( annProp, annValue ); OWLIndividual indiv = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual( IRI.create( entry.getKey().getName()) ); OWLClassExpression clsCn = (OWLClassExpression)converter.convert( cc.getConclusion() ); OWLAxiom axiom = factory.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom( clsCn, indiv, Collections.singleton( annotation ) ); try { manager.applyChange( new AddAxiom(ontology, axiom) ); } catch( OWLOntologyChangeException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
/** * Creates OWL axioms for mapping and adds it to the list */ public void addClassMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, int dir_mapping, double conf) { if (dir_mapping==Utilities.EQ){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createEquivalenceMapping( factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, "=")))); } else if (dir_mapping==Utilities.L2R){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSubClassOfMapping( factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, "<")))); } else{ //if (dir_mapping==Utilities.R2L){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSuperClassOfMapping( factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, ">")))); } }
/** * Creates OWL axioms for mapping and adds it to the list */ public void addDataPropMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, int dir_mapping, double conf) { if (dir_mapping==Utilities.EQ){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createDataPropertyEquivalenceMapping( factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, "=")))); } else if (dir_mapping==Utilities.L2R){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSubDataPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, "<")))); } else{ //if (dir_mapping==Utilities.R2L){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSuperDataPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, ">")))); } }
/** * Creates OWL axioms for mapping and adds it to the list */ public void addObjPropMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, int dir_mapping, double conf) { if (dir_mapping==Utilities.EQ){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createObjectPropertyEquivalenceMapping( factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, "=")))); } else if (dir_mapping==Utilities.L2R){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSubObjectPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, "<")))); } else{ //if (dir_mapping==Utilities.R2L){ listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSuperObjectPropertyMapping( factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, ">")))); } }
public void addInstanceMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, double conf) throws Exception { listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSameIndividualMapping( factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(iri2)), getAnnotations4Axiom(iri1, iri2, conf, "=")))); }
public void addInstanceMapping2Output(String iri1, String iri2, double conf) throws Exception { listAxioms2Add.add(new AddAxiom( mappingsOnto, createSameIndividualMapping( factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(iri1)), factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(iri2)) ) )); }
public Set<OWLAxiom> getPendingAxiomAdditions() { Set<OWLAxiom> added = new HashSet<OWLAxiom>(); for (OWLOntologyChange change : m_pendingChanges) if (change instanceof AddAxiom) added.add(change.getAxiom()); return added; }
Set<OWLAxiom> getPendingAxiomAdditions() { Set<OWLAxiom> added = new HashSet<OWLAxiom>(); for (OWLOntologyChange change : pendingChanges_) { if (change instanceof AddAxiom) { added.add(change.getAxiom()); } } return added; }
/** * translates similarity results into OWL Axioms and saves axioms into an OWL Ontology * * @param ont */ public void addResultsToOWLOntology(OWLOntology ont) { if (!isComparable) return; OWLGraphWrapper graph = simEngine.getGraph(); for (OWLAxiom axiom: translateResultsToOWLAxioms()) { AddAxiom aa = new AddAxiom(ont, axiom); graph.getManager().applyChange(aa); } }
public Set<OWLOntologyChange> tr(OWLAxiom inAxiom, Mapping m) { Set<OWLOntologyChange> chgs = new HashSet<OWLOntologyChange>(); boolean isModified = false; OWLAxiom newAxiom = null; if (inAxiom instanceof OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom) { OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom aa = (OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom)inAxiom; Set<OWLClassExpression> xs = new HashSet<OWLClassExpression>(); for (OWLClassExpression x : aa.getClassExpressions()) { OWLClassExpression x2 = replace(x, m); if (x2 == null) { xs.add(x); } else { isModified = true; xs.add(x2);" TR : "+x+ " ---> "+x2); } } if (isModified) { newAxiom = getOWLDataFactory().getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(xs); } } if (isModified) { if (m.isReplace) { chgs.add(new RemoveAxiom(ontology, inAxiom)); } chgs.add(new AddAxiom(ontology, newAxiom)); } return chgs; }
public void mergeOntology(OWLOntology extOnt, LabelPolicy labelPolicy) throws OWLOntologyCreationException { OWLOntologyManager manager = getManager();"Merging "+extOnt+" policy: "+labelPolicy); for (OWLAxiom axiom : extOnt.getAxioms()) { if (labelPolicy != LabelPolicy.ALLOW_DUPLICATES) { if (axiom instanceof OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom) { OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom aa = (OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom)axiom; if (aa.getProperty().isLabel()) { OWLAnnotationSubject subj = aa.getSubject(); if (subj instanceof IRI) { Optional<OWLLiteral> label = null; for (OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom a1 : sourceOntology.getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(subj)) { if (a1.getProperty().isLabel()) { label = a1.getValue().asLiteral(); } } if (label != null && label.isPresent()) { if (labelPolicy == LabelPolicy.PRESERVE_SOURCE) {"Preserving existing label:" +subj+" "+label+" // ditching: "+axiom); continue; } if (labelPolicy == LabelPolicy.PRESERVE_EXT) {"Replacing:" +subj+" "+label+" with: "+axiom); LOG.error("NOT IMPLEMENTED"); } } } } } } manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(sourceOntology, axiom)); } for (OWLImportsDeclaration oid: extOnt.getImportsDeclarations()) { manager.applyChange(new AddImport(sourceOntology, oid)); } addCommentToOntology(sourceOntology, "Includes "+summarizeOntology(extOnt)); }
@Test public void testEdgeCache() throws Exception { OWLGraphWrapper g = getGraph("graph/cache-test.obo"); OWLOntology o = g.getSourceOntology(); OWLOntologyManager m = o.getOWLOntologyManager(); OWLDataFactory f = m.getOWLDataFactory(); OWLClass orphan = g.getOWLClassByIdentifier("FOO:0004"); OWLClass root = g.getOWLClassByIdentifier("FOO:0001"); g.getEdgesBetween(orphan, root); //just to trigger the cache OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = f.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(orphan, root); AddAxiom addAx = new AddAxiom(o, ax); m.applyChange(addAx); Set<OWLGraphEdge> edges = g.getEdgesBetween(orphan, root); assertNotNull(edges); assertEquals(0, edges.size()); g.clearCachedEdges(); // test clear cache method edges = g.getEdgesBetween(orphan, root); assertNotNull(edges); assertEquals(1, edges.size()); }
private void addAxiom(String info, OWLAxiom ax, OWLOntology ont, OWLOntologyManager manager, OWLDataFactory factory, List<String> reasonerReportLines) { if (oortConfig.isUseIsInferred()) { ax = AxiomAnnotationTools.markAsInferredAxiom(ax, factory); } manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ont, ax)); String ppax = owlpp.render(ax); String rptLine = info+"\t"+ppax; reasonerReportLines.add(rptLine); }
/** * Print out RelEx relations. All relations shown * in a binary form. * * Example: * _subj(throw, John) * _obj(throw, ball) * tense(throw, past) * definite-FLAG(ball, T) * noun_number(ball, singular) */ public void printRelations(ParsedSentence parse, String sentence, int sentence_id, String ontologyname) { try { sent = sentence; //Add the sentence to Sentence Class this.sentence_id = sentence_id; sentenceInd = factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(ontologyURI + "#" + "sentence_" + sentence_id)); //OWLAnnotationProperty p = new OWLAnnotationPropertyImpl(IRI.create(sentence)); //OWLAnnotation label = factory.getOWLAnnotation(sentence); OWLOntologyFormat ontologyFormat = manager.getOntologyFormat(ontology); OWLAnnotation label = (OWLAnnotation) factory.getOWLAnnotationProperty(sentence, (PrefixManager) ontologyFormat); OWLClassAssertionAxiom sentClass = factory.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(this.sentence,sentenceInd); OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom labelClass = factory.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom((OWLAnnotationSubject) sentClass, label); manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ontology, sentClass)); manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ontology, labelClass)); printRelations(parse, null); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException ex) { Logger.getLogger(OWLView.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
/** * used by the plugin itself * stores the annotation value in the ontology manager, so that the next time the ontology is flushed, the annotation value is written into the file. * * @param av AnnotationValue */ public void addAnnotationPropertyValue(AnnotationValue av) { try { OWLEntity entityClass = getEntity(av.getAnnotatedEntity()); OWLOntology o = entities2Ontologies.get(entityClass); if (o != null && entityClass != null) { Set<OWLAnnotationProperty> uris = getAnnotationPropertyUris(av.getAnnotationProperty()); OWLDataFactory f = manager.getOWLDataFactory(); OWLLiteral litValue = f.getOWLTypedLiteral(av.formatMetaData()); for (OWLAnnotationProperty u : uris) { // do not store the same value several times: boolean found = false; for (OWLAnnotation a : entityClass.getAnnotations(o, u)) { if ((new AnnotationValue(u.getIRI() .toString(), entityClass.getIRI().toString(), a.getValue().toString())).contentEquals(av)) { found = true; } } if (!found) { OWLAnnotation annotation = f.getOWLAnnotation(u, litValue); OWLAnnotationAxiom ax = f.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(entityClass .getIRI(), annotation); manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(o, ax)); modifiedOntologies.add(o); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }