@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { if (this.properties.isCheckTemplateLocation()) { TemplateLocation templatePathLocation = null; List<TemplateLocation> locations = new ArrayList<TemplateLocation>(); for (String templateLoaderPath : this.properties.getTemplateLoaderPath()) { TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation(templateLoaderPath); locations.add(location); if (location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { templatePathLocation = location; break; } } if (templatePathLocation == null) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location(s): " + locations + " (please add some templates, " + "check your FreeMarker configuration, or set " + "spring.freemarker.checkTemplateLocation=false)"); } } }
@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { if (this.properties.isCheckTemplateLocation()) { TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation( this.properties.getResourceLoaderPath()); if (!location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates, check your Velocity " + "configuration, or set spring.velocity." + "checkTemplateLocation=false)"); } } }
@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { if (this.properties.isCheckTemplateLocation() && !isUsingGroovyAllJar()) { TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation( this.properties.getResourceLoaderPath()); if (!location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates, check your Groovy " + "configuration, or set spring.groovy.template." + "check-template-location=false)"); } } }
@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { boolean checkTemplateLocation = this.properties.isCheckTemplateLocation(); if (checkTemplateLocation) { TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation(this.properties.getPrefix()); if (!location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates or check " + "your Thymeleaf configuration)"); } } }
@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { if (this.mustache.isCheckTemplateLocation()) { TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation(this.mustache.getPrefix()); if (!location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates, check your Mustache " + "configuration, or set spring.mustache." + "check-template-location=false)"); } } }
@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { boolean checkTemplateLocation = this.properties.isCheckTemplateLocation(); if (checkTemplateLocation) { TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation( this.properties.getPrefix()); if (!location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates or check " + "your Thymeleaf configuration)"); } } }
@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { if (this.properties.isCheckTemplateLocation()) { final TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation(this.properties.getPrefix()); if (!location.exists(this.applicationContext)) { logger.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates, check your Pebble " + "configuration, or set spring.pebble." + "checkTemplateLocation=false)"); } } }
@PostConstruct protected void checkTemplateLocationExists() { if (properties.isCheckTemplateLocation()) { final TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation(properties.getPrefix()); if (!location.exists(applicationContext)) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot find template location: " + location + " (please add some templates, check your Trimou " + "configuration, or set trimou.check-template-location=false)"); } } }
@Override protected View loadView(final String viewName, final Locale locale) throws Exception { final View view = super.loadView(viewName, locale); final RequestContext requestContext = RequestContextHolder.getRequestContext(); final WebApplicationService service; final HttpServletResponse response; final List<ArgumentExtractor> argumentExtractorList = Collections.singletonList(this.argumentExtractor); if (requestContext != null) { response = WebUtils.getHttpServletResponse(requestContext); service = WebUtils.getService(argumentExtractorList, requestContext); } else { final HttpServletRequest request = WebUtils.getHttpServletRequestFromRequestAttributes(); service = WebUtils.getService(argumentExtractorList, request); response = WebUtils.getHttpServletResponseFromRequestAttributes(); } if (service == null) { return view; } final RegisteredService registeredService = this.servicesManager.findServiceBy(service); if (registeredService != null) { try { RegisteredServiceAccessStrategyUtils.ensureServiceAccessIsAllowed(service, registeredService); } catch (final Exception e) { response.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value()); } } if (registeredService != null && StringUtils.hasText(registeredService.getTheme()) && view instanceof AbstractThymeleafView) { LOGGER.debug("Attempting to locate views for service [{}] with theme [{}]", registeredService.getServiceId(), registeredService.getTheme()); final AbstractThymeleafView thymeleafView = (AbstractThymeleafView) view; final String viewUrl = registeredService.getTheme() + '/' + thymeleafView.getTemplateName(); final String viewLocationUrl = prefix.concat(viewUrl).concat(suffix); LOGGER.debug("Attempting to locate view at [{}]", viewLocationUrl); final TemplateLocation location = new TemplateLocation(viewLocationUrl); if (location.exists(getApplicationContext())) { LOGGER.debug("Found view [{}]", viewUrl); thymeleafView.setTemplateName(viewUrl); } else { LOGGER.debug("View [{}] does not exist. Falling back to default view at [{}]", viewLocationUrl, thymeleafView.getTemplateName()); } } return view; }
@PostConstruct public void checkTemplateLocationExists() { new TemplateLocation("classpath:/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/templates/"); }