Java 类 实例源码

项目:yadaframework    文件   
   * Delete all messages that do not involve users other than the one specified (no other users as sender o recipient)
   * @param userProfile the receiver/sender of the message
  @Transactional(readOnly = false) 
  public void deleteBelongingTo(YadaUserProfile userProfile) {
    // Messages that have the user as sender or recipient, and nobody else involved, or
    // where the user is both sender and recipient
    List <YadaUserMessage> toDelete = YadaSql.instance().selectFrom("select yum from YadaUserMessage yum")
        .where("(sender=:userProfile and recipient=null)").or()
        .where("(sender=null and recipient=:userProfile)").or()
        .where("(sender=:userProfile and recipient=:userProfile)")
    .setParameter("userProfile", userProfile)
    .query(em, YadaUserMessage.class).getResultList();
    // Need to fetch them all then delete them, in order to cascade deletes to "created" and "attachment"
    for (YadaUserMessage yadaUserMessage : toDelete) {
项目:owl    文件   
 * Updates counts of test run.
 * @param id Test run id.
 * @param totalCases Total test case count.
 * @param failedCases Total failed test cases count.
@Query("UPDATE TestRun tr SET tr.exampleCount = COALESCE(tr.exampleCount, 0) + :totalCases, " +
        "tr.failureCount = COALESCE(tr.failureCount, 0) + :failedCases, " +
        "tr.duration = COALESCE(tr.duration, 0) + :duration " +
        "WHERE = :id")
void updateCounts(@Param("id")  Long id, @Param("totalCases") int totalCases, @Param("failedCases") int failedCases,
                  @Param("duration") double duration);
项目:timesheet-upload    文件   
int updateStaffProfile(@Param("employeeFirstName") String employeeFirstName,
                       @Param("employeeLastName") String employeeLastName,
                       @Param("employeeTitle") String employeeTitle,
                       @Param("employeePhone") String employeePhone,
                       @Param("employeeId") long employeeId);
项目:yadaframework    文件   
 * Opens a new ticket
 * @param type
 * @param title
 * @param messageText initial ticket message
 * @param sender User opening the ticket
 * @param severity
 * @return the newly created ticket
   @Transactional(readOnly = false) 
   public YadaTicket addTicket(YadaLocalEnum<?> type, String title, String messageText, YadaUserProfile sender, int severity) {
    List<YadaTicketMessage> yadaTicketMessages = new ArrayList<>();
    YadaTicket yadaTicket = new YadaTicket();

    YadaTicketMessage yadaTicketMessage = new YadaTicketMessage();  
    // When a ticket is added, no recipient has been chosen yet for the message
    // yadaTicketMessage.setRecipient();
    yadaTicketMessage.setStackable(false); // Same-content messages will never be stacked
    yadaTicketMessage.setPriority(severity); // message priority is the same as ticket priority


    em.persist(yadaTicket); // Cascade save
    return yadaTicket;
项目:yadaframework    文件   
   * Send a reply to a ticket.
   * @param yadaTicket
   * @param messageText
   * @param replySender the user replying to the previous message, could be either the support staff or the original user
   * @param supportStaffReply true if this reply is an answer to the user who opened the ticket, false if it is the user answer to the support staff
   * @param closeTicket true if the replyer has closed the ticket on this reply
   * @return the new message added to the ticket
  @Transactional(readOnly = false) 
  public YadaTicketMessage replyTicket(Long yadaTicketId, String messageText, YadaUserProfile replySender, boolean supportStaffReply, boolean closeTicket) {
    YadaTicket yadaTicket = em.find(YadaTicket.class, yadaTicketId); 
    // Altrimenti si prende "could not initialize proxy - no Session" alla getMessages()
YadaTicketMessage yadaTicketMessage = new YadaTicketMessage();  
if (supportStaffReply) {
} else {
    yadaTicketMessage.setRecipient(yadaTicket.getAssigned()); // Could be null, but it's ok
yadaTicketMessage.setStackable(false); // Same-content messages will never be stacked
yadaTicketMessage.setPriority(yadaTicket.getPriority()); // message priority is the same as ticket priority
if (closeTicket) {
} else {
    // When the owner replies without closing, the ticket becomes OPEN
    // When the staff replies an open ticket, the status becomes ANSWERED
    yadaTicket.setStatus(supportStaffReply && yadaTicket.isOpen() ? YadaTicketStatus.ANSWERED : YadaTicketStatus.OPEN);
return yadaTicketMessage;
项目:yadaframework    文件   
   @Transactional(readOnly = false)
@Query("delete from #{#entityName} e where e.expiration is not null and e.expiration < NOW()")
void deleteExpired();
项目:mtgo-best-bot    文件   
@Query("delete from BotCamera bc where bc.timeTaken < ?1")
void deleteOlderThan(Date timeTaken);
项目:springboot_op    文件   
@Query(value = "delete from user where id = ?", nativeQuery = true)
public void deleteUserById(String id);
项目:JavaQuarkBBS    文件   
@Query("update Notification n set n.isRead = true where n.touser = ?1")
void updateByIsRead(User user);
项目:pinkyLam-Blog-Server    文件   
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "DELETE FROM ARTICLE_CATE_LABEL WHERE ARTICLE_ID=:articleId")
int deleteArticleCateLabel(@Param("articleId") Long articleId);
项目:pinkyLam-Blog-Server    文件   
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "DELETE FROM ARTICLE_CATE_LABEL WHERE ARTICLE_ID=:articleId AND CATE_LABEL_ID NOT IN:cateLabelId")
int deleteArticleCateLabel(@Param("articleId") Long articleId, @Param("cateLabelId") List<Long> cateLabelIds);
项目:pinkyLam-Blog-Server    文件   
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "UPDATE MEMO_REMIND SET STATUS=:status WHERE ID =:id")
int updateStatus(@Param("id") Long id, @Param("status") Integer status);
项目:web-framework-for-java    文件   
@Query(value="DELETE FROM cms_page WHERE bo_type_id = :boTypeId", nativeQuery=true)
void deleteByBoTypeId(@Param(value="boTypeId") long boTypeId);
项目:apollo-custom    文件   
@Query("delete from InstanceConfig  where ConfigAppId=?1 and ConfigClusterName=?2 and ConfigNamespaceName = ?3")
int batchDelete(String appId, String clusterName, String namespaceName);
项目:yadaframework    文件   
   @Transactional(readOnly = false)
@Query("delete from #{#entityName} e where e.yadaUserCredentials = :userCredentials and e.type = :facebookType")
void deleteByYadaUserCredentialsAndType(@Param("userCredentials") YadaUserCredentials userCredentials, @Param("facebookType") int facebookType);
项目:ApplicationDetection    文件   
@Query("select p.time,p.psJVM from TomcatResultEntity p where p.tomcatId=(?1) order by p.time asc ")
List<TomcatResultEntity> seletctJvmByTomcatId(String id);
项目:web-framework-for-java    文件   
@Query(value="DELETE FROM #{#entityName} t WHERE t.boTypeId = :boTypeId")
void deleteByBoTypeId(@Param(value="boTypeId") long boTypeId);
项目:ApplicationDetection    文件   
@Query("select p from ManagerTomcatEntity p where in (?1)")
List<ManagerTomcatEntity> selectByIds(String[] ids);
项目:banana    文件   
@Query("delete from User where id = ?1")
void deleteByUserId(Long id);
项目:hockey-game    文件   
@Modifying(clearAutomatically = true)
@Query(value = "DELETE FROM history_points WHERE seat_id = (:seat_id);", nativeQuery = true)
void deleteBy(@Param("seat_id") String idSeat);
项目:ApplicationDetection    文件   
@Query("select p from TomcatSessionResultEntity p where in (?1)")
List<TomcatSessionResultEntity> selectByIds(String[] ids);
项目:ApplicationDetection    文件   
@Query("select p.time,p.sessionCount from TomcatSessionResultEntity p where p.tomcatId=(?1) order by p.time asc ")
List<TomcatSessionResultEntity> seletctSessionByTomcatId(String id);
项目:drnutrix-api    文件   
@Query("delete from #{#entityName} m where m.userId = ?1 order by m.dateTime desc limit 1")
void deleteUserLastMeal(Long userId);
项目:sweiproject-tg2b-1    文件   
@Query("delete from VerificationToken t where t.expiryDate <= ?1")
void deleteAllExpiredSince(Date now);
项目:web-framework-for-java    文件   
@Query(value="UPDATE core_menu SET is_visible=(SELECT t.is_visible FROM (SELECT is_visible FROM core_menu WHERE id = :id) as t) WHERE id IN (:parentIds)", nativeQuery=true)
void syncParentsVisible(@Param("id") long id, @Param("parentIds") List<Long> parentIds);
项目:yadaframework    文件   
 * Save a message. If the message is stackable, only increment the counter of an existing message with identical
 * content and same recipient and same sender and same data, if not older than one day
 * @param m
@Transactional(readOnly = false) 
public void createOrIncrement(YadaUserMessage<?> m) {
    log.debug("YadaUserMessage to {} from {}: [{}] '{}' - {} (data={})", 
        m.getPriority(), m.getTitle(), m.getMessage(), m.getData());
    if (m.getId()!=null) {
        throw new YadaInvalidUsageException("Message already exists with id=" + m.getId());
    /* Recipient can be null. For example in a ticket.
    if (m.getRecipient()==null) {
        throw new YadaInvalidUsageException("Message with no recipient - title=" + m.getTitle());
    if (!m.isStackable()) {
    // Need to update an existing row counter if it exists, or insert a new one.
    // Not using "insert ... on duplicate key update" because of the time window
    // TODO the time window could be a (configured) parameter
    Date oldestStackTime = yadaUtil.daysAgo(1); // Time window: one day ago
    m.computeHash(); // Needed
    List<YadaUserMessage> existingList = YadaSql.instance().selectFrom("select m from YadaUserMessage m") //YadaTicketMessage?
        .where("m.modified > :oldestStackTime").and()
        .where("m.recipient = :recipient").and()
        .where(m.getSender()!=null, "m.sender = :sender").and()
        .where(m.getData()!=null, " = :data").and()
        .orderBy("m.modified desc")
        .setParameter("contentHash", m.getContentHash())
        .setParameter("oldestStackTime", oldestStackTime)
        .setParameter("recipient", m.getRecipient())
        .setParameter("sender", m.getSender())
        .setParameter("data", m.getData())
        .query(em, YadaUserMessage.class).setMaxResults(1).getResultList();

    if (existingList.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        m = existingList.get(0);
        m.setModified(new Date());
项目:apollo-custom    文件   
@Query("update Item set isdeleted=1,DataChange_LastModifiedBy = ?2 where namespaceId = ?1")
int deleteByNamespaceId(long namespaceId, String operator);
项目:spring-data-examples    文件   
 * Here we demonstrate the use of SecurityContext information in dynamic SpEL parameters in a JPQL update statement.
@Query("update BusinessObject b set = upper(, b.lastModifiedBy = :#{#security.principal}, b.lastModifiedDate = :#{new java.util.Date()}")
void modifiyDataWithRecordingSecurityContext();
项目:apollo-custom    文件   
@Query("update Commit set isdeleted=1,DataChange_LastModifiedBy = ?4 where appId=?1 and clusterName=?2 and namespaceName = ?3")
int batchDelete(String appId, String clusterName, String namespaceName, String operator);
项目:ticket-booking-back-end    文件   
@Query(value = "update movie m set m.likes = ?1 where = ?2", nativeQuery = true)
void modifyMovieLikesById(long likes, long movieId);
项目:ticket-booking-back-end    文件   
@Query(value = "update order_record o set o.partner_id = ?2 where = ?1"
, nativeQuery = true)
void modifyOrderRecordWithPartnerId(long id, long parnetId);
项目:ticket-booking-back-end    文件   
@Query(value = "update order_record o set o.status = ?2 where = ?1"
, nativeQuery = true)
void modifyOrderRecordWithStatus(long id, int status);
项目:ticket-booking-back-end    文件   
@Query(value = "update ticket t set t.status = ?1 where = ?2", nativeQuery = true)
void modifyTicketStatusById(int status, long ticketTd);
项目:ticket-booking-back-end    文件   
@Query(value = "update ticket t set t.message = ?1 where = ?2", nativeQuery = true)
void modifyTicketMessageById(String message, long ticketTd);
项目:springboot-security-wechat    文件   
@Query(value = "delete from RolePrivilege bean where role_id = ?1 and privilege_id = ?2")
void deletePrivilegeByRoleId(Long roleId, Long privilegeId);
项目:springboot-security-wechat    文件   
@Query(value = "delete from RolePrivilege bean where role_id = ?1 and privilege_id in ?2")
void deletePrivilegesByRoleId(Long roleId, List<Long> privilegeIds);
项目:springboot-security-wechat    文件   
@Query(value="delete from UserPrivilege bean where user_id = ?1", nativeQuery = false)
void deleteByUser_id(Long userId);
项目:springboot-security-wechat    文件   
@Query(value="delete from UserPrivilege bean where user_id = ?1 and privilege_id = ?2", nativeQuery = false)
void deletePrivilegeByUserId(Long userId, long privilegeId);
项目:springboot-security-wechat    文件   
@Query(value = "delete from UserPrivilege bean where user_id = ?1 and privilege_id in ?2")
void deletePrivilegesByUserId(Long userId, List<Long> privilegeIds);
项目:springboot-security-wechat    文件   
@Query(value = "delete from UserPrivilege bean where privilege_id = ?1")
void deleteByPrivilegeId(Long privilegeId);