Java 类 实例源码

项目:response-management-service    文件   
@Procedure(name = "createReport")
boolean createReport();
项目:spring-data-examples    文件   
 * Explicitly mapped to named stored procedure {@code User.plus1IO} in the {@link EntityManager}
 * @see User
@Procedure(name = "User.plus1")
Integer plus1BackedByOtherNamedStoredProcedure(Integer arg);
项目:spring-data-examples    文件   
 * Directly map the method to the stored procedure in the database (to avoid the annotation madness on your domain
 * classes).
Integer plus1inout(Integer arg);
项目:spring-boot    文件   
 * Explicitly mapped to a procedure with name "plus1inout" in database.
 * @see DATAJPA-455
Integer explicitlyNamedPlus1inout(Integer arg);
项目:spring-boot    文件   
 * Implicitly mapped to a procedure with name "plus1inout" in database via alias.
 * @see DATAJPA-455
@Procedure(procedureName = "plus1inout")
Integer plus1inout(Integer arg);
项目:spring-boot    文件   
 * Explicitly mapped to named stored procedure "User.plus1IO" in {@link EntityManager}.
 * @see DATAJPA-455
@Procedure(name = "User.plus1IO")
Integer entityAnnotatedCustomNamedProcedurePlus1IO(@Param("arg") Integer arg);
项目:spring-boot    文件   
 * Implicitly mapped to named stored procedure "User.plus1" in {@link EntityManager}.
 * @see DATAJPA-455
Integer plus1(@Param("arg") Integer arg);
项目:response-management-service    文件   
 * trigger creation of actions from the population of the and action.actionjobplan tables
 * @param actionplanjobid the id of the action plan job
 * @return true if successful
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = false)
@Procedure(name = "createactions")
boolean createActions(@Param("p_actionplanjobid") Integer actionplanjobid);