Java 类 实例源码

项目:ugc-bot-redux    文件   
@EntityGraph(value = "Publisher.full", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Optional<Publisher> findByName(String name);
项目:ugc-bot-redux    文件   
@EntityGraph(value = "GameServer.detail", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Optional<GameServer> findByAddress(String address);
项目:ugc-bot-redux    文件   
@EntityGraph(value = "GameServer.detail", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Optional<GameServer> findByAddressStartingWith(String address);
项目:mojito    文件   
@EntityGraph(value = "Repository.statistics", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
public List<Repository> findAll(Specification<Repository> s, Sort sort);
项目    文件   
@EntityGraph(value = "StockProduct.detail", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Page<StockProduct> findByIndices(Index index, Pageable pageable);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Finds all status updates for the defined action and target including
 * {@link ActionStatus#getMessages()}.
 * @param pageReq
 *            for page configuration
 * @param target
 *            to look for
 * @param actionId
 *            to look for
 * @return Page with found targets
@EntityGraph(value = "ActionStatus.withMessages", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Page<ActionStatus> getByActionId(Pageable pageReq, Long actionId);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Retrieves an Action with all lazy attributes.
 * @param actionId
 *            the ID of the action
 * @return the found {@link Action}
@EntityGraph(value = "Action.all", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Optional<Action> getById(Long actionId);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Retrieves the oldest {@link Action} that is active and referring to the
 * given {@link Target}.
 * @param sort
 *            order
 * @param controllerId
 *            the target to find assigned actions
 * @param active
 *            the action active flag
 * @return the found {@link Action}
@EntityGraph(value = "Action.ds", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Optional<Action> findFirstByTargetControllerIdAndActive(final Sort sort, final String controllerId, boolean active);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Retrieves all {@link Action}s of a specific target and given active flag
 * ordered by action ID. Loads also the lazy
 * {@link Action#getDistributionSet()} field.
 * @param target
 *            to search for
 * @param active
 *            {@code true} for all actions which are currently active,
 *            {@code false} for inactive
 * @return a list of actions ordered by action ID
@EntityGraph(value = "Action.ds", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
@Query("Select a from JpaAction a where = :target and :active order by")
Page<Action> findByActiveAndTarget(Pageable pageable, @Param("target") String target,
        @Param("active") boolean active);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Retrieves all {@link Action}s which are active and referring to the given
 * target Ids and distribution set required migration step.
 * @param targetIds
 *            the IDs of targets for the actions
 * @param notStatus
 *            the status which the actions should not have
 * @return the found list of {@link Action}s
@EntityGraph(attributePaths = { "target" }, type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
@Query("SELECT a FROM JpaAction a WHERE = true AND a.distributionSet.requiredMigrationStep = false AND IN ?1 AND a.status != ?2")
List<JpaAction> findByActiveAndTargetIdInAndActionStatusNotEqualToAndDistributionSetNotRequiredMigrationStep(
        Collection<Long> targetIds, Action.Status notStatus);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Retrieves all {@link Action}s which are active and referring to the given
 * target Ids and distribution set required migration step.
 * @param targetIds
 *            the IDs of targets for the actions
 * @return the found list of {@link Action}s
@EntityGraph(attributePaths = { "target" }, type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
@Query("SELECT a FROM JpaAction a WHERE = true AND a.distributionSet.requiredMigrationStep = false AND IN ?1")
List<JpaAction> findByActiveAndTargetIdInAndDistributionSetNotRequiredMigrationStep(Collection<Long> targetIds);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Retrieving all actions referring to a given rollout with a specific
 * action as parent reference and a specific status.
 * Finding all actions of a specific rolloutgroup parent relation.
 * @param pageable
 *            page parameters
 * @param rollout
 *            the rollout the actions belong to
 * @param rolloutGroupParent
 *            the parent rolloutgroup the actions should reference
 * @param actionStatus
 *            the status the actions have
 * @return the actions referring a specific rollout and a specific parent
 *         rolloutgroup in a specific status
@EntityGraph(attributePaths = { "target" }, type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Page<Action> findByRolloutIdAndRolloutGroupParentIdAndStatus(Pageable pageable, Long rollout,
        Long rolloutGroupParent, Status actionStatus);
项目:hawkbit    文件   
 * Retrieving all actions referring to the first group of a rollout.
 * @param pageable
 *            page parameters
 * @param rollout
 *            the rollout the actions belong to
 * @param actionStatus
 *            the status the actions have
 * @return the actions referring a specific rollout and a specific parent
 *         rolloutgroup in a specific status
@EntityGraph(attributePaths = { "target" }, type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
Page<Action> findByRolloutIdAndRolloutGroupParentIsNullAndStatus(Pageable pageable, Long rollout,
        Status actionStatus);