public Boolean deleteFile(final String filename, final String key) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String cloudfilesql = "delete CLOUDFILEDATA where FILENAME=?"; return jdbcTemplate.execute(cloudfilesql, new PreparedStatementCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ps.setString(1, filename.trim()); return ps.execute(); } }); }
/** * 从删除一条代表二进制数据的记录 * * @param id * 主键 * @throws SQLException */ protected void deleteFromBlob(final String id) throws SQLException { final String sql = "DELETE FROM BDF2_BLOB_STORE WHERE ID_=?"; int updatedRowCount = super.getJdbcTemplate().execute(sql, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() { public Integer doInPreparedStatement( PreparedStatement preparedstatement) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { preparedstatement.setString(1, id); return preparedstatement.executeUpdate(); } }); if (0 == updatedRowCount) { throw new SQLException(String.format("未能成功删除大二进制对象[id=%s],请检查其是否存在", id)); } }
/** * 删除一条代表文本的记录。 * * @param id * 主键 * @throws SQLException */ protected void deleteFromClob(final String id) throws SQLException { final String sql = "DELETE FROM BDF2_CLOB_STORE WHERE ID_=?"; int updatedRowCount = super.getJdbcTemplate().execute(sql, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() { public Integer doInPreparedStatement( PreparedStatement preparedstatement) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { preparedstatement.setString(1, id); return preparedstatement.executeUpdate(); } }); if (0 == updatedRowCount) { throw new SQLException(String.format("未能成功删除大字符对象[id=%s],请检查其是否存在", id)); } }
@Override public List<App> getAppCategoryRank(final int parentId, final int subCatalog, final int top) { PreparedStatementCallback<List<App>> cb = new PreparedStatementCallback<List<App>>() { @Override public List<App> doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ps.setInt(1, parentId); ps.setInt(2, subCatalog); ps.setInt(3, top); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.last()) { int count = rs.getRow(); List<App> list = new ArrayList<App>(count); rs.beforeFirst(); App app = null; while ( { app = appRowMapper.mapRow(rs, rs.getRow()); changeOutputImpl.setUrls(app); list.add(app); } return list; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("SQL data error:", e); return null; } finally { if (null != rs) rs.close(); } return null; } }; return jdbcTemplate.execute(QUERY_APP_CATEGORY_TOP_SQL, cb); }
@Override public List<App> getAppDefultRank(final int typeId, final int top) { PreparedStatementCallback<List<App>> cb = new PreparedStatementCallback<List<App>>() { @Override public List<App> doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ps.setInt(1, typeId); ps.setInt(2, top); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.last()) { int count = rs.getRow(); List<App> list = new ArrayList<App>(count); rs.beforeFirst(); App app = null; while ( { app = appRowMapper.mapRow(rs, rs.getRow()); changeOutputImpl.setUrls(app); list.add(app); } return list; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("SQL data error:", e); return null; } finally { if (null != rs) rs.close(); } return null; } }; return jdbcTemplate.execute(QUERY_APP_DEFAULT_TOP_SQL, cb); }
@Override public List<AppType> getAppTypes(final int parentId) { PreparedStatementCallback<List<AppType>> cb = new PreparedStatementCallback<List<AppType>>() { @Override public List<AppType> doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResultSet rs = null; try { ps.setInt(1, parentId); ps.setInt(2, parentId); rs = ps.executeQuery(); // predicate count. if (rs.last()) { int count = rs.getRow(); List<AppType> list = new ArrayList<AppType>(count); rs.beforeFirst(); AppType appType = null; while ( { appType = appTypeRowMapper.mapRow(rs, rs.getRow()); list.add(appType); } return list; } else { return null; } } finally { if (null != rs) { rs.close(); } } } }; return this.jdbcTemplate.execute(appTypes, cb); }
@Override public Topic getPowerTuiJianTopic(final int topicid) { PreparedStatementCallback<Topic> cb = new PreparedStatementCallback<Topic>() { @Override public Topic doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResultSet rs = null; try { ps.setInt(1, topicid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { return null; } Topic topic = topicRowMapper.mapRow(rs, 1); changeOutputImpl.setUrls(topic); return topic; } finally { if (null != rs) rs.close(); } } }; return jdbcTemplate.execute(topicPowerTuiJian, cb); }
@Override public Topic getPowerChannelTuiJianTopic(final int topicid) { PreparedStatementCallback<Topic> cb = new PreparedStatementCallback<Topic>() { @Override public Topic doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResultSet rs = null; try { ps.setInt(1, topicid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (! { return null; } Topic topic = topicRowMapper.mapRow(rs, 1); changeOutputImpl.setUrls(topic); return topic; } finally { if (null != rs) rs.close(); } } }; return jdbcTemplate.execute(topicPowerChannelTuiJian, cb); }
@Test public void testExecute() throws SQLException { given(preparedStatement.executeUpdate()).willReturn(1); params.put("perfId", 1); params.put("priceId", 1); Object result = namedParameterTemplate.execute(UPDATE_NAMED_PARAMETERS, params, new PreparedStatementCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { assertEquals(preparedStatement, ps); ps.executeUpdate(); return "result"; } }); assertEquals("result", result); verify(connection).prepareStatement(UPDATE_NAMED_PARAMETERS_PARSED); verify(preparedStatement).setObject(1, 1); verify(preparedStatement).setObject(2, 1); verify(preparedStatement).close(); verify(connection).close(); }
@Test public void testExecuteWithTypedParameters() throws SQLException { given(preparedStatement.executeUpdate()).willReturn(1); params.put("perfId", new SqlParameterValue(Types.DECIMAL, 1)); params.put("priceId", new SqlParameterValue(Types.INTEGER, 1)); Object result = namedParameterTemplate.execute(UPDATE_NAMED_PARAMETERS, params, new PreparedStatementCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { assertEquals(preparedStatement, ps); ps.executeUpdate(); return "result"; } }); assertEquals("result", result); verify(connection).prepareStatement(UPDATE_NAMED_PARAMETERS_PARSED); verify(preparedStatement).setObject(1, 1, Types.DECIMAL); verify(preparedStatement).setObject(2, 1, Types.INTEGER); verify(preparedStatement).close(); verify(connection).close(); }
@Test public void testExecuteNoParameters() throws SQLException { given(preparedStatement.executeUpdate()).willReturn(1); Object result = namedParameterTemplate.execute(SELECT_NO_PARAMETERS, new PreparedStatementCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { assertEquals(preparedStatement, ps); ps.executeQuery(); return "result"; } }); assertEquals("result", result); verify(connection).prepareStatement(SELECT_NO_PARAMETERS); verify(preparedStatement).close(); verify(connection).close(); }
public Position ack(final List<Record> records) throws YuGongException { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(context.getSourceDs()); jdbcTemplate.execute(mlogCleanSql, new PreparedStatementCallback() { @Override public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { for (Record record : records) { OracleIncrementRecord incRecord = (OracleIncrementRecord) record; ps.setObject(1, incRecord.getRowId().getValue(), incRecord.getRowId().getColumn().getType()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); return null; } }); return null; }
/** * <pre> * 常见的物化视图创建语句: * 1. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON test_all_target with primary key; * * 本方法,主要提取生成物化视图的表名 * </pre> * * @param dataSource * @param schemaName * @param tableName * @return */ public static String getMLogTableName(final DataSource dataSource, final String schemaName, final String tableName) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); String sql = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(schemaName) ? mlogSchemaQuerySql : mlogQuerySql; return (String) jdbcTemplate.execute(sql, new PreparedStatementCallback() { public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { DatabaseMetaData metaData = ps.getConnection().getMetaData(); String sName = getIdentifierName(schemaName, metaData); String tName = getIdentifierName(tableName, metaData); ps.setString(1, tName); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(schemaName)) { ps.setString(2, sName); } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); String log = null; if ( { log = rs.getString("log_table"); } rs.close(); return log; } }); }
@Override public void clearMlog(final List<ColumnValue> records, String mlogCleanSql) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(context.getSourceDs()); jdbcTemplate.execute(mlogCleanSql, new PreparedStatementCallback() { @Override public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { for (ColumnValue record : records) { ps.setObject(1, record.getValue(), record.getColumn().getType()); ps.addBatch(); } ps.executeBatch(); return null; } }); }
/** * 根据mlog物化日志表的SEQUENCE$$字段单独查询 * * @param sequence * @param context * @param columns * @return */ private List<ColumnValue> getSingleMlogRecord(final String singleMlogExtractSql, final int sequence, final YuGongContext context, final List<ColumnMeta> mlogCols, final List<ColumnMeta> columns, final List<ColumnValue> rowIds) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(context.getSourceDs()); final List<ColumnValue> columnValues = new ArrayList<ColumnValue>(); return (List<ColumnValue>) jdbcTemplate.execute(singleMlogExtractSql, new PreparedStatementCallback() { @Override public List<ColumnValue> doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ps.setInt(1, sequence); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); try { while ( { rowIds.add(new ColumnValue(rowidColumn, rs.getObject("rowid"))); columnValues.addAll(buildColumnValue(rs, context.getSourceEncoding(), mlogCols, columns)); } } finally { JdbcUtils.closeResultSet(rs); } return columnValues; } }); }
/** * 获取DRDS下表的拆分字段, 返回格式为 id,name * * @param dataSource * @param schemaName * @param tableName * @return */ public static String getShardKeyByDRDS(final DataSource dataSource, final String schemaName, final String tableName) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); return (String) jdbcTemplate.execute(queryShardKey, new PreparedStatementCallback() { public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { DatabaseMetaData metaData = ps.getConnection().getMetaData(); // String sName = getIdentifierName(schemaName, metaData); String tName = getIdentifierName(tableName, metaData); ps.setString(1, tName); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = ps.executeQuery(); String log = null; if ( { log = rs.getString("KEYS"); } return log; } finally { JdbcUtils.closeResultSet(rs); } } }); }
public <T> void unsetContent(T metadata) { String sql = "DELETE FROM BLOBS WHERE id=" + BeanUtils.getFieldWithAnnotation(metadata, ContentId.class); this.template.execute(sql, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() { @Override public Integer doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { int rc = 0; try { rc = ps.executeUpdate(); BeanUtils.setFieldWithAnnotation(metadata, ContentId.class, null); BeanUtils.setFieldWithAnnotation(metadata, ContentLength.class, 0); } catch (SQLException sqle) { logger.error(String.format("Error deleting content %s", BeanUtils.getFieldWithAnnotation(metadata, ContentId.class)), sqle); } return rc; } }); }
@Override public int commit(DefaultSqlEndpoint defaultSqlEndpoint, Exchange exchange, Object data, NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, SqlParameterSource parameterSource, String query) throws Exception { final SqlParameterSource param = new ElsqlSqlMapSource(exchange, data); final String sql = elSql.getSql(query, new SpringSqlParams(param)); LOG.debug("commit @{} using sql: {}", query, sql); return jdbcTemplate.execute(sql, param, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() { @Override public Integer doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ps.execute(); int updateCount = ps.getUpdateCount(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Update count {}", updateCount); } return updateCount; } }); }
@Override public int commitBatchComplete(DefaultSqlEndpoint endpoint, NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbcTemplate, SqlParameterSource parameterSource, String query) throws Exception { final SqlParameterSource param = new EmptySqlParameterSource(); final String sql = elSql.getSql(query, new SpringSqlParams(param)); LOG.debug("commitBatchComplete @{} using sql: {}", query, sql); return namedJdbcTemplate.execute(sql, param, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() { @Override public Integer doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ps.execute(); int updateCount = ps.getUpdateCount(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Update count {}", updateCount); } return updateCount; } }); }
@Override public int commit(final DefaultSqlEndpoint endpoint, final Exchange exchange, final Object data, final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final String query) throws Exception { final String preparedQuery = sqlPrepareStatementStrategy.prepareQuery(query, endpoint.isAllowNamedParameters(), exchange); return jdbcTemplate.execute(preparedQuery, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() { public Integer doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { int expected = ps.getParameterMetaData().getParameterCount(); Iterator<?> iterator = sqlPrepareStatementStrategy.createPopulateIterator(query, preparedQuery, expected, exchange, data); if (iterator != null) { sqlPrepareStatementStrategy.populateStatement(ps, iterator, expected); LOG.trace("Execute query {}", query); ps.execute(); int updateCount = ps.getUpdateCount(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Update count {}", updateCount); } return updateCount; } return 0; }; }); }
@Override public int commitBatchComplete(final DefaultSqlEndpoint endpoint, final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final String query) throws Exception { final String preparedQuery = sqlPrepareStatementStrategy.prepareQuery(query, endpoint.isAllowNamedParameters(), null); return jdbcTemplate.execute(preparedQuery, new PreparedStatementCallback<Integer>() { public Integer doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { int expected = ps.getParameterMetaData().getParameterCount(); if (expected != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query onConsumeBatchComplete " + query + " cannot have parameters, was " + expected); } LOG.trace("Execute query {}", query); ps.execute(); int updateCount = ps.getUpdateCount(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Update count {}", updateCount); } return updateCount; }; }); }
@Test public void testSimpleOperation() { jdbcTemplate.execute("create table Person(FirstName varchar2 INDEX, LastName varchar2)"); jdbcTemplate.execute("insert into Person values(?,?)", new PreparedStatementCallback() { public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement preparedStatement) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { preparedStatement.setString(1, "FirstName" + i); preparedStatement.setString(2, "LastName" + i); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); } return null; } }); long count = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong("select count(*) from Person"); assertEquals(10, count); }
public boolean insertViolations(List<Violation> violations){ try{ for(int i = 0; i < violations.size(); i++){ Violation v = violations.get(i); String sql = "INSERT INTO violations (citation_number,violation_number,violation_description,warrant_status,warrant_number,status,fine_amount,court_cost) VALUES ('"+v.citation_number+"','"+v.violation_number+"','"+v.violation_description+"',"+v.warrant_status+",'"+v.warrant_number+"','""',"+v.fine_amount.toString()+","+v.court_cost.toString()+")"; jdbcTemplate.execute(sql, new PreparedStatementCallback<Boolean>(){ @Override public Boolean doInPreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return ps.execute(); } }); } }catch(Exception e){ LogSystem.LogDBException(e); return false; } return true; }
public boolean removeViolations(List<Violation> violations){ try{ for(int i = 0; i < violations.size(); i++){ Violation v = violations.get(i); String sql = "DELETE FROM violations WHERE citation_number = '"+v.citation_number+"'"; jdbcTemplate.execute(sql, new PreparedStatementCallback<Boolean>(){ @Override public Boolean doInPreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return ps.execute(); } }); } }catch(Exception e){ LogSystem.LogDBException(e); return false; } return true; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Ignore @Test public void insertsViolations(){ //This code is not working yet, to Ignored. final Violation VIOLATION = new Violation(); = 4; final List<Violation> VIOLATIONS = Lists.newArrayList(VIOLATION); //when(jdbcTemplate.execute(Matchers.anyString(), Mockito.any(PreparedStatementCallback.class))).thenReturn(true); when(jdbcTemplate.execute(Matchers.anyString(), Mockito.any(PreparedStatementCallback.class))) .thenAnswer(new Answer<Boolean>(){ @Override public Boolean answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return true; } }); Boolean returnValue = mockViolationDAO.insertViolations(VIOLATIONS); assertThat(returnValue, is(true)); }
public List<Map<String, ?>> getCountGlossToSumFreqRatio() { String sql = "SELECT count_gloss, sum_freq, freq_ratio FROM public.v_count_gloss_to_sum_freq"; CustomPreparedStatementCreator sc = new CustomPreparedStatementCreator(sql) {}; PreparedStatementCallback<List<Map<String, ?>>> cb = s -> { ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); List<Map<String, ?>> result = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Object> item; while ( { item = new LinkedHashMap<>(); item.put("countGloss", rs.getInt(1)); item.put("sumFreq", rs.getInt(2)); item.put("freqRatio", rs.getFloat(3)); result.add(item); } return result; }; return execute(sc, cb); }
public Boolean execute(final String sql,final Map<String,?> parameters) { return this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.execute(sql,parameters, new PreparedStatementCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { // if(ps.getParameterMetaData()!=null){ // int count=ps.getParameterMetaData().getParameterCount(); // for(int i=0;i<count;i++){ // String name=ps.getParameterMetaData().getParameterTypeName(i); // System.out.println(i+":"+name); // if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("properties") || "config".equalsIgnoreCase(name)){ // Blob bv=ps.getConnection().createBlob(); // bv.setBytes(0, ((String)parameters.get(name)).getBytes()); // ps.setBlob(i, bv); // } // } // return ps.execute(); // }else{ // return ps.execute(); // } return ps.execute(); } }); }
public <H extends CheckedConsumer<T>> PreparedStatementCallback<H> newPreparedStatementCallback(final H handler) { return new PreparedStatementCallback<H>() { @Override public H doInPreparedStatement( PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); ResultSetExtractor<H> extractor = resultSetExtractor.newResultSetExtractor(handler); try { return extractor.extractData(rs); } finally { rs.close(); } } }; }
/** * Suitable for CRUD operations where no result set is expected. * @param params * @param query * @return */ public boolean execute(Map<String, String> params, String query) { final AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(false); Tuple2<DataSource, Connection> conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(); NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(conn._1()); jdbcTemplate.execute(query, params, new PreparedStatementCallback<Void>() { @Override public Void doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) { try { result.set(ps.execute()); } catch(SQLException e) { result.set(false); } return null; } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(MysqlAccessor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); result.set(false); } finally { returnConnection(conn); } return result.get(); }
@Override public MetadataBean getParameterMetadata(String query, final List<Object> params) { try { query = processQuery(query); return (MetadataBean) new JdbcTemplate(getDataSourceHolder().getDataSource()).execute(query, new PreparedStatementCallback() { @Override public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { addParamsToStatement(statement, params); try { ParameterMetaData parameterMetaData = statement.getParameterMetaData(); return new MetadataBean(parameterMetaData); } catch( SQLException sqle ) { return null; } } }); } catch( Exception e ) { String msg = CurrentLocale.get("com.tle.core.reporting.error.parameter.metadata") + query; LOGGER.error(msg, e); throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); } }
public long prepareCatchup(AtomicLong serial) { PGQueryBuilder b = new PGQueryBuilder(req); long clientId = jdbc.queryForObject(PGConstants.NEXT_FROM_CATCHUP_SEQ, Long.class); String catchupSQL = b.catchupSQL(clientId); return jdbc.execute(catchupSQL, new PreparedStatementCallback<Long>() { @Override public Long doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { log.debug("{} preparing paging for matches after {}", req, serial.get()); try { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted(); b.createStatementSetter(serial).setValues(ps); int numberOfFactsToCatchup = ps.executeUpdate(); sw.stop(); if (numberOfFactsToCatchup > 0) { log.debug("{} prepared {} facts for cid={} in {}ms", req, numberOfFactsToCatchup, clientId, sw.elapsed( TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); return clientId; } else { log.debug("{} nothing to catch up", req); return 0L; } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error("While trying to prepare catchup", ex); throw ex; } } }); }
public boolean updateRevocation(String filename) { String newusersql = "update CLOUDFILEDATA set REVOCATION='yes' where filename='" + filename.trim() + "'"; return jdbcTemplate.execute(newusersql, new PreparedStatementCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { return ps.execute(); } }); }
/** * 根据软件编号获取截图数据 * * @param softid * 软件编号 * @return */ private List<ScreenImage> getAppScreenImages(final int softid) { PreparedStatementCallback<List<ScreenImage>> cb = new PreparedStatementCallback<List<ScreenImage>>() { @Override public List<ScreenImage> doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResultSet rs = null; try { ps.setInt(1, softid); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.last()) { int count = rs.getRow(); List<ScreenImage> list = new ArrayList<ScreenImage>(count); rs.beforeFirst(); ScreenImage appScreenImage = null; while ( { appScreenImage = screenImageRowMapper.mapRow(rs, rs.getRow()); changeOutputImpl.setAppScreenUrl(appScreenImage); list.add(appScreenImage); } return list; } else { return null; } } finally { if (null != rs) rs.close(); } } }; return this.jdbcTemplate.execute(appScreenImage, cb); }
@Override public List<App> findByIds(List<Integer> ids) { // Session session = sessions.getCurrentSession(); // Query query = null; // query = // session.createQuery("select,, a.downLoadLink, a.logo from App a where id in (:ids)").setParameterList("ids", // ids); // List<App> list = HibernateHelper.list(query); // for (App app : list) { // changeOutputImpl.setUrls(app); // } StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(ids.size() * 6); for (Integer id : ids) { tmp.append(id).append(','); } tmp.deleteCharAt(tmp.length() - 1); String sql = appsByIds.replace("?", tmp.toString()); PreparedStatementCallback<List<App>> cb = new PreparedStatementCallback<List<App>>() { @Override public List<App> doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.last()) { int count = rs.getRow(); List<App> list = new ArrayList<App>(count); rs.beforeFirst(); App app = null; while ( { app = appsRowMapper.mapRow(rs, rs.getRow()); changeOutputImpl.setUrls(app); list.add(app); } return list; } else { return null; } } finally { if (null != rs) { rs.close(); } } } }; return this.jdbcTemplate.execute(sql, cb); }
private Object getMinId() { if (jdbcTemplate != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(getMinPkSql)) { Object min = jdbcTemplate.execute(getMinPkSql, new PreparedStatementCallback() { @Override public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); Object re = null; while ( { re = rs.getObject(1); break; } return re; } }); if (min != null) { if (min instanceof Number) { min = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(min)) - 1; } else { min = ""; } } else { if (min instanceof Number) { min = 0; } else { min = ""; } } return min; } else { throw new YuGongException("jdbcTemplate or getMinPkSql is null while getMinId"); } }
/** * 获取DRDS下表的拆分字段, 返回格式为 id,name * * @param dataSource * @param schemaName * @param tableName * @return */ public static String getShardKeyByDRDS(final DataSource dataSource, final String schemaName, final String tableName) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); try { return (String) jdbcTemplate.execute(queryShardKey, new PreparedStatementCallback() { public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { DatabaseMetaData metaData = ps.getConnection().getMetaData(); // String sName = getIdentifierName(schemaName, metaData); String tName = getIdentifierName(tableName, metaData); ps.setString(1, tName); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); String log = null; if ( { log = rs.getString("KEYS"); } rs.close(); return log; } }); } catch (DataAccessException e) { // 兼容下oracle源库和目标库DRDS表名不一致的情况,识别一下表名不存在 Throwable cause = e.getRootCause(); if (cause instanceof SQLException) { // ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE if (((SQLException) cause).getErrorCode() == 1146) { return null; } } throw e; } }
/** * <pre> * 常见的物化视图创建语句: * 1. CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON test_all_target with primary key; * * 本方法,主要提取生成物化视图的表名 * </pre> * * @param dataSource * @param schemaName * @param tableName * @return */ public static String getMLogTableName(final DataSource dataSource, final String schemaName, final String tableName) { JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); String querySql = StringUtils.isEmpty(schemaName) ? mlogQuerySql : mlogSchemaQuerySql; return (String) jdbcTemplate.execute(querySql, new PreparedStatementCallback() { public Object doInPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { DatabaseMetaData metaData = ps.getConnection().getMetaData(); String sName = getIdentifierName(schemaName, metaData); String tName = getIdentifierName(tableName, metaData); ps.setString(1, tName); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(schemaName)) { ps.setString(2, sName); } ResultSet rs = null; String log; try { rs = ps.executeQuery(); log = null; if ( { log = rs.getString("log_table"); } } finally { JdbcUtils.closeResultSet(rs); } return log; } }); }