@Override public NonceVerifier createVerifier(int maxAge) { DataSource dataSource = new SingleConnectionDataSource( "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:saasstore_security_client", "sa", "", true); SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource); jdbcTemplate.getJdbcOperations().execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS openid_nonce;"); jdbcTemplate .getJdbcOperations() .execute( "CREATE TABLE openid_nonce ( " + "opurl varchar(255) NOT NULL, nonce varchar(25) NOT NULL, " + "date datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (opurl,nonce))"); JdbcNonceVerifier jdbcNonceVerifier = new JdbcNonceVerifier(maxAge, "openid_nonce"); jdbcNonceVerifier.setDataSource(dataSource); return jdbcNonceVerifier; }
/** * Consulta issues pelo id. Traz detalhes do repositorio e nome do projeto * * @return */ public List<IssueVO> pesquisarIssues(Long... issueId) { final String queryIssue = " select " + " i.id, " + " st.is_closed, " + " r.url, " + " r.root_url, " + " r.project_id, " + " p.name," + " p.parent_id " + " from issues i " + " inner join repositories r on r.project_id = i.project_id " + " inner join issue_statuses st on st.id = i.status_id " + " inner join projects p on p.id = r.project_id" + " where i.id in (:ids) "; SimpleJdbcTemplate simpleJdbcTemplate = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); List<IssueVO> issue = simpleJdbcTemplate.query(queryIssue, new IssueVORowMapper(), Collections.singletonMap("ids", Arrays.asList(issueId))); return issue; }
protected FileInfo loadData(ServerRequest sr) throws IOException, DataAccessException { if (!(sr instanceof TableServerRequest)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("FileInfoProcessor.loadData Requires an TableServerRequest"); } TableServerRequest request= (TableServerRequest)sr; SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbc = JdbcFactory.getSimpleTemplate(getDbInstance()); String sql = getSql(request); Object[] params = getSqlParams(request); final FileInfoRowMapper fim = makeRowMapper(request); ParameterizedRowMapper<FileInfo> mapper = new ParameterizedRowMapper<FileInfo>() { public FileInfo mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { return fim.mapRow(resultSet, i); } }; LOGGER.info("Executing SQL query: " + sql, " Parameters: " + "{" + CollectionUtil.toString(params) + "}"); FileInfo val = jdbc.queryForObject(sql, mapper, params); return val; }
public void setupDatabase() throws Exception { setDataSource(new SimpleDataSource(m_driver, m_url + getTestDatabase(), m_adminUser, m_adminPassword)); setAdminDataSource(new SimpleDataSource(m_driver, m_url + "template1", m_adminUser, m_adminPassword)); if (!m_useExisting) { // Synchronize around a static mutex to prevent multiple connections // to the template1 database synchronized(TEMPLATE1_MUTEX) { createTestDatabase(); } } // Test connecting to test database. Connection connection = getConnection(); connection.close(); setJdbcTemplate(new SimpleJdbcTemplate(this)); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { ctx = ApplicationContextHelper.getApplicationContext(); dataSource = (DataSource) ctx.getBean("dataSource"); tx = (PlatformTransactionManager) ctx.getBean("transactionManager"); jdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource); exporter = new ExportDb(ctx); exporter.setNamePrefix("export_test_"); dialect = (Dialect) ctx.getBean("dialect"); }
@Autowired public void init(DataSource dataSource) { this.simpleJdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource); this.insertOwner = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName("owners") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id"); this.insertPet = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName("pets") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id"); this.insertVisit = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName("visits") .usingGeneratedKeyColumns("id"); }
public Collection<Integer> listConversationsSince(int id) throws DataAccessException { MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); try { params.addValue(ID, id, Types.INTEGER); SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate( getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate()); return template.query(SELECT_CONVERSATIONS, ID_MAPPER, params); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) { return Collections.emptyList(); } }
public int getMessageContentId(int headerId) throws DataAccessException { try { MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); params.addValue(ID, headerId, Types.INTEGER); SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate( getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate()); return template.queryForInt(SELECT_CONTENT_ID, params); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) { return -1; } }
public int getMessageContentSize(int id) throws DataAccessException { try { MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); params.addValue(ID, id, Types.INTEGER); SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate( getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate()); return template.queryForInt(SELECT_CONTENT_SIZE, params); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) { return -1; } }
public Conversation getConversation(int id) throws DataAccessException { try { MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); params.addValue(ID, id, Types.INTEGER); SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate( getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate()); return template.queryForObject(SELECT_SUMMARY, CONVERSATION_MAPPER, params); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) { return null; } }
public byte[] loadMessageContent(int id) throws DataAccessException { try { MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); params.addValue(ID, id, Types.INTEGER); SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate( getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate()); return template.queryForObject(SELECT_CONTENT, CONTENT_MAPPER, params); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) { return null; } }
public RequestHeader loadRequestHeader(int id) throws DataAccessException { MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); try { params.addValue(ID, id, Types.INTEGER); SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate( getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate()); return template.queryForObject(SELECT_REQUEST, REQUEST_MAPPER, params); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) { return null; } }
public MutableResponseHeader loadResponseHeader(int id) throws DataAccessException { try { MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource(); params.addValue(ID, id, Types.INTEGER); SimpleJdbcTemplate template = new SimpleJdbcTemplate( getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate()); return template.queryForObject(SELECT_RESPONSE, RESPONSE_MAPPER, params); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException erdae) { return null; } }
/** * Detecta repositorios registrados no redmine e seus respectivos projetos que foram afetados pela mudança, a partir da URL alterada * @param urlAlteracao * @param repoUUID * @return */ protected List<RepositorioVO> affectedRepoUUID(String urlAlteracao, String repoUUID) { final String queryRepositoriosAfetados = " select " + " p.id, " + " p.name, " + " p.parent_id, " + " r.id repository_id, " + " r.url, " + " r.repouuid, " + " r.root_url " + " from " + " repositories r "+ " inner join projects p on " + " p.id = r.id " + " where " + " r.repouuid = ? and " + " instr(concat(r.root_url,'/',?),r.url) " + " order by " + " length(url) desc"; SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); List<RepositorioVO> repositorioVOs = jdbcTemplate.query(queryRepositoriosAfetados, new RepositorioRowMapper(), repoUUID, urlAlteracao); determinaProjetosAfetados(repositorioVOs); return repositorioVOs; }
/** * Consulta projetos afetados pela mudança realizada na url informada. * * @return */ protected List<RepositorioVO> affectedRepoNoUUID(String urlAlteracao) { final String queryRepositoriosAfetados = " select " + " p.id, " + " p.name, " + " p.parent_id, " + " r.id repository_id, " + " r.url, " + " r.root_url " + " from " + " repositories r "+ " inner join projects p on " + " p.id = r.id " + " where " + " instr(concat(r.root_url,'/',?),r.url) " + " order by " + " length(url) desc"; SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); List<RepositorioVO> repositorioVOs = jdbcTemplate.query(queryRepositoriosAfetados, new RepositorioRowMapper(false), urlAlteracao); determinaProjetosAfetados(repositorioVOs); return repositorioVOs; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("pmd.AvoidDuplicateLiterals") public int logTime(CitationVO citacaoIssueVO) { Integer activityId = this.findDefaultActivityId(); SimpleJdbcTemplate simpleJdbcTemplate = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); @SuppressWarnings("pmd.AvoidDuplicateLiterals") String logTimeQuery = " INSERT INTO time_entries( " + " project_id, " + " user_id, " + " issue_id, " + " hours, " + " comments, " + " activity_id, " + " spent_on, " + " tyear, " + " tmonth, " + " tweek, " + " created_on, " + " updated_on) " + " VALUES(" + " ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + "curdate(), year(curdate()), month(curdate()), week(curdate()), curdate(), curdate())"; Integer affected = simpleJdbcTemplate.update(logTimeQuery, citacaoIssueVO.getIssueVO().getProjectVO().getId(), citacaoIssueVO.getRedmineUserVO().getId(), citacaoIssueVO.getIssueVO().getId(), citacaoIssueVO.getHorasDespendidas(), "Lançamento automático de esforço a partir da mensagem de commit!", activityId); return affected; }
/** * Recupera o id padrao de TimeEntryActivity para que seja possível efetuar o log time com este numero */ @Override public Integer findDefaultActivityId() { SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = getSimpleJdbcTemplate(); Integer activityId; try { activityId = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select id from enumerations where type='TimeEntryActivity' and is_default=1"); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { throw new JazzSVNHookRTException("Nao foi possivel identificar o codigo de atividade padrao para registrar o LogTime! Defina um código de atividade padrão no Redmine.", e); } return activityId; }
public static String createTempTable(DataSource dataSource, String tableName, ColumnDef... content) { SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbc = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource); String[] tokens = new String[content.length]; Arrays.fill(tokens, "?"); String sqlCreateTable = "create temp table " + tableName + " ( " + CollectionUtil.toString(content, ",") + ") with no log"; String sqlInsert = "insert into tbcdids values (" + CollectionUtil.toString(tokens, ",") + ")"; jdbc.update(sqlCreateTable); jdbc.batchUpdate(sqlInsert, makeListOfObjectArray(content)); return tableName; }
/** * @param sql * @param namedParameters * @param stmt * @param template * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Object handleInsert(String sql, MapSqlParameterSource namedParameters, Insert stmt, SimpleJdbcTemplate template) { Object result = null; int rowsUpdate = template.update(sql, namedParameters); result = String.valueOf(rowsUpdate); return result; }
public static void validateChecksum(SimpleJdbcTemplate template, String updateQuery, Map<String, Object> localRecord, Long oldChecksum) { if (oldChecksum != null) { Map<String, Object> localRecordContent = getContent(localRecord); String sqlSelectByPk = createSelectByPkQuery(localRecordContent.keySet(), updateQuery); Map<String, Object> remoteRecord = template.queryForMap(sqlSelectByPk, localRecord); if (hasChanged(remoteRecord, oldChecksum)) { throw new UpdateConflictException(localRecordContent); } } }