private void generateExceptionReport(Throwable exception, ITestNGMethod method, String title) { m_out.println("<p>" + Utils.escapeHtml(title) + "</p>"); StackTraceElement[] s1 = exception.getStackTrace(); Throwable t2 = exception.getCause(); if (t2 == exception) { t2 = null; } int maxlines = Math.min(100, StackTraceTools.getTestRoot(s1, method)); for (int x = 0; x <= maxlines; x++) { m_out.println((x > 0 ? "<br/>at " : "") + Utils.escapeHtml(s1[x].toString())); } if (maxlines < s1.length) { m_out.println("<br/>" + (s1.length - maxlines) + " lines not shown"); } if (t2 != null) { generateExceptionReport(t2, method, "Caused by " + t2.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
private void setFailedTcAttribute(XMLStringBuffer doc, ITestResult failedTestCase) { Properties attributesFailedTestSuites = new Properties(); String tcName = ((HashMap<String, String>) failedTestCase.getParameters()[0]).get(PROP_TEST_ID); attributesFailedTestSuites.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_NAME, tcName); long elapsedTimeMillis = failedTestCase.getEndMillis() - failedTestCase.getStartMillis(); testRunningTotalTime += elapsedTimeMillis; Throwable t = failedTestCase.getThrowable(); doc.push(XMLConstants.TESTCASE, attributesFailedTestSuites); if (t != null) { attributesFailedTestSuites.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_TYPE, t.getClass().getName()); String message = t.getMessage(); if ((message != null) && (message.length() > 0)) { attributesFailedTestSuites.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_MESSAGE, encodeAttr(message)); // ENCODE } doc.push(XMLConstants.FAILURE, attributesFailedTestSuites); doc.addCDATA(Utils.stackTrace(t, false)[0]); doc.pop(); } else { doc.addEmptyElement(XMLConstants.FAILURE); // THIS IS AN ERROR } doc.pop(); }
public static void createFailureElement(XMLStringBuffer doc, ITestResult tr) { Properties attrs = new Properties(); Throwable t = tr.getThrowable(); if (t != null) { attrs.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_TYPE, t.getClass().getName()); String message= t.getMessage(); if ((message != null) && (message.length() > 0)) { attrs.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_MESSAGE, encodeAttr(message)); // ENCODE } doc.push(XMLConstants.FAILURE, attrs); doc.addCDATA(Utils.stackTrace(t, false)[0]); doc.pop(); } else { doc.addEmptyElement(XMLConstants.FAILURE); // THIS IS AN ERROR } }
/** * Print the test status while test retry. */ public boolean retry(ITestResult result) { Throwable throwable = result.getThrowable(); String testClassName = String.format("%s.%s", result.getMethod().getRealClass().toString(), result.getMethod().getMethodName()). replace("class com.ebay.webdriver.", ".."); if (throwable != null) { LOG(Level.SEVERE, "STACK TRACE: " + testClassName + "\n" + Utils.stackTrace(throwable, false)[0]); } if(count <= maxCount) { result.setAttribute("RETRY", new Integer(count)); LOG(Level.WARNING, "[RETRYING] " + testClassName + " FAILED, " + "Retrying " + count + " times"); count += 1; return true; } return false; }
/** * Instantiates a new generic ate problem. * * @param source * the source * @param see * the see */ public GenericATEProblem(Object source, Exception exception) { super(source, exception); String[] stackTraces = Utils.stackTrace(exception, false); String tmp1 = stackTraces[1]; if (tmp1 == null) fullStackTrace = "fullstacktrace Internal error."; else fullStackTrace = tmp1; String tmp0 = stackTraces[0]; if (tmp0 == null) shortStackTrace = "shortstacktrace Internal error."; else shortStackTrace = tmp0; final Level warn2 = Level.WARN; if (warn2 == null) { throw GlobalUtils.createInternalError("jvm"); } else { this.loggingLevel = warn2; } if (exception instanceof IATEException) this.ateException = (IATEException) exception; this.fatalProblem = true; this.problemMessage = exception.getMessage(); }
/** * Instantiates a new generic ate problem. * * @param source * the source * @param exception * the exception */ public GenericATEProblem(Object source, Throwable exception) { super(source, exception); String[] stackTraces = Utils.stackTrace(exception, false); String tmp1 = stackTraces[1]; if (tmp1 == null) fullStackTrace = "fullstacktrace Internal error."; else fullStackTrace = tmp1; String tmp0 = stackTraces[0]; if (tmp0 == null) shortStackTrace = "shortstacktrace Internal error."; else shortStackTrace = tmp0; final Level warn2 = Level.WARN; if (warn2 == null) { throw GlobalUtils.createInternalError("jvm"); } else { this.loggingLevel = warn2; } this.fatalProblem = false; if (exception instanceof IATEException) this.ateException = (IATEException) exception; this.problemMessage = exception.getMessage(); }
private String generateExceptionReport(Throwable exception, ITestNGMethod method, String title) { StackTraceElement[] s1 = exception.getStackTrace(); Throwable t2 = exception.getCause(); StringBuilder exceptionStackTrace = new StringBuilder(); if (t2 == exception) { t2 = null; } int maxlines = Math.min(100, StackTraceTools.getTestRoot(s1, method)); for (int x = 0; x <= maxlines; x++) { exceptionStackTrace.append((x > 0 ? "<br/>at " : "") + Utils.escapeHtml(s1[x].toString())); } if (maxlines < s1.length) { exceptionStackTrace.append("<br/>" + (s1.length - maxlines) + " lines not shown"); } if (t2 != null) { generateExceptionReport(t2, method, "Caused by " + t2.getLocalizedMessage()); } return exceptionStackTrace.toString(); }
public void flushSoftAsserts() { LOG(Level.INFO, String.format("Found Soft Asserts(%s)", count())); for (Throwable throwable : softAssertList) { if (throwable != null) { LOG(Level.SEVERE, Utils.stackTrace(throwable, false)[0]); } } LOG(Level.INFO, "End of Soft Asserts.."); }
public static void createElement(XMLStringBuffer doc, ITestResult tr) { Properties attrs = new Properties(); long elapsedTimeMillis = tr.getEndMillis() - tr.getStartMillis(); String name = tr.getMethod().isTest() ? tr.getName() : Utils.detailedMethodName(tr.getMethod(), false); //SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMMM hh:mm aaa"); //String testRunTest = String.format("%s", simpleDateFormat.format(new Date())); String testRunTest = FastDateFormat.getInstance("dd-MMMMM hh:mm aaa").format(new Date()); attrs.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_NAME, String.format("%s [%s]", name, testRunTest)); attrs.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_CLASSNAME, tr.getTestClass().getRealClass().getName()); attrs.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_TIME, "" + (((double) elapsedTimeMillis) / 1000)); if((ITestResult.FAILURE == tr.getStatus()) || (ITestResult.SKIP == tr.getStatus())) { doc.push(XMLConstants.TESTCASE, attrs); if(ITestResult.FAILURE == tr.getStatus()) { createFailureElement(doc, tr); } else if(ITestResult.SKIP == tr.getStatus()) { createSkipElement(doc, tr); } doc.pop(); }else { doc.addEmptyElement(XMLConstants.TESTCASE, attrs); } }
public static String getDetailedStackTrace(ITestResult tr) { String failureTrace = ""; Throwable throwable = tr.getThrowable(); if (throwable != null) { failureTrace = Utils.stackTrace(throwable, false)[0]; } else { failureTrace = "No Stack Trace Found."; } return failureTrace; }
@Override public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) { if (Utils.isStringEmpty(config.getOutputDirectory())) { config.setOutputDirectory(outputDirectory); } // Calculate passed/failed/skipped int passed = 0; int failed = 0; int skipped = 0; for (ISuite s : suites) { for (ISuiteResult sr : s.getResults().values()) { ITestContext testContext = sr.getTestContext(); passed += testContext.getPassedTests().size(); failed += testContext.getFailedTests().size(); skipped += testContext.getSkippedTests().size(); } } rootBuffer = new XMLStringBuffer(); Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("passed", passed); p.put("failed", failed); p.put("skipped", skipped); p.put("total", passed + failed + skipped); rootBuffer.push(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_TESTNG_RESULTS, p); writeReporterOutput(rootBuffer); for (int i = 0; i < suites.size(); i++) { writeSuite(suites.get(i).getXmlSuite(), suites.get(i)); } rootBuffer.pop(); Utils.writeUtf8File(config.getOutputDirectory(), FILE_NAME, rootBuffer, null /* no prefix */); }
private void writeSuiteToFile(File suiteFile, ISuite suite) { XMLStringBuffer xmlBuffer = new XMLStringBuffer(); writeSuiteToBuffer(xmlBuffer, suite); File parentDir = suiteFile.getParentFile(); if (parentDir.exists() || suiteFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { Utils.writeFile(parentDir.getAbsolutePath(), FILE_NAME, xmlBuffer.toXML()); } }
/** * Writes the specified ISuiteResult in the given XMLStringBuffer. Please consider that depending on the settings in * the <code>config</code> property it might generate an additional XML file with the actual content and only * reference the file with an <code>url</code> attribute in the passed XMLStringBuffer. * * @param xmlBuffer The XML buffer where to write or reference the suite result * @param suiteResult The <code>ISuiteResult</code> to serialize */ public void writeSuiteResult(XMLStringBuffer xmlBuffer, ISuiteResult suiteResult) { if (XMLReporterConfig.FF_LEVEL_SUITE_RESULT != config.getFileFragmentationLevel()) { writeAllToBuffer(xmlBuffer, suiteResult); } else { String parentDir = config.getOutputDirectory() + File.separatorChar + suiteResult.getTestContext().getSuite().getName(); File file = referenceSuiteResult(xmlBuffer, parentDir, suiteResult); XMLStringBuffer suiteXmlBuffer = new XMLStringBuffer(); writeAllToBuffer(suiteXmlBuffer, suiteResult); Utils.writeUtf8File(file.getAbsoluteFile().getParent(), file.getName(), suiteXmlBuffer.toXML()); } }
private void addTestResultException(XMLStringBuffer xmlBuffer, ITestResult testResult) { Throwable exception = testResult.getThrowable(); if (exception != null) { Properties exceptionAttrs = new Properties(); exceptionAttrs.setProperty(XMLReporterConfig.ATTR_CLASS, exception.getClass().getName()); xmlBuffer.push(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_EXCEPTION, exceptionAttrs); if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(exception.getMessage())) { xmlBuffer.push(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_MESSAGE); xmlBuffer.addCDATA(exception.getMessage()); xmlBuffer.pop(); } String[] stackTraces = Utils.stackTrace(exception, false); if ((config.getStackTraceOutputMethod() & XMLReporterConfig.STACKTRACE_SHORT) == XMLReporterConfig .STACKTRACE_SHORT) { xmlBuffer.push(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_SHORT_STACKTRACE); xmlBuffer.addCDATA(stackTraces[0]); xmlBuffer.pop(); } if ((config.getStackTraceOutputMethod() & XMLReporterConfig.STACKTRACE_FULL) == XMLReporterConfig .STACKTRACE_FULL) { xmlBuffer.push(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_FULL_STACKTRACE); xmlBuffer.addCDATA(stackTraces[1]); xmlBuffer.pop(); } xmlBuffer.pop(); } }
private void generateExceptionReport(Throwable exception,ITestNGMethod method,String title) { out.println("<p>" + (title != null && title.startsWith("Failed")?"java.lang.AssertionError : ":"") + Utils.escapeHtml(title) + "</p>"); StackTraceElement[] s1= exception.getStackTrace(); Throwable t2= exception.getCause(); if(t2 == exception) t2= null; for(int i=0;i<s1.length;i++) out.println((i>0 ? "<br/>at " : "") + Utils.escapeHtml(s1[i].toString())); if(t2 != null) generateExceptionReport(t2, method, "Caused by " + t2.getLocalizedMessage()); }
private void generateForResult(ITestResult ans, ITestNGMethod method, int resultSetSize) { Object[] parameters = ans.getParameters(); boolean hasParameters = parameters != null && parameters.length > 0; if (hasParameters) { tableStart("result", null); m_out.print("<tr class=\"param\">"); for (int x = 1; x <= parameters.length; x++) { m_out.print("<th>Parameter #" + x + "</th>"); } m_out.println("</tr>"); m_out.print("<tr class=\"param stripe\">"); for (Object p : parameters) { m_out.println("<td>" + Utils.escapeHtml(p.toString()) + "</td>"); } m_out.println("</tr>"); } List<String> msgs = Reporter.getOutput(ans); boolean hasReporterOutput = msgs.size() > 0; Throwable exception = ans.getThrowable(); boolean hasThrowable = exception != null; if (hasReporterOutput || hasThrowable) { if (hasParameters) { m_out.print("<tr><td"); if (parameters.length > 1) { m_out.print(" colspan=\"" + parameters.length + "\""); } m_out.println(">"); } else { m_out.println("<div>"); } if (hasReporterOutput) { if (hasThrowable) { m_out.println("<h3>Test Messages</h3>"); } for (String line : msgs) { m_out.println(line + "<br/>"); } } if (hasThrowable) { boolean wantsMinimalOutput = ans.getStatus() == ITestResult.SUCCESS; if (hasReporterOutput) { m_out.println("<h3>" + (wantsMinimalOutput ? "Expected Exception" : "Failure") + "</h3>"); } generateExceptionReport(exception, method); } if (hasParameters) { m_out.println("</td></tr>"); } else { m_out.println("</div>"); } } if (hasParameters) { m_out.println("</table>"); } }
protected void generateExceptionReport(Throwable exception, ITestNGMethod method) { m_out.print("<div class=\"stacktrace\">"); m_out.print(Utils.stackTrace(exception, true)[0]); m_out.println("</div>"); }
private void log(int level, String s) { Utils.log("TestClass", level, s); }
/** * Main method that create a graph of methods and then pass it to the * graph executor to run them. */ private void privateRun(XmlTest xmlTest) { boolean parallel = xmlTest.getParallel().isParallel(); { // parallel int threadCount = parallel ? xmlTest.getThreadCount() : 1; // Make sure we create a graph based on the intercepted methods, otherwise an interceptor // removing methods would cause the graph never to terminate (because it would expect // termination from methods that never get invoked). DynamicGraph<ITestNGMethod> graph = createDynamicGraph(intercept(m_allTestMethods)); if (parallel) { if (graph.getNodeCount() > 0) { GraphThreadPoolExecutor<ITestNGMethod> executor = new GraphThreadPoolExecutor<ITestNGMethod>(graph, this, threadCount, threadCount, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());; try { long timeOut = m_xmlTest.getTimeOut(XmlTest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS); Utils.log("TestRunner", 2, "Starting executor for test " + m_xmlTest.getName() + " with time out:" + timeOut + " milliseconds."); executor.awaitTermination(timeOut, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); executor.shutdownNow(); } catch (InterruptedException handled) { handled.printStackTrace(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } else { boolean debug = false; List<ITestNGMethod> freeNodes = graph.getFreeNodes(); if (debug) { System.out.println("Free nodes:" + freeNodes); } if (graph.getNodeCount() > 0 && freeNodes.isEmpty()) { throw new TestNGException("No free nodes found in:" + graph); } while (! freeNodes.isEmpty()) { List<IWorker<ITestNGMethod>> runnables = createWorkers(freeNodes); for (IWorker<ITestNGMethod> r : runnables) {; } graph.setStatus(freeNodes, Status.FINISHED); freeNodes = graph.getFreeNodes(); if (debug) { System.out.println("Free nodes:" + freeNodes); } } } } }
private void log(int level, String s) { Utils.log("TestRunner", level, s); }
private void log(String s) { Utils.log("TestRunner", 2, s); }
public void afterInvocation(final IInvokedMethod method, final ITestResult result) { Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(result); // Handle Soft CustomAssertion if (method.isTestMethod()) { final List<Throwable> verificationFailures = CustomAssertion.getVerificationFailures(); final int size = verificationFailures.size(); if (size == 0) { return; } else if (result.getStatus() == TestResult.FAILURE) { return; } result.setStatus(TestResult.FAILURE); if (size == 1) { result.setThrowable(verificationFailures.get(0)); } else { // create failure message with all failures and stack traces barring last failure) final StringBuilder failureMessage = new StringBuilder("!!! Many Test Failures (").append(size).append( ")\n"); for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { failureMessage.append("Failure ").append(i + 1).append(" of ").append(size).append("\n"); final Throwable t = verificationFailures.get(i); final String fullStackTrace = Utils.stackTrace(t, false)[1]; failureMessage.append(fullStackTrace).append("\n"); } // final failure final Throwable last = verificationFailures.get(size - 1); failureMessage.append("Failure ").append(size).append(" of ").append(size).append(":n"); failureMessage.append(last.toString()); // set merged throwable final Throwable merged = new Throwable(failureMessage.toString()); merged.setStackTrace(last.getStackTrace()); result.setThrowable(merged); } } }
/** * Test runner1. * * @param ctx * the ctx * @throws Throwable */ // @Test(dataProvider = "dp") public void runTest(TestParameters testParams) throws Throwable { String testname = testParams.getTestFilename(); // ApplicationContext context; try { context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(testname); IMyWebDriver myWebD = (IMyWebDriver) GlobalUtils .findMyWebDriver(context); mainDriver = myWebD.getWebDriverInstance(); myTestCase = GlobalUtils.findTestCaseBean(getContext()); getMyTestCase().setStepThinkTime(testParams.getStepThinkTime()); getMyTestCase().setCurrentWebDriver(myWebD); getMyTestCase().setParentTestProject(testParams.getTestProject()); getMyTestCase().goSteps(); } catch (FatalBeanException fbe) { if (fbe.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(testname); mainDriver = ((IMyWebDriver) GlobalUtils .findMyWebDriver(context)).getWebDriverInstance(); myTestCase = GlobalUtils.findTestCaseBean(getContext()); myTestCase.setStepThinkTime(testParams.getStepThinkTime()); getMyTestCase().goSteps(); } else if (fbe instanceof BeanCreationException) { // NOPMD ITestResult itr = Reporter.getCurrentTestResult(); if (itr.getThrowable() != null && itr.getThrowable() instanceof TestDataException) { TestDataException tde = (TestDataException) itr .getThrowable(); tde.setTestStepName(((BeanCreationException) fbe.getCause()) .getBeanName()); tde.setTestCaseName(((BeanCreationException) fbe) .getResourceDescription()); tde.setMessage(tde.getMessage() + LogbackTag.TAG_SEPERATOR + tde.getTestCaseName() + LogbackTag.TAG_SEPERATOR + tde.getTestStepName()); throw (TestDataException) itr.getThrowable(); } else { // other test case bean creation errors. need to create // another exception to handle it. String[] fullST = Utils.stackTrace(fbe, false); int TWO = 2; // NOPMD if (fullST.length < TWO) { LogbackWriter .writeSysError("java internal error in stack trace."); } else { String errLog = fullST[1]; if (null == errLog) LogbackWriter .writeSysError("java internal error in stack trace."); else LogbackWriter.writeSysError(errLog); } throw fbe; } } else { throw fbe; } } // catch (Throwable th) {//NOPMD // LogbackWriter.printStackTrace(th); // throw th; // } }
private void generateForResult(ITestResult ans, ITestNGMethod method, int resultSetSize) { int rq = 0; rq += 1; Object[] parameters = ans.getParameters(); boolean hasParameters = parameters != null && parameters.length > 0; if (hasParameters) { if (rq == 1) { startTable(null, 0); out.print("<tr>"); for (int x = 1; x <= parameters.length; x++) { out.print("<th>Parameter #" + x + "</th>"); } out.println("</tr>"); } out.print("<tr>"); for (Object p : parameters) { out.println("<td style='text-align:center'>" + (p != null ? Utils.escapeHtml(p.toString()) : "null") + "</td>"); } out.println("</tr>"); } List<String> msgs = org.testng.Reporter.getOutput(ans); boolean hasReporterOutput = msgs.size() > 0; Throwable exception=ans.getThrowable(); boolean hasThrowable = exception!=null; if (hasReporterOutput||hasThrowable) { String indent = " style=\"padding-left:3em\""; if (hasParameters) out.println("<tr><td colspan='"+ parameters.length+"'>"); else out.println("<div>"); if (hasReporterOutput) { if(hasThrowable) out.println("<h3>Test Messages</h3>"); for (String line : msgs) out.println(line + "<br/>"); } if(hasThrowable) { boolean wantsMinimalOutput = ans.getStatus()==ITestResult.SUCCESS; if(hasReporterOutput) out.println("<h3>" + (wantsMinimalOutput?"Expected Exception":"Failure") + "</h3>"); generateExceptionReport(exception,method); } if (hasParameters) out.println("</td></tr>"); else out.println("</div>"); } if (hasParameters) { //if (rq == resultSetSize) out.println("</table>"); } }